Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1914, p. 4

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the nex Pros. C. Trench : Stewart aid: Ex V aughan Council ald : Executive. Misses A. V. Bee! M. Elliott. H. Dickson, )I. Tuylnr Messrs. H. A. (301119“, J. Lawson F. Campbell. The Nor! h ank Tmchers‘ Associa- tinnheld :1 very helpful cnnrention last. Thursday and Friday. Several excplleut. papers and addresses were given. An appeal was made by the president for subscriptinns on behalf Hf the Tnmntn and York hmnch uflhe Patrintic Relief Fund, and about $500 was subscribed. The fulluwing are the newly - elected ntficers : â€"â€" Hun. vit Sunday morning will he the Quarterly Culnmuuiun selvice in the Methodist chuich, aftm‘ which there will he :1 reception of new members. In the evening Mrs. Aikenlwad \vill preach on “Up :1 Tree. the P0\V01‘ 0f Curiosity." Ereryhmly is invited. All young ladies. who do not attend Snnduy Schoul elsewhere. me invited tucmne to the “\thtsoevm' Class“ which Iuoetsin tlw Iniuish-r‘s \‘ebn-Y Every Sumiuv at 2.45. It is un Organ- izvd class and all yuung ladies u "1 “1.1. cmne. The Mission Band will hnld “ml. meetingin the Schuul Rumu (.f um Methodist church nu Tuesday next, at 4 n'clnck. A spPL'iu] pmgmmnm f0,- thr: hon and girls. Subjects Sunday Nm‘. 15t:â€"â€"11a.m.: "Di\‘ine DPIays". 7 pang “Love that ontlasts the years. \Ve had ashm-t visit from our old friend-p Mr. John Bell. last Sunday. The \V'omen's Missionary Society held their annual Thank offering "muting \Vednosday afternoon: the address was given by Mrs. \Vulker of the Provinclal Board. A larger number than usual attended the Week-evening lecture last week on Charles \Veslev, one of the \‘Pry greatest of our hymn \Viiters. The whole \nnld remains forever indrhted to him l'ur that splendid hvmn of love, and trust "Joses Lover at My Soul." Mr. Earle Newton gave in addition a Short address on the tunvs of some of the, “PSI- known of \Vesley's hymns, and their composers. This week the lecture will be on the life and hymns of that great good man, Isaac Watts. Mr. Lnuis \Videmnn of Lapni't.l\liii., is spending a shurt time with his nmthen. Mrs. Catharine \Videumn uf Gm-mlev. who at the present time is Very ill. Alsu Mr. Bert \Vidonmn, Pine River. Min.. attended the funeral of the grandfather. Mr. Samuel Bakvr of Gunnlvv. Everyhudy was glad to see the buys once mm'v. M[.\V:Ill:icu Stanton and Miss Cari ie \Villlams, (If Toronto spent Sunday with relatives at, Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Uhvstm' Stuntenhumugh. Mr. and, Mrs. James Nichols and little niece, Miss Ruth \Viuger were also the guests of Mrs. Stuntenltm-ough, Mr. \Veslev Hoover uf Tm-untu spent the week end with home fulks at (inrmlpy. IIICCLIIIH. The Ladies” Aid met at, the home of Mrs. T. H. Keyes last week. Quite :1 numhm' were present and tea was served. the pmcovds of which \vele added to the funds. Mr. \V. Mylks and furnin moved last, week to Richmond Hill where he has a position in Hill's Bakery. The public schnnl was closed on Thursday and F1 iday on account of l/hoTeuchels’ Cnnvuntiun in Turnnm. Mrs. \Vm. Camp spent last week Mrs. \Vlu. Camp spe: Visiting friends in BzU'l‘iO The monthly meeting of the ’ \anen’s Institute was held at Lhel home of Mrs. ’1‘. A. Cousins. A paper ‘ nn "Girls and Their Ideals" Wus‘ rpm] 1 by Miss J. J. Jackson and at reading was given hy Miss Laura Oliver. Lunch wns Sk‘lVOd at the close of the meeting. The Ladies” Aid met at the home of Mrs. T. H. Keves last \Vt't‘lf. Qlliik’ :1 b‘n M( (91w ggihcrnlx lxcnmoxo HILL. Om, Monday, N ovl a next meeting of the Council of the venieiit size for only $1.90. M$313lgnlzfieqlfiui‘fxlfim‘ be This offer applies to all subscriber lore. on papers inside next 30 days from chi "Fillineml Thursday, at from her late residence t Cemetery. CELROYâ€"OH October 23rd, 1914.Ann Burns. relict of the late Hemy McElroy. late of Concord. Onlaxiu, in her 77th Vent-.7 North York Teachers Presbyterian Church Methodist Church - elected . Mullny ice - Pro J. B. MCLEAN. at 1 p.111 Gormley Maple l'EilS DIED Miss OCT. 29, 191-1 2.30 p. m., 0 Norway Clerk 1 â€" Hun. Miss M. Bvrthv McDon ‘eelunds. 