RICHMOND BILL. 0512. Or'r {Elm gibcml Miss Etlwl Gibhs rnf vammkvt is the gut-st of Miss Ervic \ander. from [)un'L fuil ln attend (ht- the Skating lhnk Saturn! In I)» .uldn-ssed hy ufï¬cer: Ymk Ruugvrs'. Mise Pearly Juhnsuu of has rt-tnrnml hume :Iflvl m-Huus sivkue. ' at her si me-ly 40 new pupils vnlervd «my high suhrml thus Lelm.‘ If such an- Ihur windan (vccurs next )‘P';ll',:l fnmlh teacher and :m vxuu hmm will he J't-quiled. ‘ scrian sivkness :IL hm- shim“: \Vm. Aiming nf llichumm‘l Hill nu Sntu Heck-d; The Turnntn \Vnmrâ€"HE Putx'iulic League- \\‘isl) tlu-nlluh The Lihmnl tn acknowledge a ï¬n- dullnr cnnlrihutiun fl'mu smm- persnn in Richmnnd Hill fur the Belgian Rl-lief Fund. Nu name was sent\\'1thlhl‘Cnntrihuliml. Mrs. J. L. Hunk has wlm n :| Visit will) lwr sun N. [my H Hnwm lh. Now .)(-l'.~'\'_\'. Shu :1 (*d in Blllfulu, anlnu. Dun-nit ah-ck mul Slilylll‘l‘. A he‘ifrr Iising tu'n \‘(mm v mun: [h the prmnisvs nf Mr. Hinnisun. (Fun-Milk». svmmtiuw and has nnl ln-vn claimed. will h on the |)l'('llliS('$ in pay vxpvnsvs. \thxï¬n he the ï¬rst. [wt-son ï¬ned fm'nut rva-niug his hunk tn the li- hrurinnnf the Public Library. in m:- um-dmme‘ with library I'ulus? In Hlll"! \vn-rds. who will he [he ï¬rst pm Sun in get, "Imul" wqu the lino is vxnctvd? hns lr-ntml thv sln SivH-s Properly up; Switzvr‘s stun-v. am stack of “’4†n announcement nth The :lttvmlnncw nf ("Minty pupil the Ru-hnmnd Hill High St'hm steadily grr‘m‘ing. 'l‘wn man wm-u in Fvl'll) l. LN yvnr are c-xpv' hark 5mm which will brim: the wllment up to the 9011mm. 11nd Mr. John Ellintt. Qnn of HPV Ellintt. 10% :1, vuluuhle horse F1 nighl. hnvx‘ng lwpn nilng nnly u. hours: "A \‘PU‘lill-‘Ily Was sent, fur nothing; ('r-uld |I(- dune to help animal. The truuhle was A nftemcnn of last, \v--ek. ulm-l' husiness suhsm-ilu-ll 5 ll“‘ leginn RPIiR'f Fund. h-wd by Misx Muer on Planting (‘nntninml man)" and was lhuxuughly (-njuy present. The \Vumon‘s Institute home uf Miss Mnylu m] Lidies' swmtur cunts, Pearl. Cardi- nal. tun .11 $2.35, hhck at $3.31); Gil-lg sweater Coats. culm's IIII\‘3’.Q$ll’llFt,gl'('Y The LadiPSAid Sncivty wow 5:» much nlvnsvd with [he du-cm-zntinm of the Methodist (‘hIn-ch fnl' 'I‘hnnks‘giving Sunday lhutlhoy wish llnnngh tho Lilwrul tn thunk 1h:- gemh-meu and and llwlmys nnd girls who su ably assisted in doing the work. 21nd hx-mvn. fancy skin-h. ï¬ne won}. at $1.25 to $l.75; Ludiva‘ Muck and mlvv, Ringwnud glnvnsplnin ï¬ngers. fancv slim-h hand, lihlml cuffs. pr. 23w; Children's ringwuml glows. Cardinal. nuvy and mixed culms. pr. :2†and 2.30.: Infant lvilm in :1 huge variety uf patterns hue and t-mlunidery trimmed 14) [u "2‘. 0.1. :‘(kilh‘vn x Switzer. urn-aung fur. This is nut the! ï¬ . time x int such :l misundm-shmd Resaluuon 0f Thanks Thusariseu tn the discmnh’turu of ( The fullnwing [unliun was made at ! nu-mlwx-s. and while \Vc me not try? lhellstnwe-liug (If lheTl-ustee Board U) single “In uhu ism Mame. nf (he Methndist church :â€"â€"“.