Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1914, p. 1

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VOL. XXXVI I . H W ,1 . “97) i “ Ellis: {3.11mi IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE- BICHMOND HILL. ONT. '1‘. F . McMAHON'. EDITOR. & PUBLISHER: BUSINESS CARDS. ,_ ;_,':f:: -_â€"____I *iDRN T. ANDERSON cPIANO TUNER I 200 BERESFORD A\'E.. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. DR. w. R. PENTITAND :RICHMUND HILL Rnswuxcn First: house north of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. Phone No. 2403. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, (Fllornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise prompth responded to iiiâ€"Jili. PINKDRTDN, v.3. :OFFICE AND RESIDENCE I‘Iaple, () nt. Phone No. " ’. . J. H. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. -‘ Uncut-in and North Toronto. Special attention plum to solos of urnry .lescriptmn. Farm nur‘. farm stock stiles n specmlnv. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-toainte methods. Address: 23‘.) Iinlliol St . Nmth Toronto. Phone in House. North 220-1. .w J K McEwen Weston .1. 1‘. Sainuon Maple siligeon a: Mcquu. Licensed Auctioneers far the Countynf York. tales intended to on shortestu‘ot‘ice and at rea- norsb.e rates Patronage sohcrted IV. C. EGIXN iLICENSEi) AI‘CTIONEER For the (‘ouniy of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. t). ONTARIO ; girfa’n .7. 27avidson PIANO TUNING: vorcmc AND . . . ‘ ACTION REGULATING l THORNHILI. i Organs liopnired. Expert Work. A. G.F’. Lawrence Pnone Main 2.09; ‘ 1?..1. Dunbar Lawrence & Dunbar, Burristers,301icitors. Notaries, ace. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria 51s.. l‘oro'ito. l “b.....,7~..g.;.;;-. ’ iiiéici Barristers. Si Iliitinl‘s, &«: NATIONAL TR I'S’l‘ CHAMBERS 2" KING b'l‘ Ii. TORONTO. Canada! Teli phone. Main “Ill t‘alilc Address. "Dado." v A. Cameron MacNauqhton Barrister, Soiici‘:r, Notary. 21:. OFFICEâ€"91'1"”? 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLINK. 1S KING STREET “1281‘ Tel. )1. RURL v WRIGHT BROS. I Undertaker: .\ thnlmi-N. i RICHMOND HILL& THORNRLLL ' A l'irge sin-'1; of Funeral Furnishing kcp: at lmth places RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 0" .‘ LEN N 0X & M Barristers and solicitors. Money to Loan onlnud anucnobbel mortgagesnt OWL-56 rates Aurornofiiceâ€"Ren oreil to the old post Ofllca one door mat. oi the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newman-list omceâ€"Three doors south of the poscoilice HERBERTLENNOX Aurora G V MORGAN WILLIAM COOKH BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY. ETC. Toronto Office. Room '328 (‘onfcdera lion Life Bldg" V11. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Liberal' Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodhridne, Saturday forcnoon. Mouov to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Convcynocer. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN’TJR. ETC. Real Estate and insurance THORNHILL 3 “h :00 u ELECTRICALLY ' I. ll. SANDERSON Electrician, Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both 1d [and new. I Also agent. for Fr:th Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, lilecu’ic Irons 83.50 to $1.00 and all convenient and 11p m‘date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. You cannot do better than attend the BRITISH AMERICAN COLLEGE Yongc and .