A Severe Fall \\'il|i.-11n Young :1 young man assist- ing in the erection 11111 new greenhnuse for Mr. .1. ll. 11111111111 fell 1111111 1111- hnilding when :1 111111111 111-t-ke Monday m V :11'11-111111111,:1111lr1-1-ei1'1-1l [111111111injuries. ‘â€" " ' He 1'1-111111 his he:1d,1-utti11_1_: his 1'.11-1-, L O O A L s 1111-1‘1-511111il1g s1-11-1.11stit1‘hes |.1_\‘ :1 111-1- 1111. Both k111-1-«11111l hoth 1111s1s 111-11- ' - " >[11‘alt1e1l. For general 1111 1- news see inside pages, 1" Vibe-at tflhe RICHMND HILL. Ox-r.. 01-1. 1. 15111. New Brick Buildintr The tender 111 Mr. 1,1111 511111;; was accepted for 1-.\'1-a1-.-1li111,r 11 11:1s1-1nent 511.1111) 11.,81111111 111' McDonald's store. Miss \Vallace of Toronto. spent Hun- day at the parsonage. Mr. Rush 11f llnlnher Bay spent Tuesday Witll MID “HY-L" M‘WI‘" Any person in need 111 clean e:111h " ' ' " sin-11111 see Mr. 5111111: :11 once. .\lr. Mr. 111111 3115. Fr-Hlk “NW†“f [toliinsnn experts 111 1111-1- :1 Mick 'l‘orontn 511-111 Snnda ' with Mr. and l l1nildin;_-; 1-11-ct1-1l :11 this sad. 1 -:1d ' Mrs. l“. thaing'el'. I t ' 1‘1111111-1:11p:11-1-y11ythela-ginnin}:1-11111' Members 1111- requested to 1-1-1111-111111-1- 'H I‘m $3.1}..3‘1'11131112217..111-‘1'11111105111'ill-111.1311 A ‘Vfln'ing 1111;.1-11111- 11.2-11.1-1111-11H1-f 13131-115111;- 1111‘1511151111122.51T111f.‘“.1;‘.‘,]li 111.3 111111111'l1111l1in1g1i1111‘1711,1111111111117111"11111 “ml-(I M “w MUIWIWHMH “Mhmy c 111pl11ining 11111111 l11:\'s and young 111111111111kin;:a1111isan1‘e111' 1111-11141-111-5 around the “'ailinp: 111111111. 1‘111-(‘11111» pany claims that the seats and wait- I ing room are kept 1111- 1111- :11-1-1111111111da- tien 1111111-i1 p 111'1111s only. The Village 1'11nstal1l1- 1111] he asked to take the nann-sot‘thos- who 111.1ke 11 hahil ol' frequenting the place in week days andSundars. .\ 1111111111 the wise is gsnl‘lieientf 1'1 i1-11ds. _ Miss (‘11111 Sle11‘a1t and Mrs. A. honey and two 117lll1_:l\11*l\‘-‘1 '1‘1111111111 spent Monday 111111 .‘lis. llaxiy (irahain. Mr. and Mrs. (1'. l-Zlnioie 1111111111111 left on \Vednesday 1'1-1'l\'in-,:~11111 11111-11- Mr. Iteainau will continue his studies at Queen's [Hirer-sic); T’i1t.1r.-p11st 1-:1r11si111-'.11liugDunlop‘s - La11'1-en1:e's 11nd .\lills‘ :11-1-11111111s1-s, Thanksgiving and 11111111111-‘1-11cardsat '1‘111- Lit1e1-11ltllii1-e. (rder at Home “'hz-n in 111-1111 111' 11111011 station-1y s11-'h as stamped envelopes. note heads. letter 111-:111-1 111‘ hillheads 1111 11111 1111;;1-‘1 1111'1111 :11 Tina l.1111-:1111.11111-1-1111- 1111.1- tations. 1‘1-1111111- printers f1c..:1--11lly make tiips into the adjacent 1'illag1-s 1111111-11111-111-111 to induce the Inf-1111111115 and other 1111siness 1111-11111gi1'1- them o1ders 1111 1111- plea that the price is :1 few cents cheaper. Do not 111- 111-~ ceived .-\s :1 11111- 1'i11‘ pi i-‘r's in print- i11-_r are higher than in villages, quality and quantity being C11l1>itl--l'1‘1l. ' l\l1-.J:1m1-s Murphy 111' .11-1’1'1-1 son lost :1 1'11111111111- fresh milch1-1111‘111'1-11'e11-n- ings age. The animal got on the track 111111 was 1-1111 1111-1- by a Metro- politan south t11111n11car. The Village Council next Tut-511111- 1-11-ning will consider the petition asking-{111111 thestores 111- closed M1111- d.1\‘, \Vetlnesday 111111'1‘11111-s11ay 011-11. 