Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1914, p. 7

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First~Why, I heard him say to her: “A penny for your thoughts," and he a milliofia-ire, mind you. Chicago and North Western Ry. Enter- tained the Canadian Ticket Agents in Chicago. As a farewell feature of the reception tendered to the members of the Cana- dian Ticket Agents‘ Association. and their wives. who attended their conven- tion October 6, 7 and 8th. the CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RY. enter- tained them at a, luncheon in the Dinâ€" ing Room of their new Chicago Passen- ger Terihiiml Qgtober 8th. u The Dining Room was neatly decor- ated. and in deference to the nativity of the visitors sprays of maple leaves, (the emblem of Canada) adorned each table: and appropriate souvenir menu cards prepared especially for the occa- sion were distributed. A personglly _espot§ed tAoun of the First Maidâ€"That rich young felâ€" Jer that’s courtin’ Miss Ethel is awful stingy. Second Bit-toâ€"What makes vou think so? ‘ A personally escorted tour of the Passenger Terminal after the luncheon was made which the party enjoyed very much. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. internal and external, cured with- out, pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. , So. Buxton. 0nt.â€"-"My skin trouble started about seven years ago. My arms [began to tingle and Itch. A watery looking rash. very fine and close together. would break we every summer. It would Itch and burn as the trouble progressed and M: became worse when I scratched it. It) looked ashy and scaly and In one great mass. My arms were so dlsfigured I could pot wear short sleeves. I could not help aeratchlng is all the tlme and when I had (taken a. mm is would Itch and bum for {about an hour. My flesh was sort) from ‘scretchlng. "I used all kinds of soap and used sulphur baths but nothing would relieve mo. A0 lust l saw the advertisement of Cuticura. ‘Bonp and Ointment in the paper and I sent for a. sample. The samples helped me so rmuch I got a cake or Cutlcura. Soap and a box of Cutlcura. Ointment and began bath- .ing with the Soap and water as hot as I ;could bear it. then I would take a. little of ,‘the Ointment and put on the skin. I did this every night and morning. I used only two cach of Soap and one box of Ointment and in 16% than six weeks the rash had all disappeared and now my arms look natural again." (Signed) Mrs. Andrew iohnston. 'Mey 29. 1914. Samples Free by Mail ‘ A single cake of Cutlcura Soap and box of Cutlcura. Ointment are often sumclenb :when all else has failed. Sold {vhroughoub @bo world. Sample of each mailed free; vim 32-1). Skin Book. Address post-card Ouucura, Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A33 ‘- WATEBY HASH lTBHEI] AND BURNER GANADIAN TROOPS VERY CANADIAN will with to have a record of the part out "Boys" are playing in this greatest war of history. "THE \VAR PICTORIAL" has secured splendid photos. at great expense, of the embarkation of our troops from Quebec. This is just one of the features of our "Special Embarkation Numbq," just pubâ€" lisEcd On Arms. Would Tingle and Itch. In One Great Mass. Looked Scaly. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Rash Disappeared. EM BARKATION PICTURES SHOW EIGTURES FROM THE WAR ZONE THE BATTLE OF THE MARNE BRITISH WOUNDED GERMAN PRISONERS RHEIMS CATHEDR‘\L In addition to the fine illustrations, the Summary of the V15: gives a record of the outstanding happenings of each day in interesting story form. The publication is issued in weekly parts, in handy size for binding. it is printed on fine enamelied paper, size 9 x 12. with atâ€" tractive three-color cover. Price ‘5 cents. at a" newsdealers. Special Subscription Ofier.â€"Send 50 cents (money order or coin) for four parts. or one dollar for eight arts. commencing with N0. 1, and inclu ing Vaicartier and “Special Embarkation Number." Pestage paid anywhere in Canada or U.S.A. Send all orders to the publishers of with No. 1, “Special En paid anywhu all orders to “THE WAR PICTORIAL” BOOB-SIMPSON PRESS LIMITED Your Last Chance! 