‘IL‘GIII Sis. Toronto, IN a Business or Shorthand (‘onrsin Full term is now open. \\'i- ask VI!” to write for particulars. Mr. '1‘. \\'. \\'auch(.pe, Principal. I Â¥ 7 - , “Tn:inoi'ienxnss” is ihe IU‘VvllHil‘ of this Institution. Our giaduati-s succeed because they have ii-ccircd (‘iurcet l’ieparation. - ELLIOTT mm TORONTO enjoys a national rcputnlion for supriiur Business and Shuiihand Education. All business schools are not alike. Nothingy li-ss than the licst should satisfy Yut'. and nnihingh-ss than giving the licsi training will satisfy 1’s. Catalogue le‘. linierairrtiinc. i'onge and Charles SIS. \i‘. J. ELLlOTT. Principal â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".______ m ORGAN WAR W 1.01.1 Nu. WAR I-â€"hI AR Every Able=bodied Man. from 18 to 60 Years of Age, in This District is Called to attend a gntheiing ut the Skating Rink. Richmond Hill, on Saturday evening. UCloher 24th. at 8 o‘clock. Major F. T. (‘laikc and others of the 121i] Yolk Itangeis will he present to speak. Let every loyal British subject he present. Home Guards and Volunteers \Yanted. PLOWING MATCH .Open to the Dominion The Plowing Match of the King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontniio l’low- nn-n's Association) will he held on the farm occupied by Human (Tole-s. Lot 5, Concession S, Vaughan. (1 mile wi-st. oi \Voodhridge) on Tuesday Nuremhyr 3rd. 1911. wlwn llp‘VHltIS of $5611.00 will lie competed for in prizcs. First Class. Open to all. (Sud) 1st pl'iZc-â€"Cush $2.").lli), John Deere PIUW $13.1)l)â€"$~IU.UU Zanâ€"(‘ash 1.") bl). Goods full), Flour 3.50 â€"24.Un. Iii'ilâ€"(‘ash 11.50, I)Ulil)le Trees 3.51)â€" 15.01:. lth~t‘ash 10.00. Silkâ€"Cash 5.1m. 61h~Cash 3.111). Second Class. (Sod) Open to plowinen who have never taken two first mixes in second class I Ul any [)1 ize in firstclassatanysociety or :igsociaiion match. Istâ€"Cash 10.01), Plow 15.00â€"23.00. Zanâ€"-(‘a~‘li 9.50. Flour 3.5(1â€"13130. 3i‘tIâ€"(‘zlsll 3.111), Goods 5.(Jl)â€"~III.UU. iilzâ€"L‘ash 4.4,)”, Comfort Soap 5.00â€"9.00 51h~Cash 5.00. tithâ€"L'ash 3.0“. 'l‘hiid (‘lsiss (Sod) Open to lioys under myth-11‘s. Isl-Cash 5.00. Double (iold Lined 4 piece Tea SUI'VIL‘P $30.1)llâ€"435JIU. 'an--Cash 11.50, “'lu-clhanoiv 4.51!â€" 115.00. 3rdâ€"4‘ash SJIU. Ten 2.0!!«10110. llh ~I.‘zish 31W. Hunts 3.1M) â€"â€"5.IJU, Innâ€"(wish 5.01). Uthâ€"L‘nsh 3 (ill. Fourth Class. [Si-ill Open to Joinior I’luws with bottom share not less than 9 inches wide With- out wheels. 1st~Cash 5.1)”. Plow 15.l)|)-~20,UU. 2ud~Cash “.0”. Piano llrapc 3.00. Neck- )‘Uliz’ linkâ€"14.1)”. 23rdâ€"â€"(‘:Ish 5.00, Goods 2.2.3, 1.7379410. lili‘t'ash 3.01), Nursery Stock 5.00-â€" 8.110. Sillâ€"Cosh It’ll. (Slitâ€"(318112.011. Fifth t‘lziss. (Stubble) Open to pluu'mcn “'llU huge nen'r lukcn a [HI/51‘ in liist class in sod or lirsi prize in sn-cond class or first in iui-n‘s class in siiilihle. Islâ€"Cash 5.0!), 1"...“ Ziiil~~(7nsh 8.2.3, Stock Fund 3.7.3, ('nllice IUDâ€"14.01). Sidâ€"Cash 5.170, Seeds 3111), (‘atlle Food 2.1)llill|.llll. -Illl~(‘-‘l$l) 4.51). Aurt‘rn Banner Loo, Neckyoke 1.5(li71m, 5| hâ€"â€"(.‘;lsh $3.011, Hullcr 2.00â€"5.01). lith‘L‘ash 3.1M). Sixtht‘lnss. (Stiilihlc) Bovs under 17 ycars. [stâ€"Cash 7.1.1), Plow landwgino, midâ€"(lash infill, l-‘lourRousitoo, .‘irilâ€"~(‘;ish Till), Shocs~ 2.lN}â€"-‘.).IHI. lili~i'aisli 5.11“. .3111 â€"- (H.511 3.11“. titli-~I':‘..~h zoo. Sciviilli (ilziss. liovs undi-r If) ywus. with or Without whi-els. Isl-i‘ash lt).llll_ \Yhip ZUU‘IZXNL andt'nsh lino, (ioods film-$.00. Bi'il-sI'dsh (3.11”. NL'CkyUkL‘ (Siulrlnlc) Village Dlrectory Church of Engiand~-Servicesnt 11 n. m. and T p. in. Holy Communion on the Sunday School and 15lch Class a'z 3 o'clock. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at I: a. unnud ’ . 5rd Suuiiuy ‘, 111 llux ninuth iii. 11 n. in. and on (Le lih Mindav . i n! B :in n. in. Ith--~(‘;ish 4.0“. , .31n~t'.