111155 1 1' each week' :11 7151111111. 311s. \\'. \V. Ada-anon of Crystal City. .\lani11-l1:1. is 1isi‘ing her sister 1111;...11111-11111-na,11-11111- 1111-. .1114. 111111111- son is attending the General Conl'er- e11ce 111 Ottawa. Maple The111111111111111111-1:111- 111s. Hanunl Stung, who passed away 1111 191111111 last at l1e1 home in Yo1k, look 171111-1- here on Monday afternoon and was attended hy many friends and rela- 1i\'es. Hat-rest llotne services 111-1-1- held in St. Stephen‘s Church on 5111111111 lasl. There was a huge congregationdn the evening. The (-111111-11 has l:111‘l\' heen decorated 111111 painted, and presented :1 pleasing appearance with its :1111111- dance of fruits. 1111\1‘1-1s. etc. Last Sunday was It1lly Day in the dil’i‘erent cllllrt'hes, 11nd interestingr s--r\‘ices 11'e1e held. I Next Sunday anniversary .s--1\i1‘-s will 111-111-111 in the Methodist chuwl. 111-1. .l. li..-Xik1'llli1-.’I1lis~ 111 preach 011 Friday evening the l’.1rs1111:1ge re- soanded with merry 111i1res and laugh- ter when representatl1'es. of three generations 11fthe Aikenhead fa1nlly met to enjoy :111 err-11111;; together. The High School B.1~k1-thall and Foothall teams went 111 Aurora 11y special 1::11' yesterday aftetnnnn 11- play a league game with Aurora 11.5. The \‘isiting teams were defeated in 111.111 (“ilS|_'.“. The Toronto Daily Star and the ’l‘or- 11111111‘211-11111_-_:~ News 11:11'1- raised their suhserintion price 111' 1111111 from $1.51) M $2 (lt)pe1-yctr. The reason given is the increased cost 111111-111111cti1111. Either 111' the 111‘1-1'1- papers may he had chih- tied with the Liheral 1111- $1.75. Prepared icings in pink, lemon, maple. 111111111111 111111 chocolate flavors. [‘k. 101'.; (lowans 1111s11'1‘ete11e11 choco- late 11.-1r lUc.: Quick puddings. asst flavors. 31111-2 - Pure Gold selected pastry spice. 1111. ‘.: Pickling spice pk. 1'10; Ground pickling spice. 2 ounces for 51'. Atkinson 1k Switzer. 1 1 1 1 . ’1‘111-11nt11.in 1111-1-\1'lli|1}:. 011 the 1,111 will he held in the church. l’resbyierian Church Suhjeets for Sunday, Oct. 11h: 11:1. 111., “Life more .11111111111111," .lohn X. T p.111.."'l‘he men who made 11111 things new," (1'1-11. XXVI. Itally Week 1111 the young folk has 111-1-11 so far 11 great .stlt:':1-.ss. 5111111111 1111111111151 the St‘l‘YiL't' was in charge 111' the school. oï¬icets 71s well as the whole sellonlengaging in the services. 111 the e1'e11111glte1‘..\lr. Myers :111111essetl the teacher-sand 11111111 pupils-11111211111. 111., :111111117p.111.a 1l1rillings1-11n11n on "A Good Man.