{THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF LOUVAIN.DESTROYED BY THE CERMANS A view of the Town Hall at Louvain, Belgium: _ in reprisal for the shooting of some German soldiers by civ11ian-s. priceless relics of antiquity, were levelled to the ground by these modern Goths and vandals, dred years ago this city, with its population of 50,000, was the most important industrial centre Enormous quantities of woollen and linen cloth were woven here and exported to all part of Europe. This lovely city was utterly destroyed by the Germans Buildings centuries old, ï¬lled with Six hun- in this ‘arts of Europe. In 1378 there was a riot in this square and thirteen magistrates of noble family were 'lled. The building shown here waS, when erected, practically a huge illustrated Bible and town :his- bory spread open to the eyes of all the people before there Were any printed books. “ please forgive me, but punish me ï¬rst if you like.†Mother smiled. It was such an absurd ending to his speech, and she never had whipped Jack in all the ï¬ve years of his life. “There, there, darling.†she said, patting ibis curly head, “’let us go and look mm“ 3‘ l Young Folks WWW' at the lily. Perhaps it is not so bad Jack and the Lin . after all.†It was a lovely l-i-ly. everyone said I i so. One tall slender stem crowned by three of the most perfect- blos- corms. Mrs. Elwin was very proud of it. ,“I think that if it does not take a prize at the flower show, Thomas, "it will at least ‘be highly commendâ€" ed,†she said to her gardener one day. , . ' Jack stood by his mother‘s Side Nor was it. The stem had snap- ped just in the right place, mother said, exactly where she “had intend- ed to cut it. And, 0 joy.’ the 1in took the But mother said as she kissed Jack's little sunsh‘iny face the night 'after the flower show there was something she valued far more than the prize, and that was a little son .‘lis‘tening. He reac‘hou't out bun: who was‘bm‘ve enough to Speak the ,ohulbiby hand and clasped it a on truth. theDlily’s stem}; b . ‘d .__._.x. “ on't tone it, my oy,’ sai \ ‘ ‘ his mother quickly: “it is very ten- BAT] Lb AT SP1] HEAD- h. Henry. VIII. Watchcd' Attack of . Three days passed away. It was French Flcct in 1545. {ï¬le ewming ‘b‘ifm‘e the flower Shin“ Actual naval warfare ’has been and Jack was in the garden by ‘lunr witnessed by a King of England at rdeir, and a rough pu-l'l would snap it off.†' “I “in just go and 100k at , Spithead. In July, 1545, Henry ,tlhe lily,†he thought. It had now ,VIH. watched from Southsea 901113 W Perfecmlm "9"“ were Castle the attack by the French :BuCh huge 5110\"'_‘"hit9 P913315 599“ :fleet upon the English fleet which .lbefore. AS the llttle b0." lovked 3" . was to have gone against the French great “‘lSh sealed hull to, draw 'L ! shores. The two davs of skirmishâ€" blaser. He GlaSPEd 1115 ï¬ngers ing had no decisive result, but the kbout- the pale green stalk, andflinglish fleet suffered one great édrew it towards hrm.‘ Alli. 1t W115 : loss. The Mary Rose, the pride of NmOSt- 0D 8' 19"9‘1 With INS fi‘i‘e‘ ‘thc navy. a four-cast-led (SOâ€"gun ship iwlhen “an “lent the Slender Stem,iof 600 tons, overweighted by her and the ’beavlltiful PTOUd 111)’ COUld ,ordnance, suddenly heeled over at .lho'ld its head erect no longer. The lspithead, en consequence, says [little boy’s face went- ull C1‘in151)11.lRaleigh‘ 0f “5, little sway in cast. and tears l'uslle‘i in“) his great f, ing the ship about her ports being honest blue E‘FeS- h f iwithin 16 inches of the water.†“Run 8~“'3."~ I'll†am". 9 “1‘9 I Some 600 men went- down with her anyone 5995 3qu Somer’l‘mg “'hiS‘Eâ€"about- 100 fewer than those lost Cred. “Mother “in think 11 '30:: with the Royal George 237 years came into the garden and brushedilatepflj‘ondon Chronicle. not it." 113 “No. no. 110.; for it would not be ' true !" cried little Jack, and he ran I el<_._. Army Dogs “'cll Truincd. ,indoors as fast as his short, sturdy In Germany the dog has his ,legs would carry 01mg ‘ place as a part of the nation's reg». Mother 100k€d up “it'll ‘1 Smile 3‘? 