-ish:loo. l'lighlh Class. [Slulililr-i Open to all, one horse only to he usi-d. ‘lsl ~l ush fir“). lion. 7 km. Sviniiuymhnolat 2.3m Prayer meeting1 ind‘vn‘h 4"” 5"”1‘ 5-1‘U’9-UU- ’l'hui‘\ P\'L~Illll_‘. liutnnn Catho‘nc i‘hurchâ€"Services on sher- - gate Sundown: :1 a. in. un.) Julio n. m. Methodist Church «Services 11:11.00 LLUlullUkl T p. in. ‘iy are \-i uniunvl i. tll\\' on or l'eii‘re full Iliivi‘ll 1(‘ourt Richmond, A 0 F â€"â€" Meets fourth Fri- .:iv Ivy Luise. hi I‘ \\'â€"».\leets t1.” l \\ wine-win)" or each Ill -:.:‘.1 i‘auzp Flows 0 S â€".\Iee:s seccni lilnlicl‘litll Welncslnv " i’ii-st 1.1‘. i‘l :> » hunt . Inllliillerb \t‘i‘il.iii:bl nunlh, first My ;; 'i ’ ,.. wise. A F and A )I â€".\lccts 31011-‘ Hid~(':isii liltl, Bolton lintciprisc 1.110 ."idlll. SIM‘L‘IHIS. , I licsl “mil; dcnc lw L'ockshutt How in ' s. 'n‘Scixool 21:120. General {inner meeting‘ Si'll’"I)Il'\\' $131,”. licst crown in 1st L‘I;l,ss#~iiwvils L’J‘H. Iii-st 1111\Vll infilml i'l:i~s~(‘.u \i-is LU!” licsl clown in Zliil l'lJlSivâ€"Iiiu is 2.3!). ];l'\l iii.wn in llli L-liss rlliuggist‘ unmis- goo. Best x-n \\'ll in Bill (liiss-r'l‘wn Whippleâ€" llt‘t‘\ I3". Iic~l l'l1\\-Illl1l‘|illl'lil“ Iii-nits 1: Mil. llwl Crown in Till class *SH‘I'AIPI IN". Iiwsi u'i-wru in \111 z‘l;issw\\‘liip lJl'l. l‘n st tinish in 1st \iI‘ ‘_’..'.<I. ii-sl iinish lll 2nd clsiss lit“llil.i\lllli:i1-l class Ilnl 1"“. ‘ Hum-{41in l lllli\" o...» .s: m: Ii--~[li' r " 1 \\-rs.' 1‘1 (:1 If". lie: 1;i.isliii.l? rt‘ .sl; l.’ ‘,'. lI'i‘\'*(1'yii 11:1. in.â€"â€""‘v's Open to plows ‘ \\ csli-y‘s Mullases (iiillll CLUUAâ€"E :‘kii kw If)” li if; (ill‘dlil iii~ _â€"-â€"â€"__ 'â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" W Host finish in 7th classâ€"(Visit 1.00. Best finish in 81h clussâ€"~C;Ish 1.01). Best. going (can) in sodiTi-n 4.01). Best going [cam in stubbleâ€"Rooster 5.00. Best groomed and equipped team in sodâ€"~Silrer (‘up lilili). Best groomed :lllll equippcd team in stubbleâ€"Silver Medal 10.0”. Best. looking lady on grounds, any age, ~I’hi'tos 36.01). President . . .. .... . . . . . . '1‘. ll. Leg/go 1st \‘icc I’ri‘sident....(‘. \Vulkiugtop 2nd Vice Prcsidcnt. .Ncil \Vm. Malloy Treasurer . . . . . .... . . . . . Geo. Lawson All communication to he addressed to J. T. Saigeon, Maple. Mop“ PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The above Board met in the Lilirarv Room Thulsday evening. Oculth 1."), 19H. The following memhms were present :â€"\V. H. l’ugsluy. A. .l. Hume, 1’. (1}. Savage. Ur. 1". Allen, H. If. Crow- huist. T. F. McMahon. Also the. Lil)- i-arinn. Mr. G. Cowic. Minutes of last nicoting rcad and adopted. Mr. Pugslcy, delegate. gave .1 report. of proceedings at the rcccnt County Institute hlld at Sutton in August. 1914. The secwtury rcpoiti-d that a Tran-Hing Liluwiiy had ln-cn applied for. The Inspector of Public Libraries gave permission to «M :i nillnln-r of shelf-worn nnignzini's and hooks, al'tcr :1ll‘lllflslit’t‘lléi’ill to the Department stating lhe nnnilici of hooks of fiction and noii-ticlion lo lw disposed in”. A li-itvr \rns lt’iltl from Mr. (‘owith l'e'qlli’sllllg the Board to :u'ccpt his resignation as Lihruii ill. liy request (if the Board Mr. ('owic agreed to lo- iaiu the position until the end (if 1914. A list of hunks was read, Whirl) citizens had iccmnincndcd for the Library. On motion of 311'. Allcn and Mr. Hume. the list \\':i< accepled and thc secretary \Yns intstiuctcd to write MeSsI-s. McClclhind k (imvdchild asking that III”) in mud up a consignment of gum] hunks from \\lll(‘ll in make u si-li'clion in the Value of illll‘lli $411111. As it was shim n that some horrow- m s of liluarv hooks :m- i':ilt'lt‘>‘s‘ .iluiut i-ctui ping Illt‘Il' lumks within the lime spci'ilii-d nil the inside of flout core! of t'ui'll hook. the I.'lrr:nian \vas instruct I'tIIH notifysui-h icadeis‘, and if thi- llill'k or liocks a] e not returni d at once that :i Iinc of live cents .i Week be ex- acted, and that no other quiL he given the person incurring thc Illlt'lllll.