†nu nu * wuss 0_F_EB_UPll0N Spread Over Head and Neck. Caused pisï¬gurement, Burning and Itch- Ing. Could Not GetAnySleep. Cu- tlcura Soap and Ointment Healed. â€"â€".~ 1 Hibernia Ave. West Toronto. Ont.â€" P'First we noticed a rash on our child‘s face, which soon began to spread all over his K/@\\ head and then around his ~I ’l A 0 neck. I thought it was going all over his body. It was in red patches on his face. then pimples hogan to form which broke and mat- ter was running from them. His face and head was a . mass of eruption and it caused a very bad disï¬gurement, also bum- }Ins and Itching. The child could not get 'any sleep. I tried several kinds of olnt~ merits and powders but with no success for about two months. The rash seemed to get worse. Little blisters would form then burst and a. lot of discharge would come out. "We tried Ointment and but to no good effect. After the child had been sufl‘ering about two months we were recommended to try the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After a few applications it gave relief and the child began to get some sleep. In about six weeks Cuticura, Soap and Ointment completely .healed the trouble and not a scar is lei" ." (Signed) Mrs. Wm. Tucker. Feb. 19. 1914. Samples Free by Mail , A single cake of Cutlcura, Soap and box of {Cuticura Ointment are often sufï¬cient lwhen all else has failed. Sold throughout .the world. Sample of each mailed free. ,wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card .320uticura. Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A." DISHONOR 0R DEATH. British Soldiers Preferred Dcaih. But Wcrc Rcscucd in Time. 'Ilhe remarkable escape of a numâ€" ‘ber of British prisoners, after they had been threatened with death by ,their German captors if they re- {fused to give information as to the positions of the British and French forces, was described by Corporal F. C. Toovey, of the let Battalion, Gloucesi/e-rshire Regiment. Toovey, who is an ofï¬cer in the Reading (England) police force, fought in three battles, and has returned home wounded. “In the course of one engageâ€" ment,†he said, “I and about thirty others belonging to different regi- 'ments were cut off from the ambu- lliance wagon and taken prisoners. 'We were conveyed to a mansion, .where we remained for eleven days. [The food was very scanty, and we {had to live princ1pally on apples and pea-rs. - “At the end of the eleventh day the Germans requested us to divulge the positions of the British and French. This we declined to do, whereupon our captors said that they would give us four hours in which to reconsider our positions, and if we still refused we should all be put to death. We replied that rather than give the information deâ€" manded of us we. would prefer death. “Soon afterwards we witnessed six French and Belgians, who had refused to comply with a. similar rc- T he “Pleat†of Com â€"the sweet centers of choice Indian corn; cooked, seasoned just right, rolled thin as paper and toasted until they become golden brown flakesâ€"crisp and delicious! That's why Post Toasties are better than ordinary f‘corn flakes.†Toast-ies are packed in an inner container inside the tightâ€"sealed, familiar, yellow cartonâ€"keeps the food fresh and crisp for your appetiteâ€" Superior Corn Flakes â€"sold by Grocers. Canalisn Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd, \Vindsor. Ont. __. .\ lirlgmn rum-.m- The Prin-ceSS Karadja is presnlvcnf and honorary treasurer of the Be]- gian Relief Socielty. She has trans- formed Bedigny Castle, situated in the very heart of the war zone, into a hospital. In recognition of her work. the Goverror of Liege has adâ€" dressed a, letter of gratitude to her. quest by the Germans, being marchâ€" ed from the mansion. After being cruelly tortured they were killed. Several of those who had been taken prisoners with me were then tied to trees. When the time limit given us had almost elapsed. French artillery raided the building and rescued us. the Germans escaping.†.