RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. Nov. 191+ For general “I “@112 gégmtlmml Help the Patriotic Fund: attend the H. S. tuurnmnont on Friday. Men’s blue and white stripe. Unch- nl'L's smock und'ovcrulls. both “'0†made and :\ gnod ï¬t, on. $1.40: an’s Calm-0d working shirts. all sizvs 75c. 9.1.; Buys fancy Ringwoud glm'PS. sin-SJ: tuT, pl. 280.; Men's hqu knit heavy wool mills. (:nlnl's red and black. pr. 45c. Atkinson t\' Switzor. A shooting muteh fnl' tnrkeys. gvese and chickens will he hg-ld at ()herry’s Corners. 3rd cun. Vaughan. nn Saturday nhernmm Jf mle week. Riï¬lesund shut guns. At the Literary meeting (if the Lunguu nth Mondslv eve-hing, Miss 1)nll)4lils will give .1 pnpn'r discussing lhulife and works of Alfred Noyes. Poems by the same, author will he read. Tunlillleisknnwn «\fmu- (Inu- :\di:m put-ts. lhm-efme such un Oppor- tunity should lie welcnmvd. a good deal nfnnnuyunce. ll Ilw funlish habit, I-f tearing steps and sidewalks muhl stupped altogether. Duand Mrs. F. A. Clurkswn. Mrs. Dr. Hunpel'nnd Mr. Phipps muth nut to the humu of Mr. and Mrs. E. \\'. Muylv Inst Thursdayafternoon. Dr. Clurksnn and Mr. Phipps am quite expert murksnn-n shunting clay pigeons thrown frlnn :1 imp and can give any invaders a Warm l't’CPPLiUII. Mr. and Mus. Ness of Boston visited their aunt. Mrs. B. MrDunuld last week. The Patriotic Fund Assucintinn wish it: LU 1w known llmtllw ï¬nd is still upmu for subscriptions. Thnsv nut- slde the village whn wish t0(:1m_lrihule N0 Very svl'inus damage \ ‘ns reported after Hatllnwc’en. in the village. but enough to uum- mine nf mu- cilizens Miss I). Cummings. Mis: Cutter and Mr. Pan-ton all of Toronto. spr-nL from F1 iduy till Munduy with 31129. J. \Vuod. :u-o imiled to leave their cuntrihutiuns \vxt,ht1|e Secretary-1‘1eusnrur, Mr. A. J. Hume. , Rev. J.H. Olivvr. :l funnier junim' pistor on the Richmond Hill Metha- dist circuit. din Monday night. at his home in Osborne Aparllnvnts,'[‘m nnln. :zgvd 47 years. Owing to :1 breakdown in health he reLired from [he miniilry thrvu years ago and ungnged in the real estate husim‘ss‘ m Tux-unto. Now i: :1 good limo tn lmy lllH‘ll tmvelings H3 we (-xpm-L they will lie very scarce. “'9 limo IS in.:l\ striped linen hiwcling. 11¢. per \‘(l.: Hark linen with white striped lmrilel-llc.; Plain or chucked ten ulnth 26 inches wide. 130.: Cream striped hath Luwels 18x36 inches. 30c. pair: \Vlmv lmth towel extra, quality licnnm-d end. 21x48 inches. 50c. en. The \Vomun's Institute will moot at the hmm- of Mus. Trvnch nu \Vedln-s- day. Nm'. llth. at 3 o‘clock. Mus. Omnshv. Picsidunt ur' the ()ntm-in Suffrage Assncintium. and Mrsï¬lvlvnr, Editor of the “\annzm’s Century." will address the meeting on the sutfmge question. A vocal solo will In: given by Mrs. A. G. Stu‘nge. and nn insprumentul SHlU by Miss \V. Hnnw. A cordial invitation is vxtendcd tn all the women of the vilinge In attend [his mevting. A well attended “188tng of the newly formed rifle assoriatlun was held in the Cunntil Chamber. Satur- day, Councillor