For the mvnd Lrip 5th. [ill] 01‘ 7th. Sept. SLI). 191 L For Hw mum] trip. gum] gning and returning Monday. Sept. 7th. only. For all particulars and pul'lul' cm- 195x PURSUANT In tho Statues in that he- hulf. notice is hereby given that all Patties having claims against the Estate of Parthena [.1‘("’.I:Ite uf the Totvnship of Markham in the (‘nnnty of York, Spinst.or. deal-ased. who died on ,or about the 18th day at October, 1913. are required on or hvfnrv the lst day of October. 1914, to send to I). (K Burr. Buttonville. the Exvcutm- of thv said Estate, their namva. addresses and the particulars of their claims." n'ul EuSt, and L0 Sunlt Slc Humn and thrnit, Mich. Sinful-Minn Bridge and Ni.- “(flue (iihrml‘! AND take further nutice that after said l:st mentioned date the. Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard nnly to claims of which he will then have received notice. DOUGLAS & Gmsnx, Executor’s Solicitors, Dineen Bldg..Tempemncc St.,T‘ Dated August, 1."). 1914 {u EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES Notice to Creditors TEENS GIVEN 0N MJTJR CYJLES 1mmâ€) HILL. 0x1 111 stations in ( Kellngs Cnrn Fl: St. Charles Milk (311.111:ng Milk . - URING the past two or three weeks the \Var has certainly dislocued prices in the grocery trade, and al- though thev are a little steadier now, we don’t know yet where we are at, but our prices remain unchanged with the ex- CCDUOD of sugur and dried fruits. . Granulated Sugm Yellow Sugzu‘ . .‘ Tea us urn-le Sulndn in bulk Umil further nnlil will lu- Krinklv (‘rurn Flakes Fin? .lnvn Cnlfee . . . Raisins m- Currants (‘hnico Rangoon Ric 'l‘upiucu . K . . . . . Muculuni. 13(‘ pm“ p‘ Finest Canned Tum; Mater Repairing Done RICHMOND HILL L. CURTIS ‘inest (10m. (llll‘ L. CURTIS ljlxvuul-Sions SING Patronage solicipd and sat isfuctiou guaranteed. Apply to TRACY. Station Agent Cowie 8: C0. 1. 130 pm' pkg., 2 mle 'l‘mnutnrs AND A THIRD AGENT I‘ lzu-sns [0 tr lPSL‘l' 'utiuns RA NP Good going Svpt. livturn limit until mndu. Pmt Allhm 01‘ Il‘ LABOR: DAY FARE ‘0 It . . . .ch per lh. on packages. '. Liptnns m‘ .31) & 401-. lh. ....40clh. S ... .1530“). i6? tic 1h. S 1'? PT “IS our prices :ws 10c tin Pumpkin 3 for 25c . .3 for 25¢: )c per pkg. 10¢ per tin 13¢ per [in Ignlal Falls, Mun-iv. PUI'L Black Ruck. St.,Tomnto. \in service per H). per lh. 19H Have You a Bath in Your ï¬rflme? i'h‘l'llllliEH".I’""HHWIHIHH'HII Hill""' In" ‘ ï¬lflllllllllflmmlflfll M II ï¬lls a long fvlt, want. It takes the placenfa $100 lmlh rnmn. le in- side dimensions of the llll) are :38 incli‘es lung, 2.3 inr-hus wide and 16 inches deep. It is made 01' l1H1Vy rnhhei ducking, putt-ct in cumti'uctiun, and with ordinary care will last from 10 tn 1;") yvars. 'l‘lw lmtlmn uf the tub rests on the floor. There are nn pipes to leak 0r {ring â€" nu plumhm-‘s bills to mom‘, it weighs but 13 pounds, and when not in nso can he fuldl-tl up and placed out of the Way. One ur' the glt‘hlvsl aids tn lh‘nllh and hnp. piness is frequent bathing. Tho R()l)ill§l)ll Bath TIN) is may cmn‘vnient in case of sickness in the home. It can ln- plal‘PLl lH'SillH the Sit'k hml. llw patientlifted out. giwna gond. clean. rcfreshing hath. and plaicml hack into bed Without any vxcutenwnt m- nndue (-ï¬'m-l that might hr- (it’ll inn-Mal. The price of lht' Robinson Bath ’l'nh is $10 f.0.l)., 'l‘mnnlu. Shiple any- where on t-eceipb (-l: pnicn. . , J. B. Young: [TLililiOS Connpany 15 JARVIS STREET, TQRONTO War Courage Keep up your courage SOLD B'Y RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPANY No more unsanitary. unsatisfactory wall paperâ€"no more stick , shiny woodwork. Your walls and wood- work will