Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Nov 1914, p. 3

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When people realize the injurious effects of rbera. amd coffee and the change in health that Postum can bring, they are usually glad to lend their testimony for the benefit of others. ‘ “My member, since her early childhood. was an invemra-fxe coffee drinker, had been troubled wit-‘11 Hle heart for a number of years and ‘complained of that “Weak all over’ feeling and sick stomach.” (The effects on the system of tea and .ooffee drinking are very similar. be cause they each contain the drug, caffeine.) O shame on selfish patronage, It is the country’s ruin. Come, put the right man in his place, And up now, and be doing! 0 gallon-t, gallant, volunteers In eVEI‘y town and village, For there are tigersâ€"fiends, not menâ€" May violart‘e, burn and pillage! Are you ready. Britons all, To answer foes with thunder? Arm, arm, arm! Up, stout Iimb’d yeomen, leave awhile The fattening of your cat-bleâ€" And if indeed ye wish for peace, Be ready for the battle! To fight the battle of the world, Of progress and humanity, In spite of his eight million lies And bastard Christianity! Are we ready, Britons all, To answer foes with thunder? Arm, arm, a-rml When the baby is ill or out of sorts give him Baby's Own Tablets. They _are the ideal medicine for [little _ones and never fail to relieve constipation and indigestion; cure colds, allay simple levers and pro‘ mote healthful sleep. Concerning tfherm Mrs. F. Wurker, Ingersoll, Ont, says: “I have used Baby‘s Own Tablets for eight years and can highly recommend them to all mothers for babyhood and childâ€" hood :Lilmentvs.” The tablets are sold by medicine dea-lers 01' by mail art 25 cenrts a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The following hitherto unpublish- Ed poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. has been forwarded to the editor of the Spectator (London, Eng.’) by the present Lord Tennyson, who _recentaly quoted one of the three stanzas in the course- of a speech. 0 where is he, the simple fool, Who says that, wars are over. What bloody portent flashes tlh-ere Across the Straits of Dover? Nine hundred thousand slaves in arms May seek to bring us under; But England lives, and Still will we, For we’ll crush the despot yonâ€" de-r. Are we ready, Britons all, To answer foes witth thunder? Arm, arm, arm! “Some tinle ago I was unaking a. visit to {L dlstant part of the coun- bry and took dinner with one of the mere-hang of the place». I noticed “I was so pleased with it; that, after the meal was over, I bought a package 130 carry home with me, and had wife pre-pazre some for the next; meal. The whole family were so we‘ll plesed with it that we disâ€" continued coffee and used Post-um entirely. “I had really been at times very anxious concerning my mother’s condition, but we noticed that after using Postum for a short- time, she felt so much better than she did prior tp‘itvs_use, _und had little trou- CU‘SIS :â€" a somewhat unusual flavour of “the “coffee,” and asked him concern- ing it. He replied that it was Posâ€" tum. b-le wih'h her heart and no stomach; that the headaches not, so frequent, and her ge condition much improved. continued until she was well hearty. As the editor of the Spec-{ator re- marks, the poem seems almost as if it were writtmen for the present degree as she mg.” mysen e; the faml R0 1) 0i 10 tlns cream and beverage The 0051 about. the 1y in A 'l‘lvjNNYSON CALL TO ARMS. WHEN BABY IS ILL zgl'ee as in the case of my 1 she was a victim of Ion g.” Name given by C Js‘t-um Co., Windsor. Ont- Postum comes in two {0 Regular Pustum â€" must yiled. 50c and 25c packa; Instant Post “Illâ€"is a. 50111 I know Iloavy inght on 0141 .\go. Ff 10w Postum has benefit {1nd the other members 11y. but not In so marked PRESSED HARD sugar, n 1115111 nil)“ 111K nful d â€"sold b y Grocers â€"Tennyson my mother ,ong st ves qulck- and. with i‘ m : stand- l-nadlan were neral This and Ids S K )OW The authorâ€"composer of this lyric is J ack J udge, a, musicwhall artist in London, and there is probably no man in the world more surprised than heâ€"unless it is his publisher, Bert Feldmanâ€" at the popularity it has so suddenly achieved. The Bri- ton sings it when reveille sounds; he sings it rouite marching to down the monotony of “Boots-boots- boots-boots, sloggin ’up and down again”; he has familiarized his French comrades with “Le chemin a. Teeperaire,”; and he sings it When he takes his position in the teeth of a raking shell fire. But why he chooses this particular air nobody knows. » “It’s a. good song of its kindâ€"a good marching tune,” Feldman says. “quite simple, and it doesn't lrequire much breath to sing it, for there are no particularly high or low notes in it. But there are other songs with all these qualities; the fact, is. we can never say with any certainty Whether a. song will catch l Out comes the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain-subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 500. family size bottle; small trial size 250. Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywhere. The National City Bank of New York city has a graduate woman cook Whose dwty it is .to prepare good Wholesome meals for its 400 employees. Nearly Every Publisher in London Turned Down “Tipperary.” rFhe route to Tipperary is devoid of any sbrarbegical importance, but it is playing no mean part in up- holding Wh-at military experts term the morale of the British troops. The Germans thunder “Die Wacht am Rhein,” the French chant the “Marseililaivse,” impressive and sonâ€" orous, and the Belgians fight gal- lanrtry with their beautiful “Bra,- bavnco‘nne” on their lips. But; the British'sing no national air; they go gaily into battle shouting an'in- consequent musicâ€"hall ditty that has nothing what-ever in it abourt death or glory or the Bulldog Breed. firanulaicd Eyelids, o r 8 Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dust and Wind gulckly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At You Druggist's 50¢ per Bottle. Murine Ey. Salve in'hzbea 25c. For Bookol Ihe Eye free ask Dmggisu o: Murlne Eye Remedy (20., Chicago I With reliable old Nervillne you can rub out the pain of Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Lumbago, or Neuralgiaflrub it away so completely that you feel like new all over. Nerviline is highly concentratedâ€" about five times stronger than the or- dinary white ammonia linimentâ€" therefore it penetrates quick1y~sinks in deeplyâ€"and gets right at the core of the pain at onceâ€"draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffnessâ€" eases the joints that have hurt you so much. Torlul'cs 0f Rheumatism Yield to This Remedy It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, how long you have had itâ€"rubbing with the king of all lini- ments “Nerviline” will cure you. A Marvel of Speed. an Unfailing Cure for Old Chronic Cases. “It’s a. long way to Tipperary, It’s a: long way 4:0 go; It’s a. long way to Tipperary, To the sweebest girl I know! Goodâ€"bye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicesterâ€"square, It’s a, long, long way to Tipperary But my heart’s right; there I” “Artist, nothing! It contains 1 couple of pairs of forcepts the den tist asked me to get for him.” “Did yo house ” a: “Nothing ed the burg song fact cert on ‘ One GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. Here is the chorus of the song BRITAIN‘S BATTLE SONG. What have you got in the pack Drawing materials I didn’t know you or not. The Ti} it 12V as lilt, .so 1 undertook But. before coming had tried his song on Hoard 0n the Train. «on find anything asked the footpnd l‘lle (‘h-nn-I'p. perary €vi 31' mg on were an art 1: 1e, answer- it’s bad luck 11in n that )I me JS WNW} Like § Hair Like This “Now we’re all singing itâ€"it’s so catchy, simple, and lightheartedâ€" and I’m printing 10,000 copies a day, which doesn’t meet the deâ€" mand. Guess we’ll dearfen the Kaiser with it before we’ve done!” The German Emperor once paid a handsome compliment to the Brit- ish marines. He was lunching with some Royal Marine officers at their headquarters at Easrtney, by Portsâ€" mouth, and he rbold them: “I coin- sider that the British Royal Marine is the best allâ€"round fighting man in the world.” That was twenty years ago; but the “Joillievs” are now wishing for a chance of remind- ling him of the incident. cally every publisher in LC and they all turned it down The province of Quebec has a, to- tal of 111,400,900 acres of land set aside as forest reserves. This to- tal includes the National and Gaspe parks, in addition to twenty township forest reserves aggregat- ing 267,000 acres. In Ontario, the area of forest reserves totals 11,- 690,240 acres, with an additional 2,- 757,120 acres included in the Algon- quin. Quetico and Rondeau parks, More thap a, quarter of the workâ€" ing people '11] the United States are women. a; totalireserved area of 14,447,360 acres. Invariably results when you use a cheap con-n sadve. Be judicious, use “Putnam‘s,” for fifty yeam it has cured coma and warts vham nothing e'lqe can touch. Ask for Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor only 250., at 3111 dealers. “Women may learn to smoke and drink.” C 1‘] mm a women . “But they will never adopt tht habit of getting behind a. news paper at breakfast and contribut ing only grunts to the conversa tion.” Cuucum Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Llhem! sampie or each mailed free, wlth 32-9; took. Adan-es "Cutlcum." Dem. K Boston. USA. Realize this ambition, when assisted by Cuticura ‘Oint- ment, by keeping your scalp clean and free from dandruff, itching and irritation. ' Samples Free by Mail 61mm Sm Willem You An Appalling Condition Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper Well ’I” Would Like to Provo It. than 51x Ls in the Forest Reserves. Impassiblc. ‘ )Wfi rer cent. of the nited States are ISSL'E754’14. London, “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab. lished regularity. My appetite grew keenâ€"my blood red and pureâ€"heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills did it all.” The proposal has been made in all seriousness, and is interesting from the historical point of view. Apart from the ancient history of Tamerlane and other such Oriental monsters, the Russian authorities a couple of hun- dred