iheral; RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. Oc'r. 23!, 19“ “E56 iris For general war news see inside pages Mrs. (I. Mitchell of Toronto spent a ‘ few days with Mrs. J. \Vood. A t Get your butter paper pi inted at The Liberal oï¬ice. Miss Gertrude Ross of Owen Sound ‘is a guest. of Mrs. Switzer. l l Mrs. \V. It. Proctor and Miss Kath- leeir I’roctor spent Sunday with Mrs. l T. F. MitMahi it. Mr. and Mrs. Fortnet- of Toronto visited cvcr Sunday with MI. and Mrs. \N'. A. “'rigbt. I Mr. J. Bell of the Niagara Falls H. 5. staff, spent the werk-end with I'i :ends here. _ Health arid happiness depend as much iipun good pure food as upon' any other thing. Atkinson N Swrtzer‘s grocer-Ls are pure. - Mr. A. E. Glass reports the sale ofl Mr. I).i\id Bell's house. on Church St. Marie. - -. .L._~~...w._ ' If the cold weather continues a few days longi r the modern housewife writ be out of business in the popular game of "swatting the fly.†The newly -»t‘ormed Citizens’ Rifle Association wrll liolil their first meet- ing in the Uouncit Chamber on Satur- day evening at 8 o‘clock. Members and all persons interested are asked to attend. For the information of our distairt readers we may say that. the ï¬rst snow of the season fell in Richmond Hill on Monday afternoon, Oct. 20. this was follUWeJ by a heavy frost. the ice forming oier air inch in thickness. The \V C.T.L'. will meet at the Parsonage next Tu: sday afternoon at. three o‘clock. A report of the Ontario Uonvention will be given and matters of importance discussed. All members. and those desirous of becomingr members. are requested to be present. The East Yin k hrairclr of the Ontario Plowmeirs’ Association will hold their pluwtng match on the farm of Mr. A. . H. \Vagstalf. Lot 29. con. 1, Scarboro, on Thursday, November 5th. at which liberal prizes w.ll be offered. Agin- cotu-t branch oi the \Vomen‘s Institute will provide the meals. \Ve have. been handed a magniï¬cent. specimen of apple from Mr. I". Mans- bridge‘s orchard. Itis a deep red, al- most globular. and weighs a pound and three mini-es. \\'e lit-lime the apple. which may be men at The Liberal ofï¬ce. is a \\'olt' River. but an expert might give the \ariety another name. Lidies' sweater Coats. I’earl, Cardi- nal. tan at $2.35, black at $2.51); Girls sweater coats. colors navy.garnet.grey and brown. fancy stitch. line wool. at I $1.25 to $1.75; Ladies black and navy, Hingwood gloves plain ï¬ngers. fancy stitch hand, ribbed cuffs. pr. Children's ringwood gloves. cardinal. navy and mixed colors. pr. 20:1â€(125l‘d Infant bibs in a large variety of patterns lace and embroidery trimmed It} to 25:. ca. Atkinson tk' Switzer. ')â€")l‘.2 \Vhen in trend of ofï¬ce stationery sii ‘11 as stamped envelopes. note heads. lutli-l' heads or iiillhpails do not forgot to call at THE LINER rt. oï¬i‘.:i- for quo- tations. Toronto printers frequently make trips into the adjacent villages and endeavor to induce. the merchants and other business men to 'give them orders on the plea that the price is a few cents cheaper. Do not be de- i‘eiyed Asa rule city prices in print- ing are higher than iir villages. quality and quantity being considered. HFâ€" Euchre and Dance A large attendance will be appri- t‘lilit'd at a Progressive Euchre and Dance to be given by the Iii. hinond l'llll Athletic (‘lub in iln- Masonic Hall. i on the i-\eiiiirg of \\'i-dni<sday. the‘ 4th of Noveliibor. The Athletic Assoâ€" ci ition is popular. and a most enjoy- able evening may be looked forward to by those who attend. ‘..