RICHMND HILL. 0N1. OCT. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith of Head- fmd visited txiends at. Alwnu. on Sun- day of last, week. Me ï¬iherulf Mr. Pugsk-y. n-evu: Mr. Humc, \‘illugc- clel k ; and MI'. Sket'lL-,;1Ssesst)l', met. Tuesduy evening and selected Juruxs for Ihc current year. \Vc nhsm-vo by u Cuhult paper that Mr. F. H. Tudtl has been elected Junior \Vurden of Silver Lodge, Nu. 486. A.F. & A.M. of that town. Mm. John \Vilsnn of Yuungstmvn returned with her sisiei-ln the pur- snnsigu. Saturday, spending Thullks- giving with her sisters. The memhers of the Public Library Bum-(l will HIBPL in the library mom this (Thursday) evening to make. a selection of new bunks, and for olhvx luniness. Mr..1uuws Hill nfOl-illin. Mr. Julm Hill uf l’vxvrlmruugh and MI. Lluvd Hill of Stnufl'ville visited all Mr. D. Hill’s over Sunday. Mr. Flank Lynett. Tunmtn. spent Friduv and RuLurduy in the village. :md on Friday .Lttendvd Markham Fair with Mr. Fwd Lylwu and Master J. Lyneu. Hon. I. B. Lucas pz'essml the button Monday awning, and turde (I71 the hydm electliu lightin the village of \Voudln-idgou Mrs. \Vilfred Clark and little daugh- ter Kallnu ine nt' \\'ellnnd Pun spme :1 (mlele of days with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon and lvft. fur Aux-um un Sun- day Lu \isit ullxex- relatives. A Px-m'incial plowing mulch will he held on the farm of Mr. Jusr‘pll Kil- gmn'. “Spring Bumk,“ east uf Eglintnn on Friday the 6th Hf Nm‘wnlwr. A most successful match “as held at the. sunâ€: place lust year. Mr. Jus. A. CumF-mn, Reeve of Vaughan, and \Vurden Hf Yul-k (3mm- ty. goes tn CPIIU‘VYHIP. Addingtnn County. Saturday of this Week, tn act. as jude at :1 plum‘lng mun-h, uppuinb- (-d by the Fun inciul (iuVm-nmeut. tin rule fur Rlclummtl Hill is dn not Inukn (-mnpurisnn shnw Lhut Mu! kham's ml that. sumo nf our ClliZt‘llS- lieâ€"may are that smne l h:le :1 tax mus fcll‘ high uwn. :3“). [ins gund red snlmrm. 2 f:- Pork and Beans nu Chilli Suut l2c.: Kippvred herring.“ plain. «n In suucu. :in l2t:.; Stat brand sun jurqu L mg. (in raisins. The Markham Sun points out that tho tax rate this fall will he 30 Mills on the assessed value of property. The rule fur Rlchunmtl Hill is “'9 (In not lnukt‘ (-mnpurisnn in wider to shnw that Mu! kham's rule is high. hut that snuu- nf our ctlizensâ€"if uch then- hvâ€"nmy snothnl some muniqmlities h:le :1 tax mus fcll‘ higher than um- Visitms in Richnumd Hill nver the Thanksgiving l\nlid:l_\‘s include Mr. .I. E. Skeelo uf Cayuga. His. “7. D. Alkinsml. .\lr. Dunuld Atkinson and Mr. Manul uf (‘ullingu‘uni Mr. and Mrs. A. Sims of \Yt-slun. Miss anvl Smith (If Kc-swick. Miss E. M. \Viley and Miss G. Derry uf Tumuln. )Il . and Mrs. Adi. ll‘uriwnn and twn daughters uf 'l‘nrnnln, Ml". Junn-s I)uy].-. Alisg '1‘, Duyle and Mr. Frqu BIL-\Villiums of “'lwn in nevd of snub us stamped pm" letter heads 01- hillhc to call at, THE Lunar m whitv frilling 15 In 2.5 in. wide. 30c. yr“; Fine all linen. nne L mnhrnidH-od, Swiss lumdkmciv and 3%.: Childu-n‘s hundken lace trinnnvd m- h~mstitched 5 Atkinson & Sn‘itzer. One nf the pleasant things that. help tn nuke one foul tint their wqu is up- prvcinted tnnk place :It the Thursday uftex-mmu sessinn of the \V. C. T. U. Gunventiun held in Tnmntn List Week. whvn the Invmhms nt' Yurk and I’m-l (‘ulllllies \\'.().T.['. made tlwir Cur. Lace and pinâ€) net ynkes, in 9cm m- whilv, en. 3()c.;Fine while mmlin frunt with cullur trimmed with narrow LIL-u and buttons. 