"BAMBYHRPESTSl UTI C RA SOAP Because of its extreme purity, delicate emollient properties and refreshing fragrance. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment it is equally effective in the treatd ment of heat rashes, itchings, irritations and chaï¬ngs. x; Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the World. Liberal sample oi each mailed iree. with 32-1). book. Addreu f‘CutIcura." Dept. x. Boston. (1.54. W‘â€" WA N 'l‘EllvA M OTTO . Well to Have One as a Spur or a Guide to Success. It is an extraordinary and signi- ‘ï¬cant fact that men who have risen 'to fame and fortune, especially those whose beginnings have been small, have always had a motto, a maxim, a proverb, as a spur or a guide to success. When one of these great men “site†for an interesting interview, and pulls back the curtain on his methods, invariably there comes the confession : “My motto wasâ€"†‘And then he quotes the half-dozen words which seem to have been a, life’s inspiration to him. Noble POINTED l’.\IIAGII.~\l’IIS. Most men reckon days. If the play is a frost the audience jSOOI‘I melts away. Brides with Sour dispositions are apt to spoil honeymoons. Many a man who is good has a sad look. The tastes of a millionaire may be imprisoned in a pauper’s purse. A man who can dispose of his troubles for a, consideration is a genius. Pride makes some people ridicuâ€" Ilous and prevents others from be- coming so. time by pay- .i (.‘t-rmnn 'I‘rocpx-r. “fearing the famous Death Head Hussar helm-cit. This was the regi- ment to which the Crown Prince Have to Pass Fortiï¬ed Straits to Get In (Pr-can. Ships to usher in a. permanent universal peace, it is interesting to recall the words of Spencer Walpole on the destiny of Russia. Writing in 1882. Walpole considered that the peace of Europe would continue to be threatened so long as Russia, with a, population of 80,000,000 it is now more than 170,000,000â€"had no mariâ€" time outlet for her commerce under her own absolute control. The trafâ€" ï¬c of the Baltic must pass through a narrow strait, the White Sea is not always open, and every ship from the Black Sea must pass under the guns of Constantinople! Would England or any other great nation. suggests Walpole, have tolâ€" erated with such patience the ex- clusiveness to which Russia is con- demn-ed? “As surely as the river seeks the ocean, so does every great people gravitate towards its natural outletâ€"the sea. It may be possible to direct its march, just as it is was attached while at Danzirg. It is said that but ï¬fty men are left after the ï¬ghting in Belgium and France. Lame Back Strengthened Silliness Taken Right On Was Relieved in an Hour, Over Night. I A lame back? Quite unnecessary} All you have to do is to rub on Nervl- line. It's simply a wonder for back- acheâ€"relieves after one rubbing. “No- thing possibly could cure an aching and Cured practicable to turn the course of a river. It would be as easy to stop the river as to arrest the nation." IF___ Very Quarrelsome Neighbors Names of the parties are Corns and Toesâ€"both very unhappy till the trouble was remedied by Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor Any corn goes out of business ‘n 24 hours if "Putnam's" is appliedâ€"try it. 25c. at all dealers. 44‘ A Poser. Sonâ€"«Say, pop. Father~Yes, son? .lll'bh’l.‘ WANTS A FREE I'Oll'l‘. Now that we are all thinking of that new map of Europe, which is back faster than Nervillne,†writes Mrs. Arthur Kobar, of Lower Chel- sea, NS. “I caught cold and was so prostrated with pain I could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at home, and I had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand linlment. At once the pain departed. The lamenws was rapidly reduced and in an hour I was able .to be about my housework. I was rubbed again just before retiring, and awoke as usual in the morning without a sign of my back trouble." There is no sort of muscular pain that Nervlllne won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by it for rheuma- tism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago. It