Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Sep 1914, p. 5

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Rxcmumn HILL, 0mm. SEPT. III. 191; Elm: lll Maple is svnding Sm‘l High Schunl this Im'm m'er lust year. span :1 last we 1n inlyd 'l‘urp Mr. and Mrs. Clarence‘Suider and MY“ sons, Gal-dun and AIL-m, uf Ix-un- dc-qnuil. New Yurk state. \‘isitvd u fmv days \vikh Mr. and Mrs. T. Hupper. McDanuld uf Sty. Thursday lill Mm Visiting their futho The new assistant ten-whens in the High Schuqu un- tuking up, their new duties with (-nmgy. and the prospects 01' the school all mmmd .119 the best. Misses Agnes Bnylr Simpson. Hazel Page Mc‘luhnu an. spending with Miss Carpvntex- a Beach. The Lihoml tn unv :tddeS in (Innu- dn hum [his dune tn the end «If the YU-U'ffll'25 cean. \Vill a number uf nur m-w cunwrs not take advantage of this trial rate. Huth Hunt $935.64 The Annual Harvest sex vice will he held ulSt. Oak Ridges‘ on Friday. 7.30 53.11.. The Rm'. J. I Lloydtuwn is In In- preacher. Phil] whit? gr-mile SHHCE dishr duz. 4.30. \Vhitu howls with blue med. 3 9c. HI. (‘m‘cn-tl glass lmwl 1": en. \Vhitv pudding l ()fli The (mnth wish if the Public Schmul tom-[WIS is that tho new sclmnl may he speedily Culllplt‘ted. Sinm- lhe l‘(--npvnillg(|ll [he first. nf Septomlwr 50 pupils have hwn vnrullwl in [In- svninl' dr‘nurtnwnt. {)5 in llw imu-r- medinte depuvtnu-nt and (NM 70 in [he junim- ruuln. 'l‘l‘." numhv-I- is cm-luinly Um huge in ezuzh (If the mmm. Richmond Hill Ipils fmm nLhL 1m. The annual plx-wing mutt-h nf lho ()ntm-in Plnwnwn's Assnciuliun \\':II he h-‘hl (m the farm of Mr. Jusvph Kil- g-mr. “Sunnylu-unk Farm." Hahntun, nu 'l‘lnusduy. the 5H) nf Nuvemhvr. 'l‘hv mun-h was held on the same fan'lll lust yPux- when many pvt-pie were present and t‘l'IjUYL‘ll tho huspituhty uf Mrs «rm {he proprk Miss Marit- Burton (\f ’l‘nmntn. mdny and Monday. with His. 36 in. Fine Bungvuluw plain v-lge and Grey and pink I to $2 00 pl week nf the Tumnto Nation tiun greatly intelfvrml with :ltlt‘lldillll'v. Thv :Ittvndmu-u day. huwuvm'. was mmsidel 100.000, and nu Munduy the showed that 131mm pnssm llu- gates. \Vilh fine weal! :n d SMurdu)‘ tlwutn-udance le much behind that of last Miss lion Was I lhv usuull )ll‘ll'kl‘t. A funthall and lmskt“ uff [his mouth and Schmxl is the pg'esl trophies. As gum. the D Mr. J. E. Franck. returning officer. As given the East ank candidates ectinn expulscs at the recent local uctiuns as qumvs :â€"‘Ir. G S. Hem-y 955.64 : Mr. A. 1). Bruce $1401.64. Mrs. Clmrlt-s‘ Pelxifmd. D veu 'I‘m-unln: MIN. Bert ’l‘hm upc Ave” Rum'heslcl: :md Mus. unt.'1‘mnutn. visin Mrs. G; luin Mills, nn Thursday. Heavy [2 Mo. :L‘ll'k 20110 1‘ [It’ll Tht The Hi LOCALS nlv nf Hemluck and Pine lmHe prices at the cIcVnL Aikenhezld will prpucl) dist. church next Sunday N. \Vemeul uf (h-uvonhurst few (lays with his fumlly here ph essie Glass jug: A! kinsun le-uguu- gum Ann-um :uld v (Yurtnin Net. nurrnw stripe, H. 35 ill “'illl'. yd. 231‘. \Vhih‘ Flnmu'lmu: filnnkvts. hlm' haulers. 