J. H. Sandersnu. in the chain He repnrwd lhat mum thanO already signed the roll hf mcmlwrship. Majur Clark of (hr- 12th Yul-k [{angr-ls outlined tlw annsnf the vlganizalinn. and prmniu‘d to he up again tn (-nndnct the ï¬rst (hill in (lu- Skating Rink Saturday PVr‘lllllg. MI. E. . . James referred (v llw \\'m k dune along similar ï¬lms in Nurth Turunln, and Rev. S. A. Lawrence gave an in- During the evpning Mr. J. H. Sund- m-snn was elected captain and Mr. L. E. Hand. SN‘I‘BQ‘HI')‘. _ Elfujice Saturday evening will be at along similar ï¬rms in Nun-(h Tumutn, and Rev. S. A, Lawrence gave an in- spiring address. His clmil'g remarks m the members in Ihe wind: of Lord Kitchener, wereâ€"be lempvmlp. he Suht‘l', be clean, in other \vurds. be men. M rs 11a. "1.: †Jesus Christ ‘.Al1(\tllt’l‘ nf Mt'llmilh has The yuung Class have (In equipped nrm )llt‘l] Subjects Sflnduy 7 p.111 ’11†XI ’1, “'1- LOCALS .- rvgre’t lusiug fn fnm- faithful and l Jnhn Burnett, whn Presbyterian Church {UH ful f rung men «If 9 thell‘ indmn' now and iuv in them on F1 Rifle Association unduy. NM". 81 The Church o il l' Life and In my mum relul ned men of MI news see inside pages. w h : from) nur midst nd luring \vurkm-s “'11†has gone to Burnett won the n knew her as :1 Friday e'vex- the Mus ter Mr. 1 the l\\' mortality h:â€" V f the Lord IL is :L pity g up dunr \l [10! [w l‘ul'uutn, : am in- remarks of Lnrd Robert land. nng up [he MI. Ullt‘ sim Messrs John Fisher (S: ('30.. Torontn, and E. \V. Mnyle. Lungstufl’. sold for Mr. Gen. P. annnquet. Maple. his poultry at. n guml pricv. The purchust‘r is Mr. Helsml rf Turunlo. who will reside nn the fmm. The ulmve firm have A constant demand for small farms fnuu 10 to Mules in Markham and Vaughan. of Patriulic Fund. [I is lmpvd I large number will avail tlwmsle this uppnrlunitv tn see an intcn game and at. the same linw help a cause In which every Canadian his luyal suppnrt. Chaim-d with poisoning n ccw b0- lnnaing {u \ViHinm Hulsv. it neighher. Mls. Mary Kendrick of Elgin Mills was arrested by Gummy Constable Thompson on Tuesduv uf lust \\ erk. and uppem-ed lwfore Magistrate T. H. Bruntnn on Friday. Mr. T. H. Lt-nnnx, Counsel for accusml. had the 9:159 udjumned till Monday, the 9th “ISL. Large Potatoes Gibson Bram. Elgin Mills. have left at Thu Lihoml ()fl'iue seven very large pntatues uf the Deluwule variety. The seven weigh 25 “75.. 1 02. The largest, Weighs 5 lhs., 1 U7... and the nthH-s tip the scnlm ht-twven 3 and 4 lbs. much. Scores 0f fat Illt‘l‘s and othvrs have. vxmuinml them, and all say they are the lurgvst they t'\‘t't‘S:l\\'. “'9 are incline-d to think that the Gibson Bros. have broken the l't‘CUHl fm- lm'ge pntutnes. Newmarkot will huld u gn-tn-churr-h Sunday. on [he Thirll Sunday in November. 