Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Sep 1914, p. 7

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Painful SwelliugSEifiu‘duceu [ Muscular Strui-u’s Ended; 'Such Troubles Non} .QUfiWYfiRUPhEdTiI Away by Powerful'Zfiemiflyfi If you have any~' atrained and weak,â€" t-hatuarevirequemly subject to rheumatic pains; if you have any painful éwelli'ngs' that 're- ique to go aw'ayeâ€"g‘et'liiigyzwnh Merâ€" viline. This is the VeEy>SOthbf Itrovn, \ble that NervilineEis_'n0te§1‘.f9l‘ curiae .v quickly. "I have {pro'edt Nerviline simply a wonder in re mnfigm-mmu; painful swelling. It 'follbw‘édmu in'rl' Jury I received in my lottnlegmnndm caused me great pain and discomfort I The muscles were strained and sore, and no other remedyâ€"“gu'ewtlw ease and comfort I got froinrubbing. on Nerviline. There is 2;“.‘806tningnfiainl relieving power about Nerviline that.“ touched the root of my trouble. New viline reduced the swelling, it destroy- ed the pain, it brought-my:lebaflkcir to perfect condition.“m'_1‘he experience of Mr. Bowen, whose home is in Mid- dlesex, is not unusual. Thousands are proving every day that muscular pains of every kind, chronic rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and sciatica will 'yield to Nerviline when nothing else: fiend, l. r. can possibly cure. Nerviline is an; old-time family pain; remedy, used; hearly forty yeérsfivlttr great success The large family sizeJaotue costs 500.- trial size 25c. at all ‘de'a'fé'is. ' Second Yossel of the Same Name to Be Blown Up. ‘ There seems to be a- fatality about the name Amphion as used for a British warship. The light, cruiser lAmpliion, which was blown up by a, floating mine in the North Sea on ‘August 6th, was the second of that name to be blown up, and on each occasion the loss of life was conâ€" siderable. The first Amphion was a, frigate of thirty-two guns, and she became quite famous in the wars of the end {of the eighteenth century. She was in command of Captain Israel Pel- lew, and on September 22nd, 1796, while plying in Plymouth harbor, 'she caught fire and blew _up. The cause of the accidmfil was .. never ‘placed. Captain Pe-llew and ten out of 312 oflicei's, men-a-iid'Visitors on board Were lost. It has always been customary in the British navy to perpetuate the names of vessels that win distinc- t-ion, and so another‘Amp‘hion was built. She was of the same :size as the one blown up in Plymouth har- l'bor. At one time she flew the flag 'of Vice‘Admiral Neiljvson, a-nd/m'éagin; "command of Captain Tlimnas~5‘H'a1'h"‘ (1y. When on the way to the Medi- terranean to command the British fle-ert there, in 1803, Nelsson shifted his flag from t»he‘iC§Ol‘y to 'Tbhe Amph-ion in ordéf Yo“ Efii‘é time. When he transfei‘red again to the Victory he took Captain Hardy with him. " ' Captain William '- Hoste‘ had charge of the Amphion after that, and took part iifm'séiéii‘ziluéingageâ€" ments, the most important. of which fiiieetvof gen Frehofi and 'Ven'eti’ahs The British vessels-calfr-igdh in a] THE N.\ )l E "A )1 l’HlONfi’ Delicious bits of choicest Indian Corn, rolled...thin as a leaf and toasted to a golden brown... 7 _: crisp ture \V :1 Y8 Open the ' apkgge jiffy, add cie maybe a little” SUEDE): Flaked Corn â€"â€"sold by .grpcelf.$~ Post.