5(Jc.;\\'hilv muslin (‘ullurs with Nicnt, vdgu, en. 25«:.; En u and whitv frilling 15 In 2.5 in. wide. 20 to “or general \vnr news see inside pug \Vhen in "PI-“d of nflico statinnory u-‘h as stamped anelnm-s. unto heads, :t‘tor heads 01- hillhoads du not, fmgvt n call at. THE LIBERM. t-ï¬ice flIl' qun- ltinns. annntu printers flequenlly lake llipg into thI- adjacent villages nd PIHIQ'MVIH to induce thc Inelchants ml nthex- business men In give them rders nu tho plea that the mice is a Miss Eva Hill spent Thanksgiving my at, Peterlnu'uugh. 10.: Kippm-ed herl-ings plain. m (mum |s:|llc¢-. {in 121:.; SUI brand sardines. n 15-:.: Summer mun-y. Swwl Mm» mun Ulyllu‘. saga umi punllly (h'vss |g. (in lUc.: Griï¬iin & hkolly's se-edvd Iisins. 2 pkgs‘. 250.: Choice t-leuned Irruuts. 11). 13c. Atkinson «S: Swiuer. we. “N. '1‘. F. McM-«lwn. :1 life mum:- erof the Ontario \\‘.C.'l‘.U. Accum- ‘mying the luvmllership was the minty whit:x rihlmn pin lllildt‘ of gnld gt. with pt-urls. the pendant :llsu being at with pearls. Tnmnln. M Iyle and M1 runln. LOCALS nts cheaper. Du As a rule city pri higher than in Villa zlntity being couside z-essed the button l'E'C 11 print -r 250 1914 ()l‘lll‘l hiefs :95. Lin Mr. and Mrs. “'illiam Monknmn of Uumnville made a visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark of Heudfm-d. Miss Russell nf Markham Cnllugiato spent, the Thanksgiving holiday with he: sister Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. Mrs. Morgan and Miss Marie Morgan “The Cedars.†Niagaraâ€"cm-lhc-Lukv. wvre the guests of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls lust week. The Mission Band will lmld their meeting an Tuesday next at 4 o‘clock in the b‘chnol Room of Ihu MuLhndist Chlll'Lh. Mr. H. A. Nich )lls is lmving the Standard Bank building I'v-shingled, and put in good cundiuun lu-fnru the cold Weather sets in. On Monday 25th inst. tlw Silver Jubilee of Canadian l‘Ipwol-lh Leagues will be celebrated it. all Methudisb uliurcheSnf Uulmdu. There will he a union met-Ling of all [he Leagues of the Maple and Richmond Hill circuits held in the Richmund Hill )Icllwdist Church. A gnud prom-auntie is being prepared. Next Monday evening a “Missiunm-y Muck Trial" will Lake place at the Ep- wurlh League senvicv. Mr. Jzns. Aiken- heud will act, for [he Urmvn. Mr. Hui-old Hugunnun fur the Defence. The prisoner Miss Jenn McDonald ropâ€" reser [es the Church. Several witnvssvs \viil he called from many lumls. All. Hun-y Sanderson “ill be judge. All are welcome. Monday owning there was n Thanks- giving nu-etiug iu the Methudist League when a large number wele [vl‘vsent unduspeciul pmgmmmegiven. {knot the regular business of the A body of the Gnvnmm- (ienernl's Body Guard from Toronto passed through the villang- :y'l'Sll'l'duy on mute furAux-om where they me [u go in (mining. Lenguv, Mrs. Crmvhurst gave a vucal solo and Miss Aikenhead an address on "Natinnal Blessings." “'(mdln'idgc Fair had crowd on Monday The gal were $500 larger than on any fair day. This was in a "was In the facts that iL was Tha Day. that [be new hydru 1 from Tux-unto had just ln-en that) the \thher was exct ï¬ne. The Board of EducuLiun after much deliberation has had the l‘lnple [lees remoYL-dj'rmu [llc‘ltt’ULl'ï¬-Uf the publjc Inter.