Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1914, p. 1

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AT THE LIB ERAL PRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. Is PUBLISHED EVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respunded to J '1‘ Samson J n N Maple Wes Salgeon dc McEwen , Licensed Auctioneers tor the County of York. axlosntended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonable rates Patronage solicited Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toxonto. Special attention iven to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-io-date methods. Address: 239 Bullinl St “North Toronto. Phone in House. North 2292. $I per annum, in advance. SATISFACTION GUARANTE LASKAY P. 0. ON‘ VOL. XXXVII. PIANO TUNING A. CnF. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ‘3!) KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada! Telr-phuue. Main Q11 Cable Address. "Dedn." u Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, 83c. Home Life Building Cof. Adelaide & Vich-m Sts.. furo‘nto. Tel. M. 363] A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept‘ra both places nR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. RESIDENCE First house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. Phone No. 2402. Undertaken: .\' [Inbalmors. Benton, Grover & Field VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. F. C. EGAN JOHN T. ANDERSON Lawrence & Dunbar, . Cameron MacNaughton BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG..18 KING STREET “'EST I‘laple, ()nt. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. gofin .7. Z7avidson E111: gibch Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 5‘. McMAHON. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Or; EDITOR & PUBLISHER Barristers, Snliclnrs. 1&0 VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING WRIGHT BROS. J. H. Prentice PIANO TUNER THORNHILL W 1531‘ TORONTO Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO LENNOX & MORGAN Barristers :uul Solicitors. Monoy to Loan onland anucnattel mortgagesat owest races Auroraofl‘iceâ€"Rexroved to the old post omen one door wan of the entrance to the Ontario Bank NBWmm-ket omen-Three doors south of the postotfice T HEBBERTLENNOX G V Mona»: pcMMlSSIONER. (‘ON"EYRN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER.17.1914 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, ETC. Toruntn Office, Room ‘328 Confederu [inn Life Bldg.. NH. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-31' Office). Every Thursday forenoun. anlv, Thursday afternoon. \Voudhridae. Saturday forennon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cont (5%) Richmona Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. H. A. NICHOLLS Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. Hill Crest Lodge. LOOKâ€"Meets second and fourkh Tuesdav of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first. Monday of each month Public beruy and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Ebworth League â€"Meets evorv Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets even: Friuay at 8 [MI]. in the Church. I 0 Fâ€"Meets third Thursdav of every mom‘s. R. H. Ratepavers Association meets Inst Tuesdzv o! everv mouth. iny Ivy Lodge.A0 U \Vâ€"â€"Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elam. S 0 S â€"Meets second andlomth Wednesday 0 each m Oummissioner, Cnnveynncor. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHII Ynngo and McGill (its... Ton-unto, fun :1 Business or Shot-[hand (‘nmstn Full twin is now open. “’0 ask you to write for particulars. M12 T. \Y. \Vnuchr-pe. Principal. J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC EFFICIENCY first. last and time is the chief fPilll‘ll'U courses of instruction in [but Yes, our graduates succeed. They have that lmhir. “'hv is it that many studean from other business colle-ges come here to finish cuursos and get pusitions? Renwmher the first word, “Efi'iciencv.” \\'rite for Catalogue. Students ndmittt'd at any time. I. H. SANDERSON Yonge and Chzules Sts You cannot do better than attend the NOTARY PUBLIC BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE Electricizn, Richmond Hill WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTRICALLY Village Dlrectory ELLIOTT TORONTO, Aurora In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal all the of the uuuus. (‘ouncil mpt at Uniunvillc on Mon- day the 71h inst”, with all themcmbms presvnt, Reeve Nigh in the chair. ()mnmunicntlions were rum-in d from: Dr. Chas. P. Johns. Thnrnhill. claimâ€" ing danmges for accident nn Lnngstufl’ sideline between R. \V. Boyntun‘s and Jas. Thompson's hy reason of a cul- vert in pum- shape. From Quit-on (Jity Land (70.. Ltd. re appmvalof plans of part of lot 28C(m.1. me Holman, Bissell and PL-iuo. re action of damage re Stat-I- A petition was receive frmn Nathan Chapman and 42 nthcrs asking council to commute statute lahm- or give a giant in conjunction with Vaughan to build a sidewalk on Ynuge street from the English church in Thnrnhill south to ccnnect with the sidewalk on the east side- of fringe street. Mr. Gen. 0. M51 risnn was heard .