Thehnznarlmldin the rink Friday and Saturday in aid of St. Mary's Church was :1 huge snrcuss flnm u ï¬mm in! as we“ as u sucml standpoint. The booths, which were tustefhllv decorated, were presided over as fol- lows zâ€"Famcy gobds, Mrs. Nunghton and Miss Hngnn; Groceries, Mrs. Cn‘eetxta,gtr1d Mrs. W. J. Uusgrhvu; Fruit). Mlss Murtugh; Fish pond. Miss- es Grady and ()osgrovn; Dutch Cull!)- tex', Miss Picket: (Tandy counter, Miss Sliney; Ice (Jr-(mm counter, MisSUS ligéfsimd Hufl'vsy; Dining mum, Mrs. Lyneté, Miss Glov.._l.n_:f11\m. Hughes. Business was brisk in ouch of the booths; __ A _ -. . . 6n Friday evening the Underwood Minstrels of 'l‘omnto delighted the large crowd present bynn exceptional- ly humorous perfmnmluce. The Rich- mond Hill Band also played :1 numbm uf selections Friday evening. 0n Satmday evening Collins’ 01'- chestra was presenl. and (12m cinp; was indulged in by those who enjoy that form nf Exercise. The following (lu‘w t-‘lc lucky tickets for the full-“S'ng articles : â€"- Mrs. Stung, Mrs. Hewis' cushion; Mr. E. Falwy. Mrs. Blown‘s cushion; Mrs. \V. Slinoy. Mrs. Beck‘s cuslnnn; Gul'dnu Ryan. liuuso uf Providence cushion; Gordon Ryan, Flam-y wlwvlhan'uw Excitonnxnt increased to fever heat When lhv time unin for closing the contests fur the guhl watch and the gold lie-“dud cnnv. \Vhen the mnney was counted it Was found that Miss Stella Mumhy had cullecled $256.85 far the watch and Miss Minnie Seugcr $227.75. Fur (he cane Mr. B. Grady hurl cnllectrad $155.15 fur Mr. J. S. Mu- Nair. and Mr. F. Lvnelt $146 for Mr. led "\Vau‘ Time in Canada." which appears in Lhe Octohm- issue of The Canadian Mugazinv. Mr. Muc’l‘nvish )‘PViews What has taken place in Um- udd as a. result of the WM" bringing together into compact. cmnprehensihlv form :1“ die variuus uctivities of (he Guvermnent; in hrivf. he vxsnuhms the npemtimx of (he Canadian gov- ernmental machinery which the war has satin nmtinn. me “)9 time M the summoning of the Gnvernnr»Genâ€" Grill and the Prime Murister to Ottawa. tn tlw cull fur further \‘nluntcers to go tn the from a vast amount: of prepara- ï¬lm and precaution is here outlined. 1 Short speeches were then made by Mr. McNair, Mr. Pudng and the chair- man. Mr. Greene. The. pustm- Futhm- Kelly and mem- bers of the committee wish through THE LIBERAL to thank Mr. J. H. Sanderson whn suppnntended the hall decoration, and all those who made donations or assisted in any way to make Hie imzzuu- :\ success and misc sufï¬cient, I'unnvy‘tn cnmplutuly wipe The fact that Canada is actuany ‘n :1 sulte of war is \'1\'id|_\r impressed by Newton l‘IiU!Til\‘i5h ia an article (-ntit- Mr. J. T. Saigeun was called upon [n .pi'eseut the Ll-uphies. In handing the cane Lo M r. MuNnir he Cnngl'uLululed him on defeating his \\’()1[hY opponent. and expressed a lttliof that he would urtcupv the Clinix' of the move of Vaughan next January. Mr. Pudng “‘hn nmde a (5105? run was also DI’CSBHL- ed with a gold headed cunc. Miss Murphy was handed \\\0 watch, and Miss Sengvr who wm-ke‘d so faith- fully wus also nmde the recipient uf 2L gold watch. had ane-cth Nair. and Mr (LAB. Budget \hu debt 01f \hu'church The regular price nf The Toronto “ft-rid is $3 Per unnum. The Liberal )3 $1 a year. By appoinl nrmngmnent The \Vm‘ld and The Liberal will he Sent to any address in Canada from this date until Jnnuzu-v 1, 1916, over 15 months. for $3.50. The present wan- has create-d :1 grth demand for news- papers. Every home should now hum- :1 daily paper. Can vnu gut .1 better mien-than theabnve? Order at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. go down to posterity :15 politician. A Premier was never considered one of the hail fellows well met, who tried to please everybody, 'his name will go down to posterity :15 an honest \VEL Sir James Whitney, Premier of this Province. Although the deceased Citizens of Ontario of all classes heard with regret of the sudden death of RICHMND HILL. 0NT.. OCT Z6112 Eï¬ibeml AGEâ€"At Richmond Hill on Septem- hH-ZZSth, tn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page, A daughter. ELsox-SMITHâ€"At the home of the Bride‘s father and mother. )I r. and Mrs. Fred Smith. in the township of \Vhitchum'h. hyRev. Dr. Smith nf ’I‘omntn. Mr. Ray L. Nelson of Mark- hrnn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Nelson tn Miss Gertrude Francis Smith. TELLMAxâ€"At Elgin Mills. Tuesday morning. September 29th 1914 Gem-ge \Vellmnn in his 86th year. F\\ue\--.