Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1914, p. 5

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u Rev. J. R. Aikerihead will take for ‘ his sirhj: c. in the Methodist I'lllll'i'lil Sllmlhv evening "The Pursuit of l‘I\il and its Results." Ellie fillemll RICHMOND HILL. 05-7.. SEPT. 1'1. 191’. The first meeting of the Mission Baird furthefall term will he hold in the school room of llil' Methodist church next Monday alteiiiooir at 4 o'clock. L_O C AL The fullnu'illf." lraio lu-oii \isitni-s at Mr. 1). Hill‘s :n.\lr. J. Hill and Misses t‘assii- and Lila llill.Elnivale: Mr. John ‘ l Hill and Mr. Vernon Henry of l"t‘tr't'~ ‘ limo; Mr. A||an Hill of l‘ivnrctl: Mr. Okley, Norwood; and Miss K. Hill ot' ' Mrs. Sliuter- of Thornhill. in another Bum'l‘” , Column, invites the ladies to inspect tier display of Autumn Milliiiery on Septeirihcr 24. 25 and 26. For general war news see inside pages. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. (iahy (-f it Bea- consfield A\‘c.. Tor-onto. spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Rohiiisoii ot Elgin Mills. \Ve have been asked liy a iiii-nrher of the Village Council to warn boys of the danger of gel ting on mail cars arid riding lit-tween the \Vaitiiig Room and the Post Oflice. \Ve are inclined to thinK the car managers who allow such privelcges me more to he hlamed ltlltll) the boys. Miss Gertrude Grant left on Thurs- day. to return to her duties as Direc- tor of music in the State Normal school at Moiitclail', New Jci sey. Cut This Out On another page of this issue of The LillH'Hl is an ad\‘eitist-iiier‘it with lllt‘ ahovc heading. \Vhile the advertiser‘s name is withheld. our readers are I asslii't'cd that the firm is absolutely i't'e liahle arid will keep their \vord. Ed. *G- Thanksgiving Day Air order in council has heen passed making Monday, Ocloht-r l'ltli/l'lianks- giving Day and not Thursday. Octoher 8th. as at first coiiterriplated. For the last seven or right veaisThanksgiving has lit-en on a Monday rather than a Thursday as previously in view (if the ' expressed wish of the business interests of tlic Ct tiiitiy. Rev. S. A. Lawrence will preach the sermon at the annual Harvest Thanks- giving services to he held in Trinity t‘nurcli. Aurora, this (Thursday) evening. Miss Ada Rohiirsoii of Etohicoke and Miss Ahhie Rohinson of Gi-ahamsvillc spentovcr Sunday \\itli Mr. George I-toliiiisou aird Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rohirisoii. ’ At a special meetingr of the North York license corririiissioiiers in Sutton on Saturday the license of the Queen’s Hotel. Aurora. was transferred from Mrs. \Vclls toJoliti Boswoith. Plain white granite sauce dishes. per doz. 45c. White howls with blue band, med. size. 9c. ea. Covered glass sugar howls. 12c. ea. \Vliite pudding howls «a. 12c. Glass jugs. fancy edge, qt. size 25c. Atkinson and Switzer. Ct“ Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the \V. (1. T. U. will he held at the home of Mrs. T. F. McMahon next Tuesday afternoor, Sept. 22nd at 3 o'clot k. Election of Officers for the coming year will take pliiye arid the report of the County Convention. now heing held iii Mimico. will he given. All members are ic- quested to he present and all women interested in the work will be heartily \\‘elcmried. ‘H ‘0» Hâ€"_ J. T. Sewing Club .Tlic J. T. Sewing cluh held their first meeting at the home of Miss B. Patton. on Sat, Sept. 12. The