Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1914, p. 1

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IS PUBLISHED EVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt ‘ attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Bhune N0. 23 JBI per VOL. XXXVII. Jnlls by phone ur otherwise promptly respv‘nded Lu AT THE BERAL PRINTING 8c PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. )1] $111 LID-[0 mm: SATISFACTION G LASKAY P. o. ‘6 l' m A. G.F. Lawrence ‘F. J. Dunbar “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL gofin .7. 9avidson PIANO TUNING Barristers ,Solicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victnrm Sts.. 1‘0m'1t0. NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BERS 2U KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada! Telephone. Main 311 Cable Address. "Dedo." Addl' RESIDENCE Fume house north of Atkinson 87: Switzer’s store. Phone No. 2402. Tel. M. 3631. l RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON, (l‘llornllill. bUSINESS CARDS . Danton, Grover & Field . H. PINKERTON, V.S. Lawrence & Dunbar, Undm'takers ¢\' [‘lnbnlmers. . Cameron MacNaughton “mended to or 3.9 rates PM Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST rld rte Elm (Eihml LICENSED AUCTION EEK (“,0 me Saigooui a: .VI (' I} w; OFFICE \Nl) RESIDEM EDITOR & PUBLISHER Maple Organs Repaired. Expert Work in Hon VOICING AND . . - ACTION REGULATING Barristers, Solicmrs. (kc . aple. ()n WRIGHT BROS. Anal annum, in advance.] sul V.Oll the (‘uumy THORNHILL HIE LII 088 )‘th Prentice WEST TORONTO UA RANTE Puoue Main 2984 Ym‘k ONTARIO W ‘ COMMISSIONER. (‘ONVEY AN"ER. ETC. I Real Esiate and Insurance LENNOX & MORGAN Money to Loan onland announce! mortgagesat owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post office one door “us: of the entrance to the Outarlo Bank Newmnrket ofllceâ€"Thrae doors south of the postolfice ’1‘ HERBEBTLENNOX G V‘ MORGAN RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tm'nntn Office, Rnnm 328 Confodm-u tiun LifeBldg.. ‘In. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Liheral' Office). every Thursday fnrenmm. Maple, Thursday aftm-nnon. \Vnudln'idge, Saturday fun-noon. Munev to loan at. Five Per Cent (5%) Riohmonc. Iâ€"Iill H. A. NICHOLLS Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Commissioner. Cnnvoyanoor, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. THORNHII J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ Pfésbflerian Churchâ€"Services at 1‘. a. m..aml 7 p.111. Sunday Schoolat. 2.30. Prayer meeting ’I‘bursdav evening. Church o! Englandâ€"Services at 11 a. m. nnfl '7 p. m. Holy Cnmmunion on the 3rd Sunday in the nmuth at 11 a. m. and on the 4th Sunday at S 30 a. 11.]. Sunday Schoolund Bible Class at 3 o‘clock. 7 Methodist-Church~Servicos at “.00 a.m.,and 'I p. m. Snndny School 3% 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday evening. Ronni} Catholfc Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays 3&9 a.m.aud 10.30 s. m. iifiéhmbnd Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon dew on or before full moon ConxcRichmond.A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri day Barristers and Solicitors. Ivy Lodge. A0 (7 Wâ€"-Meets thiri Wednesday of each month Camp Elam. S O S â€"Meets second audiomth Wednesday. Hill Crest Lodge. I.0.0.F.â€"Meets second and ionth Tnesdav of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of each month Public Library and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. l-Ioworth Leagueâ€"Meets even‘ Monday. