3! per annum, in advance.] QVoLxxxvu. Q . 7}“ “ “@111: atom 18 PUBLISHED EVERY I‘HURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1'. F. McMAHON, EDITOR 82 Pt'niasuizit :u‘rislers and sollcltors. Money to Loan on I and snuchattel nioi‘tgngesst owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post OHIO.) one door rust of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmsrket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the postoflice T HERBERTLENNOX V Aurora. G MORGAN BARRISTER, Somcrron. NOTARY, ETC. . Toronto Ofï¬ce, Room 3‘28 Cniifedera tion_ Life Bldg†No. 12 Richmond St. E Itlclimond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal' ()flice). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vuodbridue, Saturday forennnn. W BUSINESS CARDS . JOHN 7i". iiNDEiian PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD Ava, WEST Tomm'ro Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancei‘, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuei oi Marriage Licenses. l “R. W RlCHMUND HiLL Rusmsxcu First house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. Phone No. 2102. ’ .ioiiNii. CAMPBELL L5G I ' ,4 fl‘hornhill. l DO U ELECTRICALLY ' l. H. SANDERSON Electrician, Richmond Hill J Eiii/VARD Fail/lids NOTARY PUBLIC CC)II\IISSIONER. CONVEYANAER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL 3 Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to VII]. Hi. PINKERToiv, v.5. OFFICE axn RESIDENCE DIaple, ()nt. Phone No.28. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Fraiitz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up t0~date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. K J. H. Prentlce Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. ‘ Specuil attention iven to sales of every ilesoription. Fiirin uni. Tar-m stock sules a specialty. I‘srins bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-to-duts methods. Address: 9.39 Bullinl St, Nmth Toronto. Phone in House. North 2292. J K McEwen Weston EM You cannot do better than attend the BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE Ynnge and )chill Sts., Tm onto, foi a Business or Shorthand (‘om-se. Fall term is imw open. \Ve ask you to write for particulars. Mr. T. \\'. \“lIlH'llt-pt’, Principal. J T Suizeon Maple - Salgeon Gr McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers tortlie County of York. Balosstteuded to on shortest notice and at res- souabre rates Patronace solicited F. C. EGAN {LICENSED AI'CTIONEER For the (‘ounty of York. GI'ARANTE'ED. ONTARIO SATlSF.\(‘Tl().\' LASKAY P. 0. ‘"I‘iioimi‘unxrzss" is the kuv-Iinte of this Institution. Our giaduaies SllL‘Ct‘t‘tI because they have N ceived Uliirect Prep ii-aiiou. ELLIOTT WW TORONTO enjoys a national reputation fol superior Business and Slioiihaiid l‘Idin-atioii. All business schools are not alike. Nothing less than the best should satisfy \‘ul‘, and nothingless than giving the lio>t training \\ ill satisfy 1‘s. ‘ Catalogue flk‘P. Enter any time. Yong: and Charies Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal % W Village Directory i Church of Eiiglninlâ€"-Ser\'ices at 1] e. m. and l T p. in. Holy Communion on the 3M hundiiv in the month ill 11 a. in. and on the 4th Suinhii iii a 30 ii. in. Sunday School and Bible Class u}! it o‘clock. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services st ll n. muunv‘. 