Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1914, p. 4

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andnne daughter, Effie. who has Su generously attended to all his wants during his long illness. extending over two years. She Watched over him as tenderly HS 2! mother over her child. He had no wish that. was not gratified. and his days of suffering \vermnollified by the kindesL attention. with a l‘JllllSt constitution and a de- termination to succeed and how out a home for himself. Being of a good business turn and strict integrity he he- came a successful contractor and ac- cumulated considerable property. When a young man he married Jane. (laughter of the late Captain Thomas, who predeceased him about three Years. In his youngerdays he. took considerableinterest in (church work and was everwilling tn assist in any good cause. Many in the neighbor- houd can testify to his many acts of kindness and lihgrality to thnse in need. The writer of this has heard many say they did not know what they would have done if it. had not been for his tinle aid He leaves he. hian him one brntlzer. sex'eral nephews Mr. MeNuir who died in Richmond Hill on Saturday evening in his 813K: year was one of the oldest; inhabitants of this Village. coming to this country from Scotland when a young mnn, and On Saturday vvening death claimpd one of the» oldest residents. Mr. Matthew BIL-Nair. Mr. McNair as the old records show was fm many years an active member of our church. hav- ing a prcminent share in all its 8 xecuv tive work. During his illness he refor- Choir pmctice at 8 u’cluck sharp Friday evening in the Sunday School. To the Editor of The Lihm‘nl : \Vnuld you mind telling us? The public would like to know; if those insurance agents and Inemhers of the School Board have received their com- missions on the insurance on our new Public School, as those naughty In- surance companies might, do them out of it. Kindly let us knmv. red often to Rev. Dr. Dick who is now remembered by the‘ older members. He was :L man who knew the Bible as do few today. His long illness he have with Ohx'istian patience and fortitude. Owing to the more pressing need (if Red Cross work in our midst the Ladies Aid have decideed to postpone indefinitely the bazaar which was ad- vertised for November. Ladies having work already prepuied will kindly keep in reserve until further notice. mg SATURDAY. SEPT. 26 -â€"Auctien sale of a car load of cattle will he sold at Teston. the valuable property of Jas. Walker. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms three months. Saigeon & McEwen, Auctioneers. [\Vem-e not in :1. position to answer intelligently the above questionâ€"Ed] Tuesday evening about 8.30 Arthur Lawson of Newmarket and a friend were drivmghome on Yonge Stu-vet, wiLha horse and buggy, and leading another horse. \Vhon near Richmond Hillthey \vere run into by a motor cycle ridden by Harry Alman of An- rnra. The latter said he turned out to pass thehuggv, but not noticing the horse led behind. ran into the animal. Mr. Alman was thrown on the hut, engine (If the machine, and was pretty badly burned as well as luuised. His \vmmds were atterwards dressed at Dr. Langstatf's office. The horse which was considerably injured was taken to Mr. D. C. Steele’s stable. right is said to hove sent pious mes sages to his friends giving thanks for the early success of the (301mm army over the Allies. These messages have brought to mind the lines which Punch, in 1870 credited the Kaiser's grandfather with sending to his wife after one of their victories : “Providence, my dear Augusta. Has given us another buster : Ten thousand Frenchmen sent below; Praise God from whom all blessings flow. The Kaiser who seems to imagine he should govern the world by divine Commons that though both the Irish Home Rule Bill and the Welsh Dis- establishment Bill are to be placed on the statute book this session, neither of them will be brought into force 101' a year, or till the close of the war. Evidently this announcement is the outcome of a conference between party leaders, and is of the nature of a compromise. RICHMOND HILL. 0x12. Mr. Asquith, Prime anister of Britain, has informed the House of Subjects Sllndny September 20th. Ila. In.â€"“The Religion of \Vnrk.‘ 7p. m.