Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1914, p. 3

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Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "1 was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour. and always after eating there was pain and i’ulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, ,and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am iwellâ€"no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. _This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter. I am sure, proves it. “Every one of these star points holds a. little seed, and it is possible for every little seed to make a great tree.” “I can’t believe it,” said Bobby. “It’s so,” said Betty. “We’ll soak these ripe seeds in water, and plant them, and then we shall ‘see what happens. . Bobby looked at it, in wonder, and then he said, “Well, then, Jack and the bean‘sta-lk must be true i” Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone 00., Kingston, Ont. One day Betty called Bo’bby to see a, tiny little green shoot that was making its way up out of the little box where the apple seeds had been planted. ‘ ' Betty laughed at 'him, and then 'she said, “Mother Nature’s fairy tales are often harder to believe than 111‘} the story books in the world, but I think they are always more interesting.”â€"Youth’s Com- pan‘ion. “There’s a. little star in my ap ple,” said Betty. A “Let me find it,” said But quickly, and 'he was just going cut Betty’s apple, when she said “No. Bobby. that’s my apple, a you can't, find the .star unless 3 cut it, this way.” Betty cut the apple round and round through the middle, and laid the two halves on the table. “You see, Bobby,” said Betty, “there is a little st-a-r in ‘an apple, if only you know how to find it.” "What's the use of a. little star in there out of sight, where no one ever :sees it?" asked Bobby. “I was a. coffee fiendâ€"a trem- bling, nervous, physical wreck. yet clinging to the poison that stole away my strength. I mocked at PO-Sltllm and would have none of it.” (Tea, also, is injurious, because it contains caffeine, the same poiâ€" sonous drug found in coffee.) “One day my sister substituth a cup of piping hot POSltllm for my morning cup of coffee but did not tell me what it was. 'I noticed the “She kept. the secret and kept giving me Post-um instead of coffee, unrth I grew stronger, more tireless, got a. banter color in my sallow cheeks and -& clearness to my eyes‘ then she told me of the healtlL iving, nerve-strengthening life» aver she had given me in the place of my morning coffee. But It All (‘amo Out Right. How a. sister played a. trick that brought I‘O‘Sy health is an interestâ€" ing tale: I.ichness of it, and remarked that the ‘cofiee’ tasted fine, but my sis~ ter did not. tell me I was drinking Postum for fear I might not take any more. “From that t-ime I became a. dis- ciple of Post-um, and no words can do justice in telling the good this cereal-drink did me. I will not try to tell it, fox only after having used it can one be convinced of its mer- its.” Road to \Ye Postmn CC Regular I boiled. 15C Instant 1'1 cream {INC 51115. The co: about t-h‘ “There ower to rebu a-s destroyed Name given ‘0.. Windsor Ten days‘ trial shows Postum's nver to rebuild what- tea- or coffee Relieves Fullness After Meals. 1n SI Sl‘ER'S TRICK W e The Apple St: Post um 3c and 2‘ l'ostumâ€" ins per cm; gar. I tuntly by Canadian , Ont. Rea in ta“ s‘a-id Bobby just going to both kinds 411'. 33‘ :mc St um ClOLlS stu m ‘ ‘The and you JOHN flflfl MUSEIE PfliflS No matter Where the ache is, no matter how distressing the pain you can rub it away with Nervlllne. For forty years it has been curing lum- bago, sciatica, back-ache. colds, chest trouble and all sorts of winter ills. Keep a large 50c. family size bottle handy and you'll be sav‘e’d lots of trou- ble and have smaller doctor bills. Small trlal size 250. at dealers every- where. "My goodness, but Nerviiine is a miracle~worker,” ivrites Mrs. Char- lotte Chipman, mother of a well- known family residing at Mount Pleasant. "Last month I was so crip- pled up with sciatica and muscular rheumatism as to be almost unable to do a bit of housework. My joints were so stiff and the muscles so fright- fully sore that I even cried at times with the pain. For years we have used Nerviline in our family and I just got busy with this wonderful, good old iiniment. Lots of rubbing with Nerviline soon relieved my mis- ery and I was in a real short time about my work as usual." IT CURES RHEUMATISM. Thousands of people, chuck