years ago took the archtraitoi and pretender to the Throne of Cath- erine the Great round the central province of Russia on his way to Mos- cow for execution. The peasants would like to have an opportunity ot paying a good fee to see the “German monster," as they term him, in a sim- ilar plight. They say, "Our cause is right, and we will take this William prisoner, but he is not Napoleon, and we will not send him to St. Helena, but will have him taken around every hamlet in Russia. There is not a Rus- sian alive who will not pay his last farthing to see it done, and the Gov- ernment may have the money, for they will want plenty before the war is concluded." flow a Sick Woman Can Regain Health The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton’s, 25c. per box, All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone 00., Kingston, Ontario. A very curious suggestion comes from Rusia regarding the punishment to be meted out to the Kaiser. The peasants in far-away inland villages, for example, in the very poor province of Riazan, are clubbing together to maintain hospitals for returned wounded, are imposing voluntary tax- ation upon their villages for War pur~ poses, and are in every way indicating their whole-hearted sympathy 'with the objects of this war. A friend from these parts says that the peasants there have what is considered by them to be an admirable idea for rais- ing large sums for the war. namely, to capture the German Emperor and put his Majesty in a cage, which the Rus- Sunday School Teacherâ€"â€"“What do you understand by suffering for righteousness’ sake ‘2” Little Girl â€"â€"“Please, miss, it, means having to come to Sunday School.” sian authorities could then take throughout the Empire as a spectacle to be shown to every village. The vil- lagers would be willing to pay any- thing as an entrance fee for such a Sight. “Why are you so down on Briggs. the hotelkeeper?” “He gave me had quarters in exdhange for a good dollar." Russians Are Anxious to See him in a Cage. best: Mathias Fol-3y. Oil City, Ont Joseph Snow, Norway. Me. Charles Whnoten, ~M111grave, Rev. R. 0. Armstrong. Mulgr Pierre Landere, seur., Pokemc Thomas Wasson. Sheffield, N wheel head relieve you Patâ€"Aye Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows be READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. Minard's Llniment Cures Colds. &c. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria EIII THE KAISER AS A SHOW believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the 01' No l Dealerâ€"Why the barrow the barrow 3.. Pat? It’s not a re’s an inclined More Likely. 3.( master, the but hang me if the bum; ll exactly so To Him. mor ache Vt ane more hard 11‘ EGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE prize winners. All ages. Both sexes. Fisher Bros., Benmiller. Ont. 8. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colbome Sax-ooh Toronto. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN ‘York County. Stationery and Book Busmesa in connection. Price only $4.000- Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com- nany. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. ‘1 internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. IF YOU “WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm urite H. W. DaWSon. Brampton. or 9’3 (‘nlborno St. Toronto. ‘ANCER. TUMORS. Lumpy ETQu .. w. DAWSON. 001120119 52.. Toronto. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION "Now that, I am well and st! again, I write to state thahythe I am alive to-day witnesses to merit of rour medicine. The ‘ tore gave me only 8 to 10 days live. . . . I wish every one c( know the worth of your medic especially those afllicted with ‘ sumption, as I was, for I undo edly s‘aved my life to its use. E A doctor and a specialist attended David Warnock and gave him no hope. That was in March. 1911. Four months afterwards. he was a. well man and had gained 66 lbs. If you suffer. or know of one. send us your address. and we will send a. copy of Warnock's testimony in full and also many others; some of which have been cured of chronic bronchitis of over $0 yeare' stand- mg‘ COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 511 PAPE AVE David Warnock, 202 Withrow Ave_., Toronto, writes that he owes hla {life to the above remedy: At your druggist or dlreci us at $1.00 per bottle. will help it to heal quickly and prevent riskof infection. Carbolated “Vaseline” contains 1% % of Catholic acid, blended with a. pure “Vaseline"base. lt is a most effective antiseptic dressing For cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as eczema, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good For coms. Sold by drug and department stores everywhere, or sent to you direct on receipt of: priceâ€"20c for a full size bonle. Free booklet on requesL Just A Scratch CHESEBROUGH MFG CO. UT it needs looking after iust the same. First aid treatment with CARBOLATED 1880 CHABOT AVE. MONTREAL V&§@§Efl@ NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE fiflPELM’S FARMS POE BALI}. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. Trader“ u]: TORONTO. with con undoubb fro thé doc- to

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