Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1914, p. 1

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Lioensod Auctioneers for the County of York. 83.105 intended to on shortest notice and at. rea- a)r&b.e rates Patronage solicited JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phone or otherwise prompth responded to Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special Mvtencior given to solos of evexy description. Form and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest, notice and conducted by the latest up-imdate methods. Address: 239 Balliol St , North Toronto. Phone in House. North 2’32. LIBERAL PRINTING 86 T. F. MCMAHON. Phone No. 28. PIANO TUNING RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A. Cameron MacNauqhton 200 BERESFORI) AVE Phone Junctum 72‘ LASK AY P. U. Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, &c. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Vina-1:1 Ste” 1‘ur0'1t0. Tel. )1 IS PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING All In l'ud «makers k FIIIhnIInN‘S. '1‘ szeon Maple NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS > KING b']‘ E.. TORONTO, Canada! Benton, Grover & Field TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE VOL. XXXVII. “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL 3n per annum, in advance. Lawrence Ea Dunbar, OFFICEâ€"SUITE DAILY STAR H STREE'I ‘6 17‘- C. BEGAN RESIDENCE Fqut house north of Atkinson 82 Switzer‘s store. Phone No. 2102. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. :LK‘ENSED AUCTIONEER Fur the County of York. . H. PINKERTON, V.S. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. phmw, Main 311 le Address. "Dedo JOHN T. ANDERSON “PIANO TUNER F: Lawrence, Duubnr BUSINESS CARDS . Barrister, 301% .7. 27avidson Salgcon & NlcEwen . Organs Repaired. Expert Work Bm-nstrrs. SHIicrm‘s. &l: 1“ orders will receive prompt attention. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING (Elm: {Eith L PRINTING 8: PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL-,ONT. EDITOR J. H. Prentice aplo , ()nt. THORNHILL AT THE PE 31. TORONTO BLDG. 18 KING ET \VEST ’ PUBLISH ER. \V‘ EST TORONTO Notary, Puoue Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO COMMISSIONER. (‘QNVEYAN‘ER. ETC Monov to Loan onland anachnttel mortgagesat ("vest rates Aurornofliceâ€"Reu ovod to the old pest omeo one door was of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pascollice T HEBBERTLENNOX G V‘ IVIORGAN Riohmono Iâ€"Iill BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tnmntn Office. ann 328 Cnnfoderu timn Life Bldgu V“. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Liberal‘ Office), every Thursday fnrenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnudln-iduo, Saturday forenonn. Mouev to loam at Five. Per Cont (5%) LENNOX ole jay {Prompt and Reasonable Estimates lgiven in House_ Wiring, both ld \ ELLIOTT ,W mate Me .lav Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-toâ€"date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. Ynngv and McGill Sts., Toronto. for :1 Business or Shortlmnd (‘ruurmu Full tvrm is now open. “'9 ask vnu to write1 for particulars. Mr. T. \V. \Vuuchope, Principal. “THOROUGHN‘ESS” is the ko-vmntv of [his Institutinn. Our graduates succeed because they have received 7l)l'l'€‘Ct Plepnmtinn. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1'. n. m.,an p.111. Sunday School“ 230. Prayer meetiu hursdav evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services 0n alt» 7 enjoys a natiunal roputnlinn fur snpm'inr Business and Shnrthund Educatinn. All business schuuls are nut alike. Nothing: less than the best slu-uld satisfy \'()l‘. and 1)!)Ulillg](‘$§ than giving the host trainian will sntisf); I' flew. Enter any Linn Yonge and Charles Sts. Church of Enginr p. m. Holv Com: | the mouth at 11 u b 830 u. m. Suud H. A. NICHOI THORNHILL Commissioner, Conveyancor. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ELY LV'IA 05 lVth'UrA Barristers :unl Sanctum-s. You cannot do better than attend the BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, (IC'I‘CH'EJCR 8. 191:1 l. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Electricizn, Richmond Hill Tuesng of en Brigadeâ€"nee EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK Village Dlrectory DO IT ELECTRICALLY Cathn inys a. ELLIOTT . SANDERSON TORONTb l-je. A F and A M â€"â€"Meets Mon B full moon and new. "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essential Aur'mra ndâ€"Sorvicesat 11 a. luuuiuu ou the 3rd :1. m. and on the 4:11 luy Schoolund Bible hurchâ€"Services 0n altar- ,m. and 10.30 a. m. â€"Serviccs at 11.00 a.m.,and 0. General pr_ayer meetin wMeets tb w. .I. ELLIOTT. Prlncipal Meets seca first F â€" Meets fourth Fri MORGAN .l “'edne Italugue Suuduy Sunday each 1th Jay Class XIV. Culluctiml of Insects.â€" Olive Train 17. Mary Toppm' )7, Reva Burkilt 17, Sllrle Julian 9, Gordon \Vrldx-ick 10. Class XII. Collection of Diseased plzmts.â€"Nn entries. (H.155 XIII. Collection nf samples of native \vnuds.â€"~Roy Petermun ll. Bzu-bmu-LJnliun 9. Edna \Vlntmm'e 12, Mnrley Kinnee 9, Edna Lowery 19 Cecil Darker 12. Class XIV. Hulfduzen ten biscuits.â€" Maly \Ventherill 13, Basic Cameron ll). Jessiv King 15. Maud ’l'ul'ut'ull 12, Elwmm- Sutton 12. (‘luss Vlll. Mnngels. l. Best, kept plnL : Cecil l):ll'k8[' 12. Ohm-lei Unupol- 7, P. D. McKilmnn 9, Albert Muflib 0'. Norman Kufi'vl‘ 8, \\'illie Lzuvrie 15. Sec. ll. Best sample uffive:(im-dnn Bell 17. Ernie Evans 12. Ulmrls’y U-mpor'i. Mun-y Mannng (5, Cecil Dul-k'vr 12, Gomge Uump (3. Class IX. Collection of \veeils.-â€" Mary Murwund 9. Mary Tnppel‘ 17. Reva Bul-kilt 17 Olive Train l7, Annie Love-Lt, 12. Marion \Vilcnx 12. Glass X. (hdluclinn of weed seeds.â€" Anniv Tmym- l3. Marguerite Bailey (5, Helen Mitulwl 8, Hazel Anderson 8. Agnes King, U, .lnck Mnginn l”. Class Xl. (‘ullL-cliun of Insects.â€" Train 17. Jack Maginn Ill, Lillian Rumble- 19, Mildred liL‘lSB 7. Sec. III. Flock: Jack Maginn 1|), Utter \Valkvr 5, \V. C. anvry 19. Lou. Traynvr 12, Marguerite Bailey 6, Ella Swallow 6. Class II, Oats. 0.A.C. Nu. TZ.â€"-Sec. 1. Best, kept plnt: Jean Lawrie 15, Jun. Julian 9, Charles RUWHU'EP 12, Iva Dmvuey U, \Vilfrcd Maginn 10, Victor ()rr 5. Sec. 11, Best sample of one quart: Victor Orr 5. John Julian SJ, \Vesle Aitchismi 8‘ Carol Shaw 17. Jean Lawrie 1.3, Hadn‘H) MacQuari-ie 5. Class III, Barlev 0.A.U. N0. 21.-â€" Sec. I, Brs'. kept plot: Beatrice \Vild 17, Melvxlle “'ilson 5). Sec. ILBest sample of 1 quart: Melville \Vilson 9. Class: IV Corn. \Visconsin Nn. 7.â€" Sec. I. Best kept plut: \Villie Charles 19, Frank Oliver 0‘. Eldin Coward 17. CyrilBrillingrr 7. Sec. II. Best six ears: Frank Oliver 6, \Villie Charles 19. Eldin Coward l7. Class V. Golden Bantam Sweet Cox-n.-Sec. 1. Best kept plot: Imm- Mnntgunwry (Hume \Vutsun 5, Alfred Inelnnd )7. Agnes King (3. Hazel Smith S. Hwy Thmnpsznn 1:3. Sec. II. Best six 0211‘s: Alfred Ireland 17, Irene Muntgmnel y (i, Lmvrie Thumpsun l2, Irene \Vutsnn 5. Nun-mam \\'right 12, Ruby Aitchisnn S. ' Class VI. Delwm'e Pot:xtnes.