- T033 For breakfiisf Sweet food the year round when. you have Post Toastiesh. rought to yog fresh, J and s‘uz‘駀,$i-n mois- proof packagesâ€"a1- 5 ready“ for the : table: Windscn Ont $51165 “Fifi 117C milk: in 134 gaffe, against 2Wod§t11=e Qppqs- ifigj‘flee'h'. In Capt. E"I‘l-osté’s iijtfihdrféir were 886 men, agamst 2.5 0. Tfié iBli‘EfiéTi'i five re vi v-afiHIK-‘dfi battle‘” was Imxa,‘e_ ‘tlgc. subject of z faméuszpfiinfi‘ifiga fihilfe Capt. Host! and ‘iovtfié'rolfio’e'fs 'r‘ec’t‘eived gold me .dfi. pBEi-OM )the British had an Am- phio-ri th'ei'e' was a- vessel of that name in the French _nnvy. which was captured in the battle off. Oskâ€" ant on July 27, 1778. After the second Amphion had finished her career of usefulness there was no Amprhion 'until the cruiser was built in 1912. She "could ,make twentyâ€"five mile an hour, but had little opportunity to distinguish herself aft-er she sank the German mine-laying vessel Koenigin Luise. Sailors are «superstitious and should the British Government name another ve-SSel Amphion it may be difficult to get a crew to ‘serve without being impressed. A medicine that, will keep children well is a, great boon to every mo- ther. This is just what Baby’s Own Tablets do. An occasional dose keeps..1ah-e little-stomach and-'Ibewvel-s right and prevents sickness. Dur- diarrhoe ian v w [figs rbfi‘ei‘fi, n " a @t 1e' bet: evidewmba éfi maybercmizdmém for' thl'é 0114350 good." The Tablets are midi?!) :flealefii'or hy mail am 2’5 ETEXTi‘omThe Dr. Wil-lianns’ Mediéfin‘e €903" 'B-fiokkville , Ont. at 3:':1§!1z"a,y>w£1jie ira. EWE ho ufi. '3 «Wise Lhixéthe' rs‘ 4 aim-mg: thel .1qu m, thmhqnsezmnslsagimi $.1er ahikirven an occasionng dear outwibswaizezmagh- afifdw.,.._éiv§;§. and” keue'g “when; I)ij Ibrflegtz till baby fififibfie 13‘ "-13% My aw: ‘ a precious fifbléflw bhlei-iwflfiylfiow A medicine that will keep children well is .a. great boon to every mo- uher. This is just what Baby’s Own l‘ablets do. An occasional dose reapstheelittle-stemaoh and-ibowe-ls- - right and prevents sickness. Dur- ln ‘ .. ',I.r« a " : . ' . :k :n . diarrhoea an a. ch01 w s :. a! chi a" '- an .fia ’_ts _. ati‘in t e ohilg maydde in a. i «W their 'ahihivr’ven an occasional clear out the stomaqhgindwho r x, and“ ke‘e‘f‘thiééii’iâ€"Vm-l Don" W“ an baby 3d“‘1a‘§’f133§‘-y preicious fiffllfimff bflleJ-fllfifiSiWâ€"Ifiow an ""31; n! y . seem“ fishes ma 5 'ttli'ei‘i‘i, _n ' 1a 15 ‘t ie'hest ewdeeeelthers as motherfim‘edmine for Lttale «lines so good." The Tablets are and}? ;gd;ea1e,_§fsig'01‘ ‘ ' maila't gs headmastem Dill“- glilhanns’ Medicine 00:,” 'Baioherille , nt. iltig in Colonial ‘ f-«Exneeteil “to Follow" ‘ ‘ ' “hell'- the: i'w'é‘r‘ ‘cloifds ‘of 'Efiib'pé rare dispelled'end the- iast shot”? n'xu-‘A _ 4.. .i_ L‘L."‘1&n)\- 'merritories, hours. Wise meme 1's" aways: - the WM: sea ‘thelhqmemnsleeiva ’F 3 ing t'he burghers of the Transvaal - ghty thousand English an The entire southern part of the African continent comprises the British Sourtthfrican "union, which emlbraces Rhod, ,aJalffk; w 1 s M1,. ere are Germ ~ ea, Portuguese West Alfrica, the elgilan Congo State, French Con- “ , German Kametr‘un, thQQNigeizi British protectorate; I rench West Africa, German Togo; land, British Gold Coast, and thei "Ivory Coast, a Erench possession. It is in Africa that the most radi- ‘ cal boundary changes are likely to be made after the war. â€"~ Concerning the armed strength of _’e colonial possession of Great “at rivt ain‘2“'Fonvtsrideflef-v-Gmdagezinmma ignion of South Airica there are 'Ebout ten thousand regular "troops and 75,000 auxiliary troops, includa: and the Orange River Colon) the Empire of India there areal native troops. The C wealth of Australia has a . force of 175,000 men. ' 3 The French army in northei " Afâ€"J rica is about 95,000 strong, of.” hicli‘ 'i'orce 18,000 are natives. In Algeria she has about 25,000 men and"17,~ 500 in ‘1 ' HOT WEATHER AILMEN TS he g Syn; ii? Colppial ‘wEkpe‘ct-efi jto' Eoflowi WHéh" fh’é'HVEr’mloifds of ‘13 ropé *e dispel-ledltand they last. shofii‘iin e confliéél’poivf gaging‘lhiis' 'T'vbe‘en ~ed the *‘i‘éaxti‘a-fi’gb'xfient" oMoofi‘nd- ii; 1 mid irgntégdinea wi1l.