1614 NOTRE DAME SYREET WEST, MONTREAL. QUE Canada's Troops off to the war. T. H. DAVIES 525 St. Paul St. - Just before embarking 21 magnl- Mom copyrlght views were taken. including two large panoramic cards and handsome Souvenlr booklet. Yours for 350. poshpaid. Trade supplied. Agents wanted. FOR THE FBUNT ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS ALBERTA HORSE ' GORDON HIGHLANDERS 48th HIGHLANDERS ARMY SERVICE CORPS FIELD HOSPITAL GRENADIER GUARDS CANADIAN FIELD ARTILLERY CANADIAN NURSES FOR THE FRONT MISCELLANEOUS. A Mean Offer. n weekly parts, It is printed on 9 x 12, with atâ€" Price I 5 cents. Montreal. Canadian fall weather is extreme- ly hard on little ones. One day it is warm and bright and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic, and unless baby’s little stomach is kept right, the uesuld; may be serious. ’Dhere is nothing to equal Baby’s Own Tablems in keeping the Little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive; The Tablets vame sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Wilâ€" liams’ Medicine 00., Brockvillre, Ont. THE FALL WEATHER HARD 0N LITTLE ONES soul of him Who planned the million-kill] ! shire maid , Or the widowed Wife in Devon. They mourn their dead With proud-held ‘head, Whose :souLs are in God’s will, She mourns for the thrice-damned â€"Betty D. Thornlley in October Canada Monthly. There’s many a man in flaring hell For a. single twist o’ the knife; There’s many a. rotting prison corpse That keeps his cell for life; Bud: there's none will stand By the man who planned With a, Pit-perverted skill To minvt the world with a. German The Kaiser’s motherâ€"rest her soul !â€"â€" She hides her face in heaven. She prays that she were the York- The Awe-inspiring Cook. “My house is so well organized,” said Mrs. de Gwa-w, “that I don’t go igbo my kite-hep once a week.”A “That’s the pleasant way she pubs it,” her husband explained. “As a. matter of fact, she’s afraid of her cook.” boy Who crouch where the bullets nip. It's the Anstwexrp man Who is. ending his span With .fi blood-choked prayer, if he wn , As he lies by the side of the Liver- pool lad In the Kaiser’s million-kill. The Kaiser sits in an armoured train, Far back from the battle-grip. It‘s the Liepzig boy and the Paris It, isn’t the Ulllan b‘a-btle thirst, It isn’t the Belgian rage, It isn’t the English greed for land That mines the reeking stage, But the monstrous plan Of a Single Man With a Worldâ€"engulfing will, Who calls to the vutlltures out o’ the north 'Do feast; on a million-kill. “I say, old chap, I’m in shocking luck. I want money badly and haven’t, the least, idea. where I can get it.” U “Well, I’m glad to hear that. I thought perhaps you had an idea. you could get it, from me.” Dear Sirs,â€"â€"I can recommend your MINARD‘S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Spralns. as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T. B. LAYERS. Minard‘s Llniment Co.. Limited dieâ€" At the price of a, million-kill JD A travelling sales agent visiting a large factory made a bet with the manager that 'he would pick out all the married men among the emâ€" ployes. Accordingly he stationed himself at the door as they came back from dinner and mentioned all those whom he believed to be married, and in almOSt every case he was right. “How do you do It manager in amazement “Oh. it’s quite simple traveLler, “quite simple ried men «all wipe thei mat; the single men d neve suppose Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Dandrufi. Mlnard's LHIHTIEIH Cures Burns. Eto‘ Well-known Han. I accept How He Knows. anyone That’ s Strategy. CAIN. AYERS. St. John 1e mar shun .' IEO, 7, Motor vehicles of all kinds play an indispensable part in the Euro- pean conflict. Cannon, even 0f large canllibre, are mounted upon heavily armored motor trucks, and moved from place to place with far greater speed than could possibly be obtained from horses. There are 3.1150 trucks for carrying provisions, travevlllring' kliltohvenis, motor ambu- lances, waterâ€"tank trucks with ap- paratus for distilling water that carry the water to the men on the firing line, motor vehicles equipped with wireless telegraph and tele- phone svbaJtiolns, tractors with a, winch and chain for hauling heavy gums into