â€"â€"“Au Old Testament \Vuo- DEATH OF MATTHEW MCNAIR EDITORIAL Presbyterian Church That Fire Insurance Sale Register Accident (IlH'S SEPT. 17. [914 J. Glus; I ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. The Liberal has completed arrangements by which our readers can cure a copy of this excellent map free of charge. A Map 3; x 2:} feet showing clearly every boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet and river in the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekiy Star of rights for the War Map prepared by ‘ Bacon & 00., Ltd., of London, Eng. It is prehensive map printed. The price of The Family Herald and Weekly Star, is one dollar a year. The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now ofi‘er both papers for one year each, including '3 copy of The Family Herald’s War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder of con- venient size for only $1.90. This offer applies toall subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map is necexary, It should be in every Canadian Home. Every Reader of The Liberal May Have a War Map Free The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court for N0. 3, County of York, will beheld in the Court Room. AsHM.\Nâ€"At the rosidem'e of her par- ents. 692 Indian mud. \Vest Turmltn, on Sunday [um-hing. Sept. 13, 1914. Muriel \Vinom. youngent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashmnn._ aged 15 years 5 months and 5 days. Funeral un Tuesuy. at 2 p. 111.. tn St. George‘s Church Cemetery. lsling- ton. DIVISION - DOUBT. TODDâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Friday. Sept. 11. 1914. Phyllis Vuylv. only duughtvr of Alumni Mrs. Cyril Todd. aged 10 mnnlhs. 21 days. Interment in Richmond Hill Cumetery Sept. 13. Hm)I’ERâ€"â€"Sud(lenly at Richmond Hill, September 13, 1914. George \Varner Victor Hooper, aged 17 years. Funeral from [he hume ut' lns father. Henry Hooper. Buttonville. on Tuesâ€" day September 15. to Thornhill Cemetery. MCNAIuâ€"ln Richmond Hill, on Sat- ul'dny. September 12. 1914, Matthew McNMr in his Slst your. Funeral from his liItl‘ residvnvo,Yonge St” Richmond Hill, un \Vednesduy. September 16H). to the Richmond Hill Cemetery. New seven l-omned home in Richmond H111,-_eusonable rental. 'f New solid brick. nine large, blight, rooms, oak trim- med throughout. hardwood Hum-s. fire place, electric lights, large veumdnh, three-piece bath of the finest quality, Septic tank. hotwuter boiler, Peuse furnace. Lut 5Ux220. This house has all the conveniences ofu ciw house and is certainly priqu beneath its value. New solid hrirk. seven large moms and bath trimmed in cipris. nuk fluors, Electric light, huge vernuduh, divided cellar, Howard furnace. Further pur- liculurs of this beautiful home will be furnished (.0 :upplicatinn. Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE FOR A QUICK SALE. New seven monu-d cementhka hnuse, nak trimmed. hardwood flours. sink, hand. and soft; \VutPr in house. fire place, furnace. elec- tric light, large Veranda, etc. A. E. GLASS Monday; Oct. 12, 1914 PROPERTIES FOR SALE ()nmmencmi: RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL T. F MCMAHON. CLERK FOR RENT HOUSES DIED at 10 11‘ of Montreal has secured exclusive by the celebrated map firm of G. W In is beyond question the most. com. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++~E+++++++++++++++++++++ Advertise in The Liberal. You :11 e cordially invited to inspect the display of SEPTEMBER 24â€"26 LADIES Autumn Miilinery THORNHILL Mrs. S. Shuter. â€"aâ€"0N FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efliciency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer‘s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see the, nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, IgI4. to August I, against any reduction during that time. ' A. M. Davison, Uniom'ille, Ont, Agent for Markham. Scarboro and YOrk T0wnsh'rps and pan of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Profitss flower PNCQS on $0“! Cars Ford motor Company 12 3 Toufing Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only In Man-hiem‘GI-nnito. Good work, reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. \Vl-ite, FOR FURTHER INFORMA'IION \VRITE 0R SEE C. A. SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE & C0., For Sale on Easy Terms Monuments‘ \Inrkel-s and Corner Pnsts Tombstone I. ettering Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill The war has certainly dislocated values in nearly all kinds of groceries during the past two weeks and prices changed very rapidy. There will be no increase in our prices more than conditions really warrant. VVe’re here to supply you with what you want "at reasonable prices. Pickling Spices and Vinegar that will make good Pickles. Our Mocha and Java Coffee at 40c. lb.â€" the; old price â€" is sure to please. Bulk Tea at special prices ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited \V. A. JONES. G. A. MCDONALD & SON Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont. and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. The Situation Buchanan St Toronto 1915 $590 540 840 is now openin Central Businecs Cull- ego. Tr-rnntn, and in each of its Six Branches. Flee catalogue explains courses. “'rite fornm'pv. \V. II. Shaw, President. Hmld Offices, 393 Yonge St, anuntn. and guaranteed AUTUMN SESSION 10 Adelaide St. E..Toromo

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