Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1914, p. 5

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RICHMUND H'ILL. Own. SEPT. 3. 1914 Mr. and Mrs spent a \vvek “"uldex. Miss Trench is spohdinz :1 few war-ks at Prescott with her lu'ulhul- Mr. \V. Trench. Mrs. A. I‘. Basiett of New ank City has neen making a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Hill and family hf Buffalo are guests uf Mr. and Mrs. D. Hm. Mr. A. E. Pugsley of Sutton :nm Mr. R. \V. G‘ussof Conkstmvn spent Thursday hero. ‘7 Miss Emma Hiltz and Miss Elsie Burkm' of Tart-um. spvnt Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. I. Wnlder. The Markham Ecrmmnist is taking its zumuul hnlidny. and therefore will not iSSlK'fl pupvr this “wk. Mrs. T. Hubbard of Georgetown “Dent n fc-deys Wi'h Mr. and Mrs. George Grainan formerly of Rich- mnnd Hill. Miss Anna Slecklov of Buffalo. NJ. \‘ibiled laet work at the hume of her unclp Mr. L. B. Hvisr. Miss Dul‘nthy McKenziP. a clerk in the Post, Ofiicmretm nod “Highly aftel: Mr. \V. H. Pngsk y uf this village nnd MI. Arthur l’ngeley of Sutton left Tuesday evening tn spend a f«\\' weeks on their farm at Francis, Snsk. u week‘s holidays spent in \Vestnn and Hamiltun. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Heise of Victoria Squaue. left Turnnln Tuesday evening fur a month‘s \‘is‘it at Hamlin. Kansas. lev will also visit. relatives in Mr. and Mre. T. F. McMahon and Miss Irene McMcMuhnn spent the \vpvk-eml With Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. \Viley nf Ne-wmnrket at their at Orchard Bunch. They \Missouri Mi<s Mary Vundex-hm-gh left Mnndav so take chm-go: of :1 school in Mmkdule. and Miss Jessit’ Hamilton Wyn: to take ;\ similar pnsitinn in a school near Uxhridgv. Aid the splendid \vmk bring dune fur mu- suldims and snilms by the RH} Urn“ Asswiuliun by attending tlw l’utrintic Unnem-t. in Victoria Hall. 'l‘hnruhlll on Saturday evening next. Pins ll) pkg; 27} Hill [M Amy“ 1' general war news see inside pages. Hx‘iimtf’l‘npim-n and C‘ m \vainn Smdiurw‘ [in M) Starch pkg. 10c. His II \Vl Tin; gummy! [ILL'PUIJ lllllll H). pail E1] wnnlhm (LN. Quid; T'uddil H’ »l “'4 \len LOCALS Ill m ed by .4ng “11‘ 1!, 2h ut I s d 1) pkg. 10:. (5 (hr H.U. Annm-niu ] Alkiusmx & SWitz \\'. Jr Jud Jncah Hihz'nf Tnmnin. with Mr. and Mrs. J Jud l be In \Vud HI Ill nf_l (w ank 3nd held at Mimicn ursdnv. tiw 1(ilh I‘D Ill tuhlc will It'll] l“ .‘Irs out I 32, Dll &S\\'itz( syrup 30c Uud. Aw ‘ held :1 whnumd ’tm-nvun. nlm- the all were (‘lnlht nvdvl' [01'232 nsnn's fth ' rh ll) nix); 1n '1); l]( The Richmond Hill \Val' Relief Fund is inci-wi's'filg day by duv. The hands un' the Village (.‘lelk's lmme-nlnrlv clock yesterday pointed to the mmk and this morning it. has mnde a gnud stall t on the second round. The High Schrml npmwd on Tuesday. Sept. lat with Hat-largest attendance un upmfingdny for st-vm-nl yours. Thure were 74 the first morning and of tln-se 35 are new pupils. 