â€"-Sec. 1. Best keptpint: Mulwl \\'11d 17, Reva Burkilt 17. Dunuld L‘umvmn 9, Jnseph I{l‘ff[‘l' 8. \Villiv Lm’vlL 12. Geo. Mntfit 6. Ella Burns 5. Pearson Neal 15, 014 Train 17, Pearl Muffin (5; Sec. II. Bt-st snmnle (If Lon: Irene Jones 5. (inn-den Twin 17, Hilda Smith 6, Gmdun Shnnmm 15, F|us>ie Mm-wnud 9. Lester Glass VILTurnips,Ca1rtel-’sIm‘ict:I.â€"â€" Sec. 1.89le kept plnt: Lester Smith 8, Mary Kefi'er b’. Melvin \Vittv 7,qu-net. Kefi’er 8, Dorothy Aitchison S, EJstnn Pilslm (5. Sec. 11. Bust, sample of five : LesterSmiLh 8, I)m-uLhy Aitchisun S, Melvm \ViLLy 7, Verna Downy 6. Mary Kelfvr 8, Gnu-mm Keffcl S. 'l'm i n 11 Shannon 53ml 9, Uunu'l‘ull Neal 15. Sec. 1, 17, M 0! sample Ulnsx Kin wvek was :1 grand success. inu-reSL was tn'ken in the fit was grin under tlw auspice depurtlmlnt of Agriculture. (im‘mlmwnt. The District, Representative Stet-Hey, and the Inspector, 3 Mullny, were "mung the m minent gentlmnen present. szr: \VINNEHS The figures uftvr the f names refer to their lespoctiv sectons. L‘u me Elea n 19 Julian 9. 5 house 13. Ireland 11 COIN Soc. 1. (‘0( Olive Train Lam-it: 15. Rumble 19, Tnggm-I 10. AH Class XIX. Two hPms archiefs.â€"_\Iuggle \Vnt: ‘llll‘lt V. I)“ “Kg “12‘ l‘hc aughan Township School Fair Vellore, Sept. 30th, l9l4 hut Sa'il \\‘ _>15, Susie J rthy Aituhx Hllnllrl m 10“ Slut XVI XVII! XVII. Pumpkin Annie Lawn-iv 15‘ . Helen Mitchfll Lon: Irene Jones 5. (inn-den Hilda Smith 6, Gmdun 5, F|us>ie Murwnud 9. Lester Jusvph Kym-r 8. Bessie I”. Violet Jones 5, Pearson ldys Shidel- ', Eleanor Sult Ag) 10, Edna. \Ylfitmmc 1 Jack Mnginn lU Mildred Hoise 7. ). .JncK Magllm ll). (‘ulluclion of Insect 17. Mary Topper L 17. 51bit: Julian l rural school fair nship hold at Vellm'c m \V'ednesdny of grand success. 1‘ I)‘ s Kin Merle ‘zen i m wokies.â€". g 6. J Humbly XI fullnwing tive schnul 'ellm'oflth cf Inst 3. Much Iir which es of the 3,3“. .I.(‘ Mr. C.\\' 3] 12., Olive , Lillian Sec. III. my pro 0 nmrio Liberty; in all things, Charity )ntch- Merle Ruby jurie Ie G. \Vhitnrpro, J. T. Suigem). ernn. oouncillnrs. Minntvs of the Inst meeting cnnfiuned. A number of commun' th Class XXIII. Pencil Skett‘n Sr. III and .wlmvaâ€"Susie Julian .9. Annie Luvetb 12. Reva Bnrkitt, 17. Mary Hullingshvud 17. Olive Trail] 17. Class XX1V.(‘i-.-uyon Sketch under Sr. III â€"l\Inhel Lm‘MtIZZ, Min-y Mul- wnnd 9, B-Irlml'a, Julian 9. . 01.133 XXVII. Insvct and weed naming cmnpvtilinnâ€"Reva Btu-ken 17, James King 6. Mary Tupper 17. Annie Trnypr 13, Mmguvrite Bailey 6. Class XXVI“. \Vhittling Cmnpeli- Humâ€"Jumps Mru-n‘nud ll). Gui-don \Vt-ldwmd ll), Albert )[nf‘fit 6. Class XXlX. Addrvss. _ three minntes.â€"Qneeniu Fry 6. Russ Stephensm) 8. Coltâ€"Gilbert M‘tlhvn'sun 5. Special. Schnnl winning the hing-st number hf nwmds. Three Dull:us.â€"â€" \\’nn by 8.5. Nu.17. rend Class XXV. Bullnnholu (L‘mnpvti- tiOIInâ€"LHHP Jones 5, Mzny McMLn-phv 10, Men-jm-ip Bull (5, Annie Lm'ett [2. Mnrinriv \Vutsm) .3. Glass XXVI.AppIP naming eumpeci- linn.~â€"J:unvs Mnrwand 10, Peursun Neal 1‘2. an Petex'xndn ll. Dulvnl Houstun16.(imdunShnnnon 15. 01.133 XXVII. Insvct and weed naming cmnpvtilinnâ€"Reva Blll'kt‘lt 17, James King 6. Mary Tupper 17. Annie Trnypr 13, Mmguvrite Bailey 6. Members pram-m: reewl: J. Manir “'hilnIm-e treasurer he lowing Shem A considlemhlo number of rate-payers were presentand tank part, in a dis- cussian-elalive tn :1 petition for an early closing hy-luw. ()n the regiwsb uf some of thesigners of the pvtition it was referred lmrk for nmendnwnt upon the mntinn of Councillors Sun- dersnn and Sims. A letter was read frmn Miss Ken- nedy asking for' zndditinxml electric stwet light nn Centre St. The Clerk was instructed to write MiSS Kennedy that the matter wunld be attended to at an early (Into. ()n nmtimn the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. \V. Gibson with :eference tn surveying Centre St. Class XXLEssuv Sr. III :1ud:1h(we.