Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1914, p. 3

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about the sur “There‘ 3a. headed , After a : feel like had any off cofi'et‘ All this time I was subject to fre- quent bilious attacks, sometimes so severe as to keep me in bed for several days. (Tea is just as injuni- ous as coflee because both contain the drug caffeine.) “After being married, Husband begged me to offcofiee, for he feared that it had already hurt me almost beyond repair, so I re solved to make an effort to release myself from the hurtful habit. “I began taking Post-um‘ and for at few days felt the languid, tired feeling from the lack of the coffee drug, but I liked the Meta of Pos~ tum. and than answered for the breakfast beverage all right. “Finally I began to feel clearâ€" headed and had steadier nerves. After a year's use of Postum I now feel like a. new womanâ€"have not. had any bilious attacks since I left Do You Drink It? A minister’s wife had quite a tus- sle with coffee and her experience is immeresting. She says: “During the two years of my training as a. nurse, while on night duty, I became addicted to coffee drinking. Between midnight; and four in the morning, when the pa- tients were asleep, there was little to do except make tthe rounds,, and it was quite natural that I should want 1L hot, cup of coffee about that time. Icould keep awake better. ‘_‘After three 01' four years of cofâ€" fee drinking I became a. nervous wreck and thought that I simply could not. live without my coffee. All this time I was subject to fre- quent. bilious attacks, sometimes so severe as to keep me in bed for several days. (Tea. is just as injuni- ous as coflee because both contain The lonexlli-esm of all parts of Briâ€" tisIh territory is the Island of Trri‘stra‘n D’Acunha-, in the South ‘Atlantic which is also the smallest inhabited island in the empire. It is 1,800 miles from land, has a. popu- ‘Lation of 74 Scottish Americans, and the inhabitants get news of the outer World usually once every 'two vears. {oac Fanning Island. This is a, landing place for the Pacific submarine ca- ble, and usually there are about 100 people in the place. â€" The group of eight Phoenix is- lands in the Pacific has a total pop- ulation of only 158, while another little bit, of the British empire is Fanning Island. This is a, Landing Rheumaiisrn Goes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed EVERY CASE IS CURABLE. Good-bye to Rheumatism! Your aching joints, your stiff. sore muscles, those sleepless nights and sufi’ering daysâ€"good-bye foreverâ€"â€" your day is gone. Sufferer, cheer up, and read the good news below. “A man met me a month ago, and said. ‘don’t stay crippled, quit com- plaining. limber up.’ My answer was, “I'm rheumatic, I can't do it.’ He looked me' over in a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nerviline and Ferro- zone. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of his sinCerity and followed his instructions. I rub. bed on Nervillne three times every dayâ€"rubbed it right into my aching joints. The pain quickly lessened, and “A man met me :1 month ago, and said. ‘don’t stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.’ My answer was. ‘I’m rheumatic, I can't do it.’ He looked me‘ over in a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nerviline and Ferroâ€" zone. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of his slnCerity and followed his instructions. I rub- bed on Nervillne three times every dayâ€"rubbed it right into my aching joints. The pain quickly lessened, and I became more timber and active. To draw the Virus of the disease from my blood I took two Ferrozone Tab- lets wlth every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, not a pain and no Sign of stiffness at all.” MN} N01 "0: Post-um comes 111 Regular Posth Med. 15c and ‘1 Instzmi l’m!ulu-â€" 50 ll Ii LONELY 151A .\' IDS. instnully LIU ll'l‘ BOOZE 8215011 EH' y Unrnadlan Postum Ont. Read “The e,” in pkgs. in two forms: ‘unmmust be well [ 25c packages. uâ€"â€"is a soluble pow- L501] tor Postum ~sold by Grocers ol‘ 1m il l' for 'l‘“ u q u well The Meteorological Service of Canada. has regular observers, among other places, in Manitoba. and at Herschel Island. Manitoba is an agricultural province, whose largest city has a. population of nearly two hundred thousand, and with a. climate that allows successful grain farming wherever the soil is suitable. Herschel Island is a whalema-n’s rendezvous about a. thousand miles farther north; its only permanent inhabitants are Es- kimos; it lies on the northern coast of our continent, far out of the way of any warm current from either the Atlantic or the Pacific, and yet for ten years its temperature has never fallen as low as the lowest re- cord in Manitobaâ€"and this mea- sured with