+++++++++++++++++++H+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H: Ii\' 1nd .141 Hutu EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES TERM} GIVEN ON MJTDR CYJLE'S ‘IH H I ‘l‘l \H KI-inkle (Yul-u Flakes . Kellngs (‘m n Flakes In» St. “harks Milk . . . ,ll Challungv Mllk . . . . . . 1 (lislncued wives in the grocery trade, and u]- though they are :1 liulc steadier now, we don't know yet where we are at, but our p.ices remain unchanged with theex- ception of sugar and dried fruits. . . . Fine Java (2 Raisins or C (‘lmicv Ran; 'l‘npinrn Macaroni. l Finest (‘vrlllll Finest (‘m-n Snlndu. in bulk G. Cowie & C0. Motor Repairing“ Done Che {liberal One Dollar RICHMOND a year in “(1031102 L. CURTIS m nu: (-llmv (:lll ll! L. CURTIS URING mlnil ml m1) “ILL. 0.\"1' Alums (ll-Iinil gs Um n Flakes lUc pm- pkg mrlos Milk . . . ,llh: per til Inge Mllk . . . . . . l3CpPl'1il Patronage suliL-ivd and sat isfuctinn guuruniot-d. RING the past two or three weeks the 1hr [In \V:il ll) Hod Sn}: Sugar 5 Ill:ll'kl xrthm- notice our prim-s will he. Mitts ml i. 131- por pkg†. umt-d ’l‘numtuvs H'Iill thus ul lll AGENT r 5011'ch ’m'rnn .zuun Ii 1L ht Elihvrui Aurora by thlrdny fifty night 1.30 \\'l islh-ls. \\'-‘l ghippmg. thn 1H Ill bh‘ lh Ce \‘nluntevra (-111 0.1115le, 11 pm :uv ChllSit] \vmk at, mu pm-chn llt it-ly II. the Mut‘hnnivs ilh :ln :Ippl-m i:1- u :lnllivnm', who «mm mm'u. pru- nmntix: club. .. Tc pox-1h. . . . .654: per ll). nu packages. I. Lipmns m- mm! iv wvnin . hut tkg†2 f0!" 25!: utm-s 10c Iin nl' Pumpkin . 3 fm 25!: rlu \\'n and \‘ivinily nu] (-nlesinsli- '(‘:III to Arms," mum BU ) ll) certain]: S in the Hull i“. 'l‘hI-u- i‘ S EFT Vx\'. 4m . JUL Ill this! ‘ :n'v not will hvlp night :\VHS and UL ulu 1U, 19“ In tin tin llnn llll‘ rin lll u'n llu Win and hold your pesition in business by sleadfastness in attack. flow to Win flames; JOB WORK SH 1)])( heart- seige tactics than by assn suspend his selling ( make conditions worse is no Sign of that co More victories are SlC lotwcm mc at The Liberal Office. Neatly and Promptly doné 11] {IDS m mlvel in those war I 1nd 1d vortisin 11pm mm business an with 1t effort now 3 for himself, om'ngc [whic COHK ntinu in \\' O D 1D what ll] Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. ‘WM. TRENCH & SON Repzlixing neatly and promptly done 1 LOTS FOR SALE Trench’s Uarriaqefï¬h‘m All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. HOUSE AND sum PAINTING I PAPERHANGING. GRAINING { LAZING. KALSOMINING. Etc. 1 I Residenceâ€"Richmond Hi1] HOBBERLIN'S Finest materials of the world’s best looms, suited for fall and winter wear. We are Sole Agents in this district. 500 Patterns PAlNTER AND DECORATOR HUNF W. H. BASSETT JOHN ELLIS L. E. HAND, ï¬eAD OFF1CE nqlhrequire a largé deposit to begin th . TORONTO ma RECHMOND HILL BRANCH RIBHMUND HILL HARNESS SHOP Every garment tailored to customer's measure. L\' (FOXNICC'I‘IUN \VITH ©IF' @ANAIDA BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feetde splendid outlook, good water, good drains Restricted to house costing $2300. ROSEVIE\V AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able priaes. SEE the ï¬ne new houses being buii'c on tl‘ erty. )9 COME AND SEE [IS RICHMOND HILL VD, Z] U Manage ranches a‘.so at Maple. Markham, Stouffvine, Unioiwxlic and Locust Hi". Wholesale Florisi Works LAWRENCE GARDENS W. J. LAWRENCE, TERMS RIEASONABLI RICHMOND HILL ALL BRANCHES OF THE TEA STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 \W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- EEPING a bank account for "household expenses" an paying all bills by cheque has many advamages. It shows the balance on hand. the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. F. J. WUDDWARD Send list of articles with each pun giving residenceund name in full. Goods culled for and delivered, ifi sired. Ho solicits :I trial on Walk and guar untkes sulisfuctiun. has opened a Laundry south of MCDOI ald’s Grocery Sturc in â€"AGENCY~â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V.. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS 0N HAND. REAL ESTATE SHOEING ATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SAszrAtrv‘on GL’ARANTE GENERAL BLACKSMITH. New Gormley C. I. HINAS RICHMOND ENCE. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill HORSES A SPECIALTY Richmond Hi1] LAME ‘ .‘D INTER""3 ..:. ""' "'6’ WUUDWARD Hanger. MANAGER TOD-