â€"H.S.g:unvs will he played here. \Vednesduy, UCLUllul' 21, begin- ning :11 3.30 sharp. A return liziskelell game, Ann-mu \’S Richuumd Hill. will he plnyi-d in the High Sclmul Grounds, and the return fuullmll match will he played in the Park. Tn cnvw (’kpenses a sumll admission ft-(j nt ll) cums will he churng pupils and \‘isitwrs. The H. S. buys and gills home Lu have u gmnd attendance Lu help .llw home teams “‘11:. Mr. Verne \Valder suffm ed a daugernus accidunb last 'l‘lilnsday. He was hrieking the well aL Mr. Duner’s new Imuse nu Arnold street. when three bricksaccidentally fell frnm the sulfate. a distance of aheub teety. He was struck in the hack, and fur smural days was unable to raise his aim so as to gel :1 cnaL nu. Fortu- nately nu lmnes were fractured, hurt his ductnr kent him in iight, bandages \vell soaked in strong liniuienl. Envurd was made at the Storey stu in was found that. Edwin Mun-.13" Goddard suhx-cl buy, \nm the priz his pumpkin weighing 147 lhm. on tes 0d scales, hearing the seal pf the ci‘ sealer. The newspaper fruni whh we. copied shows the buy and his pri: pumpkin. the latter being mm heavier than the former. Divisiun Cum-t next, Munday )mmencing at, [U :l. m. The HStorey Pumpkins." Luge lmlutves, Lager than ever Epworth League Trees RcmOVed Painful Accident Double=Header an nu any previous in =t nwasure owing was 'l‘hdnksgiving hydru ludiul lun- ust In-eu open, um] wst exceptimmlh had :I. record The gale recejpls disuilmted set-(ls ' 'd u. prize (If 810' npkins rmduced (July-live entered , nno n-ry large.i )iu'd. \thn lhe' the SIUI‘EY stole" the city m which his prize \g much 19 EEۤE§E§E5 E536§E THURSDAY. Oct. 15â€"Auction lmusuhuld effects "they re Richmond street, the pray Mrs. John Burnett. Sal (-‘clvck. Tounscnsh. Suig.l McEu'un. Aucts. THURSDAY. Oulnlmr 15â€"-(7redit sale (If farmslock. implx-lnents. etc. lvt 3. concession 6. W hitchmch, the prop- erty of E. Lurgeer. Sale all u‘cluck. Tenus 12 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY, Octuhm' l7â€"Auctiun sale THQRSDAY, Octnlwr 22â€"Aucï¬nn salt The President. Mr. J. S. McNuiu has called the annual met-ting of the Rich- nmml Hill Chilling cluh ful- Fliduv evening. 16th inst. After receiving the secrptnry’s x'opurt. the addiuns‘ rc- pm-t and ulhvr ropnrts, [he ulvctmn hf nlï¬cvrs will Luke place. The waiting will he hvld in the (lurlers' mum at the rink. FRIDAY. October Iiiâ€"Auction suleuf farm stuck, implements. furniture, etc, lot 54, rear nf 1st cunu-ssiun. Markham. the property of Simon Baker. Sulentlu’clnck. Tenus 12 months. J. H. Prentice, AucL. SATURDAY, October Z4â€"«Auctiun sull- .nf farm implements, f‘ll'nitlll'l'. etc. aL (‘rmund station, Vaughan, lht.‘ plopel'ty Uf James 05191: Sale ut, 1 o‘clock. 'J‘rrumMuumths. J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURDAY. October tilâ€"Auctior of farm alvck, illnplt-llwnts. etc 2. Concession E), \Vhilchurch propelly nf (ï¬lms. \Vismur. Sn In‘clock. Tun-ms 12 months. Brenner, AucL. \VEDNESDAY, October 28 sulc uf nurses, implement furniture. etc†at Maple, ty of Gen. P. Buszmquelr. o’clock. 'l't-l'msb’ mouth: & .“CEWCII, Aucts. TUESDAY, November lOâ€"Auclirm sale uf 2.3 acres standing, beech and mnplu, lot 3!), cuncvssiun 4, Sum lum', {he property uf (i. A. Gihsun. Sale HL 1 o’cluck. Terms 12 1110111115. J. H. Prentice, Auct. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DVERTISEMENTS in this column lu-ing quick results. If you have anything to sell. 01' if ynu wish to pl11'(:l1:lse Stilllf‘tlllllg. hire help. Mm. try [his " NEW ADVERTISEMENT †column. \" :Lug sun-d zl pply ‘71 The time to advertise is when you want more business; the time to quit is when you are ready to step aside and give the other fellow a chance. 