-â€"â€"_â€" The Hunter's Leave Hill hunting club. eight in number. b-t't yesterday for their annual hunt. They went by lho‘ ('inadian Northern. aiid will pitclt' their tent at Hayswater. 226 miles north if Toronto. The following make i up the double qiiaitettet-~\\'. I’ratt. A. (i. Savage. .l. Tyndall. M. Hoyle. .l. Naughton. \V. Capell. A. Mollett. \\'. i (‘ rrtis. The Richmond _._‘...__â€" Lime Light Views Baniyan‘s unique allegory “I’ilgi ini's I‘iogiss" will be illustrated by Lime Light Views next Monday evening at the Epwoith League service. Tire lecture necessary to the understanding of the pictures will be given by Mr. T. F. McMahon. Mrs. Tin p will render a vocal solo. All are welermc. g l \Voodbridgc. . and pii\ilegos \\ e now enjoy. rSi'Vt'l t'. A Dangerous Practice Several people recently pointed out the danger of shooting in the villagi'. A man standing near the elevator heard a bullet whizclose to his head. and the occupants of a brick house found marks of bullets after they hail been Illt‘il through a sign lll!.’llll."I‘lll’lf' ‘is a by-law prohibiting shooting in the \illage. 'those who carelessly ignore Illt‘ by<law should not complain if they are brought before a .I. 1’. Inspectors Visit Mr. It. \\'. Sloan of Churchill. Travelling Inspector Agents. called on Mr. McMahon. the local agent here. last Thursday. and. examining thi-books. was pleased to learn that a large number of lllt'll had ‘ been plated with the farmers of this . ‘ section during the past few Mr. Sloan said that the farm help sup- phed through the Immigration De- partment. was giving good satisfaction n different parts of Canada. on. .â€"â€"- King and Vaughan Matcii Aâ€"nunrbi-r of the plowmr-n of this section are practising for the annual plowing match of the above associa- tiop to be held this year on the farm - n. Con. 8. Vaughan. one mile west of next Tuesday. There are eight classes. and nearly every class has six prizes. There is also a large number of specials. The prize awarded in humor year; for host Inoking plowinan has been struck out. occupied bt'MI‘. Hemeii (‘oli-s. lot lbut $36.00 worth of photographs of; bit-eel. to Mr. Neil McKenzie of Sault ' I19154‘lf“'lll l'“ iâ€"‘tiW‘n ft“ lllt‘ l't‘SL IOUR- , I irg lady or: the grounds. W, o Butter to be Labelled All butter in packages or wrapped in parchment paper must in futiiru be ' labelled Dairy or Creamery. That means no butter can be bought or sold . in plain wrappers or in unbrandrd packages. No butter can be bought. or sold under brand of Separatei. The word Dairy or Creamery must appear on wrapper or package. Failing to comply with the above Government. act persons will be liable to a ï¬ne of $10 each offence. For further information write the Department. of Agriculture. Ottawa. and ask for Copy of The Daily industry Act. 1914. Bulletin No. «HZ. Get your butter paper wrapper printed at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. __. -., Meter Inspection Some few days since the whole of lhe electric meters in ase in the village. one hundred and twenty in number. were inspected according