Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1914, p. 4

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The directors of the \Voodluidge Fair. in the Prize List just issued. claim that their Exliihitiun to he hold Saturday hf lhis week and Mnndny. 'l‘hunksgiring Day. “'l“ he “The Biggest, Rural Fair in the Dominion.” Shuuld the weather be fine there will «lnululess he at record attendance on Monday. Saturday will he (im‘uted in field sum-ts iucludingfuutball, running, jumping, puttingr the shut, etc. On Munduythere will he three speeding: contests as fullowszâ€"Furmers‘ Plexu- ium. 2‘30 (rot, and 2-15 trut. \Vostnn Band will furnish music the second day nf the Fair. can be amicablv arranged if the bus iness men will meet, mlk it over and use a little forbearance. King township Fall Fair will he held ' at Sclmmherg Thursday and Friday of next week. Oct. 15 and 16. Good Prizes will be given for awards in the various ‘ departments. and on the second day there will he a fwe-fnrâ€"all trot. purse $80. and a 2.35 trot for a pulse of $70. There will also he a cnncvrt in the evening of the second day of the fair. :Iddn 2.30 trot. The pl-ngmmme fur Friday will he .1 2.22 trot. four puny races, fan-mars um, and u free-form]! tx-ut. All roads lead to Markham Village iii-day and to-mm-mw. the last two (lavs of theannual fall fair. Judging nflive stuck. poultry, etc. will take place today. and the hack features will be :1 2.30 trot. several puny l'ncvs, We believe the Village Council is justified in declining to pass a by-law for the closing of all business places in the village at 7 p. m. three nights of each week, until they are satisfied that the petitioners are legally with- in their rights in making the request_ To say the least, there is certainly a doubt as to the interpretation of the clause under which the petitioners are acting, and until that doubt is re- moved it would not b e wise ft r the. petitioners to press the matter further. The feeling is pretty general that shopkeepers may have at least an evening or two to themselves each week without inconveniencing their customers. We believe the matter Bonds. Pxecuted hy LB. and Andrew Alt-Gimp. fm taxes for 1914 me sufii herelnv :lcceptvd by this L Rnhinsonâ€"(mnphvll â€"â€" “'est be paid $2.75 redaul gnu. \Vatsz‘nâ€"Rnbinsonâ€"Tl is hereby instructed tu “'llson Asst. Manager '1‘. nnd ask him tn; 095s of statute 1; On mmir n ( meet at Sliuey's Saturday. Octal Elle fiibem “Wilson Builds. PM [CHMND Hn. EDITORIAL KING TOWNSHIP COUNCH EARLY CLOSING BY-LAW. Schomberg Fair Woodbridge Fair -Rnbinsonâ€"Th:lt the .structed to write Markham Fair 1m plwll ONT.- OCT rt lfixmte of ‘ next, year. adjourned Schumberg â€" That tlw Hullingshond ,' collection (If .x-euh and are nuncil I‘lmt J :\ mos 0 wag- 1914 A Map 3% x25 feet showing elearlyevery boundary, every city, eveiy own, village, hamlet and river in the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map prepared by the celebrated map firm of G. W. Bacon & Co, Ltd, of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most com prchensire map printed. 'The Liberal has completed arrangements by which our readers can se- cure a copy of this excellent map free of charge. The Next Sitting of Diwsmn Com-Um No. 3, County at York, will be held in the Court Room. DlViSiflN - GUURT. Every Reader of The Liberal May Have War Map Free A short program was Inllmvml nyi games in which all d'llgi'goll su hrurtiiy ' that the (:lusinghnur cunw :is a sur- riso. The young nn-n and women nf' 1hr ()hnirh :u-v (-rI-lninly keeping up lhrir end (if the wm k at pi'vSvnt. Tuesday owning four of nur moni- hms in.qu use ui‘ their numbnlnies in take :1 number of men in hem- Dr. Herring Mid Dr. (hunt in \Vpsuuiu- star Church. Tmunln. Di. HGI'ling. i119 Mudcrutnr (if the General Assem- bly. gun- ;in :iddioss (In "The \Vnr and the Church,” which is bound to exercise :I trexner.