instruments of the same sort. made by the same maker, and tested and carefully compared with the same standard in Toronto. Up to May, 1908. the lowest reâ€" corded temperature for Herschel Is- land was â€"54 deg. Fahrenheit; for Manitoba, â€"55 deg. Fahreneit. And yet the Manitoba cold seldom pre: vents ~the young people of the farms from riding: in singing sledfuls to dances six or ten miles away~clad, too, in clothing that is not nearly so thick and warm as that which the poorest Eskimo wears in similar lt- zs true t‘hayt a, tourist often writes more mteresfiingly about a‘ place than its oldest Inhabitant- can. go toward itheipode, the lower “be co_mes bl}e_ ax'_erage temperature. But altitude and the presence or absence of large bodies of water are about as important factors as lati- tude in determining temperature. Ad] of us know that, but the think- ing habits of ancestors who did not know it are so strong upon us that we do not make actual use of that knowledge. Misconceptions in Regard to the Temperature. There is a, common belief, writes Capt. Villijalmur Smfansson in the Bulletin of the American Geogra- phical Society, that Arctic travel- lers are the best authorities on the effects of extreme cold. That- idea has its origin in a. hazy understandâ€" ing of the physical truth that, otfli-er things being equal, the farther you Mrs. Henri Bernier, Anooline, Que. writes: “It is with pleasure that I recommend Baby’s Own 'Ilab- lets, whi-oh I have given my little ones for stomach and bowel trouâ€" bles, constipation, loss of sleep and simple fevers. No mother of young children [should be without them.” The Tablets are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with perfect, safety and good results. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail art 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ed a. series of illuminating quota tdon-s from the Kaiser’s speeches and his little book “The Wm Lord," gives a. complete picture 0: the ruthless egomaniac who ha: plunged Europe into mourning Here is what, Wilhelm of Hohenzol lern says about himself: “Remember the maxim of an 015 Emperor, who said: ‘The Emperor’s word -must not be twisted or ex- plain-ed away.’ ” PLEASED T0 RECOMMEND BABY’S OWN TABLETS “A ruler may be very disagreeâ€" able, and I will be disagreeable if I think it, necessary.” “There is only one lawâ€"my law; the law which I myself lay down.” “The King holds his power by the grace of God, to whom alone he is responsible. He chooses his own path, and only decides his artions from this point of View.” “'Dhere is only one master in this country. I am he, and I will not- tolerate another.” “The SoldiE‘l‘ must not have a will of his ownâ€"they mulslt all have only one will. and that; will is mine.” “AsflI look upon myself as an in strumentt of the Lord, I am imidffer ant to the point of View of the pre sent diay.” Kaism- Looks 0n Himsvlf as men! of the Lord. RESPONSIBLE ONLY '1'“ (1201). Mr. J. M. mdon Daily ABOUT ARCTIC LOLD. at wears 1 under this mea- of the same maker. and Instru- it Eyes inflamed Hy expo; sure to Sun, Dusiand Wind quickly relieved by Murluo Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfon. At Your Druggist’s 50c per Bottle. Murine Eyo Salvein’rubes 25c. Forflookohhefycfrccask Dmggists or Murine Eye Remedy (20.. Chlcago Demanded Her Rights. Lawyerâ€"You say you told the cook to get- out of the house the minute you found it- was on fire, and she refused to go? Mrs. Burnsâ€"Yes, she said she must have a month’s not-ice before she’d leave. Fighting Again. “Why. Willie,” said the teacher, in a, pained voice, “have you been fighting again? Didn’t you learn when you are struck on one cheek you ought to turn the other one to the striker?” “Yes’m,” agreed Willie, “but he hit me on the nose. W1J11e and I The Black Forest is the traditiom 211 home of nearly all the toys that delight; children. The most skilful wood carvers in the World live there in humble surroundings. Whole families are engaged in toy makâ€" ing. Even the children help. No other nations can compete with the Germans and the Austrians in the manufacture of jointed and bisque dolls. Sme Muolhauson’s Treasure. Mueliha‘usen in ancient times was known to fame as the seal; of the Anabaptist/s. Now it is a city of 85,0007 with a. forest of! smoke~ stacks rising from the factories. In the older part are many ant, trea~ sures, including a'lfamoxls house of the Knights of St. John, beautiful Schwarzelnvberg Place, with its bub~ ling fountain, it’s notable Olld cathedral with a. carved door, the admiration of exports, and many other evidences of a. gilded past. Arctic literature is interesting enough; the trouble with it is its inaccuracy and exaggeration. Ayn Eskimo reporter on a New York daily might- possibly write an amus- ing account of a sultry July after- noon in the tenement