Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Nov 1914, p. 4

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This cabinet is many friends as a high esteem and you. Trusting th in gn‘en us 0 u 1' mm \V'ill you Mrs. Patterson confer upun us the great pleasure of npm-o. printing tu your own use this kitchen cabinet. message of your new happiness. we hasten tool’fer you our most sincere congratulations and hearty good Wish- es. May every year (If your married life find you happier than the previuus one. \Ve also wish tn express our heartfelt pleasure at your happy prus- pects and We consider it alga-eat. nppnr- tu'nity as well as a glm inns and abuuud- ins;r pleasure to be ahlo to feel so much esteem and affection to the manner you have cnufided your life‘s happiness to each other. and to hnpz as we dn, that every year will unite your hearts more closely. \Vill you Mrs. Patterson confer upnlrus the great pleasure of appro- atiou to their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Patterson of Richmond Hill by her many friends. About ’70 of her friends and relatives assembled together about 8.30 pair. and presented her with a handsome Kitchen Cabinet accom- panied by a very appropriate address. The address was read by Mr. Neil \V. Mallov and the presentation made by Mr. David C. Murray. Mr. Patterson in a. few well chosen 1e- marks thanked the many friends for their great kindness and hoped they would all be spared to come and have a pleasant time at their home in Richmond Hill in the near futurv. After the presentation everything was open for amu Ellant. Parlor Games and Music was indulged in till the wee sma’ hours ofthe morning. Luncheon was served at 12.30 a. m. at which everyone did ample justice in the Tea and Coffee and all the good things. In all everything passed “if Very plvasantlv. everybody enjoying themsrlves and wishng Mr. and Mrs. Patterson long life and happiness. H'E Signed on behalf of committee: Neil \V. Mullnv, David C. Murray, Chm. E. Dicemam, Edwuxd Kyle, John B. Murmv. A pleasant as well as a nmstinteI-est- ingund profitable lime was spent at the l'PSidCDCQ of Mr. and Mrs. \Vashingtun F. Dicemzm, sixth con- cessinn hf Vunglmnmn ‘E‘I-iday evening lust, Octnher 30th. It was a present- minn to their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Patterson of Richmond Hill by lu-r TUESDAY, Nov. lT-â€"Aucti0n sale of milch cows and young cattle near Cherrvwood. Pickering. tilt proper» tvnf Russell L. Davidson. Sale at lo’clnck. Terms 11 months. J. H: Prentice. auct. FRIDAY. Nov. 13th. Credit sale of 100 head of cattle. SU steers and heifers, 20 COWS, some with calves by side others near due, the property of szu-khall & Talbott, lot 2!). Gun. 3, Scurboro, Agincourt. these cattle are a. select lot. Sale at, 1 o’clock sharp. Ternsz months. J. H. Pren- tice. auct. THURSDAY. Nuv. 12-Auctinn sale of horse. buggy. cutter, harness. fowl, fumiture at King. the property uf Rev. E. I. McKittx-ick. Sale at 2 o’clock. Tex-ms cash. J. '1‘. Suigeon, auct. Thé follmving is the nddn-ss : Since we have received the gluriuns nessnge (If yullr new happiness. “‘9 usten tnoffer you our most sincexe ongmlulatiuns and hearty good wish- “'EILVESDAY, N0". llâ€"Auctinn sale of 25 acres standing beech and nmplv, lot 30. concessiun-l, Semhum, the property of G. A. Gilmnn. Sale at, l o‘cluck. Tex-ms 12 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. THURSDAY. Nm’. Illâ€"Important sale pure bred Jersey Cattle. Ulydasdule Hmses, Shropshire Sheep. and ank- shixe Hogs on Int 8, Can. 2, Scurhm-n, \Vust Hill, the property of Mr. \V. N. McEachern. Sale at 1 u’clock, Terms 12 months‘ latnlogues may he had «In applicatiun to the pru- pl-ietor. 70 king St., East 'J‘muntu, m- to the uuctiuneen The breeding is first; class, some of Mr. Bull‘s strain of Bmmplun. J. H. Prentice, auct‘ TUESDAY. November lOâ€"Auntiun sale of 100 acre farm, feum stuck. imple- mean and furnitme. on Int, 12, Con. 2, Scau-bnro, helunging to the estate ufthc lute Marlin \Villis. Sulv at 12 o‘clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prenticv, uuct. Ixom )IHIX'I Jund‘ «ml you (751w fifth/ml RICHMOND HILL. 0NT., Nov. 1914 on us In the pl'esentu earnest. prayers and that, God muy bless 3 _1 he 1p mate with his AUCTION SALES is presented by your =u slight token nf the d regard we hold for that its acceptance will much ploaeme. as is presentgltinn and also Teston Thornhill spectfully ‘f committee: guml wishes '(m and your choicest bless- This ofier applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two