-ngti.he xn‘fined to the continent of :;:E11: r-pe. With the exception of Aus- iaTH’ffi'iézii'f‘V"iffnirtfifiwfififififflfi? re, all qt he prfiqi g1; gait-hm )lved grézfit‘fth‘ilg'g vlonia-{P spé’s‘séssiO-fisfi 3 lpi‘éfememtes Reported killed in action PRINCE OF SCHLES‘VIG HOLSTEIN, 1 (lap .. siennin ed 3 xafikrik .‘Llle Deaigfirifit '3 1 fight (is 3%? YE Afr at 8W st th‘? qu95â€" pt. FfH-mtéi s ifi‘ghdrfin was np‘h’iteeted ad We“ Be 30.)} SE “W 111! én' gage'di in fifié’ifiéFm’éfi £1 ran Italiv seat 1m WHOLE BUDY Lower Onslow. N. S.â€"â€" "At first we thought my child‘s trouble was his teeth. The whole body was a solid rash and at the arm pits and elbows and § thighs the skin came of! as if he had been scalded. It was a, very thick flno rash, rod in color and intensely '. itchy and burning. The skin just wiped off leaving a raw sore with little specks 1 - of yellow matter in them. The skin on every flngcr split down on each side and looked like a ruffle. His toes broke out in little yellow pimples and the bottom of his feet did the sameand he would ‘say he could not walk, that there were pins sticking in his feet. f “The agony of itching and burning was something frightful. If he got a chance he ‘would scratch the skin right of! and make a. sore, [fit to prevent that I made mittens for 111%! out of cotton. Every night from ‘Itwclv 'p‘cl'ock until three in the morning the We ‘d have to be taken up out of bed and roitked. his sufferings were so bad. 3 “wgfii no permanent cure in sight I got ( icura, Soap and Ointment. .Tho éht the child slept the whole night throu 'j, the first night for four months. , I am th 31ka to say the cure was complete and I list got one cake of Cuticura Soap and one in g of Cuticura. Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. : uel Higgins, May 17. 1913. ( Cu (gum Soap and Ointment sold every- For liberal free sample of each. with the e:“fiente. France has 2. protectâ€" orate Ebve‘r Morocco fothgxgement with W‘ngland. Her'fil‘gei‘ian p‘os- s-essioif's flaming the Mediterranean are lb .Lillnd-ed on 'the east, 'by Tripoli, an Itéljan dependency. On the Red Sea gird Voontiguoyflo Egyptis the Ma] iazfi} 3ej3‘éfidéhiiv ‘-fi¥¥EÂ¥%§é§f€-fÂ¥@hl t‘he AErican east coast are British Som 6111633 ""I‘Eiil'i'fiii"VWSéfifliIé‘fiH: British East Africa, Porrtuguese East, Alfrioa, and the eastern por- tion of British South Africa. Thick; Fine and Red. Agonyof ltch- ing and_Byrnjng FIjghtful. I gne W send posbcard to Potter Drug 5; gory. Dept. D, Bosfiony. S. A. Cgke of CuticuT‘a SEap and Box of Cuticura Ointment Cured. thing ii av ASUUD HASH 3,-in a ‘ r rchavsre 31. 2;; twq Iters. 72E]: fig§flwrfifikeaL £91m away 31F iS‘SCI-I’KTâ€"‘u At first we We; the sound Many peop' England ré parts of ti} ships were coming eve before, the before. Curries Farther Than the Thunder The sound of gun fire carries far and the thunder of a big battle travels farther than the rthunder of the clouds. Sometimes the booming of guns ovcr land or sea, has been mistaken for thunder, and oft-en when men are nervoust listening for the sound of war thunder rumb- lings have been mistaken for can- nonmmg ing that F man cruim coast of tip the sound opemng many a: But the sound of the booming gums goes far. During- the siege of Pari§ the sound of the German guns, was heard at Di-eppe, 90 miles away. One of the historians at Waterloo vouches for the statement, that. the roar and din_0f that wonderful batâ€" tle was heard 125 miles from the firing liimu ‘ ' It is said on” scientific authority that the limit of the range or the carrying power of thunder is fifteen miles. At least that, is the greatest distance ever estimated by observ- ing the flash and countng the num- ber. of sewed: between thatzggndzfixe iau-Vi*:1~'1'Vx'ai;1E 36f" rbheri‘s'b'u'nd; ‘ ' ' "‘7 Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Yip I, has been ‘préesent. fiWhean ex- }? f d myself it nggjterr minteq‘sined. :- »I caught coléiirhe .imf; wasagzgunen- u'rable. I useéui‘i'ost f ‘ ythlxi‘g? but an ngfilsw ave...t.nat cerfiamfiratef‘ll re- .