Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1914, p. 4

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During the fiscal year ending March 3let,1914. over 111- million dozen eggs were imported into Canada. These came from Great Bi‘itain. Hong Kong, China, Japan, New Zealand, and United States. Surely Canadian poultry keepers can supply the demand this year. If all help in this matter there should be no lack of eggs and if care is exer- cised in the production there should be a good revenue to the producers and the consumer ought not to pay such exorbitant prices as sometimes have been asked in the time of scarcity. RICHMOND HILL. A Government bulletin gives the principal grain crops in Canada for 1914, in bushels as foilows:â€"â€"\\'hent 158.223.000,oats 311.426.000, bar- ley 34.491.000, rye 2.258.000, peas 3.537.100, beans 823.400, buckwheat 9.159.000, flaxseed 7.533.000, mixed grains 16.458000 and corn for husk- ing‘ 14.732.000. At a meeting in London Monday evening the Irish Nationalists adopt- ed the following pledge administered by Mr. T. I’. O’Connorzâ€"“Wc will never shenthe the sword until Belgium has got back her freedom; until every inch of her soil is clear; until a treaty is made, not on a scrap of paper, but on a foundation, behind which stand the millions of the British race.” The meeting was called for the purpose of expressing confidence in the leadership of John Redmond, and to endorse the action of the Irish party in supporting the war of the allies against Prussian militarism. @112 flihcrnli of thirteen municipalities that voted Monday. on a sheme fnl' radial railway eleven carried the lw-l:u\'.usually with largv majm-ities. The places that Cu-rie‘d are the lawns of \Vhitby and Uxhridge. the villages of Markham. Stmlifville and Port Poi-iv. and the townships of Pickering, \Yhitchurcl‘, M rkham. Scznbm-n. Reach and \Vhii- by. The municipalities that defeated the hy-law are the Town of vamar- hot and Uxhx-idge township. Sunday evening, Oct. 18. Rev. Mr. AdainSnn of Crystal City, Main. spoke in the. Methodist church to a large can- gregatinn. on “Christian Service.” On Monday, Oct. 19. there was a Missionary Mock Trial in the S. (If the Methodist. church under the ans- pices of the Epwurth League. There was a good attendance and all enjuyed the “TIial” which was well dune. Next Monday will be the celebration of the Epwurth League‘s Silver Jubilee of the organization. All the. surround- ing leagues are invited and :i SpPClr‘llV attractive programme is being prepaid Evayhndy WelCHllle. On Tuesday. \Vednesdav. Thursday and Friday evenings there will be services under the auspices of the League. led by special leaders from Victoria College Evangelistic band. BAKERâ€"At, Gm'mloy, Sunday. Octohel‘ 18. NH. Rev. Samuel Baker, in his 915: year. \VRIGHTâ€"S'xddenly rm Monday. Or- tnhel' 19.1914.:|t his residence, 121 Harcourt :n'enuo, Toronto. Edward One of our Cunath subscribers Writvs us: "No other paper or magn- zine cuming to our hnuse is so highly prized as The Youth‘s Culnpaniun. It )s Welcomed by every memberuf [he familyâ€"and our-ages run from seven t1; uighty-seven." Some of hundn‘s best-known writers of fiction are contributors to The Cnmnaniun, besides umny of the must pl'ulninent figures in politics and literature in the UM rnnntry. The. \vhnle world is scuurcd fur the best {hilt IS to be said nnzmy subject (f ,gonelal interest. The. Buys’ Own Page, the Git-15' Own Page. The Family Page “ruling of fanninggxn‘dening, dunnestiu economv. cuukerv. the use of tunls. etc., the doctor‘s weekly heuth talkâ€"those and a score of other features make The Companion ahth indispensable when it has once found its way inn. 2| hmne. If you dn not, know The Cunlpnninn. ‘. let. us send you one or two current‘ issues with the Forecast for 1915. 1 Every new Canadian subscriber fol-l 1915 who sends $2.3 for the fifty-two weekly issues of 1915 will receive free 1 all the issues of the pnpel‘ fur the re. 1 maining weeks 051914: also The L‘mn- ‘ panion Home Calendar fur 1915. The l Youth‘s Companion, 141 Berkeley 1 Street. Boston. Mass. New Subscrip l tions Received at this 011300 L.. husband of Florence Tyrl'ell \inght. in his 37th Venr. Interment in Nm-wny Cemetery, to-duy. Thursday at 2.30 p.m. EDITORIAL The Companion Methodist Church Hydro Radials DIED Omn. OCT in Canada 1914 Health and happiness depénd much upon gnod pun: foul as. n} any other thing. AtkinsLm (s: Swnze groceries :ll’e [)Ul‘f’. DIViSIUN - GUURT. The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court for N0. 