1-! Mr. \V. A‘ Saturday «If “pens uL 30H: illï¬llt gentle dressuss. The dilcctnl-s of thv \Vmulluridg» Agricultural Snch-tv have decided to change lhr- dates uf Llwir Fair. 1L \vdl he held nu Saturday mu] Munduy. Oct. 1†and 12. As the lust d.Ly will In: 'l‘hxuksghing Day the. diu‘clm's uru Innkng fur 2L large nmw‘ un that duy. ' (J'n‘nventiou whiz-h will meet in Toronto 05L 5th to 10m. Mrs. Pugsley, convoner. has received from Red Cross chdquurtvrs :m ucknmvledgement ut' the receipt vf cunsigunwul of night Shirts. hulldkvr- chiefs (Xxx. Sent fur lhré Suldim-s by [he Richluuud Hill \Vumuu's Institute. Putl‘JllS uf Lino Richmond Hill Pub- lic Lilnzuy and Reading Rum†will In: inn-rested in the IllllbLl'uted London News and The Graphic. The illusU-uv [inns and gcnurul informuti-m respctt- ing the Emopmm war are \‘L‘l'y imvreslino‘. Children‘s l'ezldy~t()-\\‘e.~ir felt huts. cardinal and navy. with silk cmd :umlnd cmwn at 500.: Girls nzu'y fvlL huts trimmed \viih heavy silk cm-d. hr hand (if 11thin and hnw at side 850.: Buys rnund cardinal and navy felt hats with cm-d :llld tuswl lll'OlllNi crown 50c: Dark red cntdurny velvet hut ruund cluse ï¬tting style 50c; Men‘s lnmvn and grey law-ml Cups, silk lined 50c. Atkinsun 8: Switz'er. At. the meeting at the \V.C.T.I'. held on Tuvsdny lust the fulluwing ofï¬cers were elected for the coming yonâ€:â€" Presidwnt. Mrs. Aikvnhead: 15!. Vice Pram. Mrs. Swhzer: 2nd Vice Pros, Mrs. Genrge Redditt: Cur. Secretary. Mls. H. B. Stirling; Rec. Secretary. Mrs. T. F. McMahon: Treasurer. Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Mrs. McMuhr-n wns appointed delegatesuto [hf- giltzll'i†A Church and Re Will lm givvn by lhu hymn-Lu: church. ’l‘lh Gen. S. Henry. “.14. A.. \Vurdvn (‘uluer'un and E. A. James. t‘llglllt'k‘l‘ tn the Yul-k L'uulily Highway (tum. missum. made a tr-m- hf inspection uf the enmity Hinds “II Mnnduy. \isiLing Markham. StuuflVlllv. Kleiuhurg, liclmwml Hill. “'uudln-idgu and \Vg-s. hm. They will submit llll'll'l'vp(|1~[;|[ a "writing of the CUUHIIiSSiun ith Tuusdu _\'. Mrs. \Villinm Tonsdule‘unnnunCvs tne engdgenwuz ul' lllsl' only daughter. Ethyl Luella. .luhnstnn, u: Mr. R. Philip Lem-e. The mnniuge to Lake pl we September 30th. Anniversary sol-vices will he held in the Uzn-H'ille Melhudist church on Sunday, Sept. 27m. Rev. Mr. Gray nf King will Luke change of lmLh svrrices, afternoon at 2 Inn. and (-vvning at l You can get The Fumin Herald of Montreal nndnnvxcvllan \\'.-u- an im- 90 cents. by leaving ymu- Ul‘dt‘l‘ with The Lilwm]. Du not miss 50 [:0er :1. chance. ‘ Mun-klqu Township L special Inn-rung un Mnnd lust Week at 1h:- (chrk‘s « Ville, and gun- lhe Hyd Luv .1 ï¬rst and seculld re: Luv \Vsh ulsn passed taking .1 vote nu [he s tolwl' 19111. For gem-m1 war news see inside pug Mrs. A. J. Rupert and Miss Edna Rupert of anmnn, .md Mrs. Dim-mun Hf 'l‘est.ull sprint F1 iduy wikh Mrs. '1‘. l“. McMahon. Mr. R. Mundie Came from St. Mary's Snlulduy [u visit his thvl- whn has been cunï¬nul to his bed [km-ugh ill- ness fur SL'Vel‘ul weeks. Sunday evenmg seniqc will he con ducted at, Duirymwn m-xL Sunday evening by I). \V. Heisc ut'Gm-mloy. Mr. Huny L. Brown nf