sinks to the core of the painâ€"right through muscle, tissue and nerveâ€"it penetrates Where no oily, greasy llnl- ment can go and invariably cures quickly. If you have an ache or a pain anywhereâ€"wee Nervlllnmâ€"lt will families have felt the mesmeric in- fluence of the family motto, and 'preserved their “nobility†in the best sense. School-boys haveim- ,bibed, for their good, the teaching wrapped up in their school’s motto. Fathers sending their sons out in- Ito the world have, not only on the ,stage, but In real life, said: “Good- l‘bye, my boy! Remember thatâ€"†And then comes the maxim they are to make their own. Certain it is there’s something in it. So to "get _on†we must get a, motto. “Opporâ€" lturnity passes but once.†“The ,open eye sees the open chance.†g“Custom follows courtesy.†“Give the best, and you’ll get it.†“My Ipolicy~â€"honesty.†“Do it NOW.†Pick a good one and live up to it. .__.ac___ cure you. Family size bottle, very . I 0; 'i i 2 . . Many a man who Is good has a arge 5 c tria s 2: 5c at all dealers .5311 look. WHEN WOMEN FIGHT. Instances Where They Have Shown Great Bravery. Breakfasts of “Other Days†ran something like this :â€" Strangely medieval was the spirit with which the factory women of Liege recently repulsed the German invade-rs by pouring boiling water on their heads. In years gone by it was quite a common occurrence for women to do their share of the ï¬ghting. When ‘her lord went to battle it was left to his lady and retainers to guard ‘ihe castle. Ham, bacon or sausage; fried potatoes; doughnuts and coffeeâ€"prepared by overworked mothers. Sonâ€"What becomes of your lap when you stand nip? '1‘ INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 105 Canadian Patents were is- sued for the week ending September 22nd, 1914, 71 of which were granted to Americans, 21 to Canadians, 7 to residents of Great Britain and Col- onies, and 6 to residents of Foreign Countries. _.__.+___ All things are possible, except making a «bill smaller by ï¬ling it away. Minard's Llnlmani Cures Dandruff. Whit-Ii. Wifeâ€"I hier 3. new cook toâ€"day, Lena Stout Today's and Tomorrow’s Breakfasts Gallant Lady Bancch ,who hold (‘orfe Castle in the Civil War Hubâ€"You did! she? Wifeâ€"~Which what? Hubâ€"Lean or Stout And which is Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills are 'uat the right medicine for the chil ren. When they are constipated â€"when their kidneys are out of order when over-indulgence In some favorite food given them indl tion -â€"â€"Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pi In will guickly and sure! put them I" t. urely vegetable. cy neither si en, weakenorgripe, like harsh ur ï¬ves. Guard your children’s ea tla by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse 3 .against the Parliamentarians, hag a ’monument erected to her memory ,‘at Ruislip. in Middlesex, England lStones and hot embers were her Indian Root Pxflsin the house, They n Hoop the Children_Wcll ‘â€" consumptionâ€" , General Douglas. General Sir Charles W. H. Doug- las. Chief of the Imperial General pitted in Roberts famous march to ('a-ndnvhar. and served with distincâ€" tion in India. Egypt and South Afâ€" rica. In the last Boer war he was on the staff and So did little of the showy work. but his list of “men- tioned in despntches†has rarely been excelled. Douglas would he mightily astonished if anybod)‘ cheered him, and he would probably consider it an impertineince. Any- way. his is not one of the faces that (lac-mi'ate picture postcards, and not. one in a thrmsvand would recognize his photo if they saw it. ,__>Vn Ilenlli llrnrly I‘lniinrd New Brunswick linin Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, NB, Dec. 15th,â€"â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St, would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. “My ï¬rst attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When 1 ex- erted myself it was terribly intensiï¬ed. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything. but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled Into my blood ~cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a. medicine as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills.†Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays. and It's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton’s Mandrake and Butternut Pills. 'â€"-â€"_+â€"â€"~ A Cure Needed. Small Boy (to charitable lady) â€"~ “Please, mother says, shes’ much better of the complaint wot you gives her quinine for, but she’s aw- ful ill olf the disease wot’is cured ‘by port Wine and chicken broth.†A Sensible Merchant Bear Island,‘ Aug. 26, 1903. Minard'e Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sireâ€"Your traveller is heretoâ€"day 1, and we are getting a large quantity efl your MINARD'S LINIMENT, We ï¬nd, it the best Liniment on the market making no exception. We have been invbuemess 13 years and have handled all kinds, but ’ have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed id of. to get I W. A. HAGERMAN. Answered. “How old are you, Bobby?†5 “Six.†4 1 “And when were you Six?" “My last birthday.†Minard‘s Linimant cures Burns, Etc. A rifl-eman in telling a story said â€"~“My aim is always to tell the truth.†“Yes,†said a brother private, “but you’re the worst shot in the regiment.†Y UI OWN DBUGGIS'I' W". 18!. YOU T3 flaring Eye Born torRod oak. ovary Eye. and Granulated yelldu: ho Emonh: not Eye Comfort. JWHw for Book or the e by mail l'roo. Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. Giving Details. Maudâ€"Kitty manried a. man at good deal older than she, so I hear. Marieâ€"Oldcrl Why, he’s twice her real age and three times the l age she says she is. l Minard's Linlmoni Ior sale everywhere. King George’s German. A German accent. like a German name, is at a discount in England. But what would have been the feel- ing it war had come .during the reign of Queen Victoria. or of Ed- ward VII. '2 Queen Victoria liked German above any other language, i Staff, is little known to the public. 1 A dour Scotch soldier, he particiw stead of being bowed down with palm; I I Food Supplies In War Time Rumors are in circulation that we are unable to supply orders owing to the war de- mand. Thls statement Is absolutely Incorrect. We are ï¬lling our orders as usual. Insist on getting what you ask for ,w.(lark, Limlied MONTREAL. . 'â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" ; YABMS FOR. SALE. 3. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. II" YOU \VAN'I‘ TO BUY 01¢ SELL A Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. W'. Dawsnn, Brampton. or N i‘nlhorne St. Toronto. 8. W. DAWSON, Colbome St" Toronto- w I NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ‘ 00D WEEKLY IN LIVI-l TOW).V IN 1' York County. Stationery and Book . Business in connection. Price only $4.000- "I‘rrms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com- . puny, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. I‘PJPO-MINI'TE W'AR BOOK nnrl Voinliinntion (‘hl'il‘lnl'lï¬ Gifts are HI‘RE MONEYJIAKERH. IIandsoms Samples Free: Best Terms. ORDER NOW; Postage twenty-five cents. Nichols Com- pany Limited, Publisher; Toronto FEMALE HELP WANTED. LADIEH TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT ‘ sewing at home. whole or spare time: good pay: work sent any distance; charges prepaid. Send stamp for partiou- lam. National Manufacturing Company. Montreal. m FOR 53/.LE. HOTO WAR BUTTONS. 10 CENTS EACH prepaid. The King. Sir John French. Gen. Joï¬â€™re. Admiral Jcllicoe, and. Souvenir of Valr-Lirlicr Camp. (100d Agents wanted. F. E. Simeon, 401 Merchants Bank Building, Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TI'IIOKS, LI'MPH. ETC. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited, (‘ollingwoocL Ont. IATENTS 0F INVENTIONS PIGEON. PIGEON & DAVIS 1n St. James St., ~ Montreal WrIto Ior Iniormatlon BOILERS New and Second-hand, for heating GENTS, and power purposes. Water Flames. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. I ON WORK POLSON “um... STORONTO Engineers and Shipbuildern. Inn last chance! Canada's Troops off to the war. Just before embarking 21 magni- ï¬cent copyright views were taken. including two large panoramic cards and handsome Souvenlr booklet. Yours for 350. post‘paid. Trade supplied. Agents wanted. T. H. DAVIES 525 St. Paul St. Montreal. Government Protection of the Maple Syrup Industry means better prlces for the Farmer Wake u to your golden opportunity. Get uey With your Maple Grove! Consumers mil now want the genuine Maple Syrup m Jamel Increased numbers. Install your humor-atel- before the cold weather sets in and make sure .01 handsome proï¬ts during 1916. Write for free booklet concerning our "Champion" Evaporator. THE GRIMM MPG. 00.. LIMITED 58 Wellington St, Montreal. Que. Farmersl Very Independent. .\ young Irishman entered a ohemist‘s shop. pointed to a stack of castile soap, and saidâ€"~“Oi want a lump 0' thot." "Very well, sir," said the assistant. "Will you have it scent-ed or unscented?" lake it with me,“ man. “Oi’ll the Irish- said weapon 5. run about like this: Post Toasties â€"â€"with cream or fruits; a poached egg or two; crisp toast; and a cup of Postum -â€"a royal starter for any day. ‘ Black Agnes of Drinbarâ€"socallod [charge of Dunbar Castle, 3. ï¬ne 3 stronghold, by ,Earl of March. she defended lagainst the English forces under the . :Eal'l of Salisbury in 1339. 5hert Bruce. possessed his spirit, and ‘ {herself directed the men‘s efl’orts, ,from the battlements. With great ,masses of rock she smashed the err igine of the English. which was playâ€" 1 ing havock with the castle walls. i For long. dreary weeks her in- :domitable will held the castle. hurt- liun‘ stones and rocks on the hem lsiegers. until Sir Alexander Runr‘, Isa]: reached her with aid from the7 sea. when the enemy left in despair, Brides with sour dispositions are â€"_ ‘ apt to spell honeymoons. Quick. easy (to serve ap- petizing. and-- “Mother†has it easier! â€"-Sold by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd. Windsor. Ont. ifrom her dark hair and skinâ€"is per» l :haps the best known of all. Left in her husband, the. it ‘ I 'Ilhe countess, a grandmece of King Rioâ€"I and Bronchitis : For the past three years COPE ,1 LAND'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION 1, has been steadily winnin con- ï¬dence by its splendid moor of re- E cults. Consummiives in all stagel v of this dread disease have been re- l stored to the Iqu rigor of life by the use oi this medicine. Hundreds ; oi testimonials. on ï¬le at our 01- flees. testify to the remarkable re- , suite obtained even after noted , doctors have given up all hope of recovery. 1 Are You a Sufl'erer? If so Copeland's Cure for Consump- tion and Bronchitis will beneï¬t you. ’ Sold By All Druggists ‘ on: trial bottle will be sent pre- on receipt of the regular price, I l COPELAND MEDICINE f COMPANY, lelted ' Toronto, Ont. ~â€"-â€"â€"_â€" ,got on to really good terms with a ,' stinc {lye dislike. , it imperfectly. fbrellas up. land made its use one of her houseâ€"u hold, or at any rate nursery laws. Edward the Seventh spoke it as iluent-ly as he spoke English, and only when George V. came to the throne was there a complete divorce ‘ l |llllllllll l between the English Court and the Kaiser‘s native tongue. “I don’t like it and I’ll never learn it,†was his Majesty’s boyish way of meeting the family persuasions; and though to some extent be had to give way before parental pressure, he never; "illlltlllillllllllllll language for which he had an in-: King George un- derstands German perfectly. but it happens that he is the ï¬rst of al long line of English Kings to speak Irrespective of the high cost of: living, even a. shower wrl’l send um~ Mlnard's Linlmenl Relleves Neuralsla. REMEMBER ! The ointment you put on yourchild's ski‘n gets into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don’t let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood! Zam. Buk is purely herbal. No poll- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. 80:: a! All Druggisu and Sloru. " "no a Issrr: 42â€"914,