0R SALF.â€"~’I‘ho undersigm prepared to dulivorgrmd put in Richnmnd llill :L )d viuini cents u bug. J. S. McNun Mills P.O nf farm stock, implements, 3U, concession lU Markham, cx-Iy of Gen. Judd. Sale at Terms 12 months. J. H. Auct. uf farm stuck. implvnmnts, etc†at \VhiLe Vale, Pickvriug, theprnporly (If F. A. Lee. Sale at, 12 u‘cIm-k. Terms‘ 12 months. J. H. Pu-ulicv, Auct. JOHNY FISHER. TORONTO ;\ RPET \V EA ()USE TO RENTâ€"On Hirhuumd St, :1 I‘ew steps from Ynngv. Apply to GEL). SMITH. l3-l.f. Vaughan E. W. Hoyle, Langstaff W: RPE'I‘ \VEAV'ING. â€" Dom: In) L. Juhnsun, Yunge SL. Rich Immd Hill. 1-1 3 III :lcre farms hull anns} fur 2200.01 ' POST )IASI‘} "1011;; AUCTION SALES cal Curlers Meeting Oct. lSâ€"Auction snh- of effects "they residt-nco. street, the prupm-ty of ‘l Burnett. Sale at I I‘m ms cash. Saigon“ and ’â€"-»$45U0.00 at, unm- on ï¬rst age un one hf the best, 100 "arms on lending I'm-ad 1n mvnship. Buildings in- 22()U.()U. Principal only, UASI‘ER, Muplc, ()nt. 16-2 ilCl'C as, in‘.ple-Inents. Inn-m-ss, tc.. at Maple. the proper- ’. Busunquelr. Sale :IL 1 rmsb’ mouths. Suigeon prices have Representative :1 n \Vhilchllrcrhi: 1-1“; \Vismcl‘. Sale uL [2 months. J.7H. buyers for Markham 1' grmd putatwa :L )d Vii'illilY :IL )IUNAIR, Elgin md 100 Auction sale 95-65% (16., Int, the prop- ] (PL-luck. §ignod is Auctiun rent ice, ll] IUL .va "'7 WM“; r-M 'zrrrrzrr-Nnrvwmrv-N .\ \ . ‘\v\v'\v * ‘~"> »‘ F ESOME UHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AAA; prices. Ourfurniture-cntalugunshum-:1†llu- lll'\\'('§ Ask tn see them and can)qu p1 it‘t'b “iLh ( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA p VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VYVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV\?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV \VE ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life & Accident Piate Glass insurance Aim :1, snlid brick dWelling on Yongt- SI clinice building lot; the best lucuLiun m; Yungv Stu-u w'xr-‘n :. “by†I; r ‘ ‘H GNVU‘gbeJ. . 4 . \ gr " ‘rw; “Kw: ,. .V ,‘ “*Juv..3:..x.q§, « w v. ‘ _ ‘ a. , uâ€"VVG , M ummzlzpa-J .J’si' “mm 'wm“ $5} ,: PHONE 8002 Your Insurance Will be well looked after if 1611: to LOWEST mucus EVER QI'U’J‘ICD FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES THE RICHMOND HILL FURNI STORE THANKS and Good Wishes T0 Atkinson & Switzer’s Patrons We have just received agency and samples for the Twenty Century Brand of made-to-measurc clothing, one of the oldest ï¬rms in the city and with a reputa- tion of making the best there is made, and as large it not larger range of samples than any. Satisfaction guaranteed. Those contemplating orderidg a new suit or overcoat would do well to see samples before buying. We also carry ready-to wear clothing. P. G. SAVAGE & SON NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Jousult Us 1901' Ilates at this season of the year are appro- priate and right. Atkinson and Switzer expresses thanks to the patrons “ho have favored them with their orders. The season of Thanksgiving calls for especial attention, and we are happy to think that the Thanksgiving season trade lasts the year through. LLPAPER S‘L’OCK COMPl BONGRETE HOUSE Concrete House Richmond Hill RICHMOND To the Public FITT t; designs at moderate lhtl' plncvs. - SAVAG E SAVAGE (.‘nml size Int. A; mmm SHING