puidu visit this Week 14- h Mrs. S. M. Brown. The Richmond Hill l-Im-{iculhu-ul Snciety have donated $10 to [he 'l‘onmu: k York Paniulic Fund. RMHMND HILL. 0x1. SEPT. 24, 1914 @1112 agilich Prepare-d 1:1plc,ulm k. lUl'.; 0‘ He luv 1 LOCALS licP, 01150.:1’icklin und pickling spice. Atkiusnu n\' Swizzel this wwek. The lmzuzu :luck. A number nf pxmn- INCH “'1†givc shun; :ul- nd Ruliuf Fund Butu w the Indies uf Hm l’n-s- :h.’1‘lmrnlnll at the home \Vullucv, \ViHun’dulv, un ‘ Cnuncil hold a nduv evening of 'sUï¬iue, Cumu- ydru-Raldiul by- reading. A hyâ€" Ln pruvidu {(-1- mm nn Mummy, f \Vinnipog his mother. 'fl As Mundny. Uctnlwr 12, is Thank:- giving Day. llw Ununly .lmlgv has (u'dm'rd that the nvxt sitting uf Divi- sinn Out“! in Richmnnd Hill will be on Monday, October 19, :IL 10 mm. Smne lime Hg“ :1 large flying squin- rol flew against the glass dour in Mr. E. G1':£illgel's Inu'lu-r hhï¬p and was caught in the screen. Mr. Gruingpr sent it [H u taxidu-rlnist, and it. nmv nnw he see-n suspended in the lumber shop \\'indm\'. The Oct-)lu-l‘ llM'l‘lillg “1' [ho Alunmnc A530Ciillinll will lwlwld in [he High school un Friday, Oulnhvr 2nd. at 4 o'clock. Papers “'1†be given by Mrs. Armand Suvngv and Mrs. Amos \Vright. All nwmlwrs are H-qm-su-d tn 1w presunlv and In I‘t'lllt‘llj!)t'l‘ that qtmlutinns must he gin-11in [ospuusv tu [he u-H. Riulnnand llill vs. Alum-a High Schnnls. A dunlllt‘ header match fur the UV†ulmmpiumhip lrnplllus pf Uuskellmll :Ind fnutlmll will he played in Anrum \\'e(lnesd:ty elf!vrnu-nnSept. 30, beginning:1L3430p.m. sharp. A special car will leave Rivhmuml Hill :1L230 p.111. shun-p. .Tickvts hr the. l'uluul hip nnly 2') cls. Ex'n-rylmtly \vllu can. mum “lung unzl clu-vr [he luvuls Lu \ ickm‘)’. MONDAY. Supt. Ilaâ€"Audion sale of lmuwhuld furnituw. Yungv Sll'vet, Richmuml llill. the plupm'ty of Mark Shim]. Sle at 2 u't'lnck. THIHS (:ush. Sfligt'llll & MCEWL-n, Anchm-ms. Many people are naturally nLlrnL-lvd by the [I'yphivs to I‘m cgmprted ffu' at. S]. Mary's Bazaar in the- Ag: icllllul'nl Hull. nu Flilluy and Stimuluy uf lhi< WePk. and which “my be seen in snme of the slum:- wiuduws. The guH heml- ml u;ll|(=,ln he competed fur by Mr. Jug. McNuir and Mr. G. B. Puduwt hangs in thc windi at The Lilwml Ofï¬ce; the gold Watch [n he wun lny Miss Sanger or Miss Murphy is in Mr. Nur- ulan Glas‘a’ Still!) window; :ula lhu Silver Tun Service. 4 pieces. may hr seen at Mr. Sum-18's. Rev. F. Elliott and wifc- )ch Tuesdny l fur a. [Wu weeks‘ \‘Lwil. zllllmlg fliemlsl near Hilgursville and SE9\'ens\'iH0.0llt. I MI'. and Mrs. \V. R. Siumns and two daughters. Hazel and Pearl ut' Brunt- fuul spflllt m'f'r Sunday with Mrs. "‘1 r7 Mr. Thus. lluppm- w the excvssivv heat “(NIH and “WIS UHCOHSC four hnnrs. The dnctn he will be hotter after quiet and rest. Sen ices on Sunday m-xt in St. Mary’s Church of England will he at 8.30 ;|.