l Novaflitotia Case 77 f Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help‘ to Many People. beauty, making its :ippt-nl complete. it has often prom-d Film)! to stupen» Halifax, N.S.. Dec. 15.-â€"Wheu inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St. Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. “I was always ‘blue’ and depressed, felt weak. languid and utterly uniitj for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetitc.‘ What I did eat disagreed. I sul’t‘ered greatly from dizziness and sick head» ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist’s recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I Improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly; urge sufl'erers with stomach or digesï¬ tlve troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pins." ‘ Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach. improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated ,i systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, byI bringing the system to a high point of vigor. they effectually chase away Weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women. for children. All dealers sell Dr Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. .1. QUEEN OF ITALY. Lover in Person and Has Great Influence with the King. Queen Helene of Italy. Helene of Ital is t-l one ue-en , . . ‘of Europe mos); idelilly aquue dous tasks in the high counells of wife and mother. Her husband‘s gOYel'nm'ent- interest rests safely in her â€"-â€"*â€"â€" lkeeping. She will never‘betray DOUBLE TRACKING (T.P.R. jhim that the Slavs may tri- ' 'umvph. Her little son is Italian, The East Will Be Similarly Treated and the sovereignty of Italy will be . , . As the West. his some day. His mother, bending While the vast enterprise of hill ï¬nds * AND 511135 ‘ . over his bedside every night as she |ucks in the coverlet with those lforming the sweet service which is honored by the lowly but often _ scorned by the high, is thinking these days of the future of her son, not of the future of the Slav, One can rest assured that she is thinking of the future of the Italian people also. She has. livedamong [them for eighteen years and spent rbusy, kind, practical hands, pel._lPaciï¬c system is one that cannot, double tracking the entire Canadian in the nature of the case, be fully realized for years, yet when it. is stat-ed that there will be shortly 1.0.,5 miles of double track between Port Arthur and Calgary, Leaving gaps of only something like 165 milesâ€"one gets a realizing notion of the work involved, of great dis- tance covered and of the courage and persistence involved in this large and notable undertaking of duplicating the whole system, which comprises some 13,000 miles of track. Of course the chief conâ€" sideration is the West, whose ra- pid development called for this new policy; but the East will be simil- larly treated in time, especially the lines which connect large cen- tres of population, and promise eleven of them after her marriage without going back to her‘old home ‘ in Montenegro, a comparatively short distance away and a. land \which she loves. It was a sacri- ï¬ce she made in order to prove to ,her husband’s subjects that she had 'come to dwell among them and re- main as one of them, and that her marriage did not mean that she was to be open to the predominating . dictation of Russia, in lllontenegro_ bigger business. The cost Will be The Queen of Italy is lovely in $0 enormous as *0 bame exaCtr 5%" person, as all the world knows, en- “1‘65 at the momï¬nh the dOUble dowed beyond that with force of tracking, too will be built in a. vast.- cha-racter. ’Ilhis is the explanation 1y different way from the original of her influence upon the King, railway. which was put through in Feminine beauty merely of face and a. tremendous hurry. The present form never has and never will sway double tracking will offer a ï¬nish- the minds of men and dict-ate'the ed railway. in every respect both foreign policy of a state. Force of as regards the weight of rails. the character. with sincerity of devo- strength of bridges, and the per- tio-n, but without beauty, has done fection of roadbed. Thus applied, it dozens of times. Allied with .the new policy will work out for limmediate return. 1 _____+~_ ; 'I‘ IX'I‘ILE MILLS ARE BlfSY. ll'resent Conditions Arc Favorable I to Full Operation. Here‘s a Happy Hunch== Post Toasties The stimulating effect of present ’conditions upon the Canadian cot- lton industry has resulted in the re- |sumption of full working time in the ten mills of the Dominion Textile (‘o., Limited. During the eightI .months prior to the commencement] .of the war in Europe the 7,000 em- ployees of this company were \vork» l ing on an average only 70 per cent. of full time. Since the outbreak of hostilities they have been Working. cunc iii AND OINTMENI ; The itching, burning, suffering and loss of sleep caused by eczemas, rashes and irritations of the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent skin health restored in most cases by warm baths with ,Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment. c.5333?