7 p.u.l. Sunday Schoolnt 2.3m. Prove: meeting Tliui'sdiiv evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- éoï¬n 3. ?avids‘on PIANO TUNING VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING TIIORNHIIJ. ) Organs Repaired. Export Work. Phone Main 2984 A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Lawrence &. Dunbar, Barristers,301icitors, Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sts.. l‘oro‘ito. “beaten, Grover & Field Barristers, Soliciors. &c NATIONAL TRUST t‘HA M BERS :3!) KING ST I1. TORONTO. Canada! -- s . . ‘ “ l‘t‘ll‘ thw‘ “tugs†,, _ uste Sun-luvs util a.iii.nnii 10.30 ii. in. L .i .ile Address. Judo. : Methodist Church â€"Ssr\‘iccs at 11.00 u.m.,a.nil T p. hi. I Sundnv Soho-‘1 st Thui'silnv eveiiiii V A. ‘ Blr‘lllllh‘lll 14“«I;L. :\ F and A M â€".\Ieets Mom“ q I , . _ (lav on or lien re full menu garrister, Salzcztor, Notary, Etc. t‘oui'tltirliinond, A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- OFFH‘Ei SI'ITFI 31. TORONTO .3 j . b01211. A0 C \Vâ€"-.\I:~ets tliii l “Rhinos lay DAILY STAR BLINL. IS KING 8TH EI‘IT \VEST of such iii-~i.:li "Tel. .‘I. Sillilb i 9.5.0. General miner cutâ€"sting Cniup lil:.n. S O S â€"Meets second suihunh \Vcducnlav Hill Host 1. Nu. .O.l-‘ »,\lects sum llii Allil tou'ih'l'1whiv. . - mo ' Fll‘Q lirila Ieâ€"Msers first I M "Way of uni: H 7's *M"*" "’ ' â€" ’ .roiiti l"1i~ I.‘.I'rl‘\‘ .l R: 1‘ viv ~ . WRIGHT BROS. .. m 0‘“ Fowl L :e â€"‘.‘IUL‘I»‘ Even Mun Tav. l'uderzukers .1- Err-banners. RICHMOND HILLS: THORNHILI l ‘1':‘_‘ stiii'k’ kept li~.\leet~ cit-{V l-'i.oi_v 111‘ ll -feve;viii.i'it':. ‘ {Luc'm 1.. of Fi'neial Furnishing H ER.†:J. both pli e: LENNOX & MORGAN THE EURoi’EAN WAR 3 RiChmOIlCL Hill lines. , lll‘l‘lI ii ‘saiil that goingont after others and RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1.1914 The followingY bulletins, com mcncing on Monday, give an idea of the progress of the war : Germans hurled back in most desperate ï¬ghting Since the commencement of the war. Allied forces repulse the enemy in a great irontal movement. Paris and other cities at- Muucv to 1mm at Five Per Cont (5%) tacked by German Aviators. Russians drive out of Poland. Germans Russians march on to new victories, and the Germans again fail to pierce the allied Four British steamships sunk by the German cruiser Eniden. Reported victory for the Allied forces. Von Kluk’s army said to be in retreat. Thirty-three thousand vol- unteer soldiers have left Que- bec en route for the battle- ï¬elds of Europe. This morning’s despatclies say that the armies of the allies continue to gain ground. -â€".â€"â€"_ The editor of a Kansas paper says that he picked up a \Viuehester rifle recently and started up the street to deliver the weapon to its owner. The delinquent subscribers got it into their heads that he was on the Warpath, and everyone he met insisted on paying all be owed. One man wiped out a debt of ten yeai‘s standing. 0n returning to the ofï¬ce he found a load of hay, ï¬fteen bushels of corn. ten bushels of potatoes, a load of wood and a barrel of turnips. _‘â€"Qo.â€"â€"~ EPWORTH LEAGUE BANQUET The ï¬fth annual banquet of the Ep- worth League was held at the Meth~ odist cliuioh Monday evening when an enjoyable time was spent. The menu consisted of meats. entrees, sal- ads, jellies. enli'enionts and deserts of various kinds, and an inleiestiiig pro giammo followed. the pastor, Rev. J. It. Aikenliead acting as chairman. After opening exercises Mr. J. II Saiideison gave an address on Sabbath St'litinl \“Ulk. He referred It) the various departments of \voik, to the loyalty of the parents to the school. and gave assurance that \ isitors were alu'ays welcome. )lr. (Ilarkson McDonald gave an adliess on the Local League. He hoped that more young people would attend the meetings once a week, where a pleasant and gioiilable hour may always be spent. Iii-v. S. A. Lawrence gave an address on “The “'ar" which be designated “The wul'ot the Broken I’l'oiuise." lie pictured war betwern nations. where man shoots down his fellow-mamas the most teiiible thinsr imaginable. In the present war, howevei, Britain and her colonies could not honorably refrain from assisting poor little Belgium which. thouin guiltless, has been made to suffer tremendous loss of life and properly. Mrs. Aikenheaii gave an address on "Our Motto."ieferiint,r to the words “Look up. Lift up." She spoke of the ‘ pl:l_\'(‘l' and testimony, but endeavoring lolil‘l them to a highei pl me was a \voi k not [ll be passed over as unimportant. The last :uldioss of the evening was , 'iveii bv .