|n.. Holy Ofllllnlllllinllï¬l[Id Even- ingr PInym-nt Tn'clut-k. The! l't‘glllul' ll u'clnck sm-vict- is cancelled owing [n “urn-st Festival so: \‘icvs at Thnmhill. SlsLE\'â€"â€"On Saturday, Sept. l9. l9â€. at East Tm-nntv, Olivia Sisley.widnw ufthelate. Joshua Sisley. formerly of Rxchluund Hill, in her 85th year. Ur. Hullwnfurdnf Alum-w died \V(-d- hemlin llllll'llillg of pnonnmniu :It \\'imls¢ r u'ln-I-e he lmd been visiting with his d..ughter Mrs. (01".) Richard- son. ' Basketball The Exprvss-He-mld last week stated that us lust sunsnn undvd with un- friendly feuliugsmmmg some uf [hr- sclmnls. the unumgonwut of [In- New mat-th High Scluml lmskvtlmll l‘.‘illh had decided nut In curry on the League Contests lhis \‘vul'. This is un- furlunulv. Spnlts if prupertly cun- duclvd bring tom-hers and sludrnts in clnsor touch with much other. and a Innrc l'xiemlly feeling should hath-~114- :nlt. If. hmvever, :n season's gunner; vnd in (lisugl-e-vnu-nl [ht- smmer Lln-se (snntcsts :u-c druppul, tlw hem-r it “ill be. Um id McKenzie The Rod Cruss Society :u-knmvlvdgo the fulluwing dnnutinns fran fl‘irllds imt-resu-d in the \vm'kzâ€"IB pilluws, 10 pair of pillow con-rs, 7 pails ul \\'(IUâ€('H socks. and "2.00 cash. :md mmm‘genwnt uf mme CYm’ns as the fmnnux Peuplu's Clluir 0f Yurk. ()L'Cflplt'drlhe Chair. It \vn Dr. Rulhel fun-d Intercollegiate Games isiVl‘ heat, Tuesday ulmut was unconscious for three or 1. The dnctm- suvs. hnwm‘er. bottornt’ter n few days of Prize Contests Sale Register Court Day DIED mercnmc by and a lhv w- games Lln-se it will S I DVERTISEM ENTS in this column bring quick results. If ynu Inn v anything tusvll, m' if ynu wish tn purchase snnu‘tlung. hire help. n-lm. try this “ NEW ADVERTISEMENT " column. ‘A. J. HUME; iHNE TAILURING ’1‘ EN DEBS \V ANTEDâ€"Tendm s are Asked fm the ('XCHH‘nlii'll Hf lulseumnt for :1 building 50 by (50 fuel, south of Mqumld’s slur". Rich- IHUIld Hill. and di<pnsnl of (will). Tenders receive-d up in 23th Septl'lllhf’l'. 1914.. BUSHIIPIIL Lu lw 5'1. fmnt. and take-n h;le nn the level. Excuvuliml In he cumplelvdhy the 10!]! hf Oct. WM. Rmsmssm. Richnmnd Hill. 134 EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY MiLL This mill will cmmur'nce running fur the manufacture of CIDER, J ELLY and APPLE BUTTER 0n \Vednestlny, September- 30, 1914, :um \\'i_||1-unun RICHMOND HILL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS work, no washing nr ironil Apply [(1 )1er. SWITZER. 9 PAINTER and Pupvr Hunger, € vmrs city oxperiencv. 351:. hour. apply A. 1'] “'mm, Rit mund Hill l’.d., Ont. 13 of each werk up (0 the 25th uf Nun-mâ€" belt hullsos, 1 P0911055 I size. and l Brmudm'. J Henp‘ Centre Strvot 13-2 A D I E 8‘ HOME JUURNA L ~- aning Ire-9n uppnintml Imrnl “gent for the above mnguzinv, I “'illdelivm'it to any hum!- in Rich- mond Hill, m1 notice. \VM. ELLIS 2 OR SALE~A quantity of Inixvtl \wmd. (lry. tux-Ive :md sixlm-n inch. I’xice $5.51) :1 curd do-liu-r- ed. L. B. STUNG. Dullliniun lluusv. Rikhlllnlld Hill. 12 2 M" FOR TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY JOHN FISHER, TORONTO TOVE FOR SALEâ€"Small ()m‘k AND ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. ()USE TO RENTâ€"On Richmond St. «’l few steps from Yong". Apply to GEO. SMITH. 13-1. f. R SALEâ€"Alumt MK) cllit-kvns hutrhed in May and Juno-450 per cent pullvts. 4 ducks, 2 umv he-n cs, 1 Pam-loss Incnbuh’r. 120 (15.7.1: and l Bl'flkldt'l'. Prairie Stat". J. ). (.