†Monday :11 7 [1.111. the hoys and giI is 111' the junior school had their hanquet. followed 111 g'11111-s and entertainment greatly enjoyed 111' 1111. Thursday e1e11ine; the 11111-1 The. Rally-day exercises in the Meth- odist Sunday School 111. Sunday were exceedingly interesting. A numher of readings were given by pupils. :11111 :1 helpful address 11y Miss \Vallaee of '1‘ 11-1111111. was-111111.11 appreciated 11y all ptes‘ent. ‘ Any person dropping 11 post card 111 the Canadian Lila-r1111111111111330111111.1. will receive 11 1:1-pV11f the Septernhet 111111111e1-l'1-ec. It isnhsolutely 11onpar~ 1121111 and c-111tai11sait1cles 1111“‘j:1nad:1 and [he \Var." “The Call of Duty and the Response," “The Meet ing of l’arlia- ment," “\\':1r'l‘axatinn." etc. pupils hold thelr han1p1et. which they ha1e thrown open to all the 11111111,; peeple 111' the ch1111-l1. “ The \Vomen‘s Missionary Society last week packed and f1!l'\\'1‘l‘l 111-11 1111:1- 1il'ty dollars 11111111 1-f goods 111 the North “lest. 7 Children's reatlyto-wear felt hats. crudiual 111111 11.-11y, with silk 1111111 around crown at :31ch Girls nayy felt hats trimmed with heavy silk cord. 111~ hand of 1-111111111111111 111-11111, side 8.312: Boys 111111111 caidinal and 11111y1'ell hats with cord and tassel 111-11111111c1-11wt1501': Dark red corduroy \1-11'1-1 hat 1-11111111 close lilting,r style 51112: .\l1-n's 111111111 and grey tweed caps, silk lined 1301-. Atkinson & Switzer. N EWS NOTES llun. J. Hendrie elf Hamilton has been appointed Lien!e11.11.t-(1--1e11111-111‘ Ontario 111 succession to Sir John (11ih- son. The Dominion (1111‘1-1-111111-111 has ap- propriated 1550.001! 111' the $Sll,lll)ll.UUU Voted by Parliament for lelief of the $11 icken residents of Belgnnn. Thousands of people vie1ved the re- 111.11115111511- James \Vhitney in state in the Legislath'e chamherun Monday - previoustotakingthehotlytn311111-15- 111111: for interment. originally $1,512."). \V c 1101111111511-111111‘. The delegates of the following (‘on- servative dist1iets will meet 1111 Friday , night at the Masonic 11111. 31151111) A112. tofornia111-1111ss11-iati11n to he k111111‘11as1111-E1st York Conserrative Association East Yeik, Midway. l‘I-1st Toronto. N11'.\\'.'l_\'. Beaches and Scar-1111111, The main husiness of the meeting 11111 he the naming of the boundary lines between the dittment districts. special value. york @rder your Wedding §falionery at [ï¬e £1'6eral @fï¬'ce the111111-11i11g.an1l 111-1. 1’1-11-1-111-11:1- 1 ' ‘ lowing 'l'uesdaye1‘1-ning:1 wand 11 11» ‘ Studebaker 'l‘ouring Car, 1911111111111. Used only 115 11201015 1211111111! 545 Yonge 51.. Toronto 1 H Another Unfortunate .\ly1111('11;1lu<. .111 .‘111st1i.111. 11111111111 {1\'l'll{t‘(l at the 1.11111-111-1- (ireenlnum- 11111111- past tow 1:1--n:h~'. 1'1iuhtr111-11 people Monday 1~\'1-11i111_r 111' 1,1;1111: |1' ;h1111s1-~’. surging.11.111111111111111‘1111111111g. ..-\s 11 was 11111â€ng he was 111‘ uns1111111 11111111111- 11'.: taken 111 ‘1'1‘1 the 1111.1111- 11111-1111 ‘1111111111s1111. '1‘111-11-111- 11.-11l;1-1h1-:|.1~s 1111111- 11111111111. and smashed 1111 :11- 111-11-s11 1111111111112 111- i1111~111 1111-111. < Nil-1‘ 1.1-1 11111;: 111- ‘21111llas11-1'1-11111gat :1 111111111 111- \\.-~ .1111-111111 111-11111- 1’11111-- Magistiate 1‘. ill. 111111111111. and was taken 1.1 11.1- phylum. ‘mm 511113111 111mm 1.1.1115 \ï¬- 1‘. 1‘1 DVl-Ilt'l‘hli‘dlIN'I'Sin1112s1-11l1111.11 ._ . 11 1111111; 111111-11 results. it y1 1111111- 1 :1111'111111gt11w-1l.111- it you wish try this "NEW .