meeting was opened hy singing “The Maple Lcaf‘.followcd hy reading from Mis‘ses Anniversary services will he held in the ()ar'ivillc Methodist church on Sunday. Sept. 27th. Rev. Mr. Gray of King will take charge of hotli sci-vices. afternoon at 2 [1.111. and evening at- 7 o‘clock. __ 12-2 Mr. Triiiiiair Mapes (f Lake Bluff. Chicago. formerly of Richmond Hill sent regrets expressing his inahility to he present at the Manes Family Gath- eririgat. Headford on \Vedriesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Todd wiin to thank the friends and neighbors for the sympathy and kindness tendered ‘Klil’l'u'tllitl. the Rev. 1': . changed. them when their little (laughter Phyllis Voer was taken from them a few (lays ago. Mary and Loretta Rohiiison. Mai-v Hunt and Madeline Cooper. The sew- ing took plat e and the prizes were a- warded ti Viola Caldwell and Loretta Robinson. The meeting closed with singing “God Save. the King." «4-..; , Richmond Lodge. 18.1“. 3: A.I\l.. expect. a fraternal visit from St. Andrew’s Lodge, Torontr, next \‘Vednesday evening. Sept. 23. when a Candidate will he raised to the degree of a master mason. The Choral Society The l‘ii'strehearsal of the new choral society will he held in the Masonic Hall this (Thursday) ei‘eiiing at 8 o‘clock. An invitation is cordially ex- tended to all lovers of choral singing to he present. A great. many applica- tions have already heen received. not only from this town hut also from the sui-couiidiiig district and it is Confident- ly expected that the chorus will lilill)‘ her at least one hundred voices. ._.__._‘. ._â€". New Books Several weeks ago the citizens of Richmond Hill. Vaughan and Mark- ham were asked thronin The Liberal to suggest to the Purchasing Commit- tee the names of any good hooks they would wish to have added to the Puli- lic Lilirai'y. So far the names of only a few hooks have been handed in. As the new stock will he purchased in a short time a list. of suggestr d hooks is requested. Our citizens who fail to -. _ _ assist our Lihrary Board should not. Asuperstitious suhscrihei'.wlio found c‘m‘pl‘un 1f the "cw “(mks d“ "m’ 3”” a spider in his paper. wants to know if “‘9'”- it. is considered a had omen. Nothing of the kind. The spider was just looking or‘er the columns of the. paper to see what merchants were not ad\ er- W‘or-d has been it-Ceivcd that Mr. James \Vliiuister- the well-known mer- chant of Aurora. is heiiig detained as a gl‘istillel' of war by the Germans in erlin. He. will prohahly he compelled to remain there until the close of the war. Mr. J. E. Newton. who has taught for the past twu seasons in the Carra- dian Academy of Music, has severed his connection with that institution and has accepted a position on the staffoftlie Toronto Conservatory of Music. ‘Mrs. F. Lecce and little daughter \ iolet arrived home Tuesday of Just week after a stay of ahnut tivelve wet-ks across the ocean. They \ isited relatives in Scotland and the north of ii-eland. hut owing to the excitement caused by the. European war did not go to England. â€"â€"â€"<o-Râ€"â€"â€" - Fatal Accident A very sad accident occurred Thurs» . . . ) ‘ ‘ . i ’ ' l‘ do“. “ml he “'0': Brittoirville. and a companion. had‘ “m” 'fi - ' 7_ been at the Toronto Exhibition. arid _ as tho Metropolitan car was nearing,r Thedelegatesappointedto represent Langstatf. the getting off place. the the Richmond Hill “7. C. T. C. at. the voting men approached my