Licensed Auctioneers for the County at York aalosstteuded to on shortest notice and at ren‘ sovabm rates Patronage solicited J T Samson Maple RICHMOND HILL & THORNHJLI JOHN R. CAMPBELL. A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building Cn:.- Adelaide & \‘ictona. 81s.. l‘m-o‘lto. Licensed Auchoneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Nmth Tomnco. Special mtenmor given to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales 0. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-lo-duce methods. . Address: 9.39 Ballinl St . Nmth Toronto. Phone in House. North ‘3. 2. Calls by phone nr otherwise promptly respvnded to Tel. )1. 363] A. Cameron MacNaughtonH .‘La Phone No. A large stock of Fvnem] Furnishing kept at both phces TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prom SATISFAFTION GUARANTEFD. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 2c PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PIANO TUNING 2 )1) Blcmsswmn AVE. \VEST TOROXTO Phone Junctmn ’72. THURSDAY MORNING Undertaker; .t limbalm Danton, Grover & Field NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ' KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada? E‘h‘phunk‘. Main “Ill tble Address. "Dodo." L‘. F. McMAHON. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Lawrence & Dunbar, OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST VOL. XXXVII. U RESIDENCE Flrï¬t 1101159 north of Atkinsnn & Switzer's stm-o. 1*“- C. ICGIKN VETERINARY SURGEON, Tl‘hornhil]. Phone No. 2402. I‘Iap'lo , ()n t. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Barri BUSINESSIA'RDS LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fur the (‘uunly of York. Soï¬a .7. 9avidsan Organs Repaired. Expert Work Snlgeon & chEwen Barristers. Snliclux-s. «\‘t: WRIGHT BROS. per annum, in advance.] OFFICE AND RESIDENCE VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING @112 gibvral IS PUBLISHED EVERY wister, i EDITOR & PUBLISHER. J; H. Prentice THORNHILL 21‘s will receive prompt attention. Pnoua Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston CCDIhHSSXONER. CONYEY ANhER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Richmonq Hill iay Ivy Lpdge. A0 13 01 each mouzh Camp Elam, S 0 Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge Hill Crest, Lodge, I.O.().F.â€"Meets second and fourth 'l‘ues Iav 0! each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"fleece ï¬rst Monday of each J‘uuub . Public berary and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Elvworm League â€"Meets everv Monday. PresbyFel‘iRn Ggiidâ€"Meets everv Friday ats LENNOX 82 MORG BARRISTER. SuLICITbR. NOTARY, ETC Tm'untn Ofï¬ce. Rzuom '328 Conf‘vdm-u tinn Life Bldg.. Vu.12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal ()fl‘ico). evr‘l'y Thursday fnremmn. Bfuplt', Thursday aftm'mmn. \Vundln'idqe, Satin-day fm-onnon. Monev to 1mm at Five Per C(‘nt (5X: Pvesbytariau Churchâ€"Services at 1‘. a T p.111. Suullny Schoolat 2.30. Prayer 1 Thursdav even 1;. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services 01 uate Sundays 3:9 :1. m. and 10.30 a. u; 7 Methodist Churchâ€"Services at. 11.00 a p. m. §~gudny School at 2.30. General waver l Money to Loan onland anucnnuel mortgagesat owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post ofl‘lw one door wut or the entrance to the Outano Bank Newman-km ofllceâ€"Three doors south 0! she pustorï¬ce ’I‘ EEBBERTLENNOX G V MORGAN Thursday 8 Richmom “V on or t Court Ric RICHMOND HILL. Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $400 and all convenient and up to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. Yes, nnl' graduates succeed have [hut habit. “11" is many sludonts from nthm-l L‘Hlln'ges mime hum tn ï¬nish many sludunts from other business L'nlluges came here in ï¬nish cnurses :llldgt‘t pl-sitinns? Renm'nher the ï¬I’BL word, “Effic‘ioncv.†\Vrite fur Catalogue. Students admitted at Ynnge and McGill Sts., Tnl'mllo. ful :1 Business m- Shnrlhund (‘nurï¬ln Full (ï¬rm is now npvu. “"0 ask vml to write) for particulars. Mr. '1‘. \V. “'unuhr-pe. Principal ~ EFFICIENCY ï¬rst. lust and nllthe time Is the Chil‘f fPHtul-e of the courses of instruction in the fumuus. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. THORNHILL :mv [inn Yang: and Chaxles SIS. W. J. E Commissioner, Cnnvoyanc-er. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. xuu cannot do better than attend the BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE ENNOX 8; MORGAN Barrislcrs and Solicllors. I. H. SANDERSON NOTARY PUBLIE: nu cannot do bean-r than ntten Electricizn, Richmond Hill .7 A. NICHULLS EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT;ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK bmoud illage Dlrectmy 11 ELLIOTT Lodge. I ms third Thursdav of every mon :epm‘ers Association meets 1; TORONTO u. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon ull moon AUT'H‘B. \VwMeets thiri Wednesday my Scho .m. and 10.30 a. 1n. â€"Serviccs at. 11.00 a.m..and hurchjSen‘icas on alter. â€"Meets second audlouxth In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity General prayer meeting Meets “’hv is it THEIR ernces at I: a. m..a_nd 2.30. Prayer meetmg ELLIOTT, Principal ices at. H a. m the 3rd on the 4th qud Bible Meets fourth Fri We They Sunday Sunday and a svmpnthetiu response f under his h'ltnll. His c ing shun, (f magnetic. a two score musicians (if ï¬n command. the result is :ilrh' ï¬ne piece of orche- engugemrut will be we assurance of the high hand nmsw that has bee the Exhibition nmnngt Ill All candidates at the above examina- tions in June lust who me entiiled to the standing indicated will ha v0, stale- meuls of mnka sent to them showing [be standing awarded under this reg- ulatiun. Accordinglyâ€; an application on the part of a candidate is ullDt‘CPS- sax-y. C(‘Cks and J. H. McDundid; J. E. Francis and Chas. Atkiusun; J. Brenky and F. \Viltshil‘e; Thus. Hughes and J.G.~u-vin. The permanent executive Cullllllllit’e consists uf the ten men on the tennis. with Rev. S. A. L:t\n-ence :IS rhuirmun :Iud CUHVL‘HUI‘, and D. C. C. Fraser as secretary treasurer. \Vhiie nu special numunl. is aimed at. theie. is every reason to hope thth the people of Thnrnhill and vicinity will (In their duty in the hnur of nerd. The sub- scriptimn list was npeued by u cnntri- bntiun of $50.00 The ladies of Thurnhili are also alive tn the needs hi the hhur, and have or- ganized fur the purpnse (if giving ;Ls.~i.~'tnnce in Rid Cross work. They decided tn hold H. Patriotic Cuncert in Victurin Hull. nu Saturday evening next. Septeiiiliei- 5th. Ice cream, cake. etc. will be served in the inwer part (if the hall. The doors will open at 7 u’clock. Cnnccrt begins at 8 o‘clock. Gem-ml admissions tn: the concert 25c. and us much mnrc :is ynu wish to give. L t there he .1 rec iiLl attendance (in batmdzl‘,‘ evening. The Empire expects everv man to (In his duty. God save An upper school examination in any one nflhe fullnwiug subjects will he accepted instead of mi exmuinntiun in the cm-lespnnding subject curried uver from the middle school exmninutinn : English literature, English cmnposi- lion, algebra, geometry, physics (.1- chemistrv. » Drlighlful as h CHUCK-'1 ls of funâ€?! thousands of musi h (:0 He has made mi that subject not lcss than 2.") pm- cent. uf the marks as- sig‘lmqrthereln, and (h) His standing on the ï¬rnt exâ€" amination, omitting that subject and the bonus subject. and his standing (m the second exmniuntinn. including the former subject, are each of the pro- se: ihed st:.nd;nd. :nnimitiun, wishes to proceed with his studies and entry over that suluczm [U thv next examination : Any candidate may carry (wot-:1 sub- ject from (me of [he ahuve exmninu- llUllS. 01' parts there-“f. to another ex- ulnilmtinn of the sum? or highel grade pmvidod‘thnt : (1) Lower scht l examination for emrnnceinto the 10mm] schools and facullivs of edncn 'on. (2) Middle sclu l examination fox- entrance iutu the normal schools. (3) I'ppvr school examination for enlmnce into the' fucnltivs of educa- [20". The minister of Education announces that the new high schoml xegulutinns which will be issuéd in the course of a few days make prixvisinn for the fol- luwing £95 5: V r V . I I‘ll» follnwmg 391195 of z nles govm n the procedure in cases whvw :\ pupil. having failed in) one snhjrct of an ex- ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1914 NEW man SCHOOL REGULATIONS ng CREATORE'S BAND md \‘i'cinity will (In their huur of need. The sub- wusupened by u (:nntl'i- Thornhill lllt‘lll we bee Ln?! ’gins at 8 u‘c'x tn the concert 5 you wish to; nd attend:an can :1 Im-nt Ind nd with over '81: rank at his an incompar- rtralinu. His ‘lcmned as an smndmd in n the Band to (countless on the plaza Exhibition. amine: The- Vivtm-in Square Branch of the “'nnmn‘s Institute have cullpclvd the sum of on? hundred and tvu‘Pnty dollars in aid of Ihp Cnundiun Red (‘rnss Snoivly for which we Linle thank thv friends who have helped us so gmwrnuslv. MR5. GEâ€. DENNIS, PI'PSItle-n'. MRS. L. G. S’I‘UI'TENBL'RGH. $ch After having their church nmvly (let-“rated. the congrt-gutinn u-f St. Andrew's held re-npening services on Sunday lust. Imprvssive smnmns were prent'hvd to very lm-gu cungrt-gu- tinns by Rev, Mr. Ednmsrn of Toron- tu. Th? comhim-d (-hnirs nf Sf. An- drews and St. Paul's supplied the musical part of thu St‘l‘YlCPS. Mr. L. Clement had :1 mn rmv pscnpp in gning “Vt'l' the luilwuy err-s ing nm-th of the \‘illngp. His \vngnu was struck by an engine but little damage ' Miss E. Rumble of TM" sm‘vral dnvs lust week with the \illuge. Anniversary services will in gning nvs-r (he nm-lh (If [he \‘illngp. struck by an engine was done. .‘Il‘. W. C. .