'ular ï¬ghting force. There is a regâ€" ‘he entered the room. Then She held iular dog force composed almost en- ‘Out‘her arms and said: “Come here Etirely of Spitzes and Pomeranians. iand tell me what- is The matter, ‘for service in time of war. The sonny canines are trained to distinguish ' NOh, mother, mother,†sobbedhetwecn German and foreign sol- ‘tlhe little 003' With his curly head idiers; to give warning of the up 'on her shoulder. “I have been iproach of enemy or friend, to very, very naughty. I touched the seek out wounded soldiers and to my‘ and it is broken. Oh. mot-her. Make water to them. l i . prize at the flower show after all. {blood I l v I l, PURE BLOOD ‘ MEANS HEALTH Pure Blood Ganâ€"hast be Obtained Through Dr. Williams Pink Pills If people would realize the im- portance of keeping the blood rich and pure there would be less sick- ness. The blood is the means through which the nourishment gained from food reaches the dif- ferent parts of the body. If the is impure the nourishment that reaches the nerves, bone and muscle is tainted with poison and disease follows. The blood is also the medium by which the body ï¬ghts off disease. If the blood is thin and wate'ry this power of resistance to disease is weakened. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills build up the blood. They increase the ability of the body to resist disease. They strengthen the nerves, increase the appetite, cure headache, backache, and any dlsease caused by thin or blood. ' If you are suffering and your blood is thin or impure there is a large probability that your condiâ€" tion is caused by the condition of your blood. YOu should study your own case. If you lack ambition, are short of breath after slight exâ€" ercise, are pale or sallow, have no appetite, are not refreshed by sleep. if you have backache or headache, rheumatic pains or stomach trouble, the treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is worth investigating. You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine C0,, Brockville, Ont. -â€"â€"â€"â€"»'l‘~â€"~ His Past Record. Political Candidate â€"â€" Well, did you discover anything in stump'si ast life that we can use againstl im 3 Detectiveâ€"Not a thing. All he ever did before he came here was to sell awnings. Political Bossâ€"Why. that’s what we want. We’ll say that he has been mixed up in some decidedâ€" ly shady transactions. Kind words and bald heads never France. dye. just; The l: P ., Ii Silk} 2i fli ills. itilil hilt “fill: Bl; FELT IN DISTXNT CORNERS OF THE EARTH. Contcuding Powcl's anc Intcrcsts III All Parts of the ‘ World. \thn Europe goes to war the fate of millions of square miles of terriv tory and of tens of millions of men, women and children outside of Eu rope are involved in the conflict. Not one of the ï¬ve continents and not one of the seven seas but ‘has a stake in the continental struggle. Vast armies are massed in Europe, but little dots of islands in the cenâ€" tre of the Paciï¬c, great tracts of territory in what used to be called the Dark Continent, and wedges of concessions that haVe often been driven into the enormous coast lines of China are all to be disposed of according to the outcome of the batâ€" tles that are to be fought thousands of miles away from them. ‘ A bare enumeration of the terriâ€" tories whose destinies are now be- ing settled by the war takes one all over the globe, now under the flag of one country and again under that of another. Every Continental country has been for years hustling for colonies, and these colonies now make one of, the chief prizes of the present conflict. ‘ ' Bokhara and Khiva. Russia,’ in the two protector-ates over Bokhara and Khiva, controls 107,000 square miles of land and 1,896,000 people, not included with- in the Russian Empire. Finland, for purposes of distribution, is held to be a part of Russia. Belgium controls the Belgian Congo, containing 909,000 square miles and 15,000,000 of Bentus. Italy controls Eritrea on the Red Sea, Tripoli and Cyrenaica, and part of Somaliland. The ï¬rst menâ€" tioned has an'area of 45,800 square miles, an eighth larger than Ohio, with a population of 450,000; So- maliland has an area of 39,430 and Canada imitations but no eqan CLEANS AND msmrscrs Standard Lye of has many r} Iother colonics. created as a dcpartâ€" ï¬ menf of the government in 1891. 'rcnch Cnlunlf‘s have a large meaâ€" sure of sclf~g.)v+-1'nincnt. The older ones, such as Reunion, Martinique and Guadeloupe, have representa~ tion in the French Parliament. Each of those mentioned has a, senator and two deputies. French India (Pondicherry), for many years the football between the Dutch, the French and the English" from the middle of the 17th to the beginning of the 19th centuries, has a senator and one deputy in the Parliament, while Senegal, Guiana and Cochin China have each a. deputy. Are Represented by Senators. The other colonies are represent- ed in the Conseil Superieur des Col- onies, consisting of senators and deputies from colonies, delegates from those not represented in Par- liament and persons especially ap- pomted to that assembly for consid- ering colonial affairs.’ " '_ ’ i The possessions in Asia have a to- tal area of 310,176 miles and popu- lation of 10,773,300. Inegifrica the area is 4,184,401, with a population of 25,681,263. In America the area. is 35,162 and a population of 446,- 720, chief of which is French Guiana, with an area. of 84,000: f St. Pierre and Miquelon on the Newfoundland coast,- have an area of only 96 square miles, almost equal to the original District of Columbia, with a population ,of 423. The island of Martinique came into notice in 1902 on account of the eruption of Mt. Pelee, the volcano constituting the northern point of the island, which resulted in the de- struction of the city of St. Pierre and the loss of about 25,000 lives- In the Paciï¬c ocean the French republic controls New Caledonia and Tahiti, with an area of 7,200 and a population of 50,500. British Possessions Hugo. The British colonial possessions are the whole of the Australia conti- nent, Canada, the former Boer Re- public, Sbmaliland, Beuchunaland, ‘ India, Victoria Islands off the coast of China, Harbor of Weihaiwei, the Federated Mayay States in the Maâ€" lay Peninsula, and part of Borneo and New Zealrand. In the West Indies her possessions a population of 400,000 na-tiV'eS.}are the islands of St. Vincent, St. Tripoli and Cyrenvaica have an area of 406,000 square miles and a popu- lation estimated at» 523,176. In addition, Italy has a small conces- sion’at Tientsin, China, with a pop- ulation of 17,000 not carried in the grand totals of lands and peoples subject to parcelling by the Peace Congress. Germany, which, according to re- ports, has already lost Togoland on the West Coast of Africa, to a comâ€" bined force of British and French Impure colonials, in the Kamcrun protec-‘ l torate German Southwest Africa and German East Africa, has 981,‘ Lucia, Barbados, Trinidad, consti tut-ng the eastern boundary of the Caribbean Sea. North of that chain of islands is Nassau and Bermuda, off the coast of Florida. The-n there is British Honduras and British Guiana. . In the Paciï¬c she has more than an equal division in the small is- lands in what isgenerally known as Oceania. Her protectoratcs over Egypt and her ownership of the isâ€" land of Malta, and the stronghold of Gibraltar, together with the Suez Canal and defences to its entrance, constitute the most valuable part Of 460 Square? miles» With 3 Wth Popu' her possessions between the home lation of 22,405 and a native popula- tion of 11,400,024. German East Af- rica is the prize, containing as it does an area of 384,810 square miles and a population of 7.645.770. man Southwest Africa has an area of 2.245 square miles, and a popula- Ger-l island and the empire of India. _____+_____ Reason Enough. The Young Brideâ€"I didn't accept Jim the ï¬rst time he I}l'(.‘p0S(‘(l. _ Miss vaul (slightly envious) â€"â€" I tlon of whit-es of 14,833, and a naw know 5,0“ didnm dear. tive population of 79,556. In Asia. hcr jewels consist Kiauc-hau. acquired in 1897. with an area of only 200 square miles, but a population of 165.000. That is the seat of the Eastern Empire the The Young Bride ~Hnw (ll. wle Of know i Miss liyvalâ€"You weren't there. And one good action is worth Kaiser hoped to €St8b1l8h 011 the more than a hundred good inten- ruins of China. I In the Paciï¬c Occan ' Germany has as large a collection< of islands. numerically speaking} as the United States, including, the new Guinea, Marshall, 8010-1 mom and Caroline Islands and part, of Samoa, in which the Lnitcd ‘Statcs also has an interest. , Erance overseas has possessions putting her away ahead of all those engaged in the war other than Great Britain. She regards Algeria and Tunis, in North Africa, par? ticularly the former, as part of Tunis is attached to the? ministry of foreign affairs, while tio n s Gurhais 0m and send it along with 10:2 in stamps or coin to P, O. Box 1240. Montreal, Que. You will receive by return mall, postpald, a new and one of the best hOUrQhOld S eclalt‘les on the majker, and a Christmas time a handsome ' 12 color Calendar. This is the only time this splendid offer will appear. Don’t miss it, if you do, you will only have yourself [0 blame.