) {She ggihrrnl Ricnrixn HILL. (JNT.. tier. S. 1914 Mrs. G. 1". Allen left Monday for a and .‘lolr- few weeks" visit in Ottawa treat. Mr. and Mrs. Mclnnis of Haileybury are visiting with Mr. arid Mrs. John T t‘tin. H 7 n DlVlsl in (‘oirrt will beheld iir Rich- tbe 19th of mond Hill on Moirdiy, Uctohcr._ Mrs.h‘mith of Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. \Valter- Love of Toronto Sunday \\ itlr Mrs. Chas. Turp. spent Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grainger of Tor- oirto spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Hopper aird other friends. A car of bran. shorts and purity flour; also a car of maize gluten at the elevator. Kennel-curl for grates al- ways in stock. Mr. \Vm Ness has taken a contract for delivering Slit) loads of sand for an addition to the Industrial Far in build- ings. During the time the new buildier is being erected the Hinas Laundry will be, in the rear of the lot directly south of McDonald‘s gr ocer y ctore. The \Voineii’s Institute will meet at. the home of Miss Moyle. on \Vedncs- day. Oct. Htti at. 3 o’clock. A paper on I'Fall bulb planting" will be giieu by Miss Moyle and “The care if roses for the Winter" by Mrs. Allen. S'elcc- tioiis on the Grafonola. A brown mare. owner unknown, waded iirto the bog at \\'ilson pond Monday night and mired. She was drawn out the next foreuoon by a team of horses attached to about a hundred feet of ropes and chains. Tire wan- dercr is now in the \ illagc pound. i For general war news see inside pages. 1 4; lb. tins good red salmon, 2 for 2ic.:l Pork and Beans on Cliilli Sauce. tin 12c.; Kippered herrings plain. or tonra I to Sauce. tin 12c.: Statbz'and sardines. tin 15-:.; Summer savory. Sweet. Mar- l jorain thyme, sage and poultry dress 1 mg. tin 10c.; Griï¬'iin & Skelly‘s seeded raisins. 2 pkgs. 25c.; Choice. cleaned curt-ants. 1b. 13c. Atkinson ck Switaer. The Aurora Banner last week stated that. Mr. M. Robinson of Kettleby had broughtaton-ato to his ofï¬ce which measured 17!; inches, and weighed BU ounces. That was very good but The Liberal has a beauty from Mr. Geo. {earrran‘s patch which measures 19 inches iir circumference. arid Weighs exactly two pounds. Lace and plain net yokes, in ecru or- white. ea. 3Uc.:l"ine white iriuslin front with collar trimmed with narrow l rce and buttons. 5t)c.;\\'hit-- muslin collars with Nicot edge. ea. 25c.; licru and white frilling 15 toil}. in. wide. EU to 300. yo.; Fine all linen. one corner embroidered, Swiss handkerciefs 23 and 3Hc.; Children’s hulrdker't‘hlt‘fs. lace trinnircd or lr~mstitched 5c. ea. Atkinson N SwitZer. . Fall Fairs Newmarkct. .... .. Oct. (iâ€"Sl Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()ct. 11â€"9 Queeusville ., . . . . . . ... .Oct. 13â€"14 \Virodbridge .. . . . . . . ..()l.‘[. 111 x\' 12 Schoirrberr: . . . . . . .....0ct. 15â€"10 â€"â€"-‘- A Good Showing “-9. have it cltr'olr from Mr. Fred Clark's garden at 11midford. which measures 321))‘33 inches and weighs 211 lbs. Mr. (‘lark has grown hundreds oflargecitrous this season. and is a successful gardener as well as a suc- cessful fir-trier. This year so far he has taken a special prize. three ï¬rst prizes. a second. a tlnrd and a fourth. _â€" â€"â€"â€"...w The York Choral Society The rehearsals of the choral society are progressing iii a most satisfactory riranuer, both in the number and quality of the voices arid also iii the iii- dustiy and enthusiasm which characteriZt-s the members Already over lllt) ladies and gentlemen t'ri-in thr- surrounding towns and country as well as from this town itself have re- snondcd to the invitation to join and it conli lently expected tlr t[ the r membership will total 1.30. The chor us h is been named the Yo:k (‘horal Society and the following oï¬icers have is been elected2â€"Presidel:t. Mr. .