Dr. G. l. Scufwld has tumsfeu'od the mvnership and lunnng‘mwut of ill? BllllP (‘urlrspomloncv Course, which hours hi4 :muu- [H [[10 Mmuly Billlc Institute of Chicago, Its lu-nmluning l‘t‘Spnllsllllllllt-S. [ugvtlu-r with its wide- spread ()I'ill ministry, were (on grout. :x'Lux nn his advancing yvurs. and In. fullt leL the fuvililivs and em-rgy n!" the lllilllllllf \vuuld still further I'x- tend its uwfulnoss in the \vnrld. The course will In- Conducted nu practically the sumo plan as hithu-run. lmL further infuI-mution "my he had by mldrvssing The Muudy llihlo Institulv‘ 153 lusti- lllle l’ulucv, Chicago. Ill. +++++++++++++++++++++++H+ Advertise in The Liberal. RH‘HMND HILL. UN Eltc 3511mm! ‘u’ “'9 mm luau your money nn imprm‘od ful'm lands in York (7mm- ty at gum! run-.5 hf interest ï¬rst mnrtgng§sremfly M' (m iummvvd city I-Pnl (‘SHIH' il' ynu want higlu-r rules of ian'rSl. Lulnsdvn Building. 6 Ade-laid? SL. E-Isl. Toronto. 13 6 III EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES '++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ SEPTEMBER 24~â€"26 LADIES 1 MIL] BEST is none too good for the people of Rich- mond Hill and vicinity, and we believe we are giving better value for their money than any other st'ore in town. Compare the following prices with others. 011 me cordially inviLPd tn inept the display Hf ‘ nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . Comfort. Sunlight or Li Snap 6 bars . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . Rullod Oats and Cream of 6 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fruit jun-s. pints, quarts. g . . , . . . V 60¢: 700 and 80c p Lomuns per doz. . . . . . . Sunkist. Oranges pm dnz‘ These tll‘P samples of our prices and will he uwinulined as long as nur present stock lusts. Fust cuxne ï¬rst. Served. Shop where you are invited In Shop, :It Granulated Sugar H II): Granulated Sugar 100 lhs‘ Red Ruse or Liptuu's Tea (iund Blend Tea, 1n hulk Finest Bun ns FIIIL‘SL U-umeu 'lUIllulnI'S «-1 Pumpkin 3 tins . . . . . , . . . . . . .251 llnrseshue m- Cluvor Leaf Snlm Geo. Cowie & C035 Store M m: Repairing“ Done Autumn Millinery RICHMOND HTTIL NI () N 13 X7 L. CURTIS John Fisher & Co. Farm Brokers THORNHILL Mrs. S. Shuter. If?!" DH ‘ VEN lunmâ€"d Pens, mde URTIS 0‘: M37)? CV: '58 0N AT .. 30 and 4th: \3. (Turn m' 4 [ins 25c ‘muulm-s «‘1‘ Lifellunv 1.. .311") ‘. . .$6.75 l per H). per 111. 24. 1914 wheat: . 256 ullnn 13c 30L Hnrvost Thanksgivmg Services will he held in St. Mary‘s, Church nf Eng- lnnd,rm Thursday evening. October 13L at 8 o'clock, and continues on Sun- day morning and evening. Oct. Mh with :1 Harvest Thanksgiving Omn- muniun at, 11 :i. ni., urd n Harvest and National Thanksgiving Service in the evening. The Rev. F. H. ll.ullvy M. A. rumor of St. Matthias church. 'l‘m-nntu. will hv the special pleat-her A. rvclnr of 51. MN 'l‘m-untu, will hv [luv 5] on Thursday Evening on Thursday Evenings. Rev. S. A. Luwrenco will tuku charge of the Sunday SPI'ViHS‘. Special Thank oti'clings me asked at, all Sk‘l‘VlCt'S. Thvso nï¬â€˜m-ings will he devoted tn the Church Improvement Fund. mmuuunlmmmnm'rmmm. ‘ Church of England Canada’s Strength Strength shows itself in astionâ€" in advertng have washed out the fabric of Canadian business somethings that were marring the fair sheet of our pros- periiyâ€"«speculation in