to law. bv a government expert. and the result of 1 report i the inspection. embodied iii :i. from the head inspector. was. recently received by the Village Clerk. The report shows that our meters were all in good oider. more than half of them pruning to be absolutely correct and . the remainder \r'ell within the gtfl't'l Ii- ment allowance for variation. expert. was much pleased with the v: râ€" ioui installations. particularly of the power meters. which certainly a sourCe of satisfaction both to the pub- lic and the Electric Light t‘oninrission. IS t arid reflects a great deal of credit npon our Electrical Engineer. Mr. Stirling, under whose supervision the meters" were installed. . â€"~â€"â€"Qo>~ Silver Jubilee Tire auditorium of the Methodist (‘hurch was well tilled Monday even- ing when the Epworth Leagues of Richmond Hill and Maple l‘ll't,‘l1ii5. held their 2511i IlllIlIVt‘lSill'y celebra- lion. After the opening exercises con- ducted by Rev..l. It. Aiki-nhead. an interesting programme of short ad- dresses onthe woi k. and musical selec- tions. \vas well CII‘llt'd out. The choir. assisted by members of the Maple choir led the Congregation iii a number of musical selections. The folltiuiig gave short addresseszâ€"Miss Trumen. Miss' Jennings and Mr. Mi-(‘agui- of Victoria Square: Miss M. ('i-misky of Headftird; Messrs. Harrison. .I. Aiken- head. F. Hickson. and Master Cecil Glass. Vocal solos were contributed by Mrs. Lint-ling and Miss Ili-ll Saigeon. and a duet given by Dr. Routley and Miss Hell baigeon. After several announcements the meeting was closed by Rev. Mr. Lo\eiing. H1.p.â€"< Patriot’s Meeting The meeting ii: the Skating ltink Saturday evening was well attended. and everybody seemed to be interested in the proposal to form some kind of air association here. occupied the i-haii, and iii his opening remarks reminded his lri-aiers that as the Empire is at war with an aiitoi-i-at who appaienlly \\l~i)t'.s to rule the \\'(‘I“lll. it behoves eu-ry liritisher to do all iii his pow er to iiplit liltlre rights I‘;\'l'll if there was no war in progress he ‘ would like to see some kind of company ‘lll' association formed for drlll and proper knowledge of military work for Richmond Hill and \iciniiy. He :Illt‘ll intri d l‘l'il Mayi r l". 'I‘. t‘larke (of the 12th York Rangers. with head- quarters iii Toronto. Mayor ('lai kc g We a resume of lhe i war. compared the silo of the \‘ar ions lit-spoke: standing armies of Europe. of the necessity of forming iitlc associations in ~‘\'i'l'_\' put of Canada :is the war was likciy In lll‘ lllllg arid He was here for the purpose or oiganizing a coinpiny i t' about It! men. which might later form part of the l'_’lh Regiment. A iliill sergeant can be supplied from Toronto, and titles will be for nished :is soon as the Government can secure them in suï¬i~ cii-nt q ‘IlllLlIltS. Mr. E. A. James and Mr. Itassoll Lawrence also spoke of the advisa bility of forming .i company. after which a large number put down ll‘t'll' names pledging support of the pio~ posed organization. Employment . months. i to $31) for" 'ri...i Ila-eve l’iigsli-y j ’ Q ‘ gasâ€"saasssa W A R M A P S s Every Home should have a \Var Map. \Vc otfcr the best to our readers Free of (‘hargm lit-ad announcement on page four II this paper. as M; 25 6‘74"?