Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Oct 1914, p. 8

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The little Misses Ruth and ann VVingel' of FUIUHU) uI-o visiting with their gx-nndlnu'pnls Mr. and Mrs. 11. Wingcr, “Alzaplt-hurst". Thu (hst mnrnihg :lftvl' their :u-l-ivnl. (m Killing up to the table will) Llu-ir plant‘s nt' porridge hvfire-th-m, um- (If the kiddies was questioned by hm- :umt, ens 1111'” 15m m-Ly and and (-150 1:11" the m the Hugs muwiug FINE TAILURINB luddios was questium-d by her aunt, w: to what lnL-ul she was sitting up to. "()altmonl" “ms the quick reply. Many nf mu- cilizens will nth-m1 flu church su‘vicas at, Maple next. Sunday and [he cnu-rtnimm-UL (m the lullowmg Tuesday evening. Our rvsidcnls ruglL-L very much that the :llnhiliun of smut,- nf our young men is nu higher than (lush-(wing prop Eh: 5231mm! J. HUME RICHMOND HILL m u-unxn Hm EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES TERMS GIVEN ON MDTOR CYJLES AND i ‘IIE BEST is none too good for the people of Ricli‘ mend Hill and vicinity, and we believe we are giving better value for their money than any other store in town. Compare the following prices with others. Beans Shop when Geo. Cowie Motor Repairing Done Th NOTARY PUBLIC RICH MOND HTML L. CURTIS Lease :. Wills, Etc. ‘im‘st L. CURTIS must. ( ‘n mpkin [nrseshn Special attention given to “Ll mful'f ll) annhtod Sugar H 11):” .811)” “minted Sugar WU lhs. . .$ti.75 Ll Rnse'nr Liptun's Ten [)Pl' ll). 0d Blend Tm. m bulk per lh. sidcnls rvgu-L very much that biliull nf smm- nf our young I) higher than dustruying prop- :mnuying punpln at (-hurch \\‘lwrt'. Trulng lhu netting :hrml \\‘ind-n\‘s:md wnnwing was :1 uisgrmro In :my pexsun iutu umulmml. Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing. ll 1) [Wt-SUI come 6‘ r Canm-d nls I'ugIL-L \'(‘|‘V mucl u of some nf our 1 {ho}- lhnn (It-st myng mvma m-nnln at v rs. pints, am: 700 per doz Oranges Its and Cream Sunlight. Amth mm unwu i tins Carrville mph-s of maimuine nt stock In .I first sex-w \\ {H‘C lllC pct “HITS . . 30 and xs. (.‘nrn 4 [ins ‘muatmrs (107. invite ifcbu 231k w h e plji :Im 4U 19H inn. um! 'J‘hnnksgh Rm". F. H‘ lmvdulv Monday 6 [u b' [)4 ruliuns. Sm ing servlu Thursday m-xt Sum] ch mission The Indivs (if the Prtsln‘tr-linn Chm-ch. Thnmhill. me highly gmtifiml at the success (If their (‘LuI-vh and Relief Fund anum- held at the [mum of Mr. \V. A. “'nlluce lust Sntnlduy. The receipls of the uflm-noun wwe over $500. There Was :1 large attend- -::nce,in<-Inding Innny fxmn tln- I-ily. who came mu, m nuhmmbilvs. Aflsw- noun tea was SOI'VHI In all. but 101) basket lunches. at $1.00 ('m‘h. which included :1 dressed chicken and other daintios, were snapped up in :1 very shm-t time. HiH Rev. Dr. Neil and DI". Gilmnlll' \\ 01-0 presentin the “hm-nun“, but but] u» lvm‘e early. Rev. R. lit-‘l'ljis‘ull noted as chairman. and in linwa remarks intmdnce-d Mr. G. Rumsdun and Mr. A. J. H. Ecklmrdt who gave histmicnl :l:ldrcsses of :m excwdingly intvxmt- in: [rum-o. The lntlvr gnvv an inn 1‘- vsiing