â€" Mm-jurie “Ellsnn Lilliv Jum's 5, Man; ’l‘nppvr 17, Ella Burns 5, Ixenu \VHtSOH 5. Class XXII. Essay lwlmv Sr. III.v- Olivia Mchnnie 5, Int Dmvnoy 0', Maggie Bull 6. Class XXIII. Pencil Sketrn Sr. III The (‘nuncil ( Vaughan nu-t :u Vexllnrn. nu Mnnd Hy. R.R.. canvnt . . . . .. . . . . 81 03 R. H. Hrudware (“0, account, .. 32 73 L. Innvs & Sons. account . . . . . . 36 (i7 \Vm. Gould, work . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2!) F. Allison, teaming . . . . . . . .. . 38 ()U A lettm- was read from Mr. U. L. \Vilson asking: the Council to take steps Lostnp lual‘ing and unruly con- duct on their station pl'npmtv. Apetitinn, signed by R. L. Lang- staifand others, asking for a cement Sidewalk nn tlw west side of Yonge St. from \inght St, tn the nm-th side of \V. A. \Vright's property. was' pre- sented. J. She Slivor Srl‘uet H. }{(1 “51ml lneml The H Minntt-s nf lust meeting 1116 cunfiruwd. The l'ullmving accounts 1nd payment ordered : Chamberlain & Hookham. E. \Vntsnn, work . , . L. Stung. teaming . . . . . .. H. Rnlnnsml, work . . . . . .‘ \V. J. Lawrence. account, Th l'h Hhenrdnwn, cenwnt . NW 8: Runner, account, . 'eet Light. Aug. and Sept Robinson, “'01 k H... Frishy. cementing .. ., B. Stirling. service . . . .. Stevmzsun. wax-k . . . . . .. Bond. \vm'k .. . A . . . . J (-1“wa min l)( phlee The VAUGHAN COUNCIL Ill um Village Council I was addresse 'J‘nl'ontr) with 1 company of ichmund Hill. Inst meeting mr nt M‘tthuwsun 5. . .1 winning the highest nds. Three Dnll:us.â€" IITIPI‘UI) the Township Hall JV, Oct. 5. 1914. on Oct. GL1] hour, with . (lspuly-reew ‘ igem). A. (. IIH wood and hlzhwnv Jn L. Lung- .‘L cement of Yonge nm-th side . wus' pre- \VQIL \Vel'e 1'6 llf tli i by Mr. refel'vnce the York “S \\’&‘I'( IlllPPOH $21 1d and at, the ill the 212 57 18 231') nuts ll) 10 57 ~11) 1'7 31 ‘20 ()0 16 (I!) 81 03 am hs 00 30 [)0 1d n d 81) III 30 We have the BL. 86 W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel-Coal “None better” Order now ORANGES, PIN EAPPLES and all SEASONA BLE FRUITS ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Pbrbland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. STIVER &. RAMER D. HILL & GU. Bakers and Confectioners Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. RICHMOND HILL, ONT Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLZERIES . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat. Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator VV‘ YVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVYVVYVV' All ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Comforts and Teething Rlngs w. A. Sanderson consisting of Puhtic Attention Sanitary and Mensmed and all accessories for the same kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. And everything for the Baby Per the Baby Allonhnrv’s ] Multed Milk. [Single copies, 3 cts. Talcum Powder Feeding Bottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Bordin Eagle Brand Baby Foods n-y’s 1. 2. 3. Hm-Iock’s I Milk. Nestle: Food, Mellins’ Fond Our Imes of for the Chickens DRUGGIST v.11 the best makes Cracked Corn

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