‘u‘bfe Address. "Dado RICHMOND HILLS: THORNHILI. Tel. M All.ng stock of Funeral F kept at both place 'l:e!t:_pll(nl}tj, Main r)‘Il Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, 8m. Home Life Building Cm‘. Adela: 8: Vidal-1:1 Sts.. l‘um'lto. Liosnsad Auctioneers tarthe County of York Sales Attended to on shortest notice and or tea aerate rates Patronage solicited PIANO TUNING .1 T Saxaeon Maple LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the (‘uunty of Yul-k. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. O. ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special Mneution given to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-Io-date methods. Address: 239 Balliol St. Noitb Tofonto. Phone in House. North 2292. linden-takers 4t [‘mhalmvrs JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Phone No. Calls by phone nr otherwise promptly responded to All mail orders will re attention. '1'. F. McMAHON, 200 BERICSFORI) AH- Phnne Juncth 7 Denton, Grover & Field NATIONAL TRYST (“HA M BERS KING 51‘ E.. TORONTO. (‘mmdn‘ OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \VEST . Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. IS PUBLISHED EVERY I’HURSDAY MORNING Lawrence & Dunbar, J. Du D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. AT .THE ‘IBERAL PRINTING 8: PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EX PERIENCE “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL F- C. EGAN Fn‘et house north 0 Switzer‘s 5 Phone No. 2402. VOL. XXXVI}. .251 per annum, in advance.] U VETERINARY SURGEON, (Elnornhill. )Iaplo. ()nt. 30K): 17. 9avidson JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Organs Repaired. Expert Work BUSINESS CARDSa WRIGHT BROS Barristers. Snliclurs Szllgeou & Nlt‘Ew Lawrence VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNIIILL 3631 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE will) EDITOR J. H. Prentice RESIDENCE gab}: ‘ m1 Notary, Etc. HLISIIER f Atkinson & tnro. WEST TORONTO or. Adelaide ’m-o'lto. Phone Main Furnishing J K McEwen Weston ive prompt 2984 0 each m Public lerary and Reading Roomâ€" Open Tuesday. and Saturdav evenings. Rnwnrlh League â€"Meets evorv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday at S p.m. in we Church. I O Fâ€"Meets third Thursdavnf every montb. R. H. Ratepnvers ï¬ssocialinn meets Inst m..r-;,, Hy Lodge. A0 I: \V-~Moets thirJ \' of each month Camp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second‘ Wednesday Hill Crest Lodge. I.0.0.F.â€"Meets s (mirth Tues hr: of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday .m-uzh 7 p. m. Sunday School Thursday evez Richmond In new on or here Church of Englandâ€"S T p. 111. Holy Cummuuic iu the mouth at 11 a. m. t at s 30 11.11:. Suuduv Sc T i) u rs. Iniv Romuu usta Sun CourtR jay I ELLIOTT gmwd/{A COMMISSIONER. C “Sunday: Schobiaf Riohmonq Hill uuurcu ox nnglandâ€"Servkes at 11 a. m. a p. 111. Holy Communion on the and Sunni ,the mouth at 11 a. m. and on the 41!) Sand ; 8 30 11.11:. Sunday School and Bible Class u'clu Tot-unto Ofï¬c tirm Life Bl(lg.. Richmond } Ofï¬ce). evm'v '1 Money to Loan on 1 and anucnattel mortgages“ owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Rev oved to the' old post ome.’ one door \nst of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newman-hat ofï¬ceâ€"Three (1mm: snnth nf hhn T Iinbéiflï¬ï¬ Yes, nnl' graduates succeed. ' have that lmhit. \lev is it, many studcnts from other hus cullvges come here to ï¬nish cm and get pusitinns? Renmlnher ï¬rst word. "Efficiency." \\'rit Catalogue. Students admins» LENNOX 65 MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR Monev EFFICIENCY ï¬lst. lusL time is the chief f9“ courses of instruction in :1 Business ur Shnl Fall turn) is now npv to wx its for purtirrul \Vnuchope. P Also agent for F1 Cleaner at $35.00, $3.50 to $4.00 and a and up-to-dute applia time and work for m Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House_ Wiring, both old RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, SEP’J Yonge and CM Luau Catholic I Sundnvs at 9 a tbmlisc Church M THORNHILL nngu BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE l.H.SANDERSON mm m issionm Insurance. Issue! of M B chnmnd ’Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lihm'rll' :9). evm'y Thursday fox-ennui). uplr-, Thursday :lftm-nnrm. 