Council to pass a bylaw to c1050 all business places in the Village from seven p m. to ï¬ve for three days in ouch week. The Clerk was instruct- ed to draft a bylaw in accordance with the wishes of the petitioners. The Bylaw committee instructed to prepare a hyluw for placing certain r9- strictions on building. Council ad- journed. At .present. Army Headquarters are facing an urgent call for white flannel- ette'night- shirts for use in tln hospi- tals. A‘~large shipmentof these cum- mudities will leave Toronto on the 8th inst. This means the Aurora Branch will be working swiftly and continu- ouslv until the shipment leaves here (in the 7th inst fur'l‘nronto. It alsu means the Society is making an urgent appeal through this medium of the press. toall the girls and women of the vicinity who can sew (or knit) {0 came forward, juin the movement; and lend a hand. To join the movement it is only nec- eessarv to pay 25c. to Mrs. Herbert Charles. seen-teens. of the smiety. The money will he :pent nn raw maâ€" terials. The materials will he sent to Trinity Hall. Aurora. whieh will be open all day from 10 a. m. to (i p. in. dining Thursday. September 3rd, and days following: until the 7th. At, Trinith Hall will he garments in all stages of developement, from paper patterns tn sample articles; and all wn- men whn wish to help may use, either scissors. needles. or sewing maehines. RICHMOND HILL. ONT" 5 This morning's bulletins give the following war news:â€" French Government transferred from Paris to Bordeaux. 0 . C. Page. " “ “ .. , . 2 R. Tyndall. teaming . , . . . . . . . 8 A petition signed by H. H. Hopper and others asking for» cement side- walk on the snuth side of Arnuld street was read. The petit‘inn was received and granted By-Law No. 4 [u amend local improvement, Bylaw Nu. 3 was passed. ‘ _ («DI .. “nn',._,_2 Aurora RED CROSS SOCIETY A Red 01053 Society has been furni- ed in Aurora under the a uspiccs of the \Vomen’s Institute of that town. Its purpnse is the making of garments for 0111' soldiers at. the front. Immediate- ly. upon the urganiiation of the move- ment. a deputation was sent to visit the Red Cross Headquarters in Town- to. so that, now the Red Crass Bl'fllK‘h of the \Vnmen’s Institute of Aurnra, is in vital contact. with the immediate needs of the hospitals and aunies in Europa. Lemberg, Austria, in the hands of the Russians. Council met nn Aug.29 in the Clerk‘s ofï¬ce. all the members present. Minutes of previous meetings read and continued. The Treasurer was in- structed to pay the following accnnnts: L. limes & Suns. lumber . . . . . $ ‘23 22 E. \Vntstm. work . . . . , . . . . . i . . 9 80 T. Allison. teaming . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ()0 \Vm. Gnuld. work on walk... 10 ()0 \Vm. Ricketts. “ “ †6 40 r A peltitinu signed lay F. E. Sims and sixteen others was neud asking [hf eithe‘ at the H‘l“, or in their own homes. After Several hundred dozen nf these nightgnwns have boon shipped, thP are tons of ymn waiting to he knitted into wrisllets and sunxves for our snldiors. against the ('hill of coming winter. North York has SCUI'OS uf loving hem-tsnnd willing hands just; waiting. anxiously wailing. for :1 chance to givesux-vice in the cause that is now 50 near to m‘m-v member of mn- Elnpim. Here is lhv golden nppm-tnni- ts“. Cmne and jnin the. Red ('1'05. Aurora. :md b03110 what to do to he] fl'nnt. \Vhile the Red C1 mm'se of nrgunizut its Hall. \vmd w: Dramatic (‘luh of! \vnuld repent their“ which was most :1 few months ago. :1! devote the entire p of the Red (‘mssé @112 :65“!ch 13'. Gr: Brunch Austrians defeated by Russians and 150 guns taken. M fmm Acton to cnutrihut service. The. plan will u at \Villis Drug Sturv‘ 1 being ‘25 cents. Come and 509 “East L n gond laugh: Have :1 g( the Red Gloss Societ v. of members \vhu will answer them. cmxcernin the movement. The cause is not Canada’s; not the El civiliz:\tiun‘s, :1nd,~â€"\Ve ers' Keepers. An aerial battle fought over Paris. IS most gratefully accepted. and H]! glut. for the perforumucc was set f0 .tm’day, September 5th. The play will hu prvseuted in tin echunics’ Hall, which has been fresh and beautifully lighted and decor ed. through the onlmprise K11“ nornsity (-f the club itself. and undo ose new and favourable cmu'liliuns East, Lynne" should lw more :ittruc re lhun ever. It will he proseuiw EDITORIAL LhrI 1 11 Ml VILLAGE COUNCIL if the \Vomon’s Ins and lit-shmvn exactly (10 to help the [my Red Cross Society was in ;ani2ati(m in the Mechan- nd was received from the 111) of the town. that. they Lthoirplay (it East. Lynm‘. nos: acceptably staged a ago. and that [In-y \vmlld s )ICXOVQH. I Aunt Curny. enntrihnte ht