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday at 8 p.111. in the Church. I O Fâ€"Meets third Thursdavnf every month. R. H. Ratepavers Association meets last Tuesdmv of everv [DODUL Victoria L. O. L. IRESâ€"Meets tli Wednesday Yes, our graduates succeed. They have that huhir. \th is it that many students from other business CUHPgt‘S come here to finish cuurses and get pvsilinns? Remember the first word, “Efficiency.” “Him for Catalogue. Students admitted at any time. Yonge and Chimes Sis. NOTARY PUBLIC l. H. SANDERSGN BRIT! “'11 Electricim, Richmond Hili WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTRICALLY ELLEOT‘T ‘ E Village Dn‘uaory TORONTO, Aur'u‘s. 00' 21 nd Ate app] >1'lc r'c In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpal an 1101 it 111111 1V6 Nearly 70.000 citizens (:f Toronto have, joined rifle clubs aJd are learning Lu shout. Two cal-loads nf supplies, the gift of the RH] Cross Such-Ly. left, Tnmnlu un Saturday for Vulcmtier. Quebec. The German cruisvr Emden is said (0 have, sunk the British steamers (if the must ut India. The Annual Conventiun of York & Peel Cminty \V.U.T.I'. was held in the Methodist church. Milnicu. the 16th and 17th (if Sept. about forty delegates being in attendance. Mrs. ()rmshv the (In. Pres. presided aLall the, svssinns and in her annual addiess showed that much good work had been done during the past. year. The iepon t, uf the Our. Sec. showed an increase in membership and the reports if the Snpts. of De- partments gave evidence of splendid work done by the Unions throughout lhu County. The Treasurer reported a fine balance in the Treasmy. The addresses given by M rs. Morgan Dean and Mrs. Rutheifmd of Tin-onto con- taint-d many good suggestions and much encouragement. Mrs. S. R. \Vright of London. the speaker at the evening meeting.arraigned the Liquor traffic from the standpoint. of the Home. the Child and the pursuir nf happiness. and shmved very clearly that prohibition does prohibit]. taking fur her proof the province (If Prince Edward Island. Mr. Ruthven Mc- Donald, rendered several vocal solos, throughout. the evening meeting, which were much appreciated by all. The ufiicels for the coming year are: President. Mrs. Ormsby, Mimico; Vice- Pres.. Mrs. T. H. \Vhite, Kleinhurg; Uni". Sou. Mrs. McMnh-zn, Richmond Hill: Rec. 890.. Mrs. Alien. Richtnnnd Hi]|:'1‘rv;usur(~r. Mrs. J. F. I‘ll-1st, Klein- lmrg. Mm. l’nik mi" Stuni‘fville \\':L~ made :1 lifv nwnilu-r nl' {hr (‘mrllty.:lnL1 Mrs. Ahhntr llw wining; 'l'rmunwr nun mad“ :1 1m» nwmln-r (11' (he Ihqnilr ll) g ++++++++H+++++++++ H+++++ number uf Ann-mm, Bunker J. M. \\'nhnn Aux-mu and Mr. J. H. Prvnliu‘ m \vifv of Tumult“ and Others. Mrs. O. H. Duner. who has be :Iiling for smue time is qmte low, m is in at critical condition. +++++++++++++H+++++++++++ 'l'x-ens‘uror. M J. 1". Mrs. Punk of St :3 :1 life memlmr of [In Abbott [he H‘Iilil made :1 “1'9 member 0 the {liberal One Dellar York and Peel W.C.T.U. a Year in Havance ill] NEWS NOTES sful visitors pl'PSl: “puma pf 'l the milv has ventim )JUIH Shirk Mm m, p: MC t'hu dole the Um Ht mp Ditsnn or Tnggml nf of Stvvens- ulsu :1 goodly nL including ‘m'nntu (now “'nltnn (If Prentice and L!) St int )IlSk‘C lV’HG it, utr [he Ill 1h t'i’h md The following residents of Thornhill and vicinity aulNl as jurylnen Satur- day afternoon to inquire into the cause of the death nf the late George Hooper, on the lilth of Septmnhrr. namely. N. 51110an (foreman). E. Duncan, \V. Kaiser. '1‘. \VI-athvrall. J. Keane. U. 'l‘orensvn, E. Carter. \V. Chatterley, P. Robinson. Dr. R. \V. Hillary of Aurora was coronvr. Conductor “'oodhead in giving evidence said that as the car was approaching Langstafi' about midnight. on Thursday. Sept. ll), he called out the “stop.” Deceased moved towards the door when he was warned by the conductor to he careful. He did not think the young man full, but, slede 01? the car while it was in motion. Gordon Leathers who had spent the day with dew-used at, the Exhibition, Siu‘V him (m the step of the car. but, did not see him slip or vap off. He had no reason to think that, Hooper was careless. Almcr Meta-all? who was on the car when thc unfm-tnnutc accidvnt luok place, and who assisted in taking the injured man to Dr. Lungslufi's offic‘i, also gave evidence. SEPTEMBER ‘24. 