my papers inside next; 30 days from this date. umee: To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map is Min-my, inecessary. It should be in every Canadian Home. .i. J ..... :st, bless- The Liberal has completed arrangements by which our readers can cure a copy of this excellent; map free cf charge. A Map 3% x3 fect'showing clearlyevery boundary, everyteity, eveiy town, village, hamlet and riverin the whole European War ' area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map prepared by the celebrated map firm of G. W. Bacon & Co., Ltd, of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most com- prehensive map printed. ' The priceof The Family Herald and Weekiy The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each Family Herald’s War Map, size 30 X 40 inches venient size for only $1.90. The Next Sitting of Divismn Courtrtor N0. 3, County of York, will beheld in the Court Room. fllViSIUN - DOUBT. Every Reader of The Liberal May Have War Map Free Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only John Fisher 8; Co. Farm Brokers Lumsden Building, 6 Adoluidu St East. Toronto. 13 G In V1 “’9 can loan your money on improved farm lands in York Unnn- tvy :lt guod rates uf interest first mortgage security or on improved (iLy real estuu- if you want higher rates of interest. To Rent New seven momed house in Richmond Hill, conveniences, easy rental. $9300 Vicinity of LPIIHHH ille. One hundred and fifteen acres. the soil is :1 clay loam. the kind that will nut, bake. On Ll19p1'0p~ erty is :n gnud hank ham 4llx100 :1. good eight moxde frame hnuse and two flu-wing wells. The lncn- tiun of this farm is one (if the lnnst pleasant in the township (If \Vhitchurch. A. E. GLASS $7000 Nezu‘ Vandal-f. One hundred acres, exceptinnullv well built on. Small cash payment, balance at a low rate of interest. $6000 Markham Township, six- ty-eight acres of rich loamy clay soil. fair good buildings, I't’ilSt'In- able terms. Thls farm has never been rented and is in the pink of :mldition. Mondayi Nov. 23, 1914 Business in Canada will hum. The demand for erl-lx-uinml yuung men and women for busi- ness will be keener than aver. The Wise are plepuling nmv. Get into one of our schools and be ready. A few months will do it. It will pay you wvll. Fru- catnlugne. \Vril.e fnl' it. Shaw‘s Business Schools, anuntn. 395 Yonge St. \V. H. Shaw. Pros. Unmmencmc RICHMOND HILL PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL I‘I () N E 37 AFTER THE WAR FREE WAR MAP§ ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 'I‘. F MCMAHON. CLERK HOUSES FARMS Lm. ne year each, including a copy of The 30x40 inches, in aneat folder of con- Grain will be ground Thursday and TUESDAY AND \VEDNESDAY of each Week up to the 25th nf Novem- her. This mill will cmnnwnce running fm CIDER, JELLY and APPLE BUTTER on \Vednesdny, Sl‘pltlllhk‘l‘ 30, 1914, mm will run on EDGELEY CIDER and JELLY MILL ASA. WINGER, Edgeley. APPLES WANTED Fl'id Star, is one dollar a year. the manufacture of H V AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer’s share, from $5 to $60 per car (on or about August; 1, 1915) to even" retail buyer who purchases new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost; in our purchasing and sales departments [F we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch 0r Dealer. of each week .: Effective from August I, 19(4. to August I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. Buyers to Share in Profits flower Prices on ford Cars . Davison, Uniouville, Ont. Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Ford motor Company Toufing Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only only articles of quallty, not cheapr.ess. This is good business for you be- cause t h e s e goods sat- isfy you To our customers we recommend C. A. SKEELE, For Sale 011 Easy Terms Richmond Hill Eight cider barrels. good as new, $1.25 each. Apply F. R. OLIVER, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Annex FOR FURTHER INI-‘ORMA'IION W’RITE OR SEE ford, Ontario of Canada, Limited G. A. MCDONALD & SON For Sale Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Housekeepers for good The Store store YOUR store. $590 540 840 J. T. LCCKE 8 CO., 1.3 m. In Marble 01' Granitm Good work, reasonable charges. Town 01‘ Uounlx y. \Vrite, \V. A. JONES. 22 Buchanan St. Monuments, Tombstone Lettering continually. 10 AdelaideSt.'E . Toronto you, not once, but Markers and Corner Posts 40 new to serve Make this \Ve are Tomntr

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