3 silvs, price $1.10 1-. Atkinson & Swilzm‘. [Ul‘ ll' llL‘\VS wen! hl‘l' Turnnto intel fran Tht‘ :ltlt Schnnl )rzuni h Lmuund Shh-fin I‘“\' chm-k. yd. 16¢ Maudie and MI St. Mary‘s $th Mhndny in the game: 1 [mil It full Pellifm-d. Denisnn N‘. BerL 'l‘hmnw‘nn. u-ence ‘Suider and llin. -\\‘i(ll lnlh. yd. wing mutch of tho . ssnciuliun \\"II he of Mr. .‘usvph Kil- : Fun-m." Ezlintun, ‘ fancy ed; md Switu-I Rivhmnml hull will he it, Thanksgiving St. John‘s church y. Sept. ISlh :11 . H. Cnlclnugh hf he» the special n pupils 10 0111 m increase qu‘ K‘lllvt «I with ndum-u nnsidel :n}' the durin 's spent fmm in 111-: village :1 few (lnys at Hamilton inside pugs 18 \Vinifl'ed Ind ln-vne few dnys In the Public new schnle Sinm- lhe September slabs at Gzn'nes Lhn first :ll Exhibi- lhe usual on Sutur- uhlv m'er turnstiles 1 thruugh mr Friday wlwuldnur, in the even spent Uhn s. vernl (his HHI‘S ‘5, per band, sugar huwls 9, (1t. Hill fllu-til ‘Mthl‘l‘. “(15 I Mrs. Is:1:1cr(,‘rnr~1)_v loaves “1:11111dns’ for tn jx-in her son Mr. Hnlmes Crosby in 'Jih. Chicngn. She will he “(Cullllmlliod by 1101' niece Mrs. Brode un hm- way _ 1.111110 in Lns Angclcs. -7 in. Plain hath pal t 1nd I’ll 1n ed Mrs. A. P. “asst-1L has H‘Ull'llt‘ll to her lmmu in New York City :‘flt'l Spclrldillg-u few days with Mr. and M rs. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. fill-nigh Rnchvster. N.Y., spvnt from Sam until Monday with Mr. and MI anpcl‘. Mrs. C. Sum paniL-d by Mrs spent Mnnduy T. linppvl', LIH‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bn-n Abram Bukm' (If Viv \Vvdm-sdny Int-ruin; lo Bclhn. Ont. :uul‘ Mrs. C. “'ilvy uf Brooklyn. N. spending u few any» with Mrs. NCMuhnn. Mrs. Rubsm) hf Tt also spcnt Tuesday with Mrs Malmn. Mrs. F. Lx'nott touch-ml Word Mon- day vf the sudden death of ;\ hmlhvr. Mr. B. l\lc\\'illi.nus at his hume in (‘hiimgm Mrs. Lynelt and hm- ln-nLln-r Frank Inf; at, unce fm- Ilw hullll‘ of [In- decmsvd. He le-m‘vs u “'idnw, six sons and :1 daughter. A postpuncd meeting uluu'ul Sm:i(~‘ty will in )nuncil Chamber urxl )mmuil \‘('Hlll§.