‘ISk- mg fur grant, for Sidewalk upp. lot. 16. cvn. 8. Summerfeldt, ~ Mitchell â€" that the treasurer pny Geo. Morrison the sum of $50 the same to be usc-d in building sidewalk apposite lot. )6. con. 8, on condition that, the. panties interested pay a like unmunt. Mr. Fnrsythe was heard asking for grant to gravel back street, in Mount, Jnynnd was told that, council could not make a grant fur that purpnso. Sumhlex-feldt-â€"Roesorâ€"-th:xt the reeve and Mr. Padget, ho (:nml-‘s to meat commissinn appointed bqunghu n to readjust grievance re si d9. walks in Thornhill. and take what action they think necessary. Thus. Hargave claimed compens‘a- Linn for a lamb killed by dogs valued at $7; 0. B. Stoutenhnrnugl: for 1 ewe $12;Jnn. Empringham 1 ewe 1 and laml; at $20. The treasurer was ordered to pay two-thirds of the amounts. Mr. PungL wusappointcd :1 Com'r to repair bridge opposite lot; 2. con. 4. Gravel and other accounts were or- deled pzlld. Padgetâ€"-Sumn)erfeldtâ€"â€"-t1mt this council do prote- st against the methnds used by the Grand Roads Commission in repuix'ingx'oads. The roads taken over by the cummissiun are almost impassable in plac‘es. Messrs Niin and Mitchell wex-eap- pointed Cmm-‘s tn wpuir bridge opp. lot 23, con. 8. The treasurer was ordered to pay H. \V.Harper $4.50 for shovelling snow last winter. Cmincil adjourned to meet on Oct. 4th at 11mm. A number of delegates and Uthé'l' members of the (-hurch are attending the annual jnint Ununcil nf theTunker church near Petelslmrg, Ontario. Mr. S. Atkinson und'Mr. D. Hoover are at present. acting as jmvmen at the Full Assizes in Toronto. Mr. Mucklmn our old neighbor who is now over 80 years of age has hoen in fililillghl‘illthf()l‘fl10|1gtilllt’,:lnd does not regain l ’s former strength. Mr. "D. \Vidumnn of Ricliinnnd Hill has snld his fnrm tn :1 Toronto man. The price paid is $6UOU. To follow intelligently the Euro- [cun \Vnr situation and keep in twuch with the lightning movements of the U'uups u cmnpxehensivc “1-11- xnup nf Eunpo giving all details is essential. Of all the Maps iss.19d there 15 but one that fills the hill, and lhzft is the uno issued speciallv m’ the celehmted mnp nmkel'sâ€"G. “1.13am!” & (70.. erdnn. Eng. The 1’llhlishPl's of “The Fumily The Publishers of “The Funny Herald and \Ve-vkly Slur uf Mont- x-enl. always :llivo to the host inâ€" terests nf their suhscx'ilwrs the Inn- mont tho map was issued. culer an offer fur (‘nnndiam rights (If [he \V Newspapers ale paying deally for the war. A. The prim- of paper is go- ing up, up. up! The cost of tt-le- grams and cablegrams has inn-eased frnm thu'ty to fifty pm cent. Scores of newspapers have stlspended publi- cation, and hundieds of others have raised the subscription price. For the preSe-nt ‘ The Family Herald and “Weekly Star." of Mnntreal. bring in an i-xcrptinnally strong positinn is able for the pit-Sent. at all events. tn kn-pp its rate as formerly. but an in- crease later on may become neces- sary. In the meantinm. during the next thirty days, our readers are offered the greatI-st bargain in the newspaper wmld tbday. Read nver annmmcemvnt un page four of this MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL WAR MAPS FREE West Gormley film W, the n'er this THE The Council met, Monday, Sept.- 7. Members present, Jas. A. Cameron, H‘RVP; .l. b. McNair, (lellLy-l‘t’l‘YQ'; John (i. \Vhihnoic', J. T. Saigcon and Alex Cameron, councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A communication was received from Messrs. Gouldng (V, Hamilton with plan of sub divisnon of part, of lot 27, (Jon. 1, asking for approval of same. Saigeonâ€"\lcNairâ€"‘l‘hat, this Council agree to the filing of a plan as subunit- ted by Miss Goulding 6: Hilllliil(7I),Silld plan to be sulnnittml to and approved by Mr. \V. H. Grant. solimtor for township, and would also agree. to (he alterations and recommendations as suggeseted hv the Board of Control of the City of Toronto, as approved by our Township Solit iLor.