-\. 1.“? Phipps; Vice President. Miss Ethel Switzi-r: Secretary. Mrs. Orville (iod- win;'1‘reasurer. llr. Routlcy: Bursar. Mr. 1:. Allen; Librarian. Mr. John _ Greene; Director. Mr. .1. 1‘2. Newton. . As has been announced. the society 1 assisted by prominent Toronto soloists will give a concert or: or about January 1st and the proceeds will be devoted to the warâ€"fund. \\'lriie the committee 1 still extend the frcesl itnitation to all r to join the chorus. there is particular need of more batitolrcs and properly b.il.ru"e the other parts. The. rehearsals are held iii th-- Masonic Ilalli on Tucsd Iy evenings at 5.15 o‘clock. lil:5t“' .tl l I AL'CTEON SALE ’l‘rit’itsnAy. Oct. Iiiâ€"Anciicn sdt- of. llw‘rls‘t'llultl t‘l‘t‘t'L'l‘ .‘rl llz'l' lt‘>1t1t‘11C(’. Richmond street. the property of Mrs. John Burnett. Sale at ll o'clock. Terms cash. Eugen!) and , McEweu. Ant-ts. Methodist Church Special Thanksgh ing sci \ iccs will be held in the Methodist ('lruicli next Sunday. morning,r aird evening. The pastor. Rev. J. R. .-\ikcnln-.nl, “fll preach iii the morning. and Mrs. .‘\1l\‘t'llllt’;hl in the evening. Tln re will lu-sprcial innsit: by tln- r-lroir at both services. at the l‘ipwoitlr [wagin- ncxt Monda) evening. Hhoil addresses will be gir- cn on “National Blessings." "Spir itual Mei-cits" and “Bottlillllll llarvcsl." I‘lx'erybody will be wclconie. and a good time is anticipated. â€"â€"â€"Q-ow-»â€"- Crawford St. Church The following news item lra< been l'lri'\\'?ll'(]|‘(1fl'i‘lllllll‘t‘ll)‘ZL(lllSilintlil)‘. Oct. 15‘. Rev. Ilr. Smith of (‘rawfoid St. Methodist: church. Tolonlo. launch a bi}: evangolisiic campaign in his church with a choir of over a bun- dred voices. arid with three evangelis tic [1H aclrcrs. Already this cairipaigzn is well started. about a dozen having been converted iii the last, few week 2. besides almost the entire Sunday School. where the pastor teaches the Bible. class. L-rst Sunday evening' six were cenvcrttd and gave thuir testi- irroiry to this Pl'ft'clx ___ .t... .â€" Marshâ€"Ward A quiet little wedding was solcnl- nizcd at St. Bairnabas' church. St. Toronto, on \\'edue:day. Septem- ber-3011i. when Mary, eldestdaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. \Vard was married to l. Gordon Marsh. son of Mr. arid \Ii-s. \V. G. Marsh “Elms Lea" Richmond Hill. Rev. Frank Vi~ pand uncle of the bride ofï¬ciating. The pretty young bride was unattendâ€" ed. and wore a tailoin suit of err-am cloth and golden brown hat wltlr yel- low facingzs. Only immediate relatives were present. The your);1r people left later for westcr u cities. ‘0- Mr. Klinck’s Death Mr.’ Leonard Klinr-k of Missouri died on the. 22nd of September. at Kansas city. in the home of his daughter. Mrs. Collins. after a brief illness. at the ad~ valiccd age of 90 years. 11c spent most of this summer visiting relatives in Richmond Hill. Stout‘fvilie and other place-s Mr. Klinck was born iii (lauada iii 18:24. (May 15) and during irislong life. made occasional visits to his native land. which he lov- ed, though living over (it) years iir U.S.A. lie was the brother oftlre late Mrs. A. Law and uncle of Mrs. Jessie Grant arid Mrs. Amos \Vriglrt. The last or his generation noted for longev- rt) . _ . Tearc~Jolrnst0ii “.