A large stock of FUI‘PX‘HI Furnishing kept at both places Tel. M. 36%] RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS :30 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada! 'l‘elnphnne. Main ‘31! Cable Address. "Dado." A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Barristersï¬alicitors. Notaries, kc: Home Life Building (‘01: Adelaide & Victurm Sts.. l‘oro'lto. PIANO TUNING Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales litteuded to on shortest notice and at rem souabLe rates Patronage solicited _ Fur the County of YtVu-IET SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO Uudm'lnkers (t Emhulmers Licensed Auctloueer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Norm Toxouto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sale a specialty. Farms bought and sold on com ' siuu. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-lo-dnbe methods. Address: 239 Buniol St , Noun Toronto. Phone in House. North 2292.. DenAton, Grover & Field - 1‘. Sax‘zeon Maple . gal-party}. “MagNaughton Phone No. 28. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etcf “ OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \VEST Gulls by phone 01' otherwise promptly l‘espcnded to JOHN R. CAMPBELL, L_awrenge_‘ _ & Dunbar, All mail orders will receive prompt. attPnLion. 200 BERESFORD AVE, W EST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. '1‘. F. McMAHON. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. D. H. PINKERTUN, V.S. ILICENASED AL'C'I‘IONEER .E‘HURSDAY MORNING “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE .7031! .7. 9avidson RESIDENCE FIN!) house north of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. Phone No. 2402. VETERINARY SURGEON. l ISS““’“"f Maxi-iii'ii821;§éé. Thornhill. {RIOhmOnQ Hill I‘Iaple, ()nt. C. lCGAlV WRIGHT BROS Barristers. Snlicwrs Organs Repaired. Expert “"011 $I per annum; in advance. ‘6 Salgeon & McEwen ‘ VOL. XXXVI]. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER BUSINESS CARDS. :OFFICE AND RESIDENCE J; H. Prentice IS PUBLISHED EVERY EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Puche Main 2984 iheral J K McEwen Weston Tuesd‘u‘ 072179173 Victoria L. 0‘ L 0 each month - 7 b Mahmoud Lodg4 dnv on or before { CourtRichmond jay 7 p. 111. Sunday School at ‘1 Tkiqrsfday eygning. enjoys :1 Imtimml roputnlinn fur superim- Business and Shm-thund Education. All business schnuls are nut “like. Nothing less than the best should satisfy YUL', and nothing less than giving t})0_lrc:~‘t training will satisfy 75. Cutuldgne free). Enter any time. Yong: and Charles SIS. COMMISSIONER. CONVE “THomn'GHxESs†0f [his Institution sum-em] lwcause [h Cm-rect I’l‘ Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $350130 $4.00 and all convenient and up to-dnte appliances that: save time and work for the llousc Wife. Tm-nntn Oï¬1ce. sznm ‘328 COHdePI'h tim: LifeBldg.. NH. 12 Richmond St. 1“. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-211’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon, \Vnudhridze, Saturday forenonn. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. BARRISTER Monoy to Loan onlandanachauel mortgages“ nwest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ben owed to the old post emu.- one door wut of the enzrance to the Ontario Bank ' Newmuket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of she post otï¬ce T HannEnTLENNox G V Monnm LEHNVNOX & MORGEV In the Canadian Magazine for November Brittnn B. (hmke. in an article entitled "Is This True?" al- most charges the Canadian <penple with disloyalty in not demanding Uanadiammadu goods whenever [hm-v is vqlml value and attention given. He cites instances where prvft-t-an-e has hut-n shnwr. to articles of fut'eign manufacture. lmt the glst nf his ar- ticle is intended to mad the cnncience of the Canadian people on the point of patriotism of this nature. THORNIâ€"lILL Commissioner, Cunveyancor, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Village Dlrectory Electrician, Richmond Hill NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT ISBIONER. (‘ONVEY RNâ€ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance {DO IT ELECTRICALLY evening. ud Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- before full moon chmond, A O F â€" Meets fourth Fri~ $.30 U W--Moets thiri Wednesday :11: Izm,S 0 S â€"-Meets second andfouxtb 3 st Lodge. I.0.0.F.