'nodhridszv, Satin-day forennon. CV to loan at Five Per Cont (5%) NOTARY Pï¬BLIC u cannot. do better than Village Dlrectorv ISSIONER. CONVEY ANAER. ETC Real Estate and Insurance _A. NICHOLI Electricim, Richmond Hill :u‘risu-I‘S and Solicitors. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK )eforerrtu'll’lflc hmond. A O ELLIOTT md )IcGill Sts.. T‘ TORONTO rent for Frantz Vacuum at$35.00, Electric Irons $4.00 and all convenient date appliances that s:i{'e work for the House Wife. any ï¬lm lcs Sts. ucum 5w. Toronto, fm Ur Shnrlhnnd Cnlll'st'. now open. \Vu ask vnu particulars. Mr. ’1‘. \V. :hbpe. Principal. 30. General prayer meeting mm; Unnvoynncm‘. e we. and Real Estate 1 Marriage Licenses. and new. Churchâ€"Services on alter- a. m. and 10.30 a. m. h-Servicos at 11.00 a.m.,and S â€"Meets second and (out): \V-~Moets tbiu Wednesday AUI' W. J Three doors south of the In Essentials, Unity; in Meets ITOR, NOTARY, E' {mum '328 Confvrh .12 Richmnnd SL Ofï¬ce (“Libel l‘Sll-‘ly foremmn. ELLIOTT. Principal A M â€"Meets Mon Meets fourth Fri G and n“ the Illll‘(’ nf the 11110 famous member the " \Vritefm- Idmitted uL . at 1: a. muau‘ Prayer meetln attend the 1’ business I) cuurses 5 second and They it that of each 1‘. etc and TC proved :I. slow sentin ï¬nallv all having the inner mun satisï¬ed th: \V. Sanders, the artist picture taken after w llmir departure :nuid People attended from far and near, r‘muing from Berlin. Tort)an East Y-m k. (‘hen v \Vnm’l, Markham, Man Jny. Cashel. Gundwond. Lenmnville. Dixnn's Hill and Gm-mley. Owing to the inclemency of Weather for Snme days before the gnlhering. [he gather- ing was very spzu-slry :Illended. There slwnld have been about fum- hundletl there. whereas only some thing untlemne hundred uttendml Sulit'it subscriptions curried nub their wm-k with such \‘igm- that, the desired amount, $1000, was snnn assured. last Thursday, Sept. 3 Slovers held :1 reunion at, Mr. Jnhu R. Burkey, Stnutfville. (st. B-‘ll Stnvur) and Yurk Patriotic fnrmml (m Mnmhy :1 public meeting w. were k’lL‘CHâ€"N] us fol Rev. S. A. Lawrence Frazer; oxecuiivu ( [Pullm- intendr A‘JCI_)IDH After :1 campaign culminating in at cunch on Saturday mghb the residents“: the Village of Thornhill rolled up the substantial sum of $1075 fur the 'L‘m-onta and Ymk County Pel- tI-iulic Fund at the Concert, which Was given by the ladies of the local branch of [110 Red Cross Society, assisted by ML E. Bvupw. fxom which they realized $145.00 A number of :2‘: “led musicians from Turnutu Cnnl l ihulvd In tlw program. ’J‘hv ’l‘hvrnhill hl'nllCh of the l‘montn The following By-hws received Llwii several readings and passed viz. Tn up- pnint (.‘ulleutuu Ufl‘fllJ-‘S for Lhecurx'cut yvur. with the names of AJMll‘t'W McClure fur the Southern Division and L. H. Hullingshmd for the Nni-thern Division. By-Luw to authorize the Reeve and 'l‘reusui-er to l)Hl'l'0\V cer- tain sums fni current sums forum-1'an expenses, By~L-lw tn raise levy and collect for current your foL'Ununly, Township, and Gena-{ll Schnul pur- pnses,nn(l By-Luw to levy rates 11‘? Scllnnl purposes. as llppllL‘ll for by the Trustee Boards. 0n lllUllUl] Council :uljnm-m-d tn meet: .