'lnr and son and 1914 6f I Bk! iBIViSIUN - COURT. . rVI‘he Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map prepared by the celebrated map firm of G. W. Bacon S; 00., Ltd., of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most con;- rehensive ma printed. . p P The Liberal has completed arrangements by which our readers can se- cure a copy of this excellent map free of charge. A Map 3% x2J5 feet showing clem‘lyevery boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet and riverin the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The priceof The Family Herald and Week!y Star, is one dollar a year. The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a. copy of The Family Herald’s War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder of con- The Next Sitting of Divxsion Courtion N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald Wa necessary. It should be in every Canadian Home. Every Reader of The‘ Liberal May Have a War Map Free a I PROPERTIES FOR SALE ‘T “’9 can loan your money on improved farm lands in York Coun- ty at, gnnd rates If interest, first mortgage security 01' on improved tit-y real estate if you Want highm' rates of interest. Lumsdcn Building, (5 Adelaide Stu East. Tut-onto. l3 6 m Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only To Rent New seven roomed house in Richmond Hill, conveniences, easry rental. $9300 Vicinity nf Lmnunville. One hundred :1 ml fifteen acres. the soil is 2|, clay lnnm. the kind that will not bake. 0n the prop- erty is :l‘ gnod hank lnun 4le100 a good eight momed frame house and two flowing wells. The loca- tion if this farm is one (If the most pleasant in the township of \Vhitchm-ch. A. E. GLASS $7000 Near Vandnrf. One hundred acres, exceptiunullv well built on. Small cash payment, balance at a low rate of interest. $6000 Markham Township, six- ty-eight acres of rich loamy clay soil. fair good buildings. reason- able terms. Tth farm has never been rented and is in the pink of rendition. Monday; Nov. 23, 1914 Business in Canada will hum. The demand fur well-trained young men and Women for busiâ€" ness will be keener than ever. The Wise are preparing nmv. Get into mmuf uur schools and he ready. A few months will do it. It. will puv you we“. Fru- catulugne. \Vrite fur it. Shaw's Business Schools. Turunln. 5395 Yonge St. \V. H. Shaw, Pres. RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL I‘I () 3' 13 Y mnmencmz John Fisher & Co. Farm Brokers AFTER THE WAR FREE WAR MAPS ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. T. F MCMAHON, CLERK HOUSES FARMS Canada 10 mm. I. will hum. well-trained m) for busi- thnn ever. wring nmv. of each week up to the 25th of 1‘ Grain will be ground Thursday my] This mill will cmumvncvrunning fun CID ER, J ELLY a nd APPLE on \Voduesdny, Svptemher am) will run on EDGELEY ClDERand JELLY MILL TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY EASA. WINGER,’ Edgeley. APPLES WANTED Friday of each Week the munnfnctm-e nf is one dollar a year. FukTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments [F we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer’s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about August 1. 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. . EHective from August 1, 19:4. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. [K G. A. M. Davison, Unionville, Cnt.. Agent for Markham, Scarbaro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Profits £0er Prices on Ford Cars Far Mapi BUTTER 30, 1914, Ford motor Company the two Nm‘em Toufing Car Runabout Town Car Richmond Hill Annex In the Dominion of Canada Only only articles of quality, not cheapr.ess. This is good business for you be- cause the se isfy you goods sat- TO our CUStOR'leS WC I‘C‘COKUIDCUd C. A. SKEELE, For Sale (11 Easy Terms $1.25 each. Apply F. R. OLIVER, Richmond Hill Eight cider harm-Ix: good as new, ford, Ontario FOR FURTHER INFORMA'II’JN \VRITE OR SEE of Canada. Limited Richmond Hill G. A. MCDONALD & SON For Sale Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and C'arence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Housekeeper: for good The Store $590 540 840 store YO UR store. 1 1-3 m. J. T. LOCKE 8' C0., In Marble m‘ Granitv. . Good wm-k; reasonable charges, Town or Country. \Vrite, Monuments. Tombstone I. ettering continually 10 AdelaideSt.’E‘. Toronms \V. A. JONES. 22 Buchanan St. you, not once, Markers and Corner Posts 'zere to serve LV nke \Ve are Tornntr but .115

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