â€"Meets second and isdav of each moan}: 1nd“, Jun-.- A. NICHOLLS EDWARD FRANCIS :u‘rlstc 's and Solicitors ELLIOTT WILLIAM COOK TORONTB NOTARY PUBLIC . SANDERSON . SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. 2368â€"Meets Lb Wednesday 30. General prayer meeting W. J. Alli")!!! u s is lhe key-note :n. Our graduates Hwy have rccoiwd ’wpumtinm. In Essmtz'alc, Unity; in ELLIOTT. Principal G V MORGAN Magazine for i. Uunke. in :In This True?†:1]- Yunndiun ‘penple not den-landing m, and Sunday Sunday Class at Best groomed and e hays’ classes, 3, (i and Hunt. Richmnud Hi†tun Chvyne. Multnn. BesL grnnmed and equipped team in sudâ€"H. Pigntt. Eglinum. Best grumde and equipped team in stubbleâ€"\Villisun Clark uf Richmond Hill. Best, {10ng team in sud Smith. Mullm). Best guing [cum in stubble Clark, Richmond Hill. Stoutfvillr man. Best crowns h Class 1. Cameron \\'2nlkinglun. King; class 2. John Huwstmuscr, \Vondhill; clalss3. Genrge Hzm'stmusel', \Voodhill; class 4. Alex. McDonald, King; class 5, \Villinm Clark. Richmond Hill; class 6, Clifford Knupp, Mincsing; class 7, Alex. \Vulk- inglun. King; class 8. Ohms. Plunkett. \Vpstnn. Best ï¬nishâ€"Class 1, Cameron \Valx- ingtun. King; class :2, John Huwstr-ul- er, \medhill; class 3. Rnhert Baird. Yemxmn; class 4. Alex. Mcl)mml(l. King:clnss 5. Thus. Unuk. (Jun-Ville; class 6. L‘lile-«l Knupp, Minesing; class 7.211032 \Vulkiugtuu, King; class 8. Charles Plunkelt. \Vestnu. Best ins and nuts-~Clnss l. G. H. Lee, Urillin; Class 2. Edwin ’l‘imlm-«u Eighth class, stubble, open one horse only In be usedâ€"l, Plunkett, \Vestun. 2. Jt‘aSu Richards, lung; 1* Cheyne, Multan; 4, meil Vellum. Seventh class. stubble, In 15 years, open In plows with nut, whvclsâ€"l. Alex. \V: King; 2. Keith 'l‘hnmns, .Percy Uheyne. Maltnu; 4 Unutcs. Multun. Sixth years â€" stubblek]. Thunms \Villium Ulruk. Ric] ï¬t‘ld MuCnlJnm. Sty 'l‘imlwls, Ringwuml men who huVl‘ ï¬I‘SL-Class in second c1.- 53 m George Hqut Charles Hum, Robert Bail-ll. 3 Fourth class, pInWsâ€"l, Alex \\'iHisun Fl’l‘lil Bruwn. King. matchâ€"- I. John Huwstraus‘ex, \Vnml hi“; 2, Clarke Ynung. Hagennun ; 3, George Uuuperthwuite, Millike-n; 4. George Cmvie, Milliken; 5, Edwin Timbers, Stouï¬'ville; 6. James l‘hil'kit’, Richmond Hill. Third class. sod, open tn hnys under 18 years. 1. Roy \Vilson. Vt-llurv ; George HquIl'ule', \Vnndhill; Charles Hunt, Richmond Hill- k'L: _l\'.. PRIZE \VINNERS CLASSES I.\' SOD Film-class, sod, 0pm) to nH~â€"]. Cum- el-on \Vulkingtun. King : ‘2. Stanley Tyndall, Richmond Hill; 3. \Villinm 011-, Maple; 4, Chan les Clubine, Vaugh- :m; 5, George Mancblun. Graham- \‘iHP; l5, L. Swindele, OriHin. . .7 » » who have never taken two ï¬rst prlzes m second class or any prizein first- cluss at, any scciety m' assocmtmn h . . . - . â€"7 . ‘ o, : \‘IHP; 6, B. L. bwmdele, 0 Second class, sod, open’ who huVe never taken t.“ Much of the success of the meeting was due to the indefatigable emu-Ls of the secretary. Mr. J. T. Snigeon of Maple. The results were fully made up by 7p.m.. and the prizes. :mmummg In nver $560, were Lth distrihntvd 11 on) the balcony of the Inkermun Hotel tn the successful competitors. Keen competition murkcd each event, and in a stiff snil, excellent 1'9- sults were nth-lined m'r-r the large ex- tent of grnund covered. Fifth Representative ness nwn were pr of L_he county. eluding a. large nnmhe Lending, and [In-1'0. ht number of 41 teams e various events. The unnu King and V" mrio Plow Tuesday (m Lht. 5. Cm). Tuesday un the farm of Héitigx-Il Coles Lot, 5, (3m). 