‘ \VEDNESDAY‘ Supt. 16. Auc'inn sale nf ll(lllS(’hUlll lurnituw. garden Innis, ('11:..ut BI-nnkside, Yonge St. flh(l\’(" Elgin Mills, the property nf Charles \Vilshau‘. SnkutZu'cluck. Tk‘l'IHS Zion Evan. Lutheran Church. Shel- wnud. will hnld their. Harvest Home Servicelm Sunday. Svpt. 13th. mmn- ing at, 11 and n-\ at 7 (ft-luck. Prnf. \V'yku nf (‘vntml (humdzm College is expected in take part. in thu service. Thle aw 84 pupils enrolled in the Richnmml Hill rllgh chm] In data, being an incrmtsv of (Ive-r that of the last two yum-S. and as sumo are not yet. returned who purpose attending it is pmlmhlt- that the 90 mark. the mnxiumm for thtee teachers. will he reached. This is tho Im-gcst attendance fnl'st-Vcrnl years and as the incrvuse ls entirt-ly frum the vuuntI-y outside of the village is spt-‘uks wle fur the pupn- lnrity of the :(‘honl and the confidence tlw gt-tlt‘l‘ul puhlic hrs in its manage- nu‘nt. Arrangmnenls:m) being (completed fm Ll): lmznau- in uul Hf St. Mary's Church. to behold in the skating Rink on the 25Ll1uml 26th (‘f Snptcmher. A good pl-ngl'ummt- ( f spurts will he “H‘- souted. and several (-xciling contents will take plum TIH'I‘P will he :l cun- t'cst fur a mild'heudvd cane uetwcon Mr. J. S. McNair, depl'1_\'-rvv\'e and prospective wen- nf Vaughan]; and .‘lr.(1‘r. 15. Pndget, (lvpuLv-revve and pruspeclivv rch of Markham tawn- ship. Mr. B. Grady is ullozuly cullvct- inz fur the funnel. and Mr. 1“. Lym-Lt i~' ucliwly engaged fur the lultL'r. 2st fur a gnld-heudvd calm uetwccr Mr. J. S. Manil', depl'ly-I'vvvr: and prospective wen- uf Vaughan; um? .‘lr.(1‘r. l5. Pudget, (It-puty-rovve and prospective n-M‘u of Markham [mm ship. Mr. B. Grady is :Lllozldy collect hug for the funnel. and Mr. 1“. Lyan i~' uclivMy ongugml fur the latter 'l‘hew \\‘ill:|1.<n lu-un exciting cuntes hmwan Miss Slvlln Mm phy If Rich mnnd Hillund Miss‘ Milmin- Smlgcl‘ o: 'l‘lumnhill fur :1 SIM ('1' [cu act. and u to the cash. TheVillngeuf “'vstnn lhmugh its clerk is Ilmklng application In the Railway BlMHl. loqnesting llmt. the \‘illugu he mile In Lln-stntlwufn Lmvn. The village has nmv :In zlssvsslm-ut nfuvvrn million and :1 half (lullms. and :I pUrllllrlllUll hf ,v\'(-1-2.UUU. :lL‘HH’d- {Putin-s. suspicinusl} pair \Vcl'e L: \Vnrk has star“- .1 new building of Gum] Shepheld, cn Eglintnn Avenues years the Sc! ViCVS the hnseuwnt. , undu Chief nulifie sum-9:: marke- mu 1’. .‘fnnl l' Run int- infi'mght muxket. \‘ill Mi Phipp HIS Harvest Home Service 'Andvrsun n 'd thv sumo sful in n-ucin -t and [bemu- wns :nrn-sted . SIIH‘ISPI 3' Mrs. I? Aunhinns \" lllegvd that I mu-, North Y his eulpluy . and uhsm Our High School H. Prentice, Anct. unim-ut nnnlxn: At. a m Sale Register \\' llill‘ [he Old R. C. Bazaar Thvv NEWS NOTES mL-nt ken tn ling Mili lhi: md‘btlu with It L01 '3 H E. L. Straight (:1 SD“!!! from §n_l_urd V [Ht tsid C011“ of Detroit Evans llf I) Mr. 211' 1'5 brothel the I will thl itizm [in Ill l the nvxt d n-rnnging fm Cuunlrv. H und tried in fichuld Pimple (-1 (wk, umk advunt H's absence lust nulvd