ï¬â€˜,_ Chest Odds and Hoarsuess Quickly Rubbed Away “Nerviline†Gives Speedy Relief and Cures Over Night. Got. a cold? Is your voice raspyâ€"is your chest congested or sore? If so, you are the very person that Nerviline will cure in a jiffy. Nerviline is strong and penetrating. it sinks right into the tissues, takes out inflammation and soreness, de- stroys colds in a truly wonderful way. Rub Nerviline over the chestâ€"rub on lots of it, and watch that tightness dis- appear. Nerviline won’t blister, it sinks in too fastâ€"doesn’t simply stay on the surface like a thick, oily lini- ment would. If the threat is raspy and sore. rub it well outside with Nerviline, and use Nerviline as a gar- gle diluted with warm water. Just one or two treatments like this and your voice and throat will be quickly normal again. Just think of itâ€"for forty years the largest used family medicine in this countryâ€"Nerviline must be good, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- dred ills that befall every family. Try it for earache, toothache, coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarsness and mus- cular pains in every part of the body. Large family size bottle 50c.; trial size 25c., at all dealers. >I< Lots of people would rather send a dollar to the heathen than give the poor at home a pleasant look. YOUR OWN DRUGGIS’I‘ WILL TELL Y D Try Murine Eye Remedy for R Weak, W312? Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; o Bmartin A lust Eye Comfort. )Write for Book of the Eye .xymai Free. Murine Eye Remedy Caucus-.30. .__.>x«_. _ GERMAN TREACHERY. l‘cign Surrender and Then Resort to Murderous Tactics. Corporal W. Hastings. of the Guards, in a letter which he sent home, tells a friend at Merstham of the treachery of the Germans. It's an insult to Zulus to compare these squareheads to them for treachery. Some of them fight. fair and square, but there are thousands of others who are devoid of all hu- man feeling. What do you think of this? Near the banks of the River Aisne they had attacked and been driven buck. and they camc again and again. but they were brought- down by rifles and machinegnns. A 'smull dert-uclnnent of the Northampâ€" tons were in a trench when 400 or 500 of the Germans held up their 'hands. The “L'oblcrs†were order~ ed not to fire. and an ofï¬cer asked in French and English if they sur- rendered. They came on in skull;â€" ing manner, and some threw down. their rifles. In every way they showed they were giving themselves" up as pl'lSullel‘S. The “Cobblers†were priding. themselves on the capture: but] ‘when the Germans were three r four yards away they poured a mur- ‘ dcrous ï¬re at the pom fellowsl Thcy had not :1 dogs chance. 21nd,1 nearly all were nncked over. The ’dcvlls then tried In gci back. andl iron for their lives. but our batta1~l ‘ion was soon after them. Before! they got many yards :1 machinc-gun.‘ ‘ripped them up. and More; of themi 'rolled over. Some go: away. but our battalion got them in the rear. .Our lad~ were simply flll'lulh‘ at ‘Cuch treachery. â€"â€"‘l‘ Japan‘s empress is making bond ages for the Red Cross nurses. | | 1 ’I‘lll‘} llO'l‘lli‘Jih OF MEN. Ry Joaquin Miller. The bravest battle that ever was fought! Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will ï¬nd it notâ€"- 'Tis fought by the mothers of men. Nay. not with cannon or battle shot, With sword or nobller pen! Nay, not with eloquent words or ithought From mouths of wonderful men. But deep in the walled-up woman’s heartâ€" Of woman that would not yield. But bravely, silently, bore her partâ€"â€" Lo, there is that battleï¬eld‘ N0 marshalling troop, no bivouac song. No banner to gleam and wave; But, oh! .their battles, they last From babyhood to the grave. Yet faithful still as a bridge of stars, ï¬ghts townâ€" Fights (m and on in endless wars. Then, silent, unseen, goes down. Oh, ye with banners and battle shot, And soldiers to shout and praise. I tell you ibhe kingliest victories fought VVelre fought. in those silent way-s. Oh, spotless woman in a world of shame, ‘ Wirth Splendid and silent scorn, Go back to God as white as you came, The kinlglie-st warrior born! _ 'I‘-â€"â€"__ V A Fughtful Flrc Causes widespread sorrowâ€"likewise a. lively corn causes much painâ€"the cure She in her walled-up is “Putnam’s,†the old reliable Put- nam‘s Corn Extractor. that never fails and always cures. try it, 25c. at all dealers. -85.