\1apleGlcn." Headt’ord. Ont.. was the scene of a very pretty wedding. on \Vcdnesday. September the thirtieth. when Ethyl Luella Johnston. only daughter of tire late \\'atson Johnston and Mrs. \Villianr '1‘easdale. was unr'r-ul in mar riage to Robert. 1‘lrilip'1‘eare. I-l' Timinons. New Ontario, lll)(l(‘1'ill1:lt"ll (if evergreens aird asters, Rev. A. 1‘. Brace of Toronto official ion. The bride.looking sweet and girlish iii a gown ofshadow lace and clriti'on over- satiir‘aud carrying: shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the vallcy.cr'tr-rial the drawing room on the arm of her on 1- Mr. .1. Coates, to the strains of the Chorus from 1.oliringrt-n. played by her cousin. Miss Mai y Teasdale of Laskay. The bride was attended by her cousins. Miss \\'innifrcd Ratz of Berlin, as tnaid of honor. and Miss Edna Gordon of Maple. as bridesmaid. each carr-yinga bouquet of pink roses. while Mr. Fred. .lr-lnrslon brother of the bride supportrd the groom. The groom’s gilt to the bride was a beautiful vanity purse, to the brides- maids. pianist. a cameo ring. In the course of the dainty lunch. which was partakcn of by about. thirty guests. toasts wet c proposed by Rev. Brace and Mr. John Rennie which were responded to in a most able manner by the grotmi. The happy Couple left for Toronto and Belâ€" liIr :rrriid showers of cont't'lli and good wishes. the bride travelled iii a tailor- ed suit ot‘ saxc blue and hat to match. will with plumes. alter which they leare for their borne in Timmons. Studebaker Hutomobiles For Sale originally $1.525. We demonstrator. 51,05! t. special \‘alttc. york Authorized Roi-resentmivcs cf Studebaker Atrtoinuhilcs will ‘ llalton ' r i i silver t‘i'ltl purses, aiid to thc‘ ‘ \\'ln-n [11";Ii11\ :rrrircd pi We, have a used seven passenger Studebaker Touring; Car iii first class condition, with electric lights and starter. which we can sell at $1,000. have Studebaker 'l‘ouring‘ Car, l'Jlt model. used only as :r This car is cquippcd with electric starter arid electric lights and is practically ncw. carrying with it the usual in-uiut‘acturcrs guarantee If you want a ï¬rst class bargain iii an automar bile, we can l‘t‘Collllllt‘llll either of thc:-c two cars a Demonstration arranged. motors {limited 545 Yongc 51.. Toronto .1. T. Sewing Club A dclighlt'nl :rl‘ti-iiroon “as when Miss \Viola (‘aldwr-ll t‘li."ll.r'i.r 'l the .l. '1'. Sewing (‘lnb on Saturday. Alter a snort piograininc. an cw Hint: paper clrasr- look plat-viii \\lii.ir lllt' priisiicls lrccarrn- badly entangled. 114l|lll'.$| ilrll~ A 'l‘hanksghing serrico will he held mm“ “'1' “"" “""‘"l 1’.“ :‘I’N (it‘l'l‘H'llr ,vlilir' tillvwls i'li-r‘r'd l'I'l‘ lln- liltlltl\\ll1"_: yr-..rarcasfollows: l’ir-sidcnl. lliit‘ir' l’atton: 'r'iv'o l’rr-s.. Mary llnnt: lrr-as'rri-r. \‘iisla ('ahlwcll: Sci-in l.‘tl\'. Mary Robinson. The next meeting will be :r’. the 11t\l'lt' ol' Miss MaIV Robinson, ('r'l. Jilsl. . ~â€" 7 7a.- - MARRHED TICARHA-lHIle’l‘UN 7 At 11t“HllIIltl. hr" Row .\. 1’. lil'rlt'i‘. on \\'i-ilircsd.ty. Swpl. Ho. 1511!. l‘ltlrvl laivlla .lohn». ston. only daughter t-f tln- l:ili- \\'at- son Johnston aml Mrs \\’illi.rnr Teasdale to R. 1’lrilip Tcait- ol’ Tiinrrroris. New ()ntaiio. M.\usn-\\'.\nn .0†\Vi-dnwsday. Sept, 31'. 1914. At, St. Barnabas"churchl lialton St. Toronto. by Rev. Franlel \'ipand. Mary eldest daughter of and Mrs. 1“. \V. \Varil. Toronto. tor James Gordon. son of Mr. and \V. G. Marsh "Elms Lea†Richmond Hill. «04> __ DIED 1‘0 )TH-lu Toronto, on Monday. Uctohcr 5. 1914. Mrs. Booth. widow of the late James Booth. for nit-Hy of (‘arrvilhu and mother of Rev. \V. B. Booth of Sloutfvillc, in her 831 d ycar. NEW A UVERTISEMENTS T \VEAâ€"VIXGT: nun? by Tim; I L. Johnson. Yonge St. Rich- 1-1 3 in round Hill. {FOURTHâ€"dd lb: rink on Saturday evening. a pair of eye-gIaSses. Apply at the LIBERAL Office. 