door. (‘onirty Convention being “PM in “’rtlioutwaitingfoithecartostop. Mr. Miuiico yesterday and today are Mrs. Hon creitlier Sli) cd or ste) ed off Moi-tSon. Mis. Mason and Mrs. J. H. the silt-p into tlicdiiikii'essaiithceir-ed Sanderson. Others in attemdance are fatal injuries. He was taken to Dr. Mrs. T. F. McMaholi..Co. Cor. Sch. Langstatfshospital. but remained ini- MI'S- Allt‘li. fills. SWI'ZH‘ ill‘ld MIS- conscious for three days. and passed Aikeiihead. away on Sunday. «ooâ€"â€"â€"â€" wide. dark grey check. yd. 16¢. Plain Red cross Supply Help .Linen lea Cloth all“). “‘ltlt‘.. yd. ‘13:; The “'oiiien's institute has received "lb "‘- I‘m" I‘"’“g‘(«'l“}hi yd. 133- 1'19"“ l notice from the Red (‘rnss Headquart- Bniigalow (:nr-‘tanrhet. nary-w stripe. : “s stating that the t‘iricServicot‘m“. plain‘edge. fit in Wide, yd. " r. \\ hire mun... (.f I}... Tumult“ puniutic League and (rrey l‘laiiiielc‘tte Blankets". lillle . a”: in touch with a number of persons and pink borders. 0 sizns. price $1.40 1 who are desirous of going to the corin- to 3.2.00 pr. Atkinson & Switzer. l Heavy Loch Lamond Shirting. 2'7 in. f l 1 try as domestic helps. A iriiniher are l H‘â€" experieiiced while there aro also some ‘, The Ontario Government has diCl- ‘. who have littlei-r no experience and 1 tied to raise the closed scasonagainst who would he willing towoi-k for al shooting pheasants in the autumn for l very low Wage, and a few in return I l trvo_davs each week from Octoher 15 i for hoard for a time. Anyone needâ€" to {\(ivemher 1. Two male hirds is the i in}: help apply to Miss McLean, Secy., limit allowed to each hunter-each opt-ii l for application forms. daâ€"y. arid the shooting ofhen pheasants / l is totally prohibited under a penalty of a. l a $50 fine. Shooting will he permitted 3 R. C. Bazaar l on Tuesdays and Fridays oi the open I Lat-2e posters are. out announcing - i the Grand Bazaar in aid of St. Mary's church. to he held in the Agricultural The mock trial in the Methodist Hall. Richmond Hill on Friday and , Sunday School last Sunday hrought : Saturday. the 25th and 26th of Septem- i out a large number of parents and i her. Doors open eucliday at 3 o‘clock. , friends of the school. The addresses I The Richmond Hill Baird will give a l M7 the Judge Prosecuting attorney. ‘. musical programme Friday evening.) the lawyer for the prisoner. and the. and there will he. a minstrel perform- . evidence of the witnesses was interest- ance. There will be dancing Saturday 3 irrg. and brought out a lot of useful evening. the music to he furnished by l information relative to the population. Collins” orchertra. The contests for a the nunrher of missionaries etc.. of gold headed cane and also for a gold China. India. Japan and other couii- watch are creating iriirch interest. tries. Admission to ball 15 cents term only. ShCl‘WtOd Saturday evening, Sept. ll’. at 5‘ (lit'lt't'k. llir‘ lir'V. (‘ll-tfi. (9.. l“i\'. 1). ll. of Philadelphia. n... will him-r his lei-tliii-oii the "ltrtoiiiialibn" iii the Lion l'Ii'aiigi-liral Lutheran (‘liuii h ot' . N. Fry l’asir r - . - Women's institute l‘ho \Voiiien’s liislitiitu incl :it the lioiiio of Mrs. (iaiiililo. Jolit-is'oii. on \Vetlnosdiv :illoinooii ot list week. I’apeis \\‘i'l't' i‘t'u'l liy \Iis_ I’~ (L Shuâ€" ago or jelly “Liking. and Mrs. A. Now- toii oii pivho making. and recipes ex. The Red t'ioss Sol-ietv un- der the auspices of the institute. li:i\ c lit-en worgiiig t'lill]lls’lil<lit‘;lll\' for war" relief and have forwarded the follow-l int: goodsssiill night shirts. ltl dozoii' haiidagos. 