“Timidï¬lminï¬râ€e2cl‘l$ll'%‘$§§§: booklet on the care and trmtment of the sklnand scalp. sent. post-free. Adm-ma Potter Drug a Chain. Corn. Dept. 12K. Boston. U. S. A. ‘ M A. PRET"1' GREA SY MENU. lllen of Shackleton Expedition Will Subsist Very Largely on Lard. , l.\l‘.\.\llt\ “INS l’._\'l"l‘l.ES. 'l’nts Finishing.r Tom-ll to ('uvull'y and Artillery Action. While. there have been many dis- cussions as to the relative value of .the different branches of an army there is no doubt but that it is the infantry that wins battles. While it is probable the success of a, battle will depend to a large extent on the support of the ï¬eld artillery, it is certain that the prin- cipal and most important arm is the infantry, which in practically every case must decide the ï¬nal is- sue. The cavalry may be the ï¬rst to be drawn into a. battle, and the an .tillery may destroy the-enemy's ar- tillery, but a battle is never won until the infantry has driven back the enemy’s lines. The present mode of advancing for the infantry is to deploy them in a line with a long interval between each soldier. This. naturally, is for the purpose ()If offering a. smaller target for the enemy. It makes it more difï¬cult, however, for the leaders to keep as good control over the men, and for that reason one of the objects of ï¬eld artillery is to make the enemy’s troops deploy early. The infantry euldier is armed in all the countries with a rifle and bayonet. The rifle is the weapon upon which reliance is placed. the bayonet being used only as a last means, when in a. ha-nd-to-‘hand enâ€" counter with the enemy. Sciatica l’anislles Instantly lf Nerviline Is Used While marching across the ice ï¬elds the men in Shackleton expedition to the South Pole, will have three meals a dayâ€" breakfa-st, luncheon and dinner at night. The menu for breakfast and dinner will be the same, each man being given three ounces of hard, two ounces of sugar, one of dried milk, wheat protein and oats. The luncheon willrconsist of nut food mixed with oil and dried milk and oats. “You may feel rather sick when you hear of it,†Sir Ernest said during a. recent interview, “it’s ra- ther a greasy compound. Indeed, when we tried it in Norway we thought it a. very unpleasant sort of ration, but I can assure you that, scientiï¬cally considered, it is the ï¬nest that has ever been devised. I hope that this time hunger will play a. very small part in our trouâ€" bles.†All the provisions have been pack- ed in sausage skins. Are Your Feet Callouscd? Easy to remove lumps by applying Put- nam‘s Corn and Wart Extractor. 'Ilhls purely vegetable remedy acts painlessly and is guaranteed. Insist on “Putnam's†only. 25c. per bottle. *h His Specialty. Employerâ€"â€"Not afraid of hours, I suppose? Young Manâ€"You can’t, close too early for me, sir. e nugagod the early Mlnard'e Llnlment for sale everywhere. Subtraction. Mr. Wyseâ€"That bank treasurer has been stealing for 20 years. Mrs. Wyseâ€"Yes, but he wasn'tl half bad at that. He’d been with the bank for over ~10 years, Mlnard's Linimsnt Relieves Neuralgla. ‘ This Boy Will Bear Watching. Sunday School Teacher ~> Once ‘ CAN YOU BEAT THIS CASE? No ordinary liniment win even re- lieve Sciatica. Nothing but the most powerful kind oft. remedy can pene- trate through the tissues and ï¬nally reach the Sciatic Nerve. {on can al- ways depend on the old-time “Nervi- line.†Nothing made to-day is as good for Sciatica as Nerviline was when ï¬rst produced, about forty years ago. All this time the same old “Nerviline†has been curing Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, and is considered to be without an equal in relieving pain or soreness anywhere. " ‘Nervlline' couldn’t be made stronger or better," writes James E. Edwards. “The way it cures Sciatica is to me simply a miracle. For years I suffered fright- fully. I ruined my stomach with in- ternal dosing. oils and linimentsâ€"â€"none were strong enough. One good rubbing with Ner- viline relieved. I kept on rubbing and shortly was cured. My father cured rheumatism in his right arm and mother cured herself of chronic lum- bago with Nerviline. Our family sim- ply swears by Nerviline and we are never Without a 50c. family size bot- tle in our home. We ï¬nd that for ex- ternal pain. for coughs, colds, earache, such minor ills it Is a veritable family physician." -l- Out of Commission. Nervous Wifeâ€"Oh, Harry dear, do order a. mouseâ€"trap to be sent home toâ€"day. Harryâ€"But you bought one last week. Nervous Wife-~Yes, there’s a mouse én that. ACCEPTED NEILSON’S GIFT. dear. but 65,000 Chocolate Bars Vulcartier. Going to Toronto, September 2l.â€"r-William Neiison Limited, Toronto, offered to supply the Government with 65,000 bars of chocolate, for use in whatever manner the Government should choose. This offer ha;- b": n gratefully a: lcepted by the Minister of Militia. }and the chocolate is to be shim). l to Valcaliier, and from there \I'Ell bu reshipped with the Canadian Colinnissuriat to Europe. The seeral hundred members of the staff I rubbed in gallons of Delicately flavouredâ€" Highly concen- \\'HY WORRY .' Choose your variety and ask your grocer for tlclark’sll. FARMS FOR SALE. N K. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. ,1!“ YOU \VANT TO BUY Olt SELL A . Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. \V. Dawson, Brampton. or IN Colhorne St. Toronto. 3. W. DAWSON. Colborne St.. Toronto. H O G York county. Stationery and 300k Business in connection. Price only “.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. 72 \Vcsl Adelaide Street. Toronto. xnwsrarnns ron ELIE. 0D WEEKLY IN LIVE 'rowm IN SEED POTATOES. NEW BRUNSWICK SHED POTATOES.â€" On account of the war. this fall will be probably the best. time to buy Your- eed potatoes for next year. Write me for price list of Varieties. C. FI‘Ed Falwcett. Upper Saekville. NB. MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS. MILK, internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. \Vrlle us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medlcal Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. With the Modern Heel. “What on earth are you with your shoe on the desk !" "I‘m only rubbing out a mistake. I‘ve lost my eraser." d4llilg Minard's Llnlment Cures Dandruff. Changing: Times. “Now then. Cousin Emma, let me give you a bit off the breast." "Yes. please. I should like to taste that, for in my young days they always gave it to the grown- ups, and now they keep it for the children. so I’ve always missed it." â€".â€"________ (‘arterhalL Ntld. Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Dear Sirs.~WhiIe in the country last summer I was badly bitten by mesquit- oes. so badly that I thought I would be disï¬gured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect was more than I expected. a few applications completely curing the irritation, and pre- venting the bites from becoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMEN’I‘ is also a good article to keen oil’ the mosquitoes. Yours truly, W. A. V'. R. The Way Out. Dadâ€"The kind of wedding you want, my child, would cost $2,000. Daughterâ€"-Then what is to be done. papa? Dadâ€"You will have to be mar~ ried without lny consent. Minard's Llniment Cures Burns. Etc. A Success. “She married him to try to make a man of him." “Succeed l" "Perfectly I".'lV\' Le washes dishes, sweeps floors and makes up tbeds just like a maid of all work.†Granulated Eyelids. l l Eyes inflamed by expo- : sure to Sun, Dusland Wind ‘ quickly relieved by Murlno Eyeï¬emcdy. NoSmaning. l just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine E). SalveinTubesZSC. ForDoohoilthycfreeask ‘ Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy (30.. Chicago I , “ill: a \feu trim reusing ill ~ rig; and cream for breakfast, lunch or sup- per. Choice white Indian Corn, rolled into thin flakes, and toasted to a rich golden brownâ€"delicious! This food comes in sealed packages. always fresh, crisp and sweet; and ready to serve at a moment's no- tice. Post Toastics make a mighty satisfactory dish at any time. â€"â€"sold by grocers. Canallan Fostum Cereal C0,. Lin: “'indsor. Ont. full time. and if the present demand 1 upon a time there were two rich for Canadian Cotton continues. as is ‘ men, one of whom made his fortune likely to be the ease, overtime and by honest industry while the other double shifts in certain departments 1 made his by fraud. Now. which of will be necessary. ‘these two men would you prefer to l The operation at full capacity of bel the ten mills of the Dominion Texl Tommy (after a moment.s hesita- 1;Ie t'o.. Limited. will mean Lhe'tionlâ€"Which made the most‘.’ placing in circulation annuale of upwards of $10,000,000. Most. of‘ this large amount of money will be: spent in (Canadaflin wages, in freight and cartage. in coal, oil, and other factory sup‘wlies= and in the‘ many other items but enter into the Cost. of the ï¬nished product, As the ten mills of the company are scat.- tered from Kingston to Halifax the beneï¬ts accruing from the circular" (ion of this large amount of money will be spread over a wide. area, L___ ('ostly Illumination. i l l i l‘ouiing Wife-You used to calll are the light of your life. } Hubâ€"So I did; but I had no idea the meter was going to regiszer such a cost. ED. ISSUE tillâ€"'14.- I. of William Nelltun Limited, haveï¬h-ullura‘. production of Tripoli the zllm donated one full day's puy toi Italian Govermncnt \lel t‘FiLlilllSll the Canadian lied (‘ross l’uqd. an expvriinen: stall-In. THOS. BARKER MODEL _ lZ-GIIAGE 30 men DGEEBLE BARREL 8H0? Gilli, SWRE PRICE $l2-°° 0 R PRICE Oil†. . llor.‘ we :ome to be able to sell. this gun 3‘517.95.'~Vl.il-I1‘f 1.2 ' ‘ ' . and v. e are 501:1,w it: it to get aciualnied. Ind BIG VALUE A T SMALL COST g .r’ the e'lJJJJ aCCCI’diDI . Rebound back- I) (13:, bzu tuach. ‘i. is sent With order u it. I V ' _ . ‘ of money-saving valuesm harixvare, (no.5, 1 *: e '4; ds b.2.:l»:<nn:b< .3:er {as BIG CATALOGUE SENT FREE ON REQUEST. THE HALLIDAY COMPANY. LIMITED Successors to Stanle) Mills 5: Co. Mail Order Dept. Established 1888. HAM I LTON. CANA“ ': in CUT