\In\'ud liy fact remains that. such mistake: shu \\'m. Hurrisml. Secretary, secondml ht’ SH'Uide- by A. J. Hum". TH'HSlll'tâ€"‘l', that this Mr. Endeuu gave :1 splendid talk Tru:lee Bunll'd for themselves and on i “F4!†Planting." bringng out lots lnplizilf of the Iuemhersnfnur chm-ch ‘diSCIlSSlUH. that was thoroughly (lush-9 lu oxpres: our sincere and greuL- j“)'€d- ful thanks in [he memlwrs of the ; Four new members Were added L “1135‘ Ai l szivts’ (ï¬n- tha strenuous l thy null. and the prospects look v and untiring etfm-ts put forth lny them l blight f“? the Willing Y9“?- iu nrder (u obtain funds fur the Liqui- l The “Weillâ€: “‘"S held at the ho dujnn “f the Church debt, And we of the Secretnry,\\hu is always re: further as n. Trusts-e Bum-d wish tn ill the emm-gvncy to place room at thank the LudiCS Aid fm-thehundsomu ! Society‘s disposal. but really we in (mm of $788. as presentle by them to ' _see to it that his good nature is the Board.†imposed on. Pub. Com. by :X. J. 'l‘rualve B “rim†of dusirn lu< animal. Indigesth He Anyur ( t' duor )pl'nximntt Mr. A. J. ll. Eckurdr. “'ull kninvn u'mlghunl Yul-I; (‘vnnnly fur his gun- 'uus (lunatiuns. lms presented the ulhemn Cungrvgnliun of I'niunvillv ith :l pipe nrgnn the cnst of which is MI :vnm shunting chickt-us . and Mrs. spvnt, Sum and Ba: km LOCALS uig mvntninml hmny usvful hints. IS lhmuughly ('lijuyt‘d by thusv 1t 1.3!) [Lm lhutlhoy wish llnnngh th‘o (I thank 1h:- gemh-meu and buys nnd girls who su ably in doing the work. Ellis ng mulch fur 1m key us will he held ilt ll Jnrm-l-s. 3rd Can“ V ny of this week. Mrs. M. Bzukvr hf Stnuf'f Sunday with .\h. and Mrs “'Ell‘ “(WV [Inn is" has I ()1 m nod 1y $3001) Y Slitl‘h.Vï¬l|9 wuhl. :{t udiva‘ black and mwv. splnin ï¬ngers. funcv \inter and dr-(romtmg slme kzmwn u»- the nppnsitv Alkinsnn & and is pulling in :1 pupvrs. Further Elgin Mills lnrnnghL Time :I f--\\' vwnings hes laden with ripv )ickml nil his farm. LL this smsnn of [lu- Church :â€"â€"“)Im‘0d by Secretary, secondml vlmm-d :Iftvr .r‘y Harris in Shv also \‘isilf inside pnch nwt EIL the \Vnd n vsdn y and among six dullurs Lu 'J'hv paper In Full Ruâ€) meeting in \y evening (If H1012â€) um which Mr. Mank {he l‘lt'lt‘l. Vaughan. inst Yul‘k Inn-mg u Targets e- :Igl'. he sold \VUUtL induy :L few yr hut lp the Acute- 19H .ill's The animal 4 r-m‘vntiun Yl'l‘k Tvuchers’ Institute. in the (founly Cuuucil Municipal Building, .' Street. 'l‘umnlu, (HI 'l‘hm: day, ()Cl()h.'l' 22nd and sclmnls in North ank \\'i‘ Iy bu Clusk‘d Lu-duy and lo A mvw Time Table fm- [he .‘Ietrn- pulilun l)i\isinn of lllc Tumutu and Ym'k Radial Railway has ht'L'H issm-d. and will lulu: effect m) anlny m-xt. 26th Octuhvr. As thou: uru several changes from the: Summer sormcv, [mu-nus of then-mu] should ask for a new time Lublv which are kupc M 111(- ll(“.