3, County at York, will be heid ' ' in the Court, Room. 7 The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Man rights for the War Map preparei by the ce Bacon & Co., Ltd., of London, Eng. It is beyor prehensive map printed. The Liberal has completed arrangements by cure a copy of this excellent; map free of charge. A Map 3:1; x2§feet showing c'earlyevery boundary, town, village, hamlet and river in the whole European map in a neat; folder of convenient size. -â€" ‘1 Every Reader fl \Ve can luau your money un improved fut-m lands in York Umm- Ly at, guod rutt-s of inu-wst first max-[gags security ur on improved «ity real estate- if you want higher rule-s of interest. is now Upeniu Central Busineas( ('ge. Tux-onto. and in each uf its: Branches. Flee 'ntnlnguv e-Xpl courses. \Vrite fora Cup". \V. Shaw, President. H nd Offices. Family 'Heralés “’arthp, size 30 xv 40 inches, in venient size for only $1.00. This offer applies toall subscribers, new or renewal, who pay papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald necessarv. It should be in every Canadian Home. necessary, able terms. This feu'lfi has never been rented and 15 In the pmk of undilinn. $6000 Markham Township, six- ty-eight acres of rich lozuny clay suil, fair gnuf‘lnhuilndings. reusun- $9300 Vicinity 0f Lemnnville' One hundred and fifteen acres. the soil is a day lnam. the kind that will not bake. On the prop- erty is a, good tank ham 40XIUU a. good eight roomed fume home and two flowing wells. The loca- tirm of this fut-m is «me of the must pleasant in the township of \Vhitchurch. $7000 Nesu- Vandnrf. One hundred acres. exceptionally “7:11 built on. Small cash payment, balance at a low rate of interest. uumden Building, b'AdeIaide St East. Tux-unto. 13 6 m tank. hotwater boiler, Pease furnace. Lot 5Ux220. If vuu want :L nice home in Richmond Hill don’t miss this chance. Special $3750 New solid brick. nine, large, bright rooms, oak trim- med tl]1-uL1ghOllt«. hardwood fimu's. fire place, electric lights, large vemndah, three-piece bath of the finest quufity, geptic The priceof The Family Herald and Weekly The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only _nN__ Monday; Nov. 23, 1914 I’ROPERTI :5 F OR SALE T‘I () 1" 1C 17 RICHMOND HILL Unmmencmq at, 10 mm. . E. GLASS John Fisher & Co. Farm Brokers REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL AUTUMN SESSION ‘5. F186: cum“)ng ex “"rite for a Cop". V 'rvsidunl. Head Officr Ynnge St, Tunnnln. FREE WAR MAPS ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 'I‘. F MCMAHON, CLERK HOUSES FA R .‘I S of The Liberal May Have War Map Free ml IX HHS n" l I . 393 0|] ‘IS Smr of Montreal has secured exclusive :1 by the celebrated map firm of G. W. It is beyond question the most con:- rear each, including a copy of The 40 inches. in aneat folder of con- EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY MILL This mill will cmnnwnce running for CIDERJELLY and APPLE on \Vednesduy, September :mn will run on TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY of each “leek up to the 25111 of Novem- ber. Grain will be ground Thutsday and ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. APPLES WANTED oundary, every city, «very EurOpezm War area. Each v St Friday of each week. the manufacture of which our readers can se- ar, is one dollar a year. FukTflER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory Production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. Effective from August I, Igl4. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. " AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer’s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who furchnses a new Ford car between August; 1,1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and pi‘ofic-simring plan, see the nearest Ford Branch 01' Dealer. Herald War Map is A. M. Davison, Unionville, Ont, Agent for Markham. Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Profits £0er Prices on Ford Cars ay for the two Ford motor Company BUTTER 30, 1914, Toufing Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only only articles of quality, not cheapness. This is good business for you be- cause these TO our CUStOI‘flCl‘S “’6 recommend isfy you goods sat- $1.25 each. Apply F. R. OLIVER, Eight Cid“ hm‘l‘els. good as new, For Sale on Easy Terms FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMA'IION “'RITE OR SEE c. A. SKEELE, “‘ J. T. LOCKE & c0., Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited Richmond Hill For Sale C. A. MCDONALD & SON Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackag'e Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Housekeepers for good The Store $590 540 840 store YOUR store. In Marble m' Gl‘nnitv. Good Work. reasonable charges. Town or Country. VVx-ite, -3 m. Monuments. Markers and Comer Pusts Tombstone Lettering continually. l0 AdelaideSt. E..Toromo \V. A. JONES, you, not oncé, but Buchanan St ".ere to serve Make this \V'e are Tumntn

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