5i! handkeirliiet's. lit Manuel 1 Slilll“. \Vr'lit‘l' lHIlillt’ ('(.\'(-|-<_ mending: kits. 1.3 pair's wristlI-ts. l cholera l'clts. l doz. pair sucks. 1'.’ pil- low covr-is. ‘ - - Aurora The Red (‘ross Branch of the l \Voinen's institute of Aurora. is- lind- iiigz plenty of justification for its ('Xlslt’llCP. A (lt'DlliHll-‘ll t-iToi-onto last week came into contact with (‘olonel Otter. just. liat‘k from Va'i'ai tier. Tlit- (‘olo- lH'lFfi\Ԥll)t‘1‘t’ill't‘ four ll)tll1~“ll)tl men in Valcartier (‘airip in art-at need of woollen wristlcts. The (Mini) is out at fire ivory "10111ng for ritle practice. and the Cold in the cain dawn is such that the lienuiiilicd and shivering: soldiers cannot prevent the titles from treirihling. which. of course. quite prcvcnts accurate, aiming. These wi-istlcts arc knit of Scotch fingering in grey or khaki. on four- needles ahriut irun.hei' 14. They are set. up with twenty to twentyiont‘ stitches on a needle. "Knit. two. pcrlc one or two." 'the wristle should he eight to nine inches long. the soldiers wearing: them over their mint-sleeves. As llit'lo is no more of this kind of yai n in any of the large retail stores in Toronto, it would he :1 gr eat aid ifwmnen in the rural districts could procure the yarn in local stores arid use it up With all speed. \Vonllen factories are working donhle shifts making more yarn. hut in the nit-air tiirie.â€"thcre is the cold grty dawn at Valcal‘lici ! The Red Cross Headtpiartcrs in Toronto are witnessing most anguishv ing conditions among the unemployed there. Thousands of splendid young women are facing actual waiitzâ€"steiio- grapliers. far-tory-workers. and cm- plnvees of all kinds. The Relief Comâ€" mittee is making ear-nest appeals to the country districts to open their ironies to these girls. and to give them employment as domestic helpers in shine capacity. at even a small wage. The girls- are promising the (‘oiiiniittee that. they will do their best in any situation. and are only too glad to go to farms and small t(i\V|lS,.ft'I' a few months until conditions re~adjust themselves. Many over-qvorked or well to-do farnieis’ wives can do a great scivice by arranging to rtceive soinenf these young Canadian \\’oiireii into their homes. in whatsoeveri capacity they think will he most helpful. Infoi'iiration can he got at first hand hy writing to Mrs. L. M. Hamilton. (‘onverrcr of the Relief Coiriiiiittee. 550 Sher-hourno Street. 'l‘oronto. There are many inatrons in North York who could. it] this way, place food and protection within the reach of a good nniiiher of Toronto girls. just at. tliisi crisis. and at the same time. bring a blessing on their own homes. _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DVERTISFIMENTS in this column A hring quick results. If you have anythingr to sell. or if you wiin to purchase suiiicthiirg. hire help. ctu. try this “ erw ADVER'I‘ISEMEX'I‘ " column. “OR S.â€"\LE#'1‘\\‘rr heavy maics. sup- ‘ posed to lie in foal; also two spring colts. \V. DYMUND, stop 46 Yoiigc Street. Laiigstatf 1’. (l. 11 2 0R SALE-Forty eight colonicsof Bees in good condition. SIMON BAKER. Lot 54. 2nd coir. of Mai k- hani. Elgin Mills 1’. O. 11 '2. FOR SA Lidâ€"Strong h-iy horse. good in all harness. Apply 1“. 