with $200 Newmnrkvt \\':l> 'vvning. and “‘3: [hp mun to New- In Toronto. Tin ’mcupine 1 parents fm I the Freeman of ()lnnch uf thv r (If \Vcslnn and '(Il‘lhl' last two :9 been held in rifl UHU (he HUME- lu-ltl in lhl \VL-ducsdu) r and MI Squaw lAl' ‘umrng is ule He clul lrl't-sll-d Mm: V luihvny (h uf {l1 sulu ln-l in :lcvum- f Turuntn Ind Mrs. Ill 1qu] ' a num- mlfi'nllu I; in Ihnt 'Cnuncil mum Blu- lll day at Fur ilix‘ Hu will ll'ft wting TIM t’ W lh nu put; whl that All for the \VL’tlUll Barrie .. Bl'udl‘ul‘d Suitun . Bullon . Bean-rt“ Ncu'mnrkcb Markham .. Qm-ensvillv \Vundhridg Schmnlwrg thl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DV ERTISEM ENTS in this (:nlulnn A l‘u-ing quirk I‘PSHHS. If yun have anything to sell. UI‘ if will wish tn purchase smnothing. hire help, 010.. try this “ NEW ADVERTISEMENT " cnlunm. \Vhilv MI luuk (-f "In lnukl Mill St. \\'¢ IUUU Maple- 0R SALE.â€"â€"Twn spring Gulls, also a ln-uod saw and vight. pigx‘. Ap- ply tn JunN KIRKLAND, Lot 46. Richmond Hill. 10 Z BAKER. Lu: 54.: hum, Elgiu Mills 1’. U l‘Olll I1 [msvd to he ~xpl-ing colts. 46 Yongc Street, L; iu'l'l'h \l‘llul‘l m h: "I‘OVE FOR SALE.~SmnII 5 ing Sturecm-up. Oxford us. 31155 C. “Elsa. , AN'I'EUâ€".~{ \anlh'ul to he] house.“ fkpplv: Jugs; m: FOR :Oli SAl.E.#Fi\'e young suws ill pig. also :1 hug pig. Lnt 28. 3rd Unn. nf Vaughan. Juux 81mm; gin Mills l’.0.. Out. 10 2 iWOUNDâ€"In the latter part ( _ near the 4th cuncvssiun ‘ hum. lint-1h uf Vil'tnriu S Inn’s oilclulh that. The ow :ncsunm lny proving prop 7 OR SAL] OARDERS \V AN T ED.~â€"Twn high OR REU".-â€"Snli(l hrick Richmnnd Ht“. sun furnucv‘ hard and s .00 pvr mnnlh. Apply L: Tomnm. G0 {0 {/16 Lilm'r for 0R SALEâ€"One Sow, smcntren llmnths “Id, due In Furl-0w m Nm-mnlwr. JAMES (txuxmum. lSt. \Vt-st. Richmond Hill. 0-3 THE LIBERA L RICHMOND IIILL, ONT. Bill Heads. chtcr Heads, ll'cdding Invitations, En- rclopcs, Programmes, Etc. School Books, Standard Novels, S 0 u 1' c n 2' 1- Post Cards, Iapctcrics, Hubbu- Balls, Etc., Etc. UR SALEâ€"Sow “'Hh five pigs lln-wweqks old. Apply. LEHNâ€" ARI) CLEMENT, Maple, l’hunc umnzm x putcl‘ ‘ they 2 J (filling, ‘ c‘ {(1279 Ht" 1/ rml OR SALEâ€"TN OR SALEâ€"Fth eight cnkmicsuf Bm-s in g-md tit-Ildiliml. 81mm BAKER. but 54. 2I1(1L‘(ull.nfM:uk- 0R SALI \\'INE FOR SALI school girls. Apply to SKELLS, Ynnge Sll'm-L. ll.\uu in all ()Ln'm new, p: RIchnu l\\'rl\' .-\ l D \V (Wt/tool g rxpt-nses \' 1’. 0. SAL] work. Apply fri ll) :incuml) v pusilinll nt' Llllsl huumd Hill. ht“. ' Applv. Mus. llL‘X- ‘ 71.7mmnmmmfirm wmmwmz’r 1‘. HIL'Ixnmml Hz”. 11 l ., Q 3‘ ‘ J ‘. 3w ‘ -‘ ‘ -‘ “ ‘ ‘. Lhafl u .- ‘2 'r‘- -v n .r ISUN Fall Fairs Ill Ind V‘jfiA (‘llildvs >1l1k}'.:lll||uxl 1 7" ,‘fmr‘rf'3rm‘r‘v.