Izm will open Empire‘s; \Ve are our if Iolx‘ sgurments In It. from paper 9s; and all wo- zly use either ng machines. in their own SEPT. 3, 1914 more he pl *hm-zlc m-m-u’s n. the The 11nd nmu ï¬ndilinn‘ re uttrzu nresenie : ï¬lm W Th m sd lilllle (if ' how a nd '5 at the sti ant erx the not {h VTOteI-s’ List; 191â€"1: The next, menting of the Council of the Mun‘lcipulity of Vaughan will he held in the Town Hall, Vel- lore, on Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivercd tn the persons mentinnod in Sectiuns Eight and Nine of the. Ontario “Voters List Act" the copies required by said sectinns to he so transmitted Cl' delivered 0f the List made pursuant. to said Actand aim-ml- ments thereto of all persons appearing by the last, Revised Assessment Hull of the said mnnicipalitv to be entitled tn vute in the said municipality at Elections for Members of the LI-gis- lative Assembly. and at Municipal Elections: and that the said List was ï¬rst pasted up in niv ofï¬ce at the Village of Maple (m the T\VENTY SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST. 1914, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the szud List. and if any mnissions 01' any (who:- errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings tn have {he said errors correcth according Ln aw. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk of the said Munigipnlity Dated this 27th day of August. 1914. 9. Vaughan Council DIVISION - IIIIUIIT. The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. MUNICIPALITY OF THE T()\\'NSHII‘ ()F Monday, Sept, 7. GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE FOR A QUICK SALE. '5 New solid brick. nine large, blight moms, oak trim- med throughout. hardwood “()01‘5,ï¬l'e place, electric Iigth, large vernnduh, three-piece bath of the finest quality, syptic tank. hotwutel‘ boiler, Pmsu furnace. Lat 5Ux220. This lu-usc has all the canveniences ofn t'ilV hullsc and is cex'tuiniy priced beneath its value. Returning Leave Toronto except Sunday. New solid l)l'l('k. son-n lle-ge rooms and bull) trimmed in cipris. oak flnm's, Electric light, large verandah. divided cellar. Howard furnace. Further pur- ticulnrs cf this beautiful hnme will be furnished on application. Richmond H111,1 New seven roamed cementhlnck lmusv, nnk trimmed. hurdwnnd ï¬o'n-s, sink, hand and soft, wan-1- in house. ï¬re place, furnace, elec- tric light, large Vrl‘alldzl, etc. A. E. GLASS ' ’ "4mâ€" Monday; Oct. 12, 1914 rriv V’AUGHALV New seven roamed house in PROPERTIES FOR SALE Unmméncmz at 10 mm. T. F MCMAHON CLERK RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL (‘OUNTY OF YOR K eave :lt- ] p.m. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk. FOR RENT HOUSES 1501mble rental TGRQNTO EXHIBITION T11 From ill “2'. 29 to Sept. 14 1111C 1914 unul 3.1)] 10 n.m Richmond ,u't', d Tril' Ill I RICHMOND HELL FINE TMLBRING A. J. HUME TRACY, {H Ir ember AND 10‘ NOTARY PUBLIC rmation Special attention given to Leases. Wills, Etc. Hill Pressin meaning Repairing ([0. 15th, 1 Conveyancing, FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efï¬ciency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer‘s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and proï¬t-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, 1914. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. (i. A. M. Davison, Unionville, Ont, Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Proï¬ts flower Prices on Ford Cars ll] Ford motor Company Touï¬ng Car $5 Runabout f Town Car 5 In the Dominion of Canada Only In Marble(n'Grnnitv. Good work. reasonable charges, van m Country. \Vl-ite, 1-3 m. Monuments. Markers and Owner Pusts For Sale on Easv Terms C. A. SKEELE, Tombstone I. etnermg Rï¬icï¬m‘mmï¬ E‘EiiE Annex The war has certainly dislocated values in nearly all kinds of groceries during the past two weeks and prices changed very rapidy. There will be no increase in our prices more than conditions really warrant. VVe’re here to supply you with what you want â€"â€"at reasonable prices. Pickling Spices and Vinegar that will make good Pickles. " ford, Ontario Bull of Canada. Limited Richmond Hill. XV. A. JONES. FOR FURTHER INFORMA'IION \VRITE OR SEE G. AJMCDONALB £9805! bUIId! and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Xcre Garden Lands. The Situatien Buchanan St. ea at speci and Metropolitan Ry. «ots on JOtS OI] Tomntn $590 540 840 J. T. LOCKE & C0., is now npenin (h-ntml Business Gull- ege. annntn. and in each of its Six Branches. Flt’t‘ catalogue explains «nurses. “'rite fora. copv. \V. II. Shaw, President. Hmd Ofï¬ces. 393 Ytrnge St. anunlo. AUTUMN SESSION St., Belmont 10 Adelaide St.'E.. Toronto n Nort the