“ <* 9% . esteses‘esesxs assesiesres’fe (â€"5 AUCTION SALES S.\’l‘t'ltt).\\'. October iiI77.-\llt'lltrlr sale of from stock. implements. ctc.. lot 2. concession it. \Vhitchurch. the property of Chas. “’isiner. Sale at Ila.l‘li|'c‘l(. Tcrmsl2 months. J. ll. I'rcnticc. Auct. SATI'RHAY. ()(‘TUHEIL 3i Auction 1 sale of a lreil‘i-r rising two years. which came to the premises of Mai k Harrison. (Jan-ville, some time ago. l and hasnot been (‘ltlitlluh Sale‘ at 2 o‘clock p. in. 1‘t715srr.\\'. Ntnelnbt'l' ltlsAiiciion sili- ot' ’ acres standing. 1 2.) bi'ct'll and maple. lot 31). concession 4. Scar boro. ‘ . the property of (i. A. Gibson. Sale at I o‘clock. Terms 12 months; .I. II. Prentice. Aiict. _ my avatars}. r DVERTISEM ENTS in this column bring quick results. It' you have anything to sell. or it" you wish i to purchase something. hire lii-lp. clc.. ; try this “ New Anvr-tnrisrzriiexr.‘ 1 column. xtRPIir r\'i::.i\'i:\‘(i. a nanp by L. Johnson. Yonge St.. Rich‘ mond Hill. It 3 m “It SA largest/rd (r‘ouii of Oxford .F tess selt tccdcr sir-\e. in good condition. Apply \\". A. St‘DDABY. 1st door north or" (‘. A. .Skeeliu 17 t. 1'. 1:0“ SALE. â€"â€"'I'\\‘ii coal stovesâ€"large and small. 17 if heating (‘. MAsoN. ‘OR SALEâ€"A number of Shrop- shite ianr lambs. JAMEs STEWâ€" ARI}, lot 33 and 34, Concession 3, Vaughan. 17 .‘5 l “OR S;XI,E~;~.-\ good cow and a farm hot-5e. Apply to MAPLE BAKERY Maple. 17 2 ‘on SALEâ€"Tlritrough-bied \Vbiti- Leghorns. Apply GEo. LEE. Richmond Hill. 17 2 * i ‘OR SALE.â€"-Good large and strong young mare. also early spring colt \yell lncd. Apply at once to . Mr. \Vatson. 'I‘hoinhill. 18 2 on s.{r;r:.:r‘i:§i{ Hi ilk 5.11.. 7;:- ply Quantz Bios.. lot 12. Con. 2. Markham. IS 1 orfsia T0 RENTâ€"0n int-ide St.. a few steps from Yonge. Apply to Gino. Sirrrii. l3-t.t'. REMOVAL SALEâ€"PIi\‘:lt(‘«~Filst- ' chins driver. buggy. cutter good as new. 2 sets harness. blankets. ‘robes. etc.. 2!. hives lit-es. honry ex- ;iractor. bcc supplies. thoroughbred black and buff ()rpingtons. cockrels. pullets aird year-old I'owl. winners amongst them, kitchen table, etc. Itev. iE. J. McKittrick. King. Out. 18 2 ' ‘0 H ENT.â€"Five room brick l)ill|_\.‘. with one acre ofland. stable. (Ii-hing house. fiiiit. etc., at ‘lIeadford. Possession 1st of Novi-m- 1cer. Apply \\'. II. Cosgrovo, Elgin i mills. ' 15 3 r "0 ltEN".~â€"Two nice front rooms. Second house south of Hills 1 bakery (ll) Yongi‘St. IS I \X]ANTED.~Young girl with]; ' ‘ sew well. A good opportunity to learn the ladies" tailoring. j \V. II. Basselt. liichinond Hill. IS if i AN'I‘EILJHiI ' to do i ‘ \V l 4' housework. also ‘ . . plain sewing. Richmond Hill. 1‘ zoxora ST. iâ€"ï¬co gcneral : woman to do Mus. IN'NLUP. tsif N'I‘AtiE.~For AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ‘ sale. 15 acres. with one-eighth ‘ mile frontage on Yongi- SL. net-r Elgin Mills. situation, 1 care I Excellent soil. fine _ moderate price. Address B. illit-t'al otiice. lS-t. i. prices. Atkinson â€"â€" 8b SWIIZBI 'Iliat cold, chilly feeling disappears like magic when I you own some of our warm underclothing E woMEN‘s “'liite and natural color vests with long sleeves and :buttoncd front: llraweis. ankle length. to match. at 25in 35c. 50c, "5t: and $l.Ub each. Black Llama hose. English (.