\' Llln “le1: On Thursng Inc! in the park Rich ln-md Hill High Suhnul (ltzfcntwl New market, in the ï¬rst nt' th- inn-Hm] lmziulv lemsz mum-s ()f funllmll fm lvgiuh- lengm- gun the Silver tI-uphv l Th0 gnmq- was fun- and [he Luge cm “‘hmn “hum, MN) “'1 imnwusvly ('Hjnyl Visiting {mm wer- lnlt [he hulllt' lu-y: liun. An interesting incident necm-rvd in (mum-rum: with raising thI- patriotic fund «if nmu-ly :1 mliliun dollars in Tm- untu. One of the (:nlli-mnrs announced :It the wm kt-rs men-ling that he had Hwoived .1 chll ilmLiun of :1 su-I-I-L our ticket. Instantly “ume (me suggested. at the wmkvrs [um-ling tlmt “waived u cullll ilmLion of :1 strl tickut. Instantly snme um? 511g “Auction it off." 'l‘lu- bidding at n gum] ï¬gnrr, and in il mun two 1110 lilfkl‘t haul lwon 50H \an. Mnlnvk fur the handsome $LUUU. which was, (vf emu-5c l U) Ilu- soldier‘s fund. A few 11;1}’< ugh Mr. Bel-l Huppor and Mr. lull] Stung went inlu thu (lin- ing nqu for dinner in mm nf tln- ('il 5' IIHIPIN‘, leaving HIPil‘ min cunts in llw h ullwuy. \V’Iwn Mr. Hnmwr came nul hl‘ fnund that his cu“, wn~1 gullv. Hr imnwdiuLely \n-ut lo the detectix ‘- ul‘h‘ct- and while-d tn lhmn what In“! taken plum-x The delvritivos gut inky and Mr. anpvr rum-hm] \vnrd tlmL the clmthndhe"!!fulll1(1ill nun of the pawn shUIH. He hnd u- p'ly $1.50 at lhepnwnshnp for the ll'lPHSL‘ 0f the (null. The value of the cunt was “hunt $25. 00 le Allllll.†Mevting uf [he Curling Club. wasle at their club Hmm nn Fridayuveninguf Inst week. and al- [hnngh it, was :L rainy night a, gum] numlu-r lurde out and u gnud meet- ing‘' l'eallllt‘d. lesonmrivus. “'11:. Pratt and J. S. Mic- Nair. The Cluhs’ finances were found U: be in gum] shape and the prospects are gt-nd fur the Coming season. - At. this anniversary celL-ln'ntiun to ho lu‘ld m‘xtv Mnmlav evening in the Niclnnnuil Hill .‘lt’tlllnlist(fllllI'ClLLlll't‘O minute addresses will he givvn nn Retiuspectivo, I’rnspectivy and Intru- spvctivu of “IE Epwui-lli League. Alsu un “\Vhat (he Epn‘nrlh [A'ilgllt‘ stands for In the individual. Llio- nulinn. the church. the Kingdnni nf Gull.†Muni- hui-s uf the leagues (if Riclnnnnd Hill circuit will ghethc ulnn‘e :uldwssvs. The Maple League will supply the solu music. le (tniigi-vg-ilinnnl mush: has lu-un arrangvd hv Lln' general executive «If [he Epwnrlh ngnv. and is wry inspiring. A guod time is anticipated. The met-liner (If the Hm-licullurul Snciely 0n {he m’vning othu llth was thoroughly oujuyml by all present. but unfurtunutcly. although there were a gnudlynuunlwr [In-smut. quite .1 frw were unu\'ui(l.~:hly late and lulu-1's (-nuldn‘l locate the plum: of nmvling. nwing tn uur Village Bnml nccnpving the (Puuncil Ulnuuln-l- which had been The animal 4 ' Fnur new memho'l-s Were added to thv roll. and the prnspvcts look vex-y blight for the coming year. The meeting was held at the hmuc of the Secx-etnrvnflm is always ready in the emm-gency to place room at the Society’s disposal. but really we must see to it that his good nature is not imposed on. Pul‘. Com. Horticultural Society Winter Time Table A Valuable Ticket lng‘ gnlIH-s of that tl'npllv hy lhu Sin-H w: 5' fl’(’(' I'rum all n ugo crowd m’ spvct; rnL MU \w-ru fmm va I mnjuyvdr thu spnl‘t Schools Closed A Large Curling Club Silver Jubilee Coat Stolen 22nd and 225.11. Al‘ h Yurk will cnnswquvnk luv and lU-llll)l‘l(.