ge always fresh and clean and beautiful if you‘ll use Washable Interior Colors. And bear in mind that this finish is permanent. The dictates of style in interior fin- ishing now indicate the soft, velvety tones of Washable Interior Colors as the proper thing for walls and woodwork. In addition to insuring a home that will be beautiful, these handsome tints insure one that will stay beautiful. Soap and water are the only cleans- ing agents neeessary when you paint your walls and woodwork With Minerva F resconette Many a man in Canada, Willing to go a-W‘arring across the seas, is unwillâ€" ing to ï¬ght at home-- against the shadowy fees of bad times or of busin ess depression. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPAM NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. Come in and look over our cob! combinnï¬onn. Put you-u†o. hatch! dmï¬oa whuho: you're rudyb buyer-ct. If the courage of manufactsrers, wholesalers. retailersâ€"the gener- als and captains of trade and in- dustryâ€"fails the courage of the nation will ebb. This is a. time in Canada, whgn Canadian busineus men should ï¬ghtâ€"ï¬ght to capture new trade and to hold 01d trade. To stop one’s advertising is to Witpdrdw a. powerfï¬l oï¬eï¬sive and defens- Jve force, _and to expose oue‘s business wuhout a guard. - Follow this Fashion It’s a Good One-- In most of [de [mums vutsidv of the cities there is no satisfactory menus oltaking a bath. It is here where The Robinson Bath Tub Keep up your advertising BANK i LOTS FOR SALE 1WM.TRENCH & SON Trench’s carriage kas Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. Everything Repniling nemly and HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING l PAPERHANGING. GRAINING LAZING. KALSOMINING. Etc. Residence4liichmond Hi1]; PHONE 29â€"11 2 Finest materials of the world’s best looms, suited for fall and ‘ winter wear. 500 PatternisEAL ESTATE HOBBERLIN’S uCPdHIIlCuL UI ||uJ uu-Il- u _.. -_v__.. “€50 OFFICE form of investment. TORONTO ' RICHMOND HILL BRANCH l... E. HAND, PAINTER AND DECORATOR W. H. BASSETT JOHN ELLIS All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. RIGHMDND HILL HARNESS SHOP ©IF' @AINAIDA .very garment tailored to customer's measure. BAKER AVE. now open. Lots x50 feet deep. splendid outlook. good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $2300. are Sole Agents in this district. ROSEVIEW AVE. Some good Iots left at reason- able pri' es. V SEE the ï¬ne new houses being buil erty. IN (V‘ONNICCTION “'ITH \ND, K] D m Manages-q Branches also at Maple. Markham. Stouffville. Unionvifle and Locus! Hi". COME AND SEE US RICHMOND HILL Wholesale Florist LAWRENCE GARDENS ,me W. J, LAWRENCE, the Harness promptly done TERMS REASONABLE RICHMOND HILL ECURlTY for both principal and interest is the ï¬rst essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards. a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an. ideal form of investment. HOUSE PAINTER, 1 I 'Glazier. Grai'mr and Paper- ! Hanger. tRI*.JSIIZFJ.\CE. RICHMOND HILL ALL BRAN( HES OF THE TRA STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 F. J. WUUDWARD Send list of articles with each puree giving residenceund name in full. Goods called for and delivered, if do sired. W. HEWISON â€"â€"AGENCYâ€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. He solicils :1 trial on work and gum: untees sutisfuctiun. has (-pened .1 Laundry south of McDon- ald‘s Grocery Stun: in Richmond Hill VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. PATRONAGE SUIJCITED Axn SATISFACTION GUARASTE 830.2235 GENERAL BLACKbMITH. New Gormley R T C. I. HINAS ICHMOND Richmond Hill WUUDWARD. on this prop- MANAGER