‘ll [LIDHI‘IN'S Ilibbcd fronts. wool vests. buttoned iratiiral t‘olor. ankle length drawers to match. sizes 2 to Ill years. I.’i ice .‘itlc to Title ea. Ilaisy and Darling hose. cream tan. black and cardinal. pr. 23c. BUYS All wool plain knit shirts and di-aivcrs. I'i-ninan‘s, sizes 22 to 32 at 15c to (i5c. All ivool 1,51 ribbed cashmere hose. pair .‘i‘llc to 50c. make, per pair 551'. a M EN‘S \Vool underwear, elastic knit ribbed. shiits airil drawers. at, pcr garment 80c and $1.00. Plain knit shirts arid drawers each 50c. IIeavv 2/1 ribbed all wool socks. grey or brown. pair 50c. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__ Grocery Department “'0 always car I y a full stock of nice. clean (‘rampbi-ll‘s Vegetable. Tomato. and Chicken Soup. pct tin . Eagle brand condcnscd milk. per tin. .. Pure English raspberry jam, Shredded Cocoanut. pi-r lb . Bendsdol‘p Cocoa, pcr lin . . . . . . . per jar . . . , . . . . up-to-datogroceries. ..l5c . 150 . . . .201: .. . .ZSc . 38c ‘ BUNGRETE HOUSE AAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA nannnnnnauu WE ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Life 6: Accident Plate Consult; Us 1901- Your Insurance will be well looked after if tell: to P. G. SAVAGE & SON RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002. SOME UHOICE REAL ESTATE .Alsi) _â€"â€"4â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"§_. _. I WALLPAPER S'rOCK COMPLETE mwrzsr PRICES Eyi-Jri oi'o'r'rzn FURNITURE AND SEWING NIACHlNES Our furniture catalogues haxe all the iii-west designs at moderate Ask to see them and compare pi Ices with other places. a a. solid brick dwelling on Yoiigi- St. choice building lot; the best location on Yongo Street. -â€"â€"â€".___~ *â€" Glass Insurance 12:1tes FOR SALE lot. : (inoil size A. (i. SAVAU E I’. (i. SAVAGE YY'V 'VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVV'YYVVVYYVVV‘VYYYVVVVVVV VVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV'VVVV'VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV f V - . . w w . M «p. firmï¬ï¬‚rv‘f ‘ .nl‘f‘lmv.mrf'> ya a» ‘: ~.. ~ :mer’ZE-«mprgr-Vrr.†.y'ï¬ymrwra- -~""V4 .» "I be time to advertise is when ‘Wmi’rrp “~ “r “‘1†.I‘I. 'i', .‘_ I“ l‘. "i Laud...†“a kg“ m’ '.......‘ uâ€.......t‘ " m‘ ‘13 you want more business L' ’ ‘quit is when you are ready to step asldeand give the other fellow a i .‘ reliance. T:-~ 7'15 have buyers for l / - i at), ;s 7.3 and 1U) acre F .\ i: .\i s in Vaughan and Markham at right prices. 1 l JOHN FISHER. TORONTO E. W. Hoyle. Langstafi Local I'iCPI‘CSOI'Ji‘tEiVC 13 ti" § : the time to i g" Na“... \ l'â€#3“ m 1'!" r. V l fr = .54 (‘W' “A :.‘.."»5Juw“..5.‘auv‘.‘-._.EN‘ 4.1.9» 4.5.5 THE BMHMUND STORE To the Public We have just. rcccivcd agency and samples for the Twenty Century lh‘iind ot' inadeâ€"tirinczisui'c one of the oldest lii'ms ill the city and with a i'cptita- tion of making the best there is made. and as large it not lai'gcr‘t‘angc of samples than any. gua ran tccd. buying. We it .' . tit} HILL FURNISHING, 5. s~\J‘. ‘a t} i.' q l cdlukL \. klll‘tlllllg, R .vnflwnsw Strobe dad-as 3n» e -= Shilflilcilbll t/_I Those contemplating ci'deridg a new suit or overcoat would do well to NC samples before also carry ready-towczir clothing. it: E3. ’72 N ORMAN J- GLASS is; PROPRIETOR "5.;- . . 1- \ . VJ JvUVJJ bad'J-LJN‘JJ Ii ‘l,' '«.'\ q“ \I“ '\ FEET? i mu \ shut-4.1.3) chm