112 FOR 8 A L n. LTti-a ma heating shoesâ€"large and small. 142 (‘. l‘lASUN OR HALEâ€"The undersigned is prep-r red to deliver good potatoes in Richmond Hillard vicinity at 73 rr-ms a bag. J.S..\1t'N.\1R.Elgin I Mills 1’.O 15â€"2 otrsn To RENTâ€"On Richmond St.. a few steps from Yonge. Apply to (iico. SMITH. 13-t. f. OSTeilu the village a pair of gold spectacles. Reward at The Lib- eral Ofï¬ce. It '2. . TI’uXYlCllâ€"A brown mare. about, S 16 hands lriglr. ginci-al purpose. strayed int-v Richmond Hill vil- lage on or about the 6th of October. The animal is impounded. The owner mav 1l.‘l\t' same by proving property and payingr expenses. lfnot claimed iii 8 days will besold to pay expenses. 15- _-... T. % ti Vaughan 1 7'1". have buyers for 50, 7.3 and 101) acre 1“ A 1: .\l s in l and Markham at right prices. JOï¬N FISHER, TORONTO E. W. Moyle, Laiigstatf Local Itcr'ri‘escntativo Mrs. 3 AAAAAAAAAAA‘AAAAAAAAMAAAA AAAA This car cost also a tivc paSscngt-i' of p u'ts. 1’i'icc S .i. i; ‘L .‘l‘llll g E AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Concrete House Your Insurance will be well looked after if tell: to P. G. SAVAGEtS’c SON RICHMOND HILL pi iccs. THENKS at this season of the year innate and right. bwitxcr cxpresscs thanks and Good Wishes to the patrons who have them with their orders. The of Thanksgiving calls for especial attention, and we are happy to think that in Atkinson & Switzei’s Patrons the Thanksgiving season trade lasts the year through. BUNBRETE HOUSE Atkinson arc appro- and favored season Richmond Hill AAAA’AALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W’E ARE AGENTS Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass insurance Consult. Us 1901' Pitter 500:. SOME CHOICE REAL. ESTATE Also WALLPAPER S't'OCK COMPLETE Lownst‘ PRICES EVER otio'i‘icn FURNITURE AND SEWING D/IACHINES Our furniture catalogues have all the newest (lt‘>lf.{ll$ at moderate Ask to see them and compare prim-s with other places. a solid brick dwellingr on Yongc St. choice building lot; the best location or. \ongc Street. A. U. SAVAG E FO R llzrtes FOR SALE lot. A (iotvd size p p D > p D b b > D D F D D p p b r» > D > D P I- D P p p > D b P D D p b > p D p D p > p D D p E r. o. SA\ AGE E ' VVVVVVVVVVYVVVY VV VVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV ____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"'â€"'â€"â€"â€""W , , .1. _ ‘" 'F-PM Pete's:â€" ~_r-r.~'r~u.rv.r"»f prvMT-‘mnrmmnrr‘ 5p“ . L. I. . > Ir.a.r-r.~‘»-_,« r‘rf‘fl‘f _.-.p.r L’F-‘Tr.r‘ri‘ .r- "1 “‘\"‘\’.“‘\'."\‘.¢\"..'~l\.'.'-\.v _v\ '- \u.‘\ \ . -; EMMMMMM . ‘3 , 11 L ’ 7 t» ‘ 4 THE BlCHllUND HlLL FURNISH _ .‘..\,‘.\..s.\:t\.1}\.-.._ .-NV»-._,:.~>..‘..;.4-.J'â€"r‘c;ï¬d...:uuvs. .u-uJ. u-‘JU'- STORE To the Public We have just. received agency and samples for tl.c Twenty Century Brand of irratio-to-incasui'c one of the oldest lll‘lllS in the city and with a reputa- tion (if making the host there is made, and as large it not lai'gei'i'angc of samples than any. guaranteed. suit or overcoat would do well to no samples before buying. “'0 NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Those contemplating oi'dcridg,r a new also carry ready-to wcar ‘ \ < \ ' \ ‘ r‘ \ Vivid ‘L‘wvi' hr» hug-2-1.3) w-“ Nil 1 - 1.}..t FF‘W'W i An~ . .L Wm ‘ UN. . s a... rut“ ‘ic‘ (lzvtliing, ‘1 ‘5" ‘Jwï¬r w t}. :r ‘w-C'm‘aq‘wu Satisfaction m 7,-â€" wa-rvw'f ’3' r x) “T. - hunkâ€"ii . clothing. v-» -. F. ‘aa~\_~ r \ s)‘ r M- .... in: v ng . «.1 l l -4. ,