“Small fruits of Mir cmmhy. lhvil‘ gx-nwth and value." During the after nm-n Miss Manning rendered several charming musical selectinns. The next meeting will he huld Oct. 18th at Mrs. Vannostmnd‘s. York Mills. Harv-est, Thanksgiving Seivices will he held in Trinity Church on Thurs- (layevening Sept. 21tlf’at 8 o‘clock, and concluded on Sunday 27th with a celebration ol the Holy Communion at 1121. m. and a Haf-vestanc‘. National Thanksgiving Service at 7 p. m. The Rev. G. S. Despnrd, rector of Aurora. will he. the special preacher on Thurs- day evening. The Rector. will nï¬iciate at. the Sunday services. Special thank- nï¬â€˜erings for the blessing. of a hmmti- ful harvest are asked at all sex vices. A very interesting meeting of the Thmnhill Branch of the \anen’s Institute. was held Thursday Sept. 17th. at the homeof Mrs. E. A. James 26 Briar Hill Ave. Eglinton. A paper on “Some ways of makng pocket and pin money." was givrn by Mrs. R. Thompson. Mr. David James gave an interesting and instructive talk on Everything is in shape for Bolton’s ‘ This of big fair on Monday and Tuesday a r. in next. Good prizes are heing offered 1 p pe a in all lines. including the speeding. T0 fOH‘ Special train leaves Toronto at 12.30. .neccssary ï¬zï¬sed rates on ORR. Concert at, ! ORDE The funeral of Mrs. Olivia Sisley. widow cf the late Joshua Sisley. who died at. the rt-sidem‘e nf her son. Dr. ()pie Sislvy. East Toronto. «n Satur- day. Sept. 19, touk place (In Tuesday nt' this week. Interment in the family plot. in Riohmnud Hill ceme- tery. Deceased is survived by four sons and (me daughor. They ale Edm'md of (hand Prairie. Allverlagln'. Eusmn Sislev and Mus. John Malws vf Calgary. Dr, ()pie Sisley nf East Toronto. and Dr. \Iulfmd Sisley of Parkdale. The annual b inquet of the Ebwnl-lh League of the Richmnnd Hill )lelhod- IsL church will take place on Munduy, September 23th. Suppm- will begin at (5.30 wan the usual (lclicacies will he prm‘ided. The speeches will he of :1 more sol-inns nature than at former lmnquets. Rev. H. D. Tl'é'SS:Ll(ll‘l', of 'l‘m'nntn Epworth Leagues will give un‘uddn’se on Yousz People's: \Vul'k. Goqd music Will hu interspersed. ’l‘ick- Altogether about ninety were pres- ent. ï¬fty being from St. Andrews. “Visiting Brethren" brought, happy responses from \Vm-. Bru. Montgom- ery and \Vor. Bro. Chuk of St. An- drew’s Ludgv, :mdby BU). Herlvisnn, of King Solomon’s Lodge, and J. Rose of Vaughan Lodge. "Richmond Ludgv" was responded to by “'01-. Bros. G. Howie, J. H. Dun.- lnp and J. H. Leggy. The Glee Club. winch :mcnmpanied St. Andrew’s Lodge furnished excellent entertainment. \Vm'. Bro. G. Cmvie prnpnsmi “The King and the Gum." and after this was duly [mum-ed. R. Wor. Bx-o. H. A. Nicholls acted as chairman for [he hul- unce of the revoning. _“Grnnd Lodge" was res )nndod to by Past D.I).G. M‘s J. E. rancis, J. B. McLean. G. A M. Davisun. and V. \Vm-. Bros. Peal- sun. Cousins. and McMnlmn. :i must, onjnynhle time was spent. After routine husinPss. and the recep- tion of many distinguished masons the ofï¬cers of the visiting lodge raised a candidate to xhe Third Degrev. A banquet follmved in the lower hull, after which an entertainment of sons: and speech fullmved. The banquet ting hull was beautifully decorated with fluwersnmipie branches and flags. and lnnk ed ï¬ne. Richmond Lodge. AF. & A.M.. hm] n fraternal visit paid them last ew nng by St. Andww’s Lodge, Tm‘untu, :md The European war drags \veariiy along. Heavy losses are reported on all sides including the sinking of a number of battle ships and cruisers. There is every reason to believe that the Allies are steadily forcing the humans back, but at tremendous loss of life. This morning's dispatch- es report that the whole German army are preparing for a great rc- tiring movement. IhCHMND HILL. 0x12. SEPT. 24. 1914 (like fliherui Bolton Fair Next Monday and Tuesday Inferred in Richmond Hill EDITORIAL Epworth League Banquet MASONIC VISIT Thornhill A Map x 2.