â€" Odd. It is odd that the man who speaks without thinking is the one most apt to say what he thinks. MIHul'd'S Llnlmeni for sale everywhere. All 1(108. Our idea of nothing worth worry- ing about is the announcement that new style trousers are to be with- out cuffs. "HELP KEEP THE POT ABOILING." Mr. T. R. Gaines, the People's Poet, is destined to set Canada on ï¬re with his war poems! His last effort "Help Keep the Pot Aboiling" (dealing with the busi- ness situation) will soon be heard in every village, town and city of our land. Every home, store and factory will become fam- iliar with this superb poem. It goes out as the business man's war song, So. brings a copy poet/paid. in postcard form. 6 for 25c. Be in line. buy a. postcard for yourself and friends. THE WAR PUBLISHING COMPANY, 589 St. Catherine 51.. w.. Montreal. Que. A Fair Warning. Barber (turning sharply round, almost wrenchlng off his client’s hose)â€"Don’t go. sir, it’s your turn next. Mlnard's Linlmeni cures Dandruff. “\Ycll. Bobbv. did you have all the pudding you wanted at din- ner †“Nan: before I got ball when I wanted I got full." llllnard's Llnlmeni Relieves Neuralgla. Raul; Hypocrisy. "The best of us have to be hypo- crites at some time." “How now l" "I was just Condoling with my neighbor over the loss of his graph- .o};hone. It got smashed last night." Bad Blood is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and skin. The undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. lilorse'slndian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating themâ€"on the kidneys. giving them ease and strength to properly filter the bloodâ€"and on the skin. opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take Dr. Morse's Indian R063" “"119 EILT. 4. British .Ioropluncs lln‘ lust. “The British acroplnntw have proved in be more than equal to those of the Germans." says thc Paris correspundcnt of the Lonâ€" don Times. “Especial SIICCCSS has been soured with the new tvpc of British ilPl‘uplallO called the ‘chas- er,’ which is capable of developing a speed of 150 miles an hour. and which can rise from the ground at a very sharp angle. The German antiâ€"airship guns are so effective that it. is unwise for the British or French aviators to fly lower than 6,000 feet from the ground. An airâ€" man when under ï¬re has to keep up continual glides, sharp turns and evolutions in order to prevent the enemy from getting an accurate aim. Looping the loop, however, is strictly forbidden.†4‘ l Nova, Scotia line of luleren it) All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15,â€"When inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "I was always ‘blue’ and dc- pressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unï¬t for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. IWhat I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist‘s recommendation used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. ‘. “I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills.†Dr. Hamilton’s Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of longâ€"standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for child1 All dealers sell ‘ Dr. Hamilton’s Pins of Mandrake and Butternut. ‘ â€"__>X4___ " An Authority. “A man told me toâ€"clay that there. is as much nourishment in a. nick el’s worth of peanuts as there is in a pound of steak,†said the Old Fogy. “Who was he? A scientist?†ask- ed the Wise Guy. “No,†replied the Old Fogy. “He was a peanut merchant.†INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon K: Davis. Patent Solicitors. Montreal, report that 117 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending October 6th, 1914, 78 of which were granted to Americans, 24 to Canadians, 10 to residents of foreign countries and 5 to residents of Great Britain and colonies. . Of the Canadians who received patents, 12 were residents of Onâ€" tario, 4 of British Columbia. 3 of Nova. Scotia. 2 of Quebec, 2 of Sas- katchewan, and 1 of Manitoba. Lady â€" Your reference says, among other things, that you are accustomed to cooking course dinâ€" ners. Miss Casey (indignantly) â€" Coarse dinners, is it! Sure, mum, then it do be a. mistake. I cooks very foine dinners. Mlnard's Llniment Cures Burns. Eta. Proviin (‘nild. Motherâ€"“What makes the cry So. Nettis‘l†Small Nettisâ€""Oh, he got. fussy.