real estate, excess- ive personal extravagance, venturesome- ness in ï¬nance and a tendency to impru- dent business expansion. To-day Can- ada’s strength is showing itseifunmistak- ably. \Ve have recovered our seIt-conï¬- dence and courage. T\VO years or so of stringent times Our business m'en who advertise m‘ve it to themselves and the times to continue their advertising. Advertisements are declarations of purpose, courage and service. An absence oi advertising: is an indication offaintheartcdness, and of energy in u smto oi'collnpsc or suspense. The Young Lndit-s’ Bible Ulnss met for organization at, thé parsonage, Monday owning. There was .1 gnnd :lltt-nduncuaml .1 full oxecutivo was chosen. ' Next Sunday will lw lllllv Day in lhe’MeLhudisL Sabbath School. A special service is being pnepnrvd Visitm-e are nlwny: \velcmnw: Miss \Vulnce vam-ontu will speak. Mundny saw [1.9 first n‘ the- .‘libsion Bind. There \"21 :lllt-ndamcuund Mr. and MI hand gau- nddrvssos nn “O4 fur I"?! t-d . \f‘k 1‘. gnu- :uldrt‘ssos un “Om- Obj» the Coming Ymv." Next, Manda 'rnnon lhmo will be another mm at which the ufï¬cvrs will he eleL leng Lndit-s’ Bil)!!! Net‘lm ist Church at, thé parsonage, There was a gnnd full executive was B \“flS meeting Cl L 'goml Aiken- Object ©F @ANADA ¢ RIBHMUNB HiLi. ‘ 1 HARNESS SHUP ; i’ï¬L'HIEKéééï¬"; G. I. HINAS D THE HOUSE AND SHIN PRINTING I PAPERHANGING. GRAINING I L\l 1N0. KALSOJHNING. Etc. | Residenceâ€"Richmond Hi1] Trench’s Carriage Works Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. Repairing neatly and prompï¬y done WM. TRENCH & SON Finest materials of the world’s best loo-ms, suited for fall and Winter wear. A11 grades of Team and Light Harness,' Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. HOBBERLINiS 500 Patterns W e are Sole A genis inlln's' district. JOHN ELLIS PAINTER AND DECORATOR igm unyu-uuwu. v. ... Y‘ï¬p‘D OFFICE form of investmeh}. TORONTO RICHMOND! HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, Home 29 BANK Every garment tailored to customer's measure. LOTS FOR SALE BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep. splendid outlook. good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $2500. SEE the ï¬ne new houses being bu erty. ROSEVIEW AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able prires. 1N (.‘ONNEL‘TION \VI'I‘II \ND, D D m Managua Bram-he: also at Maple. Markham. Stouffville. Unionvilie find Locust Hi“. Apply COME AND SEE RICHMOND HlLl Wholesale Florist LAWRENCE GARDENS W. J. LAWRENCE, TERMS REASONABLE RICHMOND HILL SECURITY for both principal and interest is the ï¬rst essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. sired HOUSE PA 1N TEE, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESID ENC E. RICHMON D HILL mung resl W. HEWISON F. J. WBUDWARB REAL ESTATE ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRA STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 V I U. : ll( (fronds ( SHOEING LAME ASD INTERPERIH GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ATRONAGE SOIJCITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTE ll( New Gormley RIC ESTABLISHED I873 â€"â€"AGENCY'â€"â€" lli -XLW Richmond Hill {G LAME AND INTER HORSES A SPECIALTY SANDERSON. S ilt on this prop- HEIOND WUUDWARD. MANAGER ND FARM PRO 8Y8 ON HAND 1' and delivered, i HUI." Ill Hill [h E 'FII'TI A1