full of the joy of livingâ€"happy, glad, bright people, that Nerviline has cured of their pains, all tell the same wonder- ful story of its power to drive out the aches and tortures of rheumatism and kindred ills. The Sum Total. “What’s to be gained by a hun- ger ’smrike?” “A good appetite.” A glow of gray in yonder mead< Dandelions’ ghost-s. Sway in stamer dance together, Frail and dying host‘s. Duchoss of Sutherland Doing Hos- pital Work in Belgium. English and Belgian doctors and nurses are co-operaiing in hospital work in the theatre of hostilities. The active superintendent of trainâ€" Far off in purple distance A robin c-heeps “Good-night"; And slowly from the western sun set. Fades ’ahe greying light. Along the road winding dimly The sheepâ€"2L drowsy whit/eâ€" Wander slowly to their shelter, Tinkling sweet “Good-night. Evening shades descending lower Tint the clouds a. darker gloom And the ghostly Shadows flutter Slowly to my room. And from the dark blue shadows, A rooster crows shrill; And soon the morning, fresh and sweet, Will come o'er ems-tern hill. ed nurses is M Sutherland, wh blouse. pinafon the little red 4 makes up the \v of the French “5 She is very fron‘tler. wheneve traveller 51'usse Mlnard's Linlmem_ReIleves Neuralgia. 1eB NOBLE RED CROSS NFRSE. [‘he Duche: unded trea being sent The Duchess of Sutherland. bulanc TWILI G H 'l‘. Bunisnen DY NBWHIHB Mi s wants t! ed in Brus: home. “’1 and capote “‘1 '055 in front th rkma-nlike unifor \V ea 2‘s yonder meadow, ant aux B16 â€"M.M.M 1t Dughess of the white apote with med hey wou 3V9 Id'L’D. be betrter off here," she said, “for it is a, healthy city. and they could be sent home or back to the front so easily when fit again. Money would be well spent on having these men looked after here.” “How much do you propose ’I” The Duchess said that she pro- posed to raise $25,000 for her work. Hard Times. “We’re having a. hard time get- ting a jury." “How’s that?” . “The defense won’t accept single men and the prosecution bars :11 married chaps.” St. Isidore. P.Q.. Aug. 18, 1904 Mgpargi's Linilpeny Co., Limited. Gentflemen,â€"â€"I have frequently used MINARD’S LINIMENT and also rescribe it. for my patients always with e moat ratifying results, and I consider it the est, all-round Liniment extant. Yours trul , DR, J0 . AUG. SIROIS. The new recruit, was. on sentry- go. Up came the officer and de- manded his orders. “Orders!” said the Lad from the country. “Give up my orders?” “Yes, certainly. What; are you here for?” demanded the officer, sharply. "Oh, I’m here to Walk up and down. stand at attention, wink at the girls‘ look after Sergt. Mur- phy’s bit of gamden. and see that nobody steals his spades; to see you ain’t about when they fetch the beer for the guardâ€"room pris- oners. andâ€"â€"” Lovers are said to be blind, but they often make a pau‘ of specta- cles of themselves. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of cach.wltb 3%me Skin Book,sent post-free. Address Potter Dru: ‘ Chem. Corp.. Dept. 2K. Boston. U. S. A. Assisted by occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. PRESERVED BY CUTICURA SOAP Minard's Llnlment for sale everywhere. Mlnard's Lin|ment Cures Dandrufi. HAIR AND SKIN BEAUTY Little Denis had been to the arty, and returned radiant. Now I hope my sonny was a good mile boy.” remmrked mot-her. and remembered to say ‘please’ " Oh. yes. mu-mmie," answered the bile fellow. with a smile of de» ‘gh-bed reminiscence. “I said ‘Yes, 1ease.’ every time. I didn’t say .77 No. thank you,’ once. But that was as far as he got A Toll-Tale Sentry. ISSL'E 36â€"‘14 Gibbsâ€"I’d really 'like to know the sec-ref, of social success. “Yaas,” respc adore you, you . sort of silly rot Dibbsâ€"AMy boy, “there are many secrets of social success, bum one of the most important is to be able to pretend you are having a good time when you’re not. ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC, internal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. WrSn us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medic-A Co. Lhnued Crningwood. Ont. After a, man has turned down two or three opportunities they begin to dodge him. Try Murine Eye Remedy tor Red Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarttn A just Eye Comfort. )Write for Book of the ye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. “Not when she has a. dispute with the cook." roux owg oguoolsr FI‘LLTELLYOU ity ' Success is the one sin some people refuse to forgive in their friends. A man isn’t necessarily attached to a. baby carriage because he