\li'. II. I). 'l‘ri-siddel. I’it‘>i- . . . L - I“p\vm*lli l hm“ hl llis .ub' wt \\':1: "\\' Ilk -f. . . . . \ J, bids-“Th, ‘55".U'Hllooonsiriiol lliis iiiileugr'. \\ oi k Leagues oigani'mil 23 yeai s ago, ll'l\t‘ ' imw 1212.": loam-hos n illi a membership. [lent Toronto (‘niil'i-i‘enci- la-riglio. Yr ling People‘s Sm-ioiii s." I f oii-i 53 HIM. 'l'lirii \ll"t't-&s is : wing to llio t'liiisliaii l‘llillill'lll’ of its mom! i-is. many of Illl'lll lu-llig of the liiglit‘s! i_\'(>4'. 'l'li-i aililiossl-s \voii- lllII‘l\[\“!\>'lI by it \‘m'nl il‘li‘l l'\' 'llr' _\II~‘\'> SWllZi-LIHHI .1 lo iui s l) lI\' )II’. (‘lll‘i\'lllll~l. Iii'ii It' I'l| >ll.i_r :t \|'It‘ I I- llrihks. by Mr. Savage, >ltl llilr‘il l-_v Mr. (‘iouv liuist was iziiibiwil Illt‘ \isiiing ~lir-ril-{I'l~ ’Iit \. .‘li. l.Il\\'ll‘llL'L' and 3h. ddl‘iiltl‘ i. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†RE LIGHTNING RODS To Tim Eiii'roii oi: Tllli I.ii=icn_ii,: Deni-Sier wish to warn the farmers of Ontario against inferior lightning rods. In our investigations We have ioiind that-an iron-oriilerml rod, that. is, one compusod of .i strip of l'l‘Ppt‘l" twisted around an iioii ()1 steel centre. whether the t'l‘lltl‘l' is a. ship of wires or both, is a very slim-third rod. In many cases the iron is nearly all rusted away in from live to ten years. leaving only the (topper, which is too ight either to wear well, or to (-ai'iy oif a flash of lightning without. melting. The copper sheath of tho-si- rods weighs less llian half what the staiidaid L-nppt-i rods Weigh. Any fainier who puts [hose iron-centred iods on his buildings is actually getting less presâ€" ent. value for his mt'iiey than if using an all copper rod. to say nothing of the hawk of durability. A plain galvam ized iron cable is more (lumble than the hon-centred rod. In bulletin 22!) on Lightning Rods, page Lid, appears a photograph of a piece of il‘iillAL‘I‘lIIlt‘tl rot‘ taken from the peak of a building aftereight years of use. The iron strip and Wires were in several pieces, and nioie than half insted away. It is to the credit of all lightning rod companies in Ontario. except two, that they are following the teaching of Bulletin 220, and do not supply iron- Centered rods. Several months ago I personalon informed one of the two companies that its hon-centred rod was not fit to put on a building. and the other, even before Bulletin 220 was published, was notified what its trach- ings would me regarding the iron- centied rod. and they were advised not to stock up with that kind of rod. Yet these companies are using other portions of the bulletin to induce farineis to buy these inferior rods which it condemns. Under these circumstances I think it. only fair to the farmers of the province to put them in possession of the facts. And it is not unfair ti: the companies for they were notified publicly through the bulletin and privately by letter, thus giving them ample time to pro- vide a good rod. Indeed it has been a matter of surprise to me. to learn through recent coriespondence and personal reports that these rods were still being sold. These companies can just. as wells supply Hood rods, as specified and des Cribed iii the bulletin. Perhaps it may not. be amiss before Concluding,r lusay that our investiga- tions have shuwu that properly install» . ed rods will pievent $999 of loss out of ei ery $11M!