â€"Uarried McNairâ€"â€" \Vhitinoreâ€"Jl'hat, the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Andrew McNeil for the Vaughan and King Plownmn’s Association $20. â€"â€"Carried. Suigeouâ€"McNuirâ€"That the treasur- er pay [he following general accounts: J. A. McNeil for :5 tun buy for Town Hall stable . r . . ... $ 8 00 H. U. Bailey fur provisions furnished the family of Chas. Hem-n, Cm rville, be- ing in destitute circum- stances . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ‘ '23 58 The treasurer was and instructed to pay of mud accounts. The fullowing Wise-q:â€" By-Leuv N0. 948, appointing \V. 0. McDonald and Dugald McDonald, Collectors of taxes for the year 1914. By-Lzuv No. 9L9 increasing statute labor in the village of Maple from $1 per day to $.50 p81 day. I Uouficil andjvui-ned in meet at, the Township Hull. Vellum, on Monday, me 511) day of October at 10 o’clock a. ll). A very "pleasant event took place on W ed. Sept. 9, when the Mapes family held a x-c-union at their old home \\h"ch is nuw occupied by Misses )1. E. and b'. L. Mapes. The members of the family present, were Mr. Frank Mapes of W hue Fish; U. Louis, Hamilton; '1‘1 ulnan A., Toronto; and Mrs. Gen. Caldwell, Richmond Hill. 'l‘huse un- able to attend wele Mr. \Valtei- Mapcs of Cleveland, who visited his sisters recently; Mr. Will Manes, Buffalo and 3115. John Ashnian, 'l‘ulunlo. The ladies of the Fresh; church, Thm-nhill. purpose gi' Relief Fund Bazaar at the hume \V. A. \Vaxllucv. \Villnwdulv, on day. the ‘Ztith 0t Septemhur. fullmving gentlemvn will gin addresses in [he afternoonzâ€"Rg Neil. Rev. M. Hnluiltnn. Dr. (ii Mr. Rmnsden. Mr. Eckmdl, A anry. Mr. Dewurt and the Rev. R. Herhisuu. The buzn (upen at. 3 U'cluCK. The members of the former general- tiun plesenc were Mr. Albert Mupes, Toronto; Mrs. J. Blake. \Vest Tuwnlu; and MKS. Godfrey, Turunw. The day was all [but could be desired; uld familiar scenes were visited especially lhe church and (:cmL-Leuy and the site of their grand- lzthL‘l‘S old mill. During tlieuflcumnu the kuduk was in evidence and several snaps were taken which “'1” ht‘ great- ly mind by all. Amer a sumptuous supper had been Stun-d the fllends numbering about. fifty dispersed, hoping this sncmble event \wuld be repeated. l‘he happy gauhcx-ing was Saddam-d by the sennus illness nf Mrs. Ashmun’s youngest, daughter Muriel who passed away on Sunday. Mr. ' and Mrs. Luuis Manes of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Bur- km- lust, \ve-ek. Mrs.- Hex-her: 5m funeral of 31135 )I‘ Tut-5L1 _v. in Tun-mm: M 1'. and Mrs \Vnsley spent q Thomhill Hnrvpst Thnnksgiving Sex-views will be held in Trinity Church on Thursday evening Sepielnbu- 24th at 8 o'clock and cuntinne (in Sunday morning and evening Sept. 27th. The Rev. G. S. Dcspnrd of AquI-n will he the special preacher on Thursday evening. Spec- inl and appropriate [MUSIC tvill be [en- VAUGHAN COUNCIL nd Mrs. Fwd Clark and Master spent over Sunday in ’l‘urrntu. Herbert Smith attended the of Miss )llu-iel Ashumu on Willowdale fleadford x-\'i( [he Presbyl mi purpose gnu}; .- nt. the home of MI by-luws .â€"Czu'ried also authorized a large numbex and the pastor. The buzmu- will udt, Ml m Suturâ€" lr. The \‘0 short RC". Dr. Gilumur. “'QI‘P ill.‘ In AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV‘ V'VVVVVVVYVYVV'VVVVVVVV Different Varieties of Ensil‘- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Manitoba. Oats ..AND.. rL'ile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 8c W. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now - ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVEB & RAMER D. HILL & Bo. Bakers and Confectioners ORANGES, PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. RICHMOND Everything up-to-date i1 Comforts and Teething ngs ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement W. A. Sanderson consisting of all the best: makes Sanitary and Measmed and all accessories for the same For ihe Baby Puhiic Attention And everything for the Baby Allenbnry‘s 1, 2. 3. Hnl'lock’s Multed Milk. Nestleq Food. Mellins’ Food [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum P owder Feeding Bottles CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Condensed. Milk RICHMOND HILL Box-d i n Ea gle Brand Baby Foods .___o___ Our hues of DRUGGIST for the Chickens Cracked Corn No. .ONT

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