folâ€" lows it. Only a woman can entertain un- welcome visitors and make them feel welcome. Some people never have any re- spect for grey hairs until they have acquired a few of their own. “Percival,” murmured the heir- ess, “do you really love your little wifie ’Z” “Does your wife always get the last; Word 1” Yes, Cordelia, the drum major beâ€" longs to the bandâ€"even if he does give one the impression the band belongs to him. Before next month this number are wanted to step up and have their comm removed with Putnam's Corn Extractorâ€" it'e painleesfisafeâ€"suzre. Use only "Put,- nam's," it's the best. 250. at. all dealers. A 'boy who had been well worked and badly paid for two years, suc- ceeded in get-ting a. better job. His last day with the old firiri he was sent out with a load of valuable china. ‘Ho returned in an hour or so, and the china, instead of be- ing delivered, lay in the bottom of the hand-cart, smashed to ismitlhe-r- eens. “What does this mean?” roat‘ed"the prolprietorl” The boy, as he stepped out of the shafts, an- swered calmly :â€"“It means, boss; that you’ve worked me like a horse and treated me like a, horse for two years now. So this morning I lshried at a steamâ€"roller, ran away. and had a. smash up.” So saying the boy turned and set, offfibliitlhely whistling for his new and better job. I] 15353 ipeuouos Bonapuouszauog ‘bexnd Bros. Bothwell. Ont. Dr. Morse’s ‘8 Indian Root Pills Constipation p01: SALE.~â€"’I‘EN P413757 VBREEDI§G Mlnard's Llnimem Cures Burns, Etc. Intelligence is the is an enemy within the camp. It will undermin? the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads tb indigestion, biliousnesa, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most In men: causes of appendicitis. To neg ectitis slow suicide. Dr. Morse'a Indian Root Pills positively cure Consti tion. They are entireiy v e_ta la in composition and do not sic én. weaken or gripe. Preserve your hmlth by taking 50,000 Mcn Wanted u ION STATION EFFECTIVE AUG. 18. l‘OlN'l‘El) I'.\ R.\GR.~\P1[S. Eutr bou nd 9.20 "LV 10.42 11.35 “.45 12‘35 Eeenger Dginiuh'l‘ioromo and Morin ElectrIc-nghted Coaches and Gate ' tickets and all information app‘. Meeting Her Match. 0F INVENTIONS PIGEON. PIGEON & DAVIS 71;: St. James St.. - Montreal Write for information ATENTS The Dissomblora MISCELLANEOUS. Wildly in Love. His Bottvr Jul). Ar. TRENTON Ev; 5.5q responded the duke, “I you know, and all that TORONTO Al" OSHAWA PORT HOPE COBOURG OPENING OF THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE Toronto & ttaw mother of brev CENTRAL (Grand Trunk) STATION 1914. AND THEREAFTERâ€"DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY BETWEEN z11 Parlor Cars on Through Trains 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN 1N York County. Stationery and Book Business In connection. Price only “.000. Terms liberal. W'nson Publish- Ing Company. 7% \Vest Adelaide Street. Toronto. n. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. Up to date. of Europe and World; Tabu- Iated History Present Crisis: War Strength of nations involved; size, twenty pages, twelve by fourteen. Big Money- Maker! Verltable Gold Mine for Agents. Send thirty cents for complete sample. Nichols Limited, Publishers, Toronto, $1 a bottleâ€"6 for $5. at druggistsâ€"or write for copy or our book “Treatise’ou the Horse" free. 1“ YOU \VANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or 90 Colborne St. Toronto. B. W. DAWSON, Calhoun Sh. Toronto. boum [Em THIS CA'I‘ALOQQEJ a 1‘ Gib .gn a; u 23 1.!!0 ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 N.B.â€"Coltlega will re-open on Thursday. the 15L of October, 1‘4. in the new College Building. 0 University Ave" Tou‘onto, Canada. CALENDAR 0N APPLICATION. E. A. A. GRANGE,V.S.,M.S. Under the control of the Depart- ment of Agriculture 01 Ontario Established 1862. Affiilated wlth the University of Toronto. WAR ATLAS! NEWSPAPERS 1'03 SALE. Lv. BELLEVILLE NAPANEE The Best Ever sTwITFI's’FALLs - OTTAWA FARMS 1‘03 SALE. issued: Guns, Rifl'es, Ammunition, Fishing, Tackle, Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Lacyosse, Central Sta T.W. Boyd & Son, 27 Non-e Dame SLWesl, Montreal cuuaa, H»â€".v-_V, 4|» Camping Outfits, all Summer and \Vinter Sports. We want AGENTS WANTED. who Hunts, Fishes, or plays any Outdoor Game to get our large free Catalogue. Prices right, satisfaction guaranteed. Immense stock, prompt shipment You saw: money by getting Catalogue 10-day. KINGSTON Principal. tion H. NEXDORF 1.45 12.15 Noon

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