‘ILNHbldUIlI on Saturday, Sep- tember 26H). \Vatsnn-Uanipbellâ€"that the (‘lerk be authorized to rmnnnnnicate with the Chief Engineer of the Hydra-El- ectric Power Company, Mr. Gaby, stating that the petitioners of this Municipality would ask that an ar- rangement he made with the Munici- palities of Vaughan and Bolton. to establish a power lin that would be economical to all concerned, and ask if it wuuld be satisfactory Lu call a meeting of a deputation of each to mew-t and arrange the same. mud allowance in the old Survey, 0p- pusiLe Ints 3 and 4. CM). 4, by auction. (,‘rumphtll-Rohinson 1h:an deputa- tion of the whole Council meet the- (FoumyEngincorinaccordance with [hp Ditches and \Vntercnurses Act, to IUUk after the interests of the van- ship. to meet, at Lot: 65, Can. 1, 011 Tuesday, Sept. lst. l't'Ct‘th’tl .‘Illtl rvud, after which a large nuinhPr ut hills were presented and pnyrnvnt nrdk'red. Kunke-Robinsonâ€"tth the treasuror he :iutlmrized to pay (‘unndzi Ucment 00.. for cement. $235.00: and Rice Lewrs & Son, for stuel, $14864: fur Kettlehy hridge. (7aInpbell-Kunkcâ€"thut :1 grant ()1 $15.00 be given to King Township Fair, cheque-tn he issued in favor of J. U. Sleckley, Dis. Sup. Rubinsnn-linukeâ€"thut J. A. \Vutsnn he authorized to dispose of the timber. lumber-and tools in cunnoctinn with the Kettlehy bridge. also at the smile time and place offer the timber on road allowance in the old Survey, up- pusite lots 3 and 4. (Jun. 4. by auction. Campbell-Rubinsun that n deputa- ‘lkil ILl Ym'k Patriotic Assnciutinu \Vus nuwl (m Mmuhy. evening when public meeting was held. Ofï¬cers :re elected us fullnws: Prvsitlvnr. :v. S. A. Lawrence; Secretary. D. C. ï¬xer; oxecuiivu committee, Rev. Ilhe-r Kelly, lim'. J. H. Oko. Super- lmldmlt Findlay. E. Bvupre. D. Scum. E. ‘Fr:mcis,.’s‘. \\'. \Vilcncks. J. L. CDUHIIld. U. ALkinsmn, .l.F. Brenkey. Bllyll‘ and Mr. \Vlltsllf‘l'. qu' [ms chuson fmm the executivu to The eighth movting of King Town- )ip Municipal Council was held at L-mptmnm- Hull, Kath-by, on Satur- ny. ‘Aug. 29th. Members :l†present. Minutesuf lust mac-Ling were read MinuLFS kl uppxm A numlu KING TOWNSHIP COUNCH epzn-ture :nuid much i 1 and well wishes, hopir :1in next year if all is well her of cmmmmicntiuns Hm] l‘vud, after ‘which :1 mt hills werv presente nrdvred. Robinsonâ€"[hut the (1'0; pleusu n L Non-Essentials, Stouffville , Sept. 3, when the reunion :It, the home of Burke): “'est End, (3115. Bax-key was a Thornhill H'ent took Canada UL 55.00 : and 9], $148 64 assisted by which they number uf m Tumuth hand- mg to Liberty ; in all things, Charity \VOl‘t VLAL‘ 1.! 5.4†UUUUQ the 29th tiny at Angast. 1914, and 1-9-1 mains thPl‘P for inspection I and Elvctm-s are called] upon to examine A thr- said lists. and if any omissions nr other errms are funnd therein, to tilkP ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ _ , , ‘ immediate proceedings to have said THIb STORE “ ILL (’I‘Obh E‘ LHY .___o__. errors corrected accm-dimz to law. i \VEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DUR ‘3- H- 5T“ ER- | 11w JULY AND AUGUST Clerk (-f the said mlmicipnlitv. v D‘Ill'd :Ir I'ninnvil'e [Le 29th day (af [inns for members of the Lr‘gislntive Assemhlv :nnd at Municinnl Elerztinns. and that sair‘ list was ï¬rst pmtod up in mv ofï¬ce at [fninnville on Monday. the 29th day at August. 