191.4 Dr. Langstat’f being called, said that he was awakened about 1 a. in. Friday morning by hearing some, person runnng up the pavement. He was in- formed that an accident had occurred. \Vhen he entered the car he recognized George Hooper lying on the floor un- conscious. He was removed to his office on a stretcher, and treated. About 1.30 a.m. he had a convulsion, and several others followed during the night, but at times he rested quietly. On examination he found an ahrasure of the *kin on the right side of the face, and he had reason to think from the symptoms that the brain wasin- jured. He had previously treated Hooper for rheumatic fever which left him with a weak heart. The jut-y H‘.i.’(d. und_ in :L few minutes lnought in u vvrdiut expressing an belief that the deceased met. with his (lvuth hy alightng flom the cur while iL was in motion, after heng pxwpex-ly \V:ll uul. s.u'y will UL: lu-lLl Oct On Sunday. 4th, Rev of Richmond Hill \\'i :L. Ill. and Rev. J’L-Lm at? p.111. 01) the f cu:ng an entertain x." 'l‘....«.‘|.. nut”... tie-open“: giving sun Steplifin’s Chuxch, Suptemlyer 27, in The iveek commencing Sept. 27th is Rally week for Presbyterian Sunday Schools and Young Peoples Societies throughout the church. The program for our church for the Week is as follows:-â€"Sunday 11 a. m. : Sunday School Rally, conducted by officers of the school and in which the whole school takes part. A short sermon by the minister on the subject, “Others.” Sunday 6.30 p.111. : teachers, ofiicers 1 members of young men’s, young wom- en's and adult Bible classes addressed by Rev. Mr. Myers in the Sunday School hall. Mr. Myers has some . suggestions to otfer of radical change ‘ in method; all should be present. Sunday 7 p. m.: Sermon to young l people especially, by Rev. Mr. Myers, Associate Secretary of Sunday School and young people's Work. ’3 Monday '7 p. in. : Banquet for Sun- dav Scln-nl boys and girls followed by gus um Orange u'cluuk, In Mr. and day an an at Dl'ztyto \N'Ut'dhl id anlv Alclht‘dEL Clmlch Annivex- wry will bu ln-lLl October 4th and till). L)“ Sunday. 41h, Rev. J.â€"I{. Aikenheud of Kichmuucl Hill will [Hench at, 10.30 at. m. and Rev. J’L-Lm- hl'yce of Ton-unto all 7 p.111. 0n the fulluwing Tuesday un-mng an entertainment \\'lll he girun by Tuumlu. entertainers, including the Aliases Thompson. illld young pen Monday '7 p. day SCln-nl lm‘ short program Thursday 7 p.111. : Banquet for young men's. young \Vumen‘s and adult classes followed by suciulnnd enter» luinmeut. Tu [his all the young people of the congregation are invited. The following week :1 Parents Social will he held of which announcement luinment. Tu I people of the cong The following \will he held uf u will be mudc later estly x Ml ss,di Ml INOUEST AT TH CRNIIILL be c 0 ll seph shut Presbyterian Church the evmzing at 7. ~ M rs. J. T. Saigem. left Tues~ auto [rip unbil 2L bruLher 1. Thcy wen» by way 01 g9. b‘lzlmpnm, Guelph. Fer- imru,1elm'nin_.{ by Arthur. Ind (l to Maple ml H will mt rid Harvest Thanks ill be held In St Maple, on Sunday the unu'mng at J. [ll fmm bl) etnt the home of n_v evening at S ry member is emu- Ie present. th Id I 711 ‘i All kinds of CAKES and 2:} BISCUITS kept in stock. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ..:\.\'I).. , Tile for Draining. iOrders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard coal. '7‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Manitoba. Oats STIVER & RAMER D. HILL & 80. Bakers and Confectioners CHANGES, PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Comforts and Teething ngs consisting of all the best, makes â€"â€"-0 W. A. Sanderson A150 HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement None better Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLZERIES RICHMOND HILL, ON]? Sanitary and Measmed and all accessories for the same __._0.___ For the Baby Puhtic Attention And everything for the Baby ALL AT RE Al]ey1b1yy'§ ‘1. _2_. 3. ‘Hnl-‘lnclf's Mnlted Milk; Npstle: Food, Mellins' Food [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum P owder Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Bordin Eagle Brand Baby Foods ___0___.. Our Imes of DRUGGIST for the Chickez Cracked Com . . AND. . ASONABLE PRICES ounts. Order nov I3

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