‘ because I tried to open his mouth wide with your gloveâ€"stretcher.’y l | baby, A Well-known l'lan. Minurd's 'Linimcnt Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs.â€"I can recommend your MINARD'S LINIMI‘JNT for Rheumatism and Sprains. as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly. T. B. LAYERS. St. John. The Ruproof Valiant. An artisan and his assistant came to a house to do some repairing. As : he entered, the lady of the house said. in loud tones: “Anna. before you do anything; else. lock all the silverware in the; vault!" l The man heard this, and after he‘, had put on his overalls. he called to his assistant, so that the mistress | of the house should hear him. “Fritzie. I think you had better run over to the shop with my watch and purse; evidently they ISSI-‘E 44““. are not safe here .'" 3â€"BOLERS Dclicately flavouredâ€" Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask your grocer for “Clark’sâ€. I'ABMS 1‘03 SALE. N I. w DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Streak Toronto. IF YOU \VANT TO BUY ()Ii SELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm- urite H. \\'. Dawson. Brampton. or 9" t‘rlhnrna St. Toronto. 3. w. DAWSON. Colborne 51.. Toronto. m POE SALE. EGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWIer prize winners. All ages. Both sexes. Fisher luvs†nf'llnllllt‘l‘. (Inf. “â€" NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D IVEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN . I_York (,‘ounty. Stationery and Book ;Busmess in connection. Price only $4.000- ‘Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing (Zom- lnany. 73 West Adelaide Stroet, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS. UP-TO-MINUTE WAR. BOOK and Combination Christmas Gifts are SURE MONEY-MAKERS. Handsome Samples Free; Best Terms. ORDER NOW: Postage twenty-ï¬ve- cenls. Nichols (.‘0m~ pany Limited. Public-hers, Toronto 0 ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. internal and external, cured out pain by our hcmc treatment. us before too late. 1):: Bellman MISCEL-LANEOUS. ETC.. with- Write Medical 00.. Limited. Collinzuood. Ont, KTENTS 0F INVENTIONS PIGEON. PIGEON 6: DAVIS 1Ia St. James St.. - Montreal >Write for information New and Second-hand. for heating and power purposes. Water Flumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STAGKS. R N ORKS POLSON' Smut... ronuuro Engineers and Shipbuilders. A Truly “Doubling the Watch†53.33:.†This 11 x 14 reproduction is rich lll color and should be in every home. Send 25c. for sample copy. Post paid to any address? Agents Wanted. MALONE MOULDINc a. FRAMING 60.. MONTREAL. OOPELANE’S curs res cousuupuou David Warnock, 202 Wiihrow _\ve_.. Toronto, writer; that he owns his life to the :xbove remedy: “Now that I run well and strong again, I write to st.qu that the fact I rim alive to»d.iv Willi-Rifle} to the merit of your medicine. The doc- tO's gave me only 8 io 10 days to live. . . I w‘rli cvery one could know the worili of your medicine. especially three zliilicled with con- sumption. as i W'l.‘, for I undouhn edly saved my life to it: use. Etc.’ A doctor and a specialist. attended David Warhock and gave him no hope. That was in March. 1911. Four months afterwards, he was a well man and 1nd g‘Lincd 66 lbs. If you suffer. or know of one, send us your addres. and wv will send 2:. copy of Wzirnock's testimony in full and also many others; some of which have been cured of (‘I'IT‘OIIIC bronchitis of over 30 ycurs‘ sund- ing'. _ At your druggist or direct from us at $1.00 per bottle. COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY. LIMITED. 511 PAP}: AVE.. â€" TORONTO. Looking Ahead. "1 have just telephoned to our new neighbors to ask them if there is anything we can lend them,†said Mrs. Scrimpins. "Aren’t you getting wonderfully generous †asked her husband. “Oh, it's just as well to be neigh- burly. Most of our stuff is pretty well worn. and as they moved in I saw a lot of things that will be worth having when it comes our turn to borrow.‘ You will ï¬nd relief in Zam-Buk! It eases the burning, slinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with 2am. I Buk, means cure. Why not prove ' 4a ‘1 namâ€" ï¬e? “you.