1914, and re- mains the-r9 fur illSDPL‘linn section to he so transmit Pl’t‘d of the lists nmrle pm Actuf all persons :lppP. last reused Assessnwnt. mid mnnicipulitv to ho 9r in tho said municipality tinns for members of “It NOTICE is hm'vln transmitted on (Ir-“v nmntimwd in Seen-u Lists Act, the (:npie CLERK'S N'ATICE OF FIRST POSTING? Voter’s List, 1914 3-inch 13 Ifall the guns un slnp New Yul-k “'5 the same time. lh: $8,564 The ï¬rst column gives the culilm: of tlwgzln. the- second the weight of Iho projectile in pounds. the thin] the weight of powder. and the fourth the total cast. ll) The (:nwr out of Bud and Gan Mag- azine fur September illustrates the fact IhaL Lheupen Season for wild ducks in Canada starts with September. The list of contents which is sure to appval tn all sportsmen readers contains among other things the fullmving <tnrivs and articles: A Reconnaissance frnm Coast, to Coast; Tlll‘ \Vildfmvler in Canada frnm 1906(1) 191+ hy Bunny- caslle Dale; Our Friends nf the \Vater- ways by H. Multimnr Batten: Duck Shunting hy Twilight by R. J. Fraser; After Nara Scutian \VlHKlCOCK with That Gund Ohi Man; From Sharlmt Lake to )lontleal hy \Vator; Tullng September Ducks; A Crv in the \Vild- ernvss: and the ï¬rst, of a Sf‘l‘lt‘S (If article-s nu Things In knmv about a Shotgun. The regular (lepaitnwnls areas usual “'9†maintainml. \V. J. Taylor. Limits-d, \Vm d<1<u L. Ont., arc the publishers. A Sunday Evening Service was (‘r-lnnwncvd Aug. 30 in the hnnw formerly occupivd Ly Mr. Clixnmhngn, Duirytmvn, by Rev. F. Elliott (if that nlnco. The attendance was encourag- ing and it is the intention tn cnntinue each alternate Sunday evening at 7 o‘clock. Sen ice nextSunrluy, Sep1.]3. at. the» uhnve time Everybody is wol- come tn attend. Mis< Lavina Ellintt spent [119 week- end with friends in NL-wmeu-ket 1e- Lux‘ning Tuesday. 8-in( t-inc 6-in( 5-Inc 44m King 1914. \Vu KPLUUHV Hill: \V Mr(‘;llll1| lnnln;Pres.- ville; IsL V ingmn, Kin .‘IHHHV. Hurxv Fisher, Cm Camemn. Maple: G< Unrrvillv: A. Boyle. R Amhy McCullum, King Vellum: A. I}. \Vulls Mchn-vhy. Ntlhlf‘fflh: (lull. Richmond Hilts Mr. Hwan ()nles. lot am one mile west 0! “'0 nflicers and (lineman-s :n‘ pains tn make this Inn name in the Ut-llliIIiIHI. :no the nf’ficurs :lnd dirci OFFICERS Hun. Prosâ€"Sir Hem r0nl0;Pr0S.â€"~ H. Long It, 5mm Inch inch inch ugm ")odln'igt‘: Hut-v4- HONORARY A ndl-ow McNeil. 3;! l l n m, )dlwigv â€"â€")I UNICI PALIT Y ()F Tâ€! Township of Markham County of York Cost of intit Inlu KING v Lawson m, Maple. ige: Harm-y \Vells. King. HONORARY DIREFTUHS w McNeil, Yellow: les. \Vells Match Tuesday, November 3 Pl H] 11931131911 1 0. 1914 w Ice-L’res 12': 2nd V , \\"nm‘.ln-i(kzr & VAUGHAN MATCH Rod and Gun win a Shot in Sea Fight DIRECTORS ll Dairytown 167) I IV) WI) 87†500 n-lw given that I have lt-livm-vd tn the pen-suns than 8(f lht- Votws’ npies l'l'qllil'f‘d by said t|-:Insn)it!ed nr deliv- nmde pursuant in said ms "ppm-hiring by the MCDUH 1h: O I King; St n [ht M ll( M 1U Plltillt ()ll mm lld. ML . Kma- Stanley Simeml L‘ dischm gm: \st would {K lll 20:) 103 (it) 3.30 -y Pellntt, T“ "nTl’lllpt’l'HllCt‘ [mm-ml “'qu Cl)†ndl’n-id 10 If. the 'r‘h ‘ The tms on] hnmnd Hill I. H. \Vilsnn (ing: Thus. :unley Tth eon Lr‘nlnn, Rirhnmnd Maple; Jns. ) hold (11 t' the :llnn‘ the 3H] 41 ccuniml I); PilSlll‘Pl ‘u'Vâ€"J. Imeum 1mg (:nnd )Ilmv ll mtllo- \‘vfl tlu 54H 18‘) 109 RICHMOND All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLJERIES OI<ANGES,PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Qualit)~ Counts. D. HILL & GU. Bakers and Confectioners Canada Portland Cement; . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better†Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVEH & RAMER Wheat, Buckwheat, Manitoba. Oats Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. VV\vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvi§ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA Comforts and Teething Rlngs W. A. Sandersnn Pubtic Attention consisting of all the l): Sanitary ‘lnd Measured and all accessories for the same Allonlmry's Halted Mill‘ For the Baby And CH'eI-ylhingifor the Baby Talcum Powder Fe Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts ALSO HANDLE THE Bord i n Baby Foods Mollins ding Bottles Our Inws of for the Chickens DRI'GGI Cracked Corn ..A.\'D.. 2. Hurlnck’s Nestle-e Food, ’ Food Brand st makes II