1i. ' ULIVI-th. Richmond Hill. ll 22 ‘OR SA LEVA child‘s siilk)‘. :iliiiost. llt‘\\’. price $2.0”. U. 1.. \Vltltill'l‘, l Richmond Hill. 11 :2 * 10H SALE.#1 Parlor rook stove. 1 ll 11 wood stove. Apply to MRS. ‘ HARRISUN. Richmond Hill. 11-3 10H SALE â€"# (‘hicago Air Motor! ll \Vindiiiill. pump and galvanized: iron tank 6 ft. x .3 ft. ()ne woch on pump. Nine tlroiouglilired legliorir cockcrcls. JOHN H. C. Ut‘lt'l HAM, Bond Lake. 1‘.’ 1 a s ., . , . OR SALE~-A quantity of mixed wood. dry. twelve arid sixteen inch. Price $5.50 a cord deliverâ€" 1 ed. L. B. STUNG. Dominion House, Richmond Hill. 12 2 A\ work. no washing or ironing. Apply to Mas. SWITZER. 9 tf SW’iNE FOR SALE~A sow and . Livelve young.y pigs. SIMOX BAKER. Lot 24. 2nd con. Markham. 112 “TOVE FOR SALEâ€"Small Cockâ€"v _ iiig Stove cheap. Oxford Camp- us. Miss C. H5152. 11-3 I "t A1 D \VA STE D‘Gt’llt‘l al house AAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hutf l r h. WM Concrete House c For Fall Housecleaning We Can Make Your Work Easier Br Suttixc gpk Onio Bleacher {or ............ .25 (3 pk Tip Top Soap Chips .23 3 pk I]. O. Ammonia powder .25 5 pk Handy Ammonia ............. 25 8 pk l’ickstonc’s washing crystal .2; 6 pk Powdered Borax ................. 2:3 2 pk Bon Ami ............................. 2; 3 tins Dutch Cleanser ................ .23 3 tins Comfort Lye .................... .25 Best English Bath Bricks ........ . 6 l’yle’s Pcarline ...................... . 5 Monkey Brand Soap ................ . 5 Large Pail So-Clean ................ .30 Monarch Stove Enamel, tin.... .10 Shino Stove Polish, tin .10 Fine Carpet Broom. bamboo h .50 6 cakes Lite Buoy Soap ............ .2 licl's Naptha Soap, 4 bars for .25 Conitort. Surprise, Sunlight . Richard’s Pure Soap, cake... ..... . 5 ATKINSON & SWITZER Richmond Hill A SOME prices. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE ARE AGENTS FOR Consult; Us ITOI' Your Insuranca will “be well looked after if lett to Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass insurance Iiates P. G. SAVAGE & SON RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002. WALLPAPER S't‘OCK COMPLETE CHOICE REAL ESTATE Also a solid hrick dwelling on Yonge St. clioicc liuilding lot; the best location on Yoiige Street. A. G. SAVAGE LO\\'EST PRICES EVER Ql'U'l‘ED FURNITURE AND \\itli other places. P. (i. SAVAGE (iood size lot. FOR SALE A SEWIN G MACHINES Our furniture catalogues ha\ c all the iii-west designs at moderate Ask to see them and conipai t- pi let's AA 77" VVVV1'YVVYVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVYVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV 'VVVVVVVVVVVVYV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\Â¥VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV i‘"firvtcttfimwrfit'fiNâ€""WrN‘mrww“mm“ is" HIM mum v err v ml“ 3 Pic” .â€" 1; z, t merry: . ~ MM “VF. ,4 ' y. . ’v 2: 9‘ x y '73.? mm For, in” “W ,. 3.: .r . \ wa " 'MMM s “minimumâ€"nan...“ THE RlUHllUND HlLL lURlllSHlNG STORE 1"" l‘liWC 1“ hUY \V(l1'kll)g:1lntits. sox. shirts and overalls. \VORKING BOOTS the very hest from . . . . . . GOOD HEAVY \VORKING SOX. hlack and colored ... .. . ..25c SHIRTS all kinds. for Working. from. . . . OVERA LS. hlack and striped. from Headquarters for wm king garments. NORMAN J . GLASS PROPRIETOR $1.00 to $3.00 . 50c to $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c to We: :5 a ‘ = vF’tVW-‘F’t‘i? Flirt"; 9;; E3 is E. E; E

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