account of :m Md jug \VhiLh hv Mrs e-xhilViu-d, and which was hluught from Denmark by \vayof Philacmlphizl in 1794. Mr. Eukhmdt, picturvd the group of colonists whn hlazed 1h» trail in Thm-uhill, than Inna-d eastward, many of them settling in Mailman: township. '1‘heGm-man Mills. pasL hf Newton Brook. were built hy llwse people, famiiinr mum's: amnng thmn being anlntz, Hulmkay and ISL-kuldt. Tth Ind an I uul ‘m'gllst ll'fifl Expert Wink in shoving lame and mterfexing horses. All kinds nf work in 1111- trade dune in :t wm-kmunlike manner. ,‘llmlllht'l'thf‘ Harm-st, Thanksgiv- services in St. Mary’s Church this I'sdny (wcning, 10 hp umtinuvd :Sllndny m'n-ning \vilh vmnlmm- um] :L Harm-5t, and Nulinnul nksghing sorvicv 111 NW vvvning. .F. H. Hun-thy. .\l.A.. will luv the iill pun-mlwr this evening. :mll the m'. Rev. 8. A. L7l\\l'(‘l)C(’, will take A. SCHERZER |('l'(‘ will lw hm \‘PSL hnmv‘ su-H'iv :m elm-rlnluuwnt in Zion )lc-Ihu hum-11. Cast Ym-k. Ilzxt Sum]; Monday. 0” Sunday a! 3 u‘clu [ct- will lu-cmulIlt-lml by llu- past: H. Mumv. and in llw evening 1 J. R. Aikvan-ud (If Riolmm: Mnsir‘ :11, hm h wn'it'vfi by \V lnlv and vaum Bumk (‘lmilu ( day :1 supper will In: st‘l‘Yt'tl l'I'L 8p.m.. fulluwvd by singing, 11- ms, :llHl :m :uldruss by Rm‘. J. 'llshn. B. A.. of ['nium'illv. A A TRIAL \"ILL (‘UNVINCE YOI A. Sohorzor RICHMOND 111qu H 0 n s lc-S n 0 F. 1 X (: AND GENERAL BLM'xsme. " Rm' I]. Church of England Shoes: Removed New Shoes - - ~ the Sunday Newton Brook md 13( Willowdalc ()Ill TO ing by lnnnml 0n frnm l‘('('i- \Vil A d le Diroctms of Agricultural Society :umngemmn for the lllv (5th. 7th and 8111‘ U will he Clllldl'vn’r in: will take place fr mnpship, map (ll':l\"l and nlhvr wmk in H1 pnrfnmnt. Speeding A u'sls will cmnnwm-o (m and :1 full prugrnmnw [he closing day when :1 people is vxpeclt‘d. frmu all the schools in Markham luwnship. All :wliolos for exhibition had in he on plnm- hy 10:1. Ill. rmuly for judging at eleven. About 8.30 n. "1.. four lmul< lvft, Jeffvrsnn In attend the Fair. Those lnmls (-nnsisted 01' the rhildwn. who lmd oxhihils‘. \vilh lhpir pnrvnts and fuiomls. ’l‘lwy curried samples uf tho crops Hwy lmd ruisvd from $0011 supplied by the Depmtnwnt nf Agri- cullnw. m‘ chickens misc-(l fI-nm Bun-ed Rock eggs from the Guelph lnsliluté‘. le first. Anmml Rural fnl' Markham vanship Uninnvillv on Tuesday. Se lulu!- tont was cream] m' The Wmthm- was :ls‘hht as July but an extremely pleasant day was spent lwy all. It was very late lwfnro all the judging and cmnpvlitinns wew (IVs-r, mving tn the unnvnidnhlo nhspnmx Ihmugh ilhwss. Mr. J. (7. Stevklvy, Dish-id, Ropre-smmtnt‘ivo. Ram‘s ful- lmvvd and 1h" payment of prizes cIUSvd :\ wiry lust duv. For our schnn], the prizes were as follows: Brml-tu-ln y But-er Rnrks. 6 prime.‘ Be s1 Flock. lsL Cecil )Inrtsnn.ltli Lillie Dlhl). Best (illl‘kf‘l‘tl. Isl (‘m-il Mm (son. Best Pullet. 3rd ("veil Mal-[sum 4th Lillie Dilnl». Turnipsllnrlvi‘s lnvirtnflnd (‘Nl‘lH-n AI-uhilmld. 