\\ from his hue resideuca Elgin Mills, at 1 o'clock. Thursdav, October 1, to Victoria Square Ccme~ tely. EDITORIAL October Canadian Clubbing Offer R. C. BAZAAR MARRIED BQRN DIED 191-1 SUDBURY PARRY SOUND OR ILLIA, PORT HOPE. (,‘OBOUKG TRENTON, PICTON, BELLICVILLE NAPANEE KINGSTON BROOKYILLE SMITH’S FALLS ï¬anadian Nurthem Fur rail all inform c A Map 3% x21; feet. showing olearlyevery boundary, every city. every own, village, hamlet and river in the whole European War “area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights (or the War Map pi'epai'ed by the celebrated map ï¬rm of G. W, Bacon & Co, Ltd., of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most com. prehensive map printed. The Liberal has completed arrangements by which ‘our cure a copy of this excellent map free of chm‘ge. DWiSiflN The Next Sitting (if DiVISum COHI'thl‘ N0. 3, County of York, will beheld in the Court Room. Every Reader of The Liberal May Have a War Map Free The priceof The Family Herald and Weekly Star, is one dollar a year. The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a. copy of The Family Herald's War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder of con- venient size for only $1.90. This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next; 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map is necessary, It should be in every Canadian Home. TOR ONTO, OTTA \‘VA, Q U EBEC Richmond Hlll,reusmmble rent New seven roamed cementblvck Imus", (Ink trimmzd. hardwood Hours, sink. hand and 5(va “'HN‘I' in house. ï¬re place, fun-mice. elec- tric light, large \‘fl‘illldil, etc‘ New solid brick. sewn large moms and Math ~himmvd in cipris. oak Hum-s, EhiZ'WIC llghty large vel'nndnh, divided cuff‘v“: J‘IUR'JHI furnace. Furer par- ticulurm-f [his beamint hlnuo “‘1†be furnished on :lpplimlliun. fm-mu‘o. Lot SUXZZU. This htilliu has a“ [ho C()Il\'k‘lli(‘l)l:(Ԥ ofu (‘iLV hnuse and is certainly priced beneath its value. {urge \‘el'undnh hath of the ï¬m'st tank. ’hntwmm' fm-um‘o. Lul SUXZ Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only A. E. GLASS hu-g‘ mod GREATLY REDUUEDJX PRICE FOR Monday; Oct. 19, 1914 New svvon mmnod home in PROPERTIES F OR SALE (ï¬nnnnenmng 4t 10 mm. RICHMOND HILL and THROUGH SERVICE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL THE BEST WAY TO Daily excvpt Sunday FREE WAR MA3§ might run! lhrupghuut [iI-L'jjlucv. e all intermediate points :md steamship tickets. and ‘vltiOH apply to vein ndn h. ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. T. F MCMAHON, CLERK FOR RENT BET‘VE EN QUICK HO US ES Y. B. TRACY. Stalin!) Agent wst qunHu', or huilm; SUXZZU. This nlid hri moms, ( - EBUM. brick. nino us, nuk trim- . hardwood lectri': lights, three-piij U.) svplic EDGELEY CEDERand JE MILL W This mill will cmnmvncp running fur the manufacture nf Cl DER, JELLY and APPLE BUTTER on \Vednesdny, Septemhvr 30, 1914, mm will run on TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY of each week up to the 25th uf Novem- bar. Grain will be ground Thmsdny and Friday of each Week. ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. APPLES WANTED Effective from August i, Igt4. to August I, 1915, 317d gmmme“ against any reduction during that time. FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efï¬ciency in our factory prod and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments [F we can re: output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer's share, fro to $60 per car (on or about; August 1. 1915) to every retail Luyei‘ who purch new Ford car between August; 1, 19141 and August 1, 1915. For fm'ther pm'ciculars regarding these low prices and proï¬t-sharing plan nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. G. A. M. Davison, Unionville, Ont, readers can se- Buyers 19 Share in Profits £0er Prices on ma Cars ford motor‘ Company ng for Touï¬ng Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Oniy In Marble m‘ G reasonable charge \Vrite, 1-3 m. Rolled oaks and Rolled Wheat' 5c 21 lb. Canned Goods, Teen Coffee and Cocoa at the old prices. For Housecieuning~Ammonia, Sorax, Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Dustbane, Lye, Soap, and a large stock of Brooms at close paces. Goods that will keep down the high cost of livmg are what we want to sell. The lollowing are a few. Macaroniâ€"an inexpensive and wholesome food. Riceâ€"Ragoon 6c 21 lb, japan lot: a ll). Nothing better. Cerealsâ€"On all package goods our prices are the same. For Sale on Easy Terms Monuments. M FOR FUR'I C. A. SKEELE, Tombstone Lettering Richmond Hill zichmond Hill Annex L, Agent for Markham. ScarbOro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited \V. A G. A. MCDONALD & SON Building Lots on Yonge St, Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. WAR ON HIGH PRlCES Markers and Cut-net- Posts JONES, Buclinnnn Sf Ewmmy n'tv. Grmd \Tm Town or Comm Turnntn IXFOFMA'IION WRITE OR SEE $590 540 840 J. T. LOCKE (8} C0., ie now open in Central Business CuIL Pge‘ Turumn. and m muth of its Six Branches. F199 cntnlugue ({3})luins vge. 'l'nrumn, :md Branches. F199 cu (:mn-se-s. “'I'ito fm Shaw, President ] Ynnge St. 10 Adelaide St. E..Toronto AUTUMN SESSION from ‘dnctiun, each an SOC r n. r‘npv. \V. Hmd ()fï¬t-Cs, . Tmunlo. the