(h-ns infim-nce m) :11] who hmud it. Thugeneiul ft-oling'wus one (f inspiration and rvnewvd 9n- lhnsiusm fur carrying U!) the advance wnrk (if the Church. Th? Pili'e'nts’ and Old Fulks’ Concert Soc-ml is in he held this Thmtduy evening. The priceof The Family Herald and Weekly The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. “"e now offer both papers for one year each, Family Herald’s War Map, size 30 x 40 inches venient size for only $1.90. This ofi‘er applies to all subscribers, new or rel papers inside next 30 days from this date. Th L Suhj mm Special $3750 New solid brick. nine large, blight moms, (mk ll‘im- med lhmughont. lmrdwoml flours. fire place, electric lights, large Vfirundnh, thx’empiece bath of the finest qualitv, Septic tank. lintwuter boiler. Pei-use furnace. Lot 5Ux2'ZU. If vun want H. nice home in‘Riclmiond Hill don’t miss this chance. $9300 VicinityY of Lmnom'ille. One hundred and fifteen Hates. the snil is a (tiny lmun. Hie kind that will not bake. On the prop. ex-ty is :x good bunk hmn 40.2100 a qnod eight mumed frame house and two finwing wells. The locu- tinn of this farm is (me (if the mast pleasant in the township of \Vhitchurcl). $7000 Neat Vundnrf. One hundred acres, exceptionallv well built on. Small cash p lyment, balance at :1 low rate or intere:t. $6000 Markham Township, six- ty-eight acres of rich Imuny clay soil. fair gum] buildings, reasonâ€" able terms. This farm has never been rented and is in Lhe pink of :undition. A. E. GLASS Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only Monday} Oct. 19, 1914 PROPERTIES FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL Uummencmq at" 10 mm. REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL Thunksgivinl nn mun Wins- Thursday (IV I the Church Presbyterian Church FREE WAR MAP§ wt T. F MCMAHON. CLERK HOUSES FAR MS Sum wa 1‘ ould be in every Canadian Home. R AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OE t‘h mug hud ml .‘II ll 9t forth by mquet shmt 'ssrs. Allen. Lion intelnger n every Cana llu Unwed by so heartily as n. sun-- lbscribers, new or renewal, wl from this date. [Ir lil 26 ', Lung md Lh young ct th: 1- they 11th Ill M of Montreal has secured exclusive by the celebrated map firm of G. W. In is beyond question the most com CIDER. JELLY and on \VL-dnesduy, of each week up to the 25m of Novem- EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY MILL This mill will cmnnwnce running fm 3min will be ground Thuxsday and TU ESDAY AND ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. APPLES WANTED the nmnnf‘ Star rid-(1y of each week. mm will El m ncludin in a ne FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments [F we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer's share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, 19I4. to August I, against any reduction during that time. be 1' one dollar a year ptvmher 30, 1914 1'11” ()1) lctm'enf WEDNESDAY APPLE BUTTER A. M. Davison, Uni0nville, Ont, Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan 08 V Buyers to Share in Profits flower Prices on Ford Cars 1 War Ma; copy of The lder of con ford mqtor__ “Company the tw Touflng Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only l Goods that will keep down the high cost of livmg are what we want to sell. The following are a feW. Macaroniâ€"an inexpensive and wholesome food. Riceâ€"Ragoon 60 a lb, Japan IOC a ll). Nothing better. Cerealsâ€"On all package goods our prices are the same. Rolled Oats and Rolled Wheat 50 a lb. Canned Goods, Tea‘ Coffee and Cocoa at the old prices. For Housecleaningâ€"Ammonia, dorax. Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Dustbane, Lye, Soap, and a large stock of Brooms at close prices. 1-3 m In Marble 01' Granite. Good work reasonable charges. Town 01‘ Country \Vute, C. A. SKEELE, Monuments, For Sale an Easy Terms Tombstone l. etuering Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Annex ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited FOR FURTHER \V. A. JONES, 22 Buchanan St G. A. MCDONALD & SGN Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmor and Clarence Avenues. Ry., and Metropolit Acre Garden Lands. WAR ON HIGH PRICES Toronto Markers and Corner Posts rackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ecmmmy ‘NFOR‘MAII’JN \VRITE OR SEE 1915, and guaranteed $590 540 840 J. T. LGCKE 8' C0,, an is now openin Central Business Cull- vge. Tol‘unto, and in each of its Six Branches. Flee catalogue explains (‘(1lll‘$ۤ. \Yrite fox-:1 cnpv. \V'. II. Shaw, President. Ht‘nd Ofi‘icos, 393 AUTUMN SESSION 16 Adelaide St. E .Toumo '5. F164;- catalogue explains “'riteforn cnpv. “". II. ’rvsident. Ht‘nd Ofi‘icos, 393 Yonge St. Tornnlo.

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