8. Vaughan. proved :1 re uml'kahle suceess, over 1000 pepple, in- ninflh." A. L_ . King and GROOMING AN!) EQUIPMENT (1) class, stubble, open to p]: who have never tnkvn :1 prize wins in sod or ï¬rst, prize 1d class or that in men‘s class ilekl‘ Thomas Cook, (Jill'l'YHI? um Ulul'k. Richmcnd Hi“; I}, (x‘ MuCnlJnm. Strange: 4. \Yilf: > , annual plowing match of the and Vaughan Branch of the 0n~ Plowmczu‘g ASSQCjiltiOn, held PLO\\'[.\'G 1x I b'm‘leun King. class, stubble, open to all, only In be usedâ€"l, Charles u‘v Cliff ;clnss 2. Edwin Timle class 3, Robert Build. Yen SPECIAL PRIZE Inn-(tire farmers and lumi- wm-v present from all parts ..L.. Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- and equipped team in (i and 7â€"â€"l. sud. Chas. Hiâ€;2, stubble. Clay- .. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5 (I, open tn lmys undm y \Vilson. Vq-llurv; 2. zluwr, \Vnndhill; 1:, Richmond Hill; 4, (’IJIllilH. uhhlo, buys under 17 l Knupp. Minesing; s, King; 3, (Iluyum 4, Mervin \Vilsun. Vaughan Plowing Match :nd, open tn jninlm McDonald. Klng; 2. King; 3 \Vuller mgunn. proved :1 1'8- , over 1000 penple, in- nmher of ladies. at- -1'0. being the record uns entered for the ill; class 4. Alex. ass 5, \Villizun : class 6, Ulifl'm'd ‘7, Alex. \Vulk- TU BBL} buys under ith “1' with- \Vulkinglun. , Maple; 3, to plmvmen “'illizun M to plow- prize in w dut- .vstmu- , Baird. )mmld, l'l'VlHt‘; g; class :lnss 8, Gmdnn “'ilfn-d in and MW. Jnnws \Vuvdhring. Ont :lttPude-d, and 104: silk mauve crop with shadow lu trimming and Wu pearl neck-lace. 'dinm-r wrw-(I at, t Mrs. Donald \V happy cnupl» le'fL It \vuuld be wise I (-ul- tnwn tn he on “'ild “fest Gang punCPful home on S. u \vindmv. Mr. and Mrs. (7‘ May. and Master 4 visited snme 4 f thei past on Sunday. Misses K. Truun. E. Min-[son were t fur Unllingwnnd and hridv tram-Hing in navy blue hrmulclnll On their rr-turn they to Ihvir friends :I \Vuodhridm'. .Iftm' n was sole daughter Mr. jdg w-ninz AL the meeting of the» held (:11 Tuesday Inst [ht superintendents nf Depart] qppuinr“Gkâ€"Evangeliflic. A Flower mission. Mrs. Harri Sandra-5m; Missinnnry am Camp“. Mrs. Mun-[Sum (Jr-vs Mnlmn: Juvenile Sunday b Anti Nnrcmits. Mrs. meetinzm Mr» “vi-4 Mrs.Aikvnhe 311's, Swim“ J. Glass; Sys Glass. The Regulations made under the authority of the Dairy Industry Act. 1914, came into fin-c9, on September lst, and provide that, \ern dairy butter is put up in blocks. squares Ur prints and wrapped in parchment pant-r. the paper shall he plintwd or branded with the wards “Dairy Butter". in letters at least, one quarter inch square. in addition to any other wording that the butter-maker mav desire to 1159. Their is nothing in the law nr Regulations In pl'PYt’nt the use (if the word "Si-palfllï¬l'†in addittiun tn the \\'urrIS“D.-qiry Butter†hut nu such grade of butter as “Separator†is romtgn'zr‘d hy llw la\\‘. The Buttm- Act, nf 1903 defined only twv grades, namely “Dairy†and “(hwum-ry". The Dairy IndustryAct nt' lQl-ldetines a third grade as “\Vhf-y" butter. Buttermakt-rs may use any form of printing m- brandng including the wnrds "Dairy Buttm" which is not incnmistent with the dutiinitiuu hf dairv lmttvr. Butter in rulls, CI‘IICL'S Hr tuhs is not requiin to i)(-' branded. Dairy illlitt‘l'ill :36 pound bums must al<n ho branded “Dairy Butter". le fine fur nut ('muplying with the Gurermnent Art is frnm $10 to $30 fm- cauh (:tfencv. On “'ed nesd the M =1 n: grugh issued :lg The Depmtment nl' Agricullm-n Ottawa, haw sent out, an ofï¬cial circular painting nut that the infnr matinn in the notice recently sent nut hy prnduce ï¬rms in annntn are not SLI‘iL" C(il‘l'PCt». The funnu‘in" n-H'" ,, ....u m. Ivul‘K In want. (‘lnirAvvnue district. Mnny ilf'l'e re- gret that he is it’slVng. Qumtel-ly Sxervices Were held in the Methodist church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Henderson and Mrs. A. \Vordeii of annntuspent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. T. Sui geon. nu. (1(‘0. 