\1111;11'1'1s1c111'\-r ' Icrdlann. \1111-1-1'1' 1115;111:111. 11. .lt-llllvd}. 111-1111111111. Yonge 51.. ll 1:111 1111111s1's. l l’--1-111->s 1111-1111.11.-r.1‘_7|l 13;“! size. 111111 1 111111-1111; l’railie St 111'. .l. ,ll1-11p.t‘1_-1111‘1- 51111-1, lift-11111111111 llill. ‘ 111-3 11‘701'N11.~1111111- 111317.117] Saturday 1-1'1-ni11g. a pair 111' 1‘}'1‘»gl:1.\\1'<. Apply :11 the l.11:1:11.\1.1111h1-. ll 2 13111: H _\ 1. if. T1111 eoal heating ' :1131115 hugeand small. 112 t'. .\1.1~11_\' and - 1111s. Viettnia 112 1'.11111‘7.\11’1'l's. Ia 1’1 ice $"' ’ 'l‘. -01 . 8111111112 111‘1115‘ 111-2111, 111's11: 1111111411241†11111.11.111111 .91.. :1 few steps 11.1111 Y111ge. Apply 111191-211. 5.111111. 1511.1. I .1 1111-:s- 1111.111: 111111.111. 7: _4 liming“r 111-1-11 :1pp.1i11111l 1111-.11 11ill1leli1’11-it to agent for lll1-.-1111\1- 111.1;z1xii11-. l 111111111llill,11nnotir-e. \\‘)1. li1.1.1s ') :111_\' home in 1111-11â€" UNTle the villagea p-1i1-1 1;:11111 sp1-1 1:11'les. 111-11‘111'11111'1‘111- Lili- eral Ofï¬ce. 11 11 All) \\‘.\.\V'l‘l-‘.l)#tu‘11-11e1al house 1111111, no washing or ironing. Apply to 3111s. 811117.141. 1) 11' . "r1111: 111,111 s-1'1.1-:.~s.1.;.11 111,111. in}; Htme cheap. tlxl'ord ('1111111- Miss 1‘. 11151515. 113 11>. ' 'l‘he 111110 to adverttisc is when - you want. more 1111siucss: the 111111-111 111111 is \\'l11:11 you are ready to step 3151110111111 give the other l'cllow 11 1 chant-c. 1% Tli 11:11-13 buyers for . , . l i - ~â€" I t ’ .11), 1.1 and 110 acrc 11‘ .1 11 .11 in Vaughan and Markham at right prices. JOHN FlSHER, TORONTO E. W. Moyle, Langstaif Local lteprcscntath'c 1311‘ Studebaker Hulomobtlcs tor Sale '.'.~ We have :1 used seven passenger Studchakcr Tom-111;: Car in lirst class condidun, with electric lights and startc1‘,11-|1ic|1 we can sell at 51,0011. This car cost have also a live passenger $1 This car is equipped with electric sta1tss1- and electric lights-111111 is practically new, carrying with it. the usual 1111111111'acturcr's guarantee 111' parts. $1,050.. 11' you 111111111 tirst class bargain in 1111 .1uto111o~ bile, we can rot-1111111111111 either 111' tlac:-c two cars as Dcuaarstration arranged. 1’1'11-1) Authorized 1101‘11-csc111ati1cs 111' 5111'_1cl1:1kc1- .» 11:-1311-l1ii1s T011 HAllliu'lhrelve111-.111111' 111111114. 1111pnirh-Isesomething.11111-111111.1-11-..' 1111:11- 11y. liitll-‘ >1“th S.\l,l-I.r ,\l111111 1‘11! 1-l1itk1-ns V hatched in May and June 1711 111-1 ‘ 11-nt pullets. 1 11111-ks.2_’ 11-11 111-11 Concrete House _ All Things Useful, All Things That Brighten Home, at The Concrete House kiln-1111111111111 ('1.1111 in 111.111.11111 1.11191; designs. '11-. 1111111111_:,' y.1|11, l _\'11 11111-21111; 1.1, _\‘11 wide 1.31“, L‘ 1‘1ls \1‘i1l1-,. li'l 111-.111'11111111111.1111111-11111.111-.11design11111;1e1-11;;11111n1l pet 111 . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . '1“) l 11111111111111-1.11-1'1-1sil111ggi1-1-nand1'11-;1|11\h:11l1-s. '151 11111’1111-.p1-1-y11 t . , , _ Rt) ll1'lllllHl1|ll‘(‘1ll]11'l. 14111111 111-.11i11gqualityï¬lllin wide. 1111-1111 and 1-11-.1111, per yd . . . . , , . . . . 