30 of \thn .'ll'l‘ in Fm-m I. The nuthmk is the host 101' Zion Evan. Lutheran Church, Shvr- wuud. will hzlld their. Hau-wst Home Service on Sunday. Sept. 13m. mum- ing at I] and evening at ’7 n‘ch-ck. Prnf. \Vyke of Genital Canada Collrge is expvcted to Ink}- part in Lhu sorvicv. The \Vnnmn‘s Institute will moot :1: the home nf Mrs. Gumhlv nn \Vpdnes- dnv. Sept. 9th at 3.30 n‘vlnvk. Pnpms \vxll lw read on Jelly Making: and Pickle- Making by Mrs. P. G. Savage and Mrs, A. Newton. Rull call and ex- chunge of recipes. So!” by MISS A. Mnrtsrm. Instxumentul by Miss Mur- jm-y \Vright. Tu the Richmond Hill School Board: Furm l. 'J many yL-eus 1 am sure it must he with a great deal 0f regret on the part of you genllpmon that them was not, :muthor insurance agent on Lhe' board. so that you might have kept, all the- insurance on our new school Within the sucrml lmunds nf the favored fvw. Oh, well, thny are all punl‘, and new] it. Iyum the hm: who got it where the chicken got the axe. The Richmond Hill Auxiliary nf the Red Cross Society will nth this (Thursday) aftornnnn in Fm-osters’ Hall at, 2.30. The nwmhers of thn Commith to super-intend the Work zuo Mrs. F. LVhplt. Mrs. Switzpr, Mrs. J. Prlnu-‘l'. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Pngslpv. Miss Trent-h, Min Mner and Miss Isabel Mnudie‘. Thu ladies are engaged in muk'ngnrticles for pweentntinn tn the snldims who hnvo volunteered for the fmnt. and supplving lmcnirnl material for use nn the hnltlvfir'ld. All who :u-vv nnxinn‘s to help are earnestly deaiwd to do so. \VEDNESI)A\‘. Svpf. 16‘ hnnsvhnld hn-nitm" t-H‘... at Rl'nnk~'ida, X quin Mills.llwprm1 \Vilshnw. Sult- :l(7 2 cash. J. H. Pwntio SATURDAY. Svpt 23â€"01111“. sale of fresh milk cmw. springvm, \‘nung r-att‘n and store pigs at Hon-l Rich- mond Yards. Hirthmnnd Hill. (119 valuable prnpm-[y of JJL Brillingm; Tex msvâ€"AII sums nf $10 and nmlur, cash: nvm- that amount 4 mnnlhs’ crt-dit on approved joint, nulns. Sah- at 1 p.m. Saigmm & McEwon, UH {h 1h tht M1 311' 0r "Ml Subjects f n. I]I.â€"“-r Aucts Th m. nt R. H. Women‘s Institute on UK in ll) Harvest Home Service High School Opening Red Cross Society th Presbyterian Church Watch the Clock A Family Affair H. Pwnlice, Auct Sale Register Gibson Sunday, Spptmn fictim of {he 25w H m lll 0f JJL Bl'illingmu nf $10 and nmlma Iumunt. 4 mnnllw' ljoint. null-5'. Salt goon & McEwon . J. GLASS. 6, Auctinn‘ sale of ". gnrdm tnnls, Ynnge Sr. :Ihrwe nertv of (‘lmrlns 2u‘c1ur:k. Tex-ms (ff M :4 (If \V \V. G mm m n1 h pl lh 51m \V i )91‘ (3! 1) i211 L'n ll) H M RN‘HARDSâ€"MUNKMANâ€"‘By Rev. C. E. Manningut Turnulvmn Aug. 26m. 1914. Haze-[demand daughter of Fred- erick Mnnklnun of tho Townshlp of “'hitclmlch. OnL. to Hugh D. Rich- ;n-ds of Alll'IIl'it and Lnndmn.Englund. anonln, \Vestwn Bun-iv. .. ‘Brudfm-d Suunn . . . . :BnlLun . . 4 . , Beah'vrlnn SCIIH'hurU, (A Upukslmvn. . Newmarket Markham, . . quensville “'ondln-idge Schomht-rg DVERTISEMENTS in this column lvring quick results. If yI-u have anything to sell. or if you wish to purchase smnothing. hire help. etc" try this “ NEW ADVERTISEMENT column. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ‘OR SALE OR TO RENT. â€"â€"Now Hvlid Brick lmuao I‘ll Ulllll'l‘ll St. Built warm and lwmuil‘ully "in‘ ishvd. furnace and vlvctr‘v lighté‘ Lat «113x150 ft. MISS FALBRUWX. RM:- mund Hill U [E :0“ I{I‘:.\W1V.-ASU“(1lll'ick hm Richmund SIM sm‘un furnace. hard and snft $16.00 [H'l‘ mouth. Apply to 8! SL, Tommu. Mill Sr. \\'x FUR SAL] [In-(m \\' .um (,‘1 WHO leplt’. (59 ply In JOHN Riclmmnd Hill. +++z+++++++++¢+++++++++++ OARDERS VVAN‘TED.â€"Twn high school girls. Apply Ln MRS. SKELIS, Ynllge sheet. 10-2 Bill Heads, Lcltcr Heads, Wedding Invitations, En- velopes, Programmes, Etc. THE LI BE RA L RICHMOND IIILL, 02w: Advertise in The Liberal School Books, Standard Novels, So u v c n 2' r Post Cards, I a pctcrl'cs, Rubber Balls, Eta, Etc. Go to the Liberal afice for OH R E."'l‘.â€"Si_x 11mm brick house. fulnishl-d. furnace, pusswinn Scpu-mlwl' 15m. Apply MRS. RESSMAKINGâ€"«Miss )I. A. Buf- fey, first-class (hvssmnker. Shop at Mrs. Curtis, Yunge Sr. 4-7 OR SAL! 0R SAL! Jail'fliilig’, Walla/(cm 0 R (JR HAL! mum hs Nuvvmh 1H ch/(oal 0300M giucnm l) Fa“ Fairs MARRIED HA Mulr- wurk sin munx. 1% vld. due 10 F; 1-. JAMIst (J: {it-hmmld Hill [h Om S( mm] high] pi KIRKLAND. l\'t Au spy-m ilh fiv Apply. \luplv. ) \V St' lll Oct ()ct Oct 1111!“? In \H. E01152. \ CH“ (-1) llSt runms, wu Ll'l'. Ii Shaw S [E 3| ) l!) â€"9 u ('ll :SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR FL“? '7 '." ' ’5 ’3'"- "."'." " ."WF." '5 " '1‘"? m, ""'."» mf’f‘" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE ARE AGENTS FOR V'VV Fire, Life 8: Accident Plate Glass insurance VVYVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVV V'VVVVVVVVYVV chnico huildin Your Insurance will be Well looked after if 1611: to ‘HONE 800: FURNITURE MI COME M EN M THE RICHMUN For Pickling and Preserving Ifyou want the best pickles and preserves, see that you have the best Sugar, Spices and Vinegars. We have them that are especially selected for pickling. Such goods as ours greatly reduce the danger of failure. It has a delicious flavor and is stronger than the ordinary coffee. Everyone who has used this coffee says 1t can't be beaten. Try one pound and see how you like it. V‘Jliole and ground Cloves, Cinnamon, All- spice, Ginger, Black Pepper, Cayenne and White Pepper, Celery and Mustard Seed, Curry Powder, Turmeric, Mace, Chillie’s whole and ground Pickling,Y Spice, Malt, Cider and Heinze’s Pickling Vinegar. We have Choice Japan Tea at the old price, 30c. lb. 0m- fm-uilun‘ Ms ATKINSON & SWITZER P. G. SAVAGE 86 SON Consult, [7.5 1901- ilates NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Rich Coffee at 400. lb. PA NA MA HATS HII ll [NE OF \ sulid brick dwelling ()1; the bL‘SL location I ;&\V HATS in slilf Concrete House llu-m Richmond Hill RICHMOND hnw you what \V um um“) ID HILL FURNISH STORE (11‘ svft stmw Oll \V FITT Yonge St )nge Stru- \\l in all] kind G. SAVAGI Jx'ni

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