\Il'DHH:IM horse on Smuan nig.l went nut in 1110 mmnin (lewd in [[19 Stable. Mr. \V. G. Richm-(L‘n of Banï¬' spent :1 day in \vwk. HIS nld frimnls Mu Many farmers, “hen urged to try growing fall wheat, have excuse†themselves on the plea, that, it (lid not payihut itzishkely that for the next year or two. there. will he readv sale at good prices for every h-Nhel of wheat grown in lanada. Every farmer should endeavor to increase his pro. duction of grain next, year by putting into use every acre capable of pro- dueing it There are hundreds of am es in Central and Eastern Canada that would successfully grow fall “heat. By preparing the land immediately. a gieat nutnher of farmers could smy at least, a few acres each this tall. No risk is heng taken in so doing. as the extra. cultivation for the fall wheat, \Vl'llld increase the yield (-f a spring sown crop in the eventof the wheat heng winteiukilled. The land Wool] need only to he disked or cultivated t) prepare it for spring grain. The grain production can also he in- creased hv ploughing up the old un- productive meadows at. once and sow- ing to grain in the spring. Thev should he ploughed shallow Now and packed and disked and kept Worked until autumn. when they should he thoroughly ploughed again. ready to he worked early next spring. The importance of ploughing the land for next spring’s crop early this sunn’ner. and keeping it worked during the autumn cannot he too strongly empha- sized. Those who are. now practising: ~ stematic rotation might profitably intrease the grain crop are" next year. and to thoSe who are following the old meadow plan of farming, a hettm' opportunity was never offered to change to a SVStt‘lllilllC rotation by breaking up the old sod and putting in grain. It will pay to make use of even y acre possible in producing grain, as it is sure to he needed. On a v-vsnlutiun unwed by me9 Keith. of NernHlth. the members chided not. to :IPCPpL :my rmnunm-a- tinn for their sm-vicrs in attending the meeting. ’l‘hi- memhors of (hp York (Tounty Councilatthespvuialsession held Mon- day to consider the question of (-on- trihnl ing lo IhrToronto and York Pal- I iotic Fund.resp')uded whole-heartedly to the annual of Sir “'illiam Mnlock. tho president, and at the adjourned sitting in NW afternoon, granlvd Ihe sum of $20,000 in aid of the work. Sir \Villiam in addressing the Coun- cil stale-d that h(' was gratiï¬od to see that York, the “banner county" of the provmmu was taking the initiative. Every district. he said will he preside ovn by a commith of the Canadian Patriotic Association and cn their 1" - port the needy cases will he attended to by the National Committee. The dopendentsof every man who leaves Canada. whethm asa volunteer, roserxists or in answering the call to the calms. will he. looked after as long as the money lasts, Sir \Villiamwaid, in answer to a question as to whethel the fund wag only for Canadians. “Canada. has been specially favored when compared with othpr countries," he said. “\Vhen “1- think of Belgium ovtjirun by German free-lmoters. or of lllt' army of invaders in France how much us- have to be thankful for." VLRK COUNCIL DONATES 520.0000 INCREASING GRAIN PRODUCTION Hll him aft ivel-sm-y services will ! Methndist Chm-ch m) Mnndn }‘ Victoria Square l" Maple n-dmn :m 1y in the mnls were nhse 1M Incl: night. \ll Putm m Itic‘ hurch nmvly {utinn u-f St. I Sel'ViCos nu ive sonnnns 'gb- unnm‘vgu- SF" of Toron- (If Sf. An- suppliml the Ind little pleased n- of twelve nm spent, friends in l valuable \Vhen 1m 3 “LU? snn "Inge IHGt *held in [hp ï¬rst nllnwing :ainment Inter. lvin 'OI<ANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and l GROCERIES. Quality I Counts. THIS STORE \VILL CLOSE EVERY “’EDNESDAY AFTERNOON DUR ING JI'LY AND AUGUST Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. ' We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better†Order now RICHMOND HILL, ON T All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. STWER & RAMEH D.- HILL & BU. Bakers and Confectioners Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES I59 Good Bran and Shorts AND. . Manitoba. ()a-ts Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Wheat, Buckwheat, VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVYV AAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AAL‘AAAAA‘A A good supply of ' URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Comforts and Teething ngs W. A. Sanderson consisting of all the best male â€"â€"â€"0 Puntic Attention Sanitary and Measured and all accessories for the same And evel'ythingifor the Baby For the Baby Allonhm-y’s 1, 2. 3, Hnrlock's )Inlled Milk, Nestle: Food, Mellins‘ Food __()__. Talcum P owder [Single copies, 3 cts. Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL ALSO HANDLE THE Bordin Eagle Brand ____0__._ Baby Foods __0.___ Our hues of for the Chickens DRUGGIST Cracked Corn IO kes