}. feet showing clearlyevcry boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet and river in the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map prepared by the celebrated map ï¬rm of G. W. Bacon & Co., Ltd., of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most com- prehensive map printed. The Liberal has cure a. copy of this Every Reader of The Liberal May Have a War Map Free This offer applies toall subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next; 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map is necessary. It should be in every Canadian Home. ' The price of The Family Herald and Week!y Star, is one dollar a year. The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a. copy of The Family Herald’s War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a. neat folder of con- venient size for only $1.90. The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court, Room. DIViSIUN - BUURT. Leave Richmond Hill Arrive at anunto . . Leave Richmond Hill Arrive at Toronto Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only Richmond Hlll.xe:xsonnble rental RDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE New seven roamed cmnentblnck lmuso, nuk trimmed, hardwood flours. sink. haul and snft water in house. ï¬re place, furnace. elec- tric light, large Veranda, etc. A. E. GLASS New sulid brick. seven larger moms and bull] tlinmmd in cipl-is. nuk flnnrs, Electric light, huge \‘Pranduh. divided collar. Howard furnace. Further pur- ticnlnrs'nf lhis beautiful hmne will be furnished on application. tank. hotwuter lmiler. Pvnse furnace. Lut SUXZZO. This hnuse has all the ennvmionces ufu ciw house and is certuinly priced beneath its value. Mondayi Oct. 19, 1914 ‘J' New solid lu-ick. nine largv, blight mums, oak llim- med (hruughuut. hardwood flours. ï¬re place. electric lights, large vex-nnduh. three-piece bath of the ï¬nest qualitv, septic GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE FOR A QUICK SALE. New seven mmned house in Uommencmc RICHMOND HI-LL DOU BLE S ERVICE TO TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RXCHMOND HILL Sleeping, Dining and FREE WAR MAPS 'nr Rail and Steamship Tickets and all inforumtmn, apply to Daily except Sunday 'I‘. F MPMAHON CLERK FOR RENT HOUSES completed arrangements by which our readers can se- excellent map free of charge. 10 l] 1033 mm. ElJn. 30 [M1]. 2.0 p.11) Pau-Inr B. TRACEY, Stntiun Agent {LII}. furs, Electxic Lighted Coaches Arrive Arrive Arrive yea \‘e THROUGH SERVICE TO OTTAWA. QUEBEC, VALCARTIER Daily except Sunduv u ve Tummo . . . . . . . . . . . 9.20 :l at Quebec at Ottnwn at ’nlcarticr FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum effciency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments [P we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer’s share, from £4) to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and proï¬t-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, 19I4. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. ('1. A. M. DaviSOn, Unionviile, Ont, Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Proï¬ts flower Prices on Ford Cars 8.14 mm. 6.45 a, m. 20 p.11). 20 :I.m. Ford motor Company Touï¬ng Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only Goods that will keep down the high cost of livmg are .what we want to sell. The following are a few. Macaroniâ€"an inexpensive and wholesome food. Riceâ€"Ragoon 6c a lb, japan IOC :1 lb. Nothing better. Cerealsâ€"On all package goods our prices are the same. Rolled Oats and Rolled Wheat 5c 21 lb. Canned Goods, Tea. Coffee and Cocoa at the old prices. For Housecleaninaâ€"Ammonia Borax. Bon Ami, Dutch h , Cleanser, Dustbane, Lye, Soap, and a large stock of Brooms at close prices. 1â€"3 m. In Marble 01' Granitu. Good \vmk, reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. \Vrite, ~ \V. A. JONES, FOR FURTHER INFORMA'II’JN \‘y’RITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE & C0., For Sale an Easy Terms Monuments. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Annex Tombstone I. etnering ford, Ontario at Canada. Limited G. A. MCDONALD & SON Acre Garden Lands. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. WAR ON H'IGH PRICES 22 Buchanan St, Markers and Comer Posts Economy Toronto $590 540 840 is now open in Central Business Cull- ng'. Tux-unto. mud in ouch of its Six Branches. F199 catalogue explains courses. \Vrite fnrnmvpv. \V. II. Shaw, President. Hum] Ofï¬ces. 393 Ynnge Sh, Tm'unln. IO Adelaide St. EJoromu AUTUMN SESSION