‘renu'e Stu-ct. {ichmund Hill. Vaughan and JVI‘J FUR SALE.â€"Slll;|ll (Jack- in;,' Stm‘v (:hvup. Oxford Umnp- us. MISS (J. HEISE. 11-3 APPLES WANTED NOTARY PUBLIC W: at right prices E. W. Moyle, Langstaff Leases. Wills, Etc. All) \ Special attention given tn Local Representative Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing. {ICI‘C ANTEDâ€"Gean house no Washing nr ironing. [u Mus. SWITZER. 9 1f have AR buvcrs for 13 (f Markham and 100 y l3 2 on 3|" '1]- E5,†a; ~41. E? :SOME CHOICE REAL EST : Our furniture catalogues have all the m-west designs at moderate ‘ pHCC‘S. Ask m see 111911) and compule p1 ices “ilh ulhm- places. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV AAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAA “AAAMAAAAAA AAAAAAA W E A RE AG EN TS 190 R Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Also :I. sulid brick dwelling on Yonge St. choice building lot; the best location m: Yonge Street. Guud size Int. A IV" G:.}‘s§,‘1fl-‘-‘~r “rug .‘Yigwwu PHONE 8002. Your InsuranCe Will be well looked after if JeIt to WALLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPLETE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES SHIRTS all kinds‘ GOOD HEAVY \VORKING 50X. black and colored OVERA LS. black and striped. from \VORKING BOOTS the V01 THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE All Things Useful, All Things That Brighten Home, at The Concrete House Green \Vm)! Rug F The plat Brns< Exlvmhm Rnuis. ï¬nished with neat ends, cum- pletv \nlh .wlmv hruckvts. each ‘ . . . ‘ 4 . . . . Bungnlnw Cunluin Net with insoxtinn. stripe centre, plum rdge, culm- emu, 38 in wide, per yd Flnl‘dl lmxdered crequ Curtain Scrim, 35 in wide, per yuld .. h-\\ .- bu-uuu pi‘r'yd . . . . . . v . . Union Carpet. reversible, green and crown shades, 36 in wide. pvr yd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llvlnp Stair Carpet. gnnd wvaring quulity.22 in wide, green and cream. per yd . . . . . . . . . . Cream and white insertion trimmed \Vinduw. Shgldes mounted un good hurtshcrn rollers, each ., . . . . . . . Phin opaque \Vindnw Shndvé, colors cream nrgl'oen. un gmnd spring mllvr . . A . . . . . . ‘ . . . . .. A . . . . . . . . . Brass, sash I‘m-Main Roda extending 36 in, with lu-uckets, (‘nch . . . . . . . . A . . ‘ .A r I’Iintvd Tm koy rod Chintz in pretty floral patterns. lm-ful fur Con-ring cushiuns. (:(unful'tt-l's. etc. 36 in wide. pm- yd I{L'\'(‘1'>‘ih]('CiPlt'nnP uilh flmul hmdvr ouch SIdP. a nice- lllHtt’l‘iJl for door hangings. 0th. colnrs g1 evn ru- n-d, per yd ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finc- qu.|lilv Oil Iicuv ATKINSON & SWITZER NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR P. G. SAVAGE & SON Consult, Us 1901- I{:ues :qxnlitv Oil (‘lnlh in flnrul .‘md Mock designs, pm running yard. 1 yd wide 300, I; yd \vidc 450, 2 yds wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . ‘ . . . . H. . printed Linoleum. m-utdesign (mgreen ground “A Heudquanters fur \\‘( rking gm men [0 buy workingzhm Concrete House Richmond Hill BICHMO ND Working. from ringv best from pm- yd snx, shirts and overalls A. G. SAVAGE FOR SALE 01) ln$1 00 (n $1.01) u$l 20 13 (50 40