position. Upon the out- break of War, army officers requisi- tioned taxicabs and motor carriages in every large city, with which to hurry the troops to their rendez- vous, and from there to their places on the frontier. The gen- erals and staff officers of all the leading armies use high-powered automobiles to travel from place to place. Many of these machines are travelling war oflices. A large family size bottle of Nervi- line costs only 500., or the trial size 250., and is useful in a hundred ills in the family. Whether it’s toothache, earache, headache, neuralgia, lame back or a cold, Nerviline will cure just as readily as it will cure rheuma- tism. For family use nothing equals Nerviline. “I am well today as a man could beâ€"ln perfect good health‘. I give Nerviline all the credit." “I can speak confidently of the Ner- vilin‘e treatment, for the simple reason that it cured me," writes Albert B. Cornelius, from Kingston, "You can't imagine how stiff and lame and sore I was. Nights at a time I couldn’t sleep well. I followed the Nerviline direc- tions carefullyâ€"had it. rubbed into the sore regions four or five times every day. Every rubbing helped to reduce the pain. The swelling went down. 1 got a fair measure of relief in a week. I also took two Ferrozone Tablets with my meals. They increased my appetite and spirits, purified my blood and toned up my system generally. Not by process of law. but by the silent working of “Putnam's” are corns separated from aching toes. Any com or wart that “Putnam's” won't. cure hasn't been ‘discovered yet. Insist on Putnam’s Corn Extractor only. 25c. at, all dealers. livery Slifl' Joint Limbered, lilmuuatism Cured ! Rheumatism today is unnecessary. It is so well understood and so read- ily curable that every day we have re- ports of old ch-ronics being freed of their tormenter. That Old Family Remedy “Nerviline” Is Guaranteed for the Worst Cases. CURES NEURALGIA, BACKACHE LUMBAGO. V0 11 ’27 Granuiamtlâ€" Eyelids. 0 Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dust and Wlnd gulckly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. A: Your Druggist‘s 50¢ per Bottle. Murlne Ey. Salvein’rubes 25c. For BookoliheEyel’ree ask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy 60.. Chicagc Quite Safe. An American clergyman was once holding a service near an Indian village camp. His belongings were scattered about in one of the lodges, and when he was going out he asked the chief if it was safe to leave them there while he went to the village to hold a service. “Yes,” the chief answered, “quite safe. There is not; a. white man within a hundred miles!” If kne‘ I herewith discourse on The subject of sorrow; Thevtroulblexs that, kill are The troubles we borrow How can I tell beforehand? The Ideal. Would you forgive me if I kissed SEPARATION GRANTED minister’s trousers bag at th no apologv ls necessary. Army Aulmnobilvs A Short Sermon. Granulated» Eyelids, lSSL'E 43â€"‘14. “However, we believe that we can render the, most practical ser- vice as cyclists, in carrying mili- tary orders; as bearers of ambuâ€" lance strerbchers, or in the auxiliary services, such as. workers in offices 01‘ bakehouses; in ‘ohe national arms and munition factories; in the national printing house, where some of us are employed already; or any place vhere the calm to arms has caused many vmncies.’ The Emperor took the dellicaibe hiurt, shouldered the faggot, and can'- i'ied it for nearly two miles to the nearest village, with the old woman grumbling at him behind. It was only when she saw tlhe imperial forâ€" esters anxiously looking out for their lost master that she learned thait she had shifted her burden to the heavilyâ€"weighted shoulders of the Emperor. There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Suclf suffering isn’t natural, but it’s dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menSes and other symptoms of kidney complaint can’t cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache Deaf Mutus Say, “We (‘an Shoot Even If We Can‘t Hear.” With almost the entire remainder of the male population of F Dance at war, men who are deaf and dumb are eager rto contribute tllgir part Once, when he was descending