2.3 ('11-:111::11.1l11l1i11-ins1-1-li1111111111111111\\'ind11w Shades 11111111111-111111;:111111hall~l111n11.111-1s,1-.1.-l1 . . . . . , . lit! l’l1i1111parl111- \\'Iin1l1111 81111111 s. colors cream 111-111-1-1-11. 1111 good spun}.r roller . . . . . . . . . . Ul 111.1“. :1.1~|1 (11:11:1111 11’1-1l~. 1111-1111111}; .1111 111. With 111-;11ltv-l>. 1111111 . . . . . 1“ iii-ass Extensionltods.1i11i~hed‘1i1hn1-1111-nds, 1‘11111- 1 [111-11-111ths1-11-11'111111-111-1~.1a1-h . . . . . .. 13', 13111-11111111(‘111111111N1111ill111.s1-11i1-11. stlipe venue, [-111.11 1111.11, 11111-1 11111, ..\ 111 “1111-, per yd 2-) Hui-.11 111-1111-11-11 1:11-am ('111111111 Sci-i111. 5115 in wide. per y;111l . . . . . 25 l’iinlrd 'l'n1_l.1-y 11d t'hintx in pretty floral patterns. us1111ll1111111111111;cushions. condor-leis. etc-.1311 11.11'i111-.|11-1 yd . . . . . . . . . . l1 111-111.~il.l11('111111111 11111111111al 11111111-1- 1-21111 511112 11 1111-1-111111-11111111-1111111-111111g111gs,1-11-.,1-11l111< 1311-1-11 111-11-1l,111-1_\11 21’ 1111-1-11 \\'11111 [1111; Flingâ€, p1-I yd l3 ATKENSGN & SWITZER Richmond Hill AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA \VE ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life 81 Accident Plate Glass. insurance Consult. Us 131111055 Your Insu ‘21nca will be well looked after if 1611: to P. G. SAVAGE 1171: SON RICHIVIOND BILL 1901' PHONE 311112. SOME CIâ€"IOICE REAL ESTATE Also a solid l11i1-k dwelling,r on Yonge St. choice l111ildin;;lot;thchestloeatinnon Yonge Street. A. Ur. SAVAGE FOR (1111111 size SALE 11 1.. A WALLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPLETE Lowrjsr Hut-Es 15111211 111111-1211 FURNITURE AND SEVVING NIACHINES (1111 furniture catalogues 11:111- all the newest designs at moderate Ask to see 1111-111 and coinpaic p1i1-1-s with other places. 1’. (i. SAVAGE prices. AAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA AAAA AAAALA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Y'VVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VYVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV VVVV V'V' to VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V7VVVVVVVVVVVVVVY‘VVVVVVVVVVéVVV'VVVV .rr-r'rirrfï¬m‘v 1111111111111 11111. 111111111111 11111 To the Public a .W'lml . Liar. ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ «1.1-, .1421 mm 1.11..» .l 1 401.1% We have just. received agency and samples 1111-1110 Twenty (,‘1-111111‘1 111111111 111'111adc-to-111casu1'c m~mm ‘ \ .l‘ï¬. "#51". 11.41 clothing, 1111c of the oldest lirms in the city and with 11 rcputa- 1 111111 111' making tl-c best thcrc is made, 111111119 large it {4% 1 . . . . . x '1 , 11111 larger range 111 :1111111105 than any. hanslactaln 1:1 ' .l. 3? guarantccd. ’l‘hosc contemplating orderidgjr a 11.-w 1‘, ‘ suit or cycrceat would 1111 111-21 to :10 samples 111-11111: if} buying. Wc {11:0 carry 1c11dy-to 11-(111- clothing. P 1.: =1 ‘. 1‘ i 1 ‘1". :1 NORMAN J- GLASS in: PROPRIETOR 52: .v t ' l ‘ k': 1.1:, 1 -\"1"-' :N-r-'JN-aJ‘J~-J-LJN‘ WW . . era'- .. 1 . q \ A . < J . . . 1 . , a- l me.U#-} '«_,:.1-' z..~.:.1u-m. - --=-’ w'dd'v_~_.7.l an.†~ --.4