“ such line is paid. in accordance with Lil)- iai 5' rules. The “mild ndjcurni‘il. â€"~â€"§.oâ€" Presbyterian Church Sulijci-isl'or Sunday. ()ctoln-r L’Tuh. (il'i':i[l‘>L Silliii’i- (if (‘|‘Illl‘|'l'i.” in.-â€""l“ii~l Ilziys Ilivlni‘." .-\ couisi-of In-i‘lui-cs on [he "(il't‘ili hymnsot llu- (‘hui-ch" wiih :1 shunt T p. flUlll :1 WM _\' jliiiigluphicnlsketchi-i ihv .‘llllll’llS i5 ,licing giicn liv the niinisicr at the Thursday i‘\'t‘lllll§.‘: sel'Vii'c. This is :ilso lu-ing .‘llppli’lllk‘llll‘tl with :i luief :iC- (-mml of the tunes and i'runpusms by the choir lcudcr. The choir is :l\‘~.I~IIӤ-{ lllllll‘ scrvirc. This week “1- sluin hymns including. “Jesus Lori-1- (-f .\I_\‘ Si iii." The I'lxci‘lsiul' Men's Billli' ('l.iss holds -iis \\‘:'i‘lilii_1:lii lilelIIlL: Fillldy of this ‘ week lli<li‘:iil of 'l‘uusil i_\' to avoid con- .ilii'iing with i-llll‘l' Him-tings. â€"-_ ‘I- Rev. J. J. Redditt‘s Illness (‘Ulllilllli‘il illui-ss of Iii‘V. .I. .I. ’l‘ln- [Single copies, 3 cts. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA For the Baby _.“()i_.. ()ur lines of Talcum P owder consisting of all the host makes NR0 Feeding Bottles Sanitary ‘md Measured and all accessories for the same -__~U.__ Condensed Milk Bordin Eagle Brand 1 4 F : D 4 I 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D : D < I ’1 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 â€"“‘('â€"~ D 4 D : Baby Foods g 4 Allcnliurv's 1, 2. 3. I-Iorlock's p 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D 4 D Malted Milk. Nestles Food, Mellins‘ Food .__.(,___. Comforts and Teething Rings And everything for the Baby W. A. Sanderson RICHMOND HILL VV‘ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVYVYV in. Miami... Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand; hoâ€"s Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats for the Chickens ~0â€"~ ALso HANDLE Tm: Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 80 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now ALL. AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVER & RAMEH in. Hlli. & in. Bakers and Confectioners .__()d_ CHANGES, PINEAPPLES and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality 1 ' Counts. All kinds of CAKES and Iii’llilill. ,\>~isl:zni ];llt>k 51c\\‘:iil.iwi':i~. sinus sincere rum wt in his tummy 1'1 ii‘ll(‘~. BISCUITS kept in stock. \\‘I'11x|(l Ill'lh‘tl lhnt lik‘flll!‘ iiiisiimuhv : \\‘iIllIiI ll:i\':‘ liei‘ll :ililt‘ Ill l.ii\'|' lip llI‘ pork again. :Iliil we grunllv Il‘lL'it'l lliili 11v is slill l'lvliiillt‘il in his I'l‘tl. .\Ii'. ’u-ilditt is iio- of III‘.‘ liesl~knvwn incinln-is l‘l‘Ill" 'l‘l-l’lriliil ('unleii-nwc. and his inili-l'itignl-l ‘ Linus in unions. i‘lllll"li i‘liltllill\"~ hun- \\'IIl| llllli \\i.l~- )11'121)III|II, \Vp :ili- \llit‘ that “is: .mp1} .1 s.\'iiip:ill1_\'isl'cll flvl' Liii' I'lUIl‘M'l Il- his 1" l4i‘iIillI‘il1hII1'v‘ linni ‘ 112s u'viI-li-i'i-il \\’i'1I{. and his minv Illlll1l\ would lit‘ill."1lil|j\'i.llllli l.".‘|l . .1 M y l11li714i\x'lll’lii in his lit'ulilri 11:15:34. liuwzm .12. ill". _-.,n__ Everything np-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROLIEICIES 'RICEINIONI) HILL. OFT ‘L‘A‘AnL-‘AA AAAA .4 .

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