Late in the evening from one of these expeditions, he met, an old, wrinkled easa‘nt woman, groaning and grumbling under the weight of a. fagnt. The Emperor addressed a cheery good evening to her. His overtures were not, at all well re- ceived, for the old lady was in a very bad temper. “If I Were a great strong man,” she observed, “I should offer to help a, body to carry her wood home, instead of passing her by as 11f she were of no account.” ' in the national defence. The Min- Lybelr of War has received a letter from one of the officers of the mute-5’ organization, in which these persons plead for an oppor- tunity to serve their counrbry. Curried {1 Load of Wood for An Old Peasant Woman. The humanity of the Austrian Emperor, that aged and mnehvhaxn assed monarch, has often been reâ€" vealed in his dealings with the peas- antry. In his earlier days, says T. P.s Weekly. the Emperor *had many adventures in the mountains, since, as he was umddstinguished in his shooting kit by any mark of his rank, the Tyro-lese peasants often failed to recognize him. majority of us are men of good constitutions, healthy, vigorous, and maimed in athletics and gym- nastics. Man of us are excellent shorts, much more dependingpn the W‘V‘Aus a, matter ozf fact, our infirm- ifty is more apparent than real,” writes the Vpefitioner. “Th? greafig FRANZ JOSI‘ZI‘II'S III'NIAN SIDE 5110mm, 'Luu'Lul “nun uvlav.u.....a v v V alght than on the hearmg 1n thrs work, The Minister has taken the appeal under consideration, and expects to find work for some of the deaf and dumb patriots. len; firs Mlnard's Llnlmem Relleves Neuralgna aI Minard‘s Llnlment for sale everywhere Brevity Appreciated. The young lawyetr has 'bee ngvhy in his closlng speecl ~st real case, and noticil dze zive evidences of his IN DEFENCE 0F FRANCE. Ian II V0110! 1rt tr DE sexes 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000- Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com- Dany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. A and Combination Christmas Gifts are SURE MONEY-MAKERS. Handsome Samples Free: Best Terma ORDER NOW; Postage twenty-five cente‘ Nichols Com- pany Limited. Publishers. Toronto # n. W. DAWSON. Colborne 8%.. Toronto- R EC y w E. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. F YOU \VANT TO BUY 0R SELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. \V. Dawson. Brampton. or I' (tolborne St. Toronto. CEIEKE â€"GON3UMPTIOMâ€" ANB BRONGHITIS Mrs. \V. J. Martyn. 46 Garden Ave., Toronto. is another sufferer who has been relieved by Cope- land’s Cure for Consumption and Bronchitis. ‘ ~.I'tfv'ééil'iwbe interesting for any having even traces of these dread diseases to read what Mrs. Mar- tyn says: “After taking several bot- tles of your Consumption Cure. I am now fully recoverâ€" ed and in four months have gained in weight 17 lbs. I cannot speak to highly of it. and will be pleased to recom- mend it to any one enquiring as to its benefits." COpeland's Cure for Consump- tion will benefit even the worst cases. Try a. bottle to-day. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DBUGGISTS, or a trial bottle will be sent pre- paid on receipt of the regular price, $1.00. COPEUlND ME’DICINE (0MPflN‘I. lelled 511 PAPE AVE.- GENTS. UP-TO-MINUTE WAR BQQK Patent Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equnl. y GISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE prize winners. All ages. Both Fisher Bros.. Benmiller. Ont. OU can't have a beautiful complexion For the asking. (is ‘ agfifimg used regularly will remove blemishes, and make the skin smooth, clear, and sound. Vaseline Cold Cream contains no ammal or veg, etable Fats. it is steriized in the making and delicately perfumed. WHAT IS YOUR MIRROR’S STORY? COLD CREAM t'oiyileu direct on receipt of the priceâ€"15c. Drug and department stores everywhere sell the various "Vaseline" preparations. Write for Free, iliustraled "Vasev line” bocklet telling all 2.5:»: them. A Full size jar of Vaseline Cold Cream will be sent_ news’nfni manna 16132; 7551.12. AGE NTS WA’N‘FE'D’ (1 under Medicine FOR SALE Trademuk FOR SALE ’mprietor Act No. - TORONTO. and 211.

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