‘ ‘ i-'-'”» M?‘~ $939,, "flton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bow-ed down with pain, to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid gappétltejgyoen'fgqypdly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood ~cheeks are rosy with color, and I =tha§;k-1A;ljat dgygtlgq; I heard of so grand a. medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Was “fiEEE‘Sr‘eingTfiSZTSiIémf-‘W‘ e, ,v > . Mummugpi=4,,i:i§gi.929ggwL St. John, NLB., Dec. 15th.~â€"â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. “My first attacks of back. ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it’s good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton’s Mahdrake and Butternut Pills. Tommy, when I was ‘ er passed my lips. Ed v’ ‘ [beg-1117 YOUR OWN Dal.) .' LL TELL YOU 'ng MurlneE fiReme r: Weak.Watery Eyes and GM mated h . W 1 k0 Smartin â€"â€"~ in fife Oprqufiert - Book 0! the ya > as Free. Limbiqfiye dy Co.,0hlcago. ,Shequp‘a. preachféfi? 0n ' nether": V . if THE NOISE 0F BATTLE. WI in a )I‘f 33W," mite 'ibenmrer n events 0f the (‘loutls .\ Natural Question. and directly aft hostilities betwe: the allies person: la in the 4 ported he 1e North fighting. L‘iHmen‘Ffiéifé a cast, their also cast the s between L1H -. persons kno rit-i‘sh and G not, far off 1 States report madin‘g at S! d Weak.Watery 1 ko Smartin - Book 0! the ya .edy Co., Chicago. ‘ing firing in ea, where no Perhaps, as fife}? Vc’s Neufi’i’sfia wns Lady the "Love Shall )\ E. W. DAW SON, Ninety Colborno Street. Toronto. BREEDING F YOU W'ANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. \V. Dawson, Brampton. or 90 Colborne SL. Toronto. B. W. DAWSON, Colborne ‘ 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN 1N G York County. Stationery and BOOK Business In connection; Price only $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. 1% \Vest Adelaide Street. Toronto. ’> ~ - I “Und vot business Wis-"he in?” “He vos a soldier. and ven he on a, hifibfirg the firipédahbme; ‘Veni; .‘.,,,.‘. - fidl. v1c1. . f' "I bet he vent bankruptâ€"such lexltravagqnfce‘k ..V,y_.v_rhe £91;ch send seven mo‘r'é "v‘é‘m‘flg‘l'f 61“" a ’ q-xfu Pi?"f.""" Low cofb‘hlé'r --'Rh'"r‘izs T7092§1A6a1=u3 COAST VIA cHICAco, UNION PAcmc AND NOR ‘wgg‘sTenN ng. "r. x. ,z.: 4.», . Tickets 00:33, J y fitbmfiep‘g: 24th go October 83h, from Jhimgo “to $3M Lake' City. OgdenuLcy Angeles, ~‘au Francisco. Portland. ’I‘a_o_o_ fiatflé...-Vi’ctoriag. KCOV‘ enay District and" Catiadian Nofi-liwegt. Correspondineg low rates from (“unad- 1an points. _Th_roug_h Tourist sieepere and free re‘cli’ifix‘i‘é‘ffifi‘fi““t’a‘r§“"fl'vm*-Lf*hieago.- Varia‘ble scenic routes. Liberal stop- overs. i131“ gygiculgrs as. to, rates. routes and mera urbf‘fii‘i'témm'” 63;!1“""bfi‘ B. H.1'B8D_ߤtt2 ‘Gevnyeyralr ‘Agent. 46 Yougp eV'el‘YEWi51i'» . s‘heng‘mm-e; ymu :511 re an: anticimtlenshwquld be}. ‘ Why'd ydfi‘ :5 other:a nigllt “YES. .q frock Minmid's munth Belleiél in D idm~méfiismwwmm Mina'rd's"? mum-m c'u‘res't Danflrufi ANGER, Minard's linime NEWSPAPERS FOB 71301311501 Ont 33! Afiffl’ifl‘ PAEIES FOR SALE 904. Eiljoji'noh‘tla ' uglto Ht'bg' .1éhc1‘é "’“hg'ziin? rdit 1saw that ’piece: ’on1yT= 'th'e Lv. MISCELLANEOUS Shaman “=0 Ir shad ffirbush Tralnq Di4J;-i0ncc.- “Sir 3% WM dear. )‘t for i‘ltoé'éther. ' ' TU ‘ HEN‘DERSQN? anZdfiI in‘ticip’zit'e 7 and ' .iln’y MIN. and. 3...-.-“ sale everywhere. Dad; .31 5?... Toronto. SALE A‘R hat . your )53 i‘eeultai D’S LINId 1 bottles it N:B..‘ Santa 12.1 ,NDQI‘! 5.15; umor 013’re ME 'w') u: ne \V

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