district, but would it be likely to be accurate? It would give a, reader in Paris not very clear idea, of the summer cliw mate of New York; neither do some of the documents of the Franklin Search give a, strictly unimaginrartive account of the climate at sea level in the regions about 70 deg. north latitude. Here and there in the book you read of the terrible cold and the suffering it caused; turn to the tabulated temperatures in the appendix, and you may find “â€"36 deg.” corresponding to your day of horrors. No doubt it was horribly cold to :a, man who had grown to middle life in southern England, where the skating on small ponds is safe only in a. “hard” winter. A Mani-toban might forget to make a weather entry in his diary on a. day that exhausted the Englishman‘s vocabulary. Minard's Llniment Cures Burns. Etc. In selecting a toilet soap why not procure one possessing delicate emollient; properties sufficient to allay minor irritations. remove redness and roughness. prevent pore-clog- ging. soften and soothe sensitive conditions, and promote skin and scalp health generally? Such a soap combined with the purest of saponaceous ingrediean and most fragrant and refreshing of flower odors. is Cuticura Soap. Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ‘ment are sold by drugglsts and dealers every- where. Liberal sample of each mailed free. iwith 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card Qfi‘Cucicura. Dept. D. Boston. U. S. AI! Mlnard's Linlmem Relieves Neuralgla . Vlctorla. so” Thetferd Mines West, Que.‘ Lâ€""One day I was repairing a valve on top of a boiler when a. steam pipe close to my feet burst scalding both. Blis- ters came on my feet, and I could not wear my shoes. The skin was very much inflamed and it gave me such pain that I could not sleep at night. I was treated for ten days with no improvement so tried oint- ments but none did any good. "One day I came acros the Cuticura advertisement and decided to try a sample. The Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment gave me such relief and stopped the itching and 'smarting so quickly that; I bought a. box of Cuticura, Ointment and some more Cuticura Soap. Now the wounds are entirely healed and the scars have quite disappeared." (Signed) William Neck. Jan. 31. 1914. Skin Much lnfiamed. Itched and Smarted. Could Not Wear Shoes. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Entirely Healed. BL Samples Free by Mail Toys From Black Forest ISTEHS UN FEET BUULU NUT SLEEP but he only 9: Fighting granulated Eyelids. ODE “Badger says his wife is responsible for his tbusines cess.” “Well, she certainly made it neâ€" cessary for him to buckle down and earn more money.”- use the rod, or you'll spou tJ child. I used to git about thr( lickin’s a day on the average.” “ doesn’t seem to have done VB] much for you,” replied the lax with the protruding jaw. “It h: done a. lot for me. If they’d 1' me go my own way I might almo have been a. failure in life.” And many other credit cause he isn “Xou can’t conv the little man with sers, “that you cal: ren right by talki lettin’ it go at that use the rod, or y child. I used to g 14 St. Paul street, Cue Oliver Typewriter Co. P.S.â€"Kindly answer at once “When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation,” writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. “I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and tulness, and all the symptoms or intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did'not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am wellâ€"no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it. which I obtained in training for fool: races, and to say that it. helped me would be putting it very mildly. and I therefore ask if you would let me know of one of your agents that is closest. to Baltimore so that. I may obtain some of it. Thank- ing you in advance I remain, Yours truly, W'. C‘. MCCI‘EAN. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut sold in yellow boxes, 250. A11 dealers or The Catarrhozone 00., Kingston Ont. “Bobby I suppose you say your prayers ev’ery night.” «(Yes)'m.n “And what are the things “you pray for?" “Mostly that pop won’t find out what I’ve been doin’ through the days” Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11. 