4th Howard Smart, 5th Harold Dibl). Bpsb 3 minute sppech limitml [0 mm pupil from enr‘l) School. Tho l~'|. [H'lZP was :Iwnrdul tn Fl-mltlie Cluhilw. Best 'l‘urnip plot. 2nd (‘mllnn Al'(‘l)l- lmlll, 3111 Howard Smart. Pumtuvs. lU piizos, lst David Alchi- lmld. Mnngels, ldvnl, 2nd llnrrv Mmplw. Golden Bantam S\\'L’L‘L CHI‘I). 3rd Ernest Archibald. ‘T “'0 can loan your muney un ilnprm‘od furm lundsiu Yul-k ()nnn- ty nt. gnnd rates (:f iMm-vsb Hist mortgage security or nu implm‘e-d lily real estate if you want highrr rule-s of inth ‘t. Advertise in The Liberal ansdvn Building East. 'l‘m-rnln. Hinds N ‘4 NI () 3"] John Newmarket Fair AH articles for n plncv by 10: It eleven. Farm Brokers lS oreclml :m the $0le! the vxhihits which ('nnw 3 schools in Markham \H :u-Liclos for exhibition 1 nlnm- hv 11):]. Ill. H‘ndy Jefferson Fisher & C0. ('0 0n the sou mnw will he (.2 hildrr Sclmnl Jelnitlv St 13 0 m ll)( 2Lnd hvld lV Ill E BANK (500 Pafiems f Finest materials of the world’s ; best looms, suited for full and ; winter wear. 'wm. TRENCH HOUSE AND SHIN PAINTING PAPERHANGING. GRAINING L\ZIN G. KALSOMINING. Etc. Residenceâ€"Richmond Hill Trench’s flamaqei Works ‘ Summer supply of Knee Rugs,’ Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. “3A0 OFFICE ever desired without delay. TORONTO ‘ '” RICHMOND! HILL BRANCH EGBBfiRLEN”3 ' 7 4 LVc are Sou: Agcnl. PAINTER AND DECORATOR ‘HONI- W. H. BASSETT JOHN ELLIS Every garment tailored to customer's measure. RICHMOND HILL HARNESS SHOP All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. verylhing in the Harnes Nlll'lf ©IF @ANADA LOTS FOR SALE BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep. splendid outlook. good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $2500. ROSEVIE\V AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able pril es. V SEE the fine new houses being built on this prop- erty. ~_.-Â¥_.N ~.â€".r.r\\7‘1\77‘ IN (JON S ECTION \V [T [I 9.1) \ND. E Z] a Manager‘ Branrhes aka at Maple. Markham. Stouffville, Unionvilie and Locust Hill. COME AND SEE L'S RICHMOND HILL Wholesale Florist LAWRENCE GARDENS llly me. W. J. LAWRENCE, 1d 115 in bus TERMS REASONABLE & SON' RICHMOND HILL 5 district HE AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Wi‘hdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made whenâ€" ever desired without delay. HOUSE PA 1NT R, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIE ENCE. RICHMON D 1111.1. lic sclicils .1 trial un \vmk and guur untues sutisfucliun. Send list of articles with emu puree giving residencennd mune in full. Goods called for and delivered, if du- sired. has ( pened n Laundry south uf McDan- uld’s Grocery Store. in REAL ESTATE â€"â€"AGENCY- J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TI STRICTLY ATTENDED T‘ VILL F. 5. WUUDWARD BOEING LAL: Am; mum HORSES .4. SHOIALTY GENERAL BLACKSMITH, C. I. HINAS RICHMOND New Gormley . HEWISON AGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\’AYS 0N HAND. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill f A‘U'L' AX"?! kafiTDFVD'-"': MANAGER i( IICITED CARA)

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