¢'-.rpnqw-pnnrgfi(nnryfiprfw‘ffl Tr'wwy "NV? > ‘ . . . .. . . . . ‘.. ‘ h (m. U. L. \\1m:u'rM . "(KP/K‘" hm WWW-'4‘". ,r"‘.Ӣ'.r".:' ’3‘” \ . , , . ’ \ v " \ u \ v. v it» ._\»V\.H\. “L _ im- Runaway ml lliH D MAN )llll ,Of (but nhlv, nu \NTI‘TD pl'q Snlid brick hllllSP (-1) Sn. sown moms, in] and suft wall-r. Apply L0 843 Shaw 8” lit Illl -. Apply 1.» Richmuml Hill \\' i I h “'0 .‘IRS. Sfi'lTZI-zl wing prupvrt)’ :uH Lu‘un H. \VIDEMAN ll 1 0 heavy mm 03‘ in foul; also \V. DYMUNL), mgstulf P. 0. XS( nrlm Dâ€"Gvnelal shrug m- i brushing, amine and xpt (hi pigs. 51310 1). Markham. ll Hng‘ \vil L uL (h Oct Oct Oct ()ct luts 0k 'Zfé Hvin 1 house ironing. n. E) II 10 Auguw ' Mauk llill‘v‘ .‘ M Rs 10-: hi§ \Vnrk M u $11 1(3 ODD may “up m :SOME CHOICE REAL EST 1 AIM) :1. solid hrick dwvlling on You? q clinic-c building; Int; the best lumtiun m; Yuugu 4 price AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “[53 ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life 8: Accident Plate Glass insurance VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV‘! PHONE 8001 Consult Us 1901' Ilates Your Insurance will be well looked after if JeIt to WALLPAPER STOCK COMPLETE L()\\’J£ST PRICES EVER QL'U’J‘ED FURNITURE AND EEWING MACHINES MEN‘S STRAW’ “ATS in ~s’lilf m- srft straw CUM] M ENS PA NA M A HATS )1 EN'S SHIRTS with & NICE LINE 01" \\'.\811 TI! THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE 0m- fm'uilure (rumlnguf‘s hun- all the m-wvst d Ask in sec than and cumpuxo 1:1 ices \\ilh nth ATKINSON 8; SWETZER For Fall Housecleaning We Can Make Your Work Easier P. G. SAVAGE & SON NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR 30 f( I 1‘ from Ind let. us Show you what we have in ull kinds 3 pk Onio Bleacher for ............ 6 pk Tip Top Soap Chips 3 pk H. O. Ammonia powder 5 pk Handy Ammonla ............ 8 pk l.’ickst0nc’s washing crystal 6 pk Powdered Borax ................ 2 pk Bon Ami ............................ 3 tins Dutch Cleanser ................ 3 tins Comfort Lye .................... Best English Bath Bricks ........ l’yle's I’earline ........................... Monkey Brand Soap ................ Large Pail So-Clean ................ Monarch Stove Enamel, tin... Shjno Stove Polish, tin ........... Fine Carpet Broom‘ bamboo h 6 cakes Life Buoy Soap ............ lzel's Naptha Sodp, 4 bars for Comfort, Surprise, Sunlight Richard’s Pure Soap, cake ........ Ms .1! Concrete House Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL hm BY SELLING Ill 0n Yongv St. E Yungc Street. Unud size lot. A 'VV‘ J cuffs, an ATE FOR SALE A. G. SAVAG 1‘3 G . S A V A (j E uhu (lesigns :Lt modul’uU $1.00 ll ll‘l

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