1903. Minnrd' Liniment 00.. Limited. Sims-1 caine across a bottle of your MINARD'S LINIMENT in mhe hands of one of the students at the University of Maryland. and he being so kind aa to let me use it, for a. very bad sprain. which I obtained in training for foot Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach At one time the community be- longed to Austria. It was later an- nexed by Francea‘nd made the sub- ject of quiteia. little dispute be tween Napoleon I. and the Prus- sians. But at the Congress of Vi-enne, 1815. nobody seems to have thought of Maresnevt, and to this day the country is an independent republic. For a. time there was some dispute between Belgium and Prussia. about the territory on acâ€" count of the rich cadmium mine lo- cated there, but even this is now ex- tinct. The republic has am administrator of its own, oomp‘ovsred of a. burgoma‘sk her anle members of a council. The burgormaster is both a. Prussian and a Belgian subject. The inhabi- tants ispenak both German and F ranch, and decide individually whether they will. perform military service Lfor Prussia. or for Belgium. Maresnet has not yet been heard from in the present. conflict. If there is an advantage country being large there is als advantage in its bedng Snlfllll, vided it, is small enough, says Wall Street Journal. The Rep] of Maresnm, also called K1 and sometimes Alterberg, owe independent existence to the' that it is so small that the E pean powers don’t even take trouble to annex it. Mare-sued; li=es on the horde Belgiumarnd Prussia, between vierrs and Aix-laâ€"Chapel‘le. It an area, of 1,400 acres, a. popula of 3,500. At one time the. communitv Mlnard's LInlment for sale everywhere SMALL} lll'ODl‘il ll Relieves Fullness After Meals. Supplied the Incentive. What He Frayed For. Did mers Don a timid man gives an for his own ideas be t sure of thelr merits Lot For Him. convince me,” said with the ragged trou- n can bring up child- talkin’ to ’em and Annex lt. lou’ve got to ‘u’ll spoil the t about three nough, says the v1. The Republic (raided Kle'mis erberg, owes its nce to the fact that the Euro- ; even take the [‘BLI true. It has a. population a lady It has lar ()ll l n ‘It 10 ED. 7. Heart-Stirring SI'OHCS in London When Exiles Arrive. It, just tugs at. the heart-strings to see refugees on their arrival in London, writes a. correspondent. Dead beat- menta‘llly, fh-ey want to lie down and rest and forget that, there are Germans and that their country lies devastated van scarred. They are too tired and heartsick even no weep. _ Even the children are stoldd; 'they would line up and follow a. leader for mile after mile now in utter hopelessness. The boys and .e'irls will recover, but many of the A “use Ina drmk betwee lance “Don Can’t 1'6 When your razor is dull as a. hoe, 161: your wife if she wasn't'paring her come. Get her Putnam's Corn Extractor; it's the only painless and safe cure. All dealers sell "Putnam’s" at. 25¢. per bottle. One family which arrived at- Char- ing Cross consisted of an old man and woman, a. younger couple, probably their son and daughter-in- law, four tiny c‘hildxren of ages beâ€" tween three and eight years, and twins in a perambulator. A Professional Hardship Maidâ€"My brother is 3. COO the navy. Bridgetâ€"Shure it must be hible to be a cook Where ye quit, when ye feel like it. Ether poor spent creatures have lived their Lives and have had their day. They are here with us, we must do our best to nurse them back to the joy of living again; we must reinstate them; and we must exact a. terrible vengeance on their 0p- presenrs. Another Crisis. “Well, madam, is your husband out of danger ” "It Isn’t quxte sure, the doctor is cornmg agmn.” “1 Know ‘but he mi Shut up! ” [J Internal and external. cured wlth. out pain by Our home treatment “’11” us befcre too late. Dr. Bellman Medch Co.. leltpd. Prlllnzwood. Ont. On account of the war. this (all will be probably the best time to buy your seed 130111100: for next year.‘ Write me for price list, of Varieties. 0. Fred Fawz‘ott. Upper Sackville. NB. GOOD \VEEKLY 1N LIVE TOWN 1N York County. Stationery and 3001‘ business In connection. Price only 34,000. Terms liberal. \Vnson Publish. Inp: Company. W “'est Adelaidelssueen Tornntnv For Married Men Only F YOU WANT TO BUY 0R SEQL A " Fruit, Stock. Grain or Dairy harm. writ? H. \V. Dawson. Brampton. or 9" (Inlhnrno St. Toronto. n. W. DAWSON. Colborne SL. Toronto. R. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Dandrufl“ Elsie is a £11ng wh udying his mething. peated her peat/ed it v [1063. Her m Don’t anno m’t vou se‘ Food Supplies In War Time ANGER. TUMORS. LUMP; E"‘ EW BRUNSWICK SEED l’Ll (i "'1‘ 0|“ REF [7G HES. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE Rumors are in circulation that we are unable to supply orders owing to the war de- mand. This statement is absolutely incorrect. We are filling our orders as usual. Insist on getting what you ask for Wouldn’t ho Ignored. PARES I'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. W.(lark, Limited MONTREAL. SEED POTATOES self-willed child. ile her ‘brother itihe r que that rep moreasmg p ‘1‘ said rebukm )ur brother, E ISSI'E 41â€"’14. )ED POTATOEH.â€"â€" war. this (all will ime to buy your year.‘ Write‘mg 'busy the reply, she and again av be turâ€" _ve can’t cook in ked him child said pepu - wa S 1’16

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