†that wi-uld occur if the same buildings \veic not roddrd. Yours, \V. H. DAY, PL'OfOSSt‘l of Physics, Ont. Agr. t'ol- lege, Guelph, Ont. 90> Victoria Square The ’i-slly I).iy serv'eo was a success Considering the short time taken for Preharalion. The church was taste- fully decorated with Autunzn leaves, sheaves of grain, fl'llll:, vegetables and Autumn l)‘l'll(‘.\‘. The program was snooessfllll,»v C-‘ll‘llt'll out. Those who recitedâ€"Bliss Kathleen Dennis, Master Hussel lioyiittili. Misses Meek, Jen- nings. Collard and Arnold, Master J. Fi-isby and Miss Sadie (ieeâ€" sustained their parts in a creditable manner. The pastor, Rev. .I. It. Aikenhead, gave it Short address from Gen. 8 - 22. The young men ol the Sunday Selimil led the singing. The olfeiing was $3.5“. A meeting to discuss the proposed Hydro-Electric. \ihieli will pass near the fifth line, was held in the Hall on Saturday evening; the Ztlth ult. It ‘i'\ e .l. Niyli presided. and Messrs. (‘. II. Sliver, of ('nionvills: A. F. \Vilson. of Markham. and A. l). Bruce, of Gorinley, spoke in favor of the project which will benefit this section of the County, [here being no railway through this immediate part, which is one of. the best farmingr sections of Uniaiin. Aftersome discussion, in which Mr. \V. Si-oll, Ili'. Hpaulding, Mr. \V. (‘ar- rumors and others took pail. :iii ur- gent appeal was made tor a thorough oigaiiizatioii to get out the vote on October «Sth. â€"â€".o’ 76 Miles are Completed Mr. 15. A. James, chief engineer of tho- York Highway ('onimission, h'is mill-s of new roads in Ill“ enunlv [his summrr. It has i-ost slaitoil on May lst. and it is exp. I'jll‘ll illllll ooiisiiiii'iioii will stop about _\'..\omlwr Tili. 'l‘lio \\':ii and the light- llv‘~< of iiioiiov lll'ltlv' it iii-i-essai y to "lllIiill the \voik which the i'liii-i eii- 1.:illko‘l linil voiilviinleIII. building 4†Iiiiles Illls‘llllilll‘ r. Ioi iirw imnls siiim' Ill" \voik was iii- lziiigiii iii-«l iliim- yiuiis vigil is: new T'i. l'l‘lie lake roads ll‘\t>l _v year. and this adds to their pro- ;zi-aiiiiiio. so (buy swim-t saj.’ when the \v: ik will b.- m-iiiplotml. sion lisis spi-izi alt: grill‘d Sil'lUi-Ni oii lll‘.‘ \v. 11;. roiii‘i;i~~ioiir-is over Th:- loial lllllt‘HL’t" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Our lines of Talcum P owder consisting of all the best makes ~â€"â€"n Feeding Bottles Sanitary ‘lnd )leasiiied and all .‘lCCOSSUl'ioS for the same Himâ€"â€" Condensed Milk Boidin Eagle Brand ~___O___ Baby Foods Allonbury‘s 1, 2. 3. Horlock's Mailed Milk, Nestles Food, Melliiis‘ Food ___.(i._._ Comforts and Teething Rings And everything for the Baby W.ll. Sanderson DKI'GGIST RIPHMOND HILL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA V k D D D D b D > P b b D b b D D D p D P D > > D D D D p P D b b b D b > > b b h b > D 5 . b D b D b P 4 V‘ V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVVV' I' ' ’â€" Pulmc Attention Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ._.O._. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn . . AND. . Manitoba Oats for the Chickens _Oâ€"_ ALso HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. &: VV. Scranton Hard an1. “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES §TIVEH & RAMER ~Ii. HILL &. til" Bakers and Confectioners .__o-.__ ORANGES,PINE:\PPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS ;Try Us {or FRUIT and ' GROCERIES. Quality Counts. ,All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. Van‘â€" Everything up-to-date ii; CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES _.â€"s1.‘h Thu ('4 llllllIS‘l l ‘RICEMOND HILL, ON, T