\\'. Football "t‘ larger Jud Ill-’HViL'l yshud lhc cnlnhiuu- Specimen din n mmnenl m- l INK-H 50H l0 5% e humlsmm- sum of (If cmu-sc Lhwnted <‘I'. L. Hand. Rup- Pl'uLL and J. S. Mc- llHlll; resulted as fun] 5. MvNuir; Vice nf the s‘vcwlzu'y Hand. } [5' an the Nun [h i‘.l lw. hold Uhnmhex-s. Adelaide p nf 4â€"0. unghnms [nun-s uf wmurkut rt. The 11m ï¬xst standing “sum, wgun 'l'l~ \ll ulll' ’ing the: mid L‘ D (In 14-7. and Tln-re \\':l lmth sidu The war news has been on- couraging all this week. Foar German destroyers sunk by British crmser. Fierce onslaughts of Get mans all repulsed. Germans driven from stron pow‘mons. 'l‘wn \‘m-y inlm-ost wen- played how )u lwtww-n the- High and Riuhmuml Hill in lmth husle lml Lhr- lmskvL hull (tun: 14-7. Hlld in funlel @te22&1&§st§a ‘ Lulu UL Lula lulprl‘. awaegwa ages/:5 Terms [2 umnlhs. J. 11. I’ll-micv, Auct. hmxn‘, Octnhel' 23~Anctinn snlpuf farm stuck, illlplr-Inl‘nls, flnnilure, ulu, Int 51, rear hf lst (:unuvssinn. Mnrkhuuu the plnprrly of Sinmn Baker. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Tums 13 months. J. H. Prentice. Aucly. SATURDAY, Octuhor 24-â€"Auctiun Sull' at" farm implements, farnilurv, etc. iIL (‘vnncuul slulion, Vaughan. (he {Hopmty 014]“!st Uslvl'. Salv :11, l n'cluck. Tvrlns 12 umuths. J. H. Prentice, Auct. \VEDNESDAY, Uclolml' L’sâ€"Auctiun n’clm-k. Tums U munth Suigcon & MuEwcu, Aucts. SATHmAY. UPLUIWI' tilâ€"Auction sale of {mm stuck. implc-nwnls, «10.. Int. 2. concussmn S). \Vllilchm'cll, the prupmlv of (HMS. \Vismcr. Sale at l u’clmk. Tt'l‘llls 12 muntlls. J. H. Prentice, Aucl. TUESDAY. November IUâ€"Auctinn sale «.f 27) new; standing, IM'PCII :uld lllilpl", Int 30, ouncussiun 4, Sum lmln, 1hr pmperty nf (i. A. Gillsun. Suk- nL l n’uhlck. Terms 12 nmulhs. J. H. I’m-mice. Auct. THI'HSDAY, Uchmcr 22â€"Auctinn su‘u- «.f farm stuck. implvuwnls. vln. at \VhiLt‘ ‘v'ulv. l’ickx-ring. Llu-pnqwrly “f F. A. Lev. Sale ul, 12 n’t'luck. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1410“ SALEâ€"A largo $11,441 Cnumcss (If Oxford svlf {C(‘(lt‘l‘ stove. in gund cundilinn. Applv \\".A. SCUBABY. 15L (lunr north at" (‘v. A. Skt-elv. 17 l. f. Vexuzhdu. V ANTEDâ€"$4500.00 at ulICL‘ on ï¬rst mortgage nu mm of the best lUU acre farms nu lending rmul Ill Vaughan annship. Buildings in- sured ful- 22200.0(). Principal only. apply POST MASTER. Maple. ()nl. 16-2 sulz- of bursts, in. f1lrniLurv,vtc..:It t)’ (if Gen. P. Bu. Big gains made in Bel Evvry Home slluuld have :I. \Vur Map. \V'e nlfcr tho ln-st to our l'vudvl's Free of Charge. Read mnmunconwzxt on page four THE EUROPEAN WAR JOHN FISHER, TORONTO ARPICT \VEAVING. A Duno by L. Johnson, Yunge SL. Rich- nmnd Hill. . ll 3 In UR SALEâ€"A nuth nf Slump shim 1am lambs. JAMES STEW- ARI), lot 33 and 34, Cunevssiuu 3‘ UR SALEâ€"A good cow and a farm llul'SP. Apply to MAPLE BAKERY anio. 17 2 0R SALEâ€"Thlu‘ouKh-lm Luglmrus. Apply G}: Richmqu Hill. OR SALE stovesâ€"large and small 17 Lf C. M {)USE TO RENT.â€"On Richmond BL. :L few steps from Ynnge. Apply w GEO. SMITH. l:5~t.f. WE; at l'lght. prices E. W. Moyle, Langstafi .lughan and Markham WAR MAPS L lmll Cunt/05L in {mutlmll LIN Local Representative Aurora Teams Won AUCTION SALES this pupel Illl.