1’. anunqnet had :1 snccPSS- ful sale lust, \vm-k. He has vxchangvd his farm Ill-rt- for property In Tmnntn. Rev. J. McKiltrick is about, to sever his connection wflh the congrv- gation of St. Stephen‘s church and will take up Mission \vm~k in the St. (‘I-.;.. Ann“... - of calls in the evening. MI. Gen. P. Bn ful sale lust, \vm-k his farm hu-rv fm A Hallmve'en party wu: home of Mr. and Mrs. last Friday waning. choice spirits hvld high cu very pleasant time- was s m re about thirty-five ini A murmur of witches m of calls in the Village ( 11 um her 1IPS bPE er of Mr. Jnmt-r, SH lgnr Hutchinson. 5 rs. Junws Hutchins ridge. Out. The mi (1, and 1m:ka chum :Im‘e m'va-de-chvm hndow 1.109 nan _ “flu, mm: m JUHHILUHX'P not fly C(H‘l'PCt. The fullnwing pam- h . is take-n from the circular 'd by the Gm‘ernment a few days Hutchinson-â€"Stevenson in all things, Charity.†‘lnity 4 mm wuro [I]? groom‘s gift, at ‘ck-luco. After a sumptuous l’VPd at, the hnnn2 nf her sistel mild \Vatsnn. leplr‘. the up)» lva on the evening train Iannd and UUM'I‘ pointy. thP H'Pllillg in a tnilnwd suit of » n-mulclnlh with picture hat. "mm 01" Ml 21m: Medal ( SySlvmutiu (. Hulluwe'en nvny. luxt y 11 renal-:ed. Victoria Square Dairy Butte?†“inch Is 9er with the duï¬initiun Butter to be Stamped Truun. V. Jennings and were the guests of Miss Buyntun on Sundav Local W.C.T.U uster Cecil of Beihesda: 4 f their neighbors of the . Mnrtsnn: (Jr-vs†Mrs Chile Snmlny Schnnl Hits, Mrs. Allr>n2 F i‘II‘S. Stirlinu‘ aunt] unsp. Maplu, Railrinsnn. {ht welln‘; of the \V.(V".T.I'. wsduy Inst [he fullmving ‘llts nf Departments were Evangelis‘lic. Mrs. Mason; inn. Mrs. Harris and Mn. Missiunnry and rJthnlv ms at, Ifter D1 um] trizFx -pm-:ed. wuro the g 'd “Duh-y Emmi-i": †nut (tnnmlying with the u-t is frum $10 to $31) fur wys umuspd them- e‘en by carrying a. ut nn sz-x-ioua dam- H...“ for the constable the loukuut. us tried to invade 'nmduy by breaki u. n Hutchinson. all 0 The bride was un Pd charming: in pa]: .1 r I - Stirling and Mrs. Mothw’s lune-tings :mchise Logislntinn :xl (Vt-ntvsr. Mrs. N in: Girmg, Mrs. J.P Sn ndprsr “'11! Maple chum», uimirwd 1nd rhirw-stune law. The Butter only two guides, 1nd “(Yre‘uuu-ryâ€. Aqlï¬pf 1914 deï¬nes Reba Hg. \Vitnlws and high carnival and :1 - was spmnr. Thvre ï¬ve invited guests. II he at home Hilltop \‘llln, velnhm W. by [he the III-nriage 'hil. youngest Stevenson, to sun of Mr. that the info}: -ccntl_v sent nut 11's and Mn. md Lumber SL’lmnls and Hen: Purim- in nddillinn tor†hut nu “Separator†The Butter 1) September wth (Iuiry r. squares ln' parchment ! plintrd up ls lwld ,nd Mrs. lune-ti rigs mdo :l. ‘mund on Saturday Miss hesda. Ida u nking 29th, the . 19H It, the Monks 's and RICHMOND BILL, ONI’ Everything up-to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality D. HILL & GU. Bakers and Confectioners STIVER & RAMER We have the D.L. 8c VV. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better†Order now Orders taken for ORANGES, GRAPE . . AND . . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Snor Different Varieties of age Corn at the Ele‘ ALSO HAXDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES ' VY‘ V'VVYVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ‘ W. A. Sanderson Comforts add i'I‘eething‘ ngs Puttic Attention consisting of all the be And everythingâ€"fur the Baby A‘l'lop bg [ifs For the Baby ‘anitury 1nd Measured and all accessories for the same _.._0__ Multed mm: ï¬eéilél Mellins‘ Food .._~u._._ RICHMOND HILL Talcum P owder Condensed Milk Feeding Bottles [Single copies, 3 cts Bm-din Eagle Brand __0__ Baby Foods for the Chickens OUHtS. DRUGGIST ____0____ Our lines of or Red Clay Pressed Brick. Cracked Corn 3. Hm-lnck's fades Food, RUIT Shorts No. I9