MCLEAXâ€"SMITHâ€"On \Vednesdny, OC- tol)cx-7. 1914.1â€, \Vondhridge. by the Rev. John \V. Morgan. Lillian Eu- genie, 0an daughter of Mr. and M rs. “If an application is presented to the council of a city, town or village, praying for the passing of a by-law requiring the closing of any class of shops situate within the municipality, and the council is satisï¬ed that such application is signed by not less than three-fourths in numbers of the oc- cupiers of shops within the inunici pality and belonging to the class to which such application relates, the Council shall, within one month after the presentation of such application, pass a by-law giving effect thereto and requiring all 5110ps within the municipality, belonging to the class speciï¬ed in the application, to be closed during the period of the year, and at the times and hours mention- ed in subsection 2, as are named in the application.†ELLIOTT-BAKERâ€"At Got-unley, on the l-th of October. 1914, by Rev. Peter Steckley. Miss Luum May. youngest d-Lughter of Mr. John Baker of (ionnley. Out. to Mr. Elias Elliott. youngest son uf Rev. F. Elliott of Richmond Hill. The following is the particular clause of the by-law under which the Village Council has been asked by a number of petitioners to close the shops three nights a week at 7 o‘clock :â€" We believe the query is uncalled for. There is no reason to suggest that John Redmond. the leader of the Irish party, would shout for Germany The work of the Irish in the present unfortunate war ought to do away with the irritating talk that Catholics are not loyal to their country. Catho~ lie Irishmen have always taken their part in wars when the EmpIre was in danger, and it seems unfair to be continually making the charge that they are not loyal to the Crown. ALL ARE FOR THE STATE A recent number of the Orange Sentinel contained the following paragraphâ€"“The Irish Home Rule Bill has been signed by the King. Query, would it have been signed had Redmond. Devlin and others shouted for Germany? Ireland might have had home rule long ago had the Nationalists been loyal to the Crown}: RICHMND HILL. ONT.. 001215 ATTERSON-DICEMANâ€"On “'odnesduy Septembm-30th, 1914, at the par- sunnge, King. by the Rev. D. Roy Gray, Annie Louisa. third daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. \Vashington Dice- mun. of Teston, (0 Harvey \Vx-ight Patterson. youngest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, of Richmond Hill. E. Smith. to Dr of Wuodln-Idge @112 ï¬iherni Filing, grinding and all kmds of repalrlng prom p‘tly done. This is the time of year to see that your stove pipes are safe. Pipes crimped ready for use. Any person can put them together without anger. Opposite Dr. La ngstafl’s Notice EDITORIAL Jacob Eyer RE CLOSING OF SHOPS MARRIED Garnet D. McLean 1914 The Liberal has completed arrangements by which cur reade cure a. copy of this excellent map free of charge. A Map 3:} x2gfeet showing elem-lyevery boundary, every city, may town, village, hamlet; and river in the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient sizz. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map prepared by the celebrated map ï¬rm of G. W. Bacon & Co, Ltd., of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most com- prehensive map printed. The priceof The Family Herald and Weekly Star, is one dollar a The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a. copy Family Herald's War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder venient'. size for only $1.90. This oï¬â€˜er applies to all subscribers, new papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently necessary. It should be in every Canadia Every Reader of The Liberal May Have a War Map Free The Next Sitting of Dinsmn Cour-HO] No. 3, County ()1 York, will be held in the Court, Room. BIViSIflN - CGURT. The annual meeting of tlzn Ontario Association of Osteopathy will he held in Toronto. Octohel 30. Thv most spectacular feature of this cnnvonlinn will he the actual (lemonsunliun upon alccnl pullout of the wonderful new method of correcting spinal curvature in one operation, inslvnd uftuking two or three years to do it by the nld- fashioned methods. This wm-k will he shown by Dr. ES. Detwilm' n1" Lundun, Ont. Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only Lumsden Building East. Tul'nntn. Y \Ve can luan your money on improved farm lands in Yul'k Coun- ty at, good rates of interest, ï¬rst mm-Lguge socuritynr on improved (iLy real estute if you want higher rates of interest. Special $3750 New solid brick. nine large, hxight, moms, oak trim- med throughout. hardwood f‘lum‘s. ï¬re place. electric lights, large verandah. three-piece bath of the ï¬nest qualitv, septic tank. hntwater boiler. Pense furnace. Lut 50x220. If You Want :1. nice home in Richmond Hill don’t miss this chance. $9500 Vicinity of Lemonville One hundred and fifteen ncrvs' the soil is n clay loam. the kind that will not bake. On the prop- erty is a good hank hzun 40x100 a good eight l'UUlllé’d frame huuse and two flmving wells. The loca- titm of (his fan-m is one of the must pleasant in the township of \Vhitchiu-ch. $7000 Neat Vandal-f. One hundred acres. exceptionallv well built on. Small cash payment, balance at a low rate of interest, A. E. GLASS $6000 Markham Township. six- ty-eight acres of rich loamy clay soil, fair goud buildings. reason- able terms. ThlS farm has never been rented and is in the pink of 3onditi0n. Monday; Oct. 19, 1914 RICHMOND HILL Unmmencmq at 10 mm. PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL I‘I () IV 13 3’ John Fisher 8: Co. Farm Brokers FREE WAR MALS w the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map It should be in every Canadian Home. ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. T. F MCMAHON. CLERK Annual Meeting HOUSES FARMS Adelaide St 13 6 m new or renewal}, who pay for of each week up to the 25th uf Novem- This mill will conunmme runningr for CIDERJELLY and APPLE on “'ednesdny, September EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY MILL 3min will be ground Thursday and TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. APPLES WANTED Friday of each week. the manufacture of am] will run on FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efï¬ciency in our factory production, and Lhe minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer‘s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1, 1915) to every retail buyer “ho IlllChï¬ECS a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and proï¬t-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August I, 1914. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. bor. 0; A. M. Davison, Unionville, Ont, Agent for Markham. Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Profits flower Prices on Ford Cars py of The :r of con- BUTTER 30, 1914, Ford motor Company the two V62†an SG- Touï¬ng Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only Goods that will keep down the high cost of livmg are what we want to sell. The lollowing are a few. Macaroniâ€"an inexpensive and wholesome food. Riceâ€"Ragoon 60 a lb, Japan IOC a ll). Nothing better. Cerealsâ€"On all package goods our prices are the same. Rolled Oats and Rolled Wheat 5c a lb. Canned Goods, Tea. Coffee and Cocoa at the old prices. For Housecleaningâ€"Ammonia, dorax, Bon Ami, Dutch Cleanser, Dustbane, Lye, Soap, and a large stock of Brooms at close prices. 1-3 m. In Max-Me 01'Grnnit0. Good whrk reasonable charges. Town 01‘ Country \Vrite, C. A. SKEELE, For Sale on Easy Terms Monuments. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Annex Tombstone Letnering FOR FURTHER TNFORMA’II’JN \VRITE OR 5 ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited V i,‘ G. A. MCDONALD & SON Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St, Belmont and Clarence Avenues. WAR ON HIGH PRICES Markers and Corner Posts A. JONES, Buchanan St Economy Toronto $590 540 840 J. T. LOCKE 8 C0., is now npenin Central Business Cull- ego. annntn. and in each of its Six anches. FXPt‘ (mtulngue explains cuurses. SVrite fnrnrrupv. \V. H. Shaw, President. Head Ofï¬ces, 393 Ynnge St, anunln. AUTUMN SESSION 10 Adelaide St. ' E..Toromo