‘ 21(11’0 s,ill.Rl}'111§1)ls. harm-55. l-L-stmg Ira-Ing mulchvs 1' yeslm-(lny :nfLm-mmn g1) schools uf Anmrn Hill. The \‘isilnrs \vnn hull and fuullmll. In have 'Muplv. the pl‘(I|H.‘l'- lnqlwl. Sale :IL 1 muukhs. Suigcon ARMS in buyers for lh» 5cm I‘ level‘ 13 lf C. MASON and 100 hI-cd \Vhitt :Ium. healing 161'- iSOME 0.301012 REAL ESTA , "*3nan-ï¬rqr“?xrrf‘fl;T'.S‘\"\"’é".rv*-"*f‘.r\"~""n ’ ‘ r' 1: "\' " ’ FfrT‘F’Wflrr‘f“: in‘,. ‘M " .‘~\.‘~\» .H y“ Y. . .f - P‘e gapsâ€"QM , swat-mm mmmmmrw .r: mdï¬wumdfluABWLEMJ ' uï¬dï¬ï¬w" ‘vxhwwi‘Axhi-QAHLJ AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA b V'VVVVVVVVVVYVVV V'VVVVVVVVVYVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV “’25 ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Alan :I. clinicc building That c (1 run": “'0 always (":II I y :l full stock of lli('('. chum. np-lu-dnlegrncmh Gnnmlwll's V'vgelnhlo. Tomato. and Chicken Soup, pm [in Euglv brand cnndvnsvd milk. per Lin . , . . _ . . . . Pure English lusphm-ry jam, pvl‘ ju- . . . . . . . Shn-ddod Cm'nnllllt. pur Ih . . . . . . ... hose, pair 30‘ tun, hlilL Bcndsdul'p Cmtun, pvi' lin at 45¢ to (55m PHONE 8002. nglh (ll-mu [0 ll) yams. outs Ribbed wool All Consult Us Iror Rates Your Insurance will be well ]ooked after if lelt to -\l1 WALLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPLETE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING D/IACHINES THE MUHMUND HILL FURNISHING STORE ' “‘00 wuu] plain knit shirls and 0m- fm'uilure cntuluguos have all the n(-\\'(-sL designs at moderate Ask in we them and cnmpme p1 ices uilh ntlwr plum-s. you own some of our warm underdothingr We have just. received agency and samples for the Twenty Century Brand of madeâ€"to-mcasure clothing, one of the oldest ï¬rms in the city and with a reputa- tion of making the best there is made, and as large it not larger range of samples than any. Satisï¬lction guaranteed. Those contemplating orderidg a new suit or overcoat would do well to see samples before buying. We also carry readyto wear clothing. CHILDREN natural 1nd Darling hose. cream P. G. SAVAGE & SON NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR d, chilly feeling disappears like magic ‘vnmuu's. sizes 1nd cardinal, pl BOY‘S tn 50L Atkinson & Switzer snlid hrick dwt-lling on megn HI. (u‘mld size Int. A: Int; the hvaL lUlSMLiUH m: Ynngo Slum-t. p l (‘ulnr, ankle to mulch. sizes rice Jim; to 50c on. rihhod cushmme vests, hutth SUNGRETE HOUSE RICHMOND Grocery Depart ment To the Public Lu \Vhilo and hill] lung sh- l‘lnht: Urn“ tn “mu-h. Ml. and $1.01; mu . \Vunl llll(1('l'\\'(':l1', PIHFH( Iihht-d, shirts and drnu‘!‘ per garment. 80c and $1.00. Plain kniL ahhts and (11 mwh 50v. SU( Black Llnnm lnnkv, per pair! HPHVV FITT "V 2/! lihlwd :Ill wool grey ul' hruwn, pair 50c. A. G. SAV P . G . S A \7A G F “'03! ENE )1 EN hnl m FOR SALE : 1m nu] :hultonvd nllkh' length. A G E 5(J( English when 1' vests l\\'t‘lS knit 20 .1 8c L73