1511) inst. The idvu is (0 try and lmluccnll who can, In gm to church nu that (lily. Tho nlujvct, is :1 guud one. \\'hv I'OL' “v it in Rich llmnd llill ? Nu (lnulIL llwlu :u-e pumplc in almost evvzy village who never think nf darkening the church (ltml's. These may hun- nn prejudice against church going, hut, they have l]|('l'(’ly grown careless. A g0-LU~PhuH:ll Sunduv mighL givesmue of mu. citizens a fn-sh start in :1 guud pructicv. Open Season for Game. The following will ln-ofintervsl, tn tlu- local spurtslm-n, “ho wish 10 know llw OpUH svusnn fur the vnriuus gameâ€"Duck fl'mn Skptemln-r 15“! to Doc. lSLh. lmth (lays iuclushv. Get-59, Sf'llt. 15H] to April 15th. (ix-nus:- October 15111, to Nnv, 15m. hnth (lays inclusnv. Plover and Snipe. SvpL. 16m. in Dec. 15H]. Hum m- Rabbit. Out. lst. In Dru. 15th. Black Squirrel, Nnv. 15H). In Dec. Isl. Mink. Nm‘. 13L, tn Ahl'll 3011). Muskrnl, Dru. 15'. (n 3 Nu muskqu can be shut during the umnlh of April. The Dorcas Society 0111‘ ï¬rst, mm’ting wux' held :11 Hu- hume (If Mrs. Stirling. indny 9w. :11 S n’clm-k. The Electiun 11f nt'ï¬c<-1.~ took place: Hun. 1319s., Mrs. Slilling: Puma. Lizzie Bunsun: Vice I’rrsu Myrtle Sll)itl1:’l‘1'u:1s.. Florence- Conlnlhz Sway, Eva Hopper. “'0 (lecidrd 1-.» huvu (1111- mew-ling every second \VHI. 0\'t'liill;.{ :1L 8 n‘clock sharp. \Vu also have .1111011111ly fee of 101;. mum‘d by Amy H11lllllllnlld,51‘CHlldt'd by Finn-nu: Commhs. The (nlem-L of 11111’ club 15 to have .L monthly fee of lU(:.. mnvvd lry Amy Hnmmmnlï¬anded by Fluroncc Comnlns. The nhjm-L of our duh 15 to sew for u hazunr [.1 he lmld Sl-IIH‘HUH’ ln-fux-v Xmas, suth CI, [a [ho upprnvnl nf the club. Rufreslmwnta \VPIL‘ served and we clnsed by singing "Gnd Save the King.†Falling on her head and m-mhvd 1w- nvnth the (rnr, Mus. A. 1‘]. Mofl'nlt. DU OzlknwnuL Rnnd. Tumult», was in- stantly kilh-d ‘n a xnan- (nu- necident nem- lhe Summit House, 021k Ridges. Sunday aftL-rnuun. Mr. Muffntt had his shoulder dislccntvd, and was tnan to the General Hospital, zL little daughter. Edith was ulsn'serinusly injm'vd, while u llit'CP, Miss Stzlgg vs- cuped uninjured. The car “ms in :1 narrow part of the The car was in :1 narrow part of the road when an inner ("he on one nf the hack tires burst. upsetting Ihe auto. The occupants \vm-e thrown uuL of the car which appears to have upset, but sum) righled itself again. Patriotic Tournament The pupils and teachers of the Riel:- mnnd Hill and Aux-um High Schuuls have arranged for a grand tmn-nanwm. at Richmond Hill run Friday, Nm‘. 0" lwginning at the H. S. grounds Ht 2.01) p. In. Amnm is nuw leading in the inter H. S. league with the Hill a. Clusu svcmul 50 n gum] (.mqu is e'xpvct- ed. Tum Unlst lmskctlmll and [\V0 uf flmlhnll will he pluyml during lhl‘ nflernmnn. fvm' tennis cn-mpvting. Admission In all games, :ldulls 350.. Childl‘l’ll lU('. Elllilt‘ lll'nH‘l‘dS in HM 9f Pnll-iutic Fund. [I is hoped that u “fun-nun". fum- AdmiSsinn to all children 1UP. I'D BOSTON-(,'ARTER-â€"In Trinity Tllul'nhill, on Thursday, 0d. Rev. A. Lawrence. Ml Boshm to Miss )1. Guru-1'. llll th u dunghLL-l Come LLISâ€"At Richmond Hill, Oct. 28, 19â€. Infant, danghu-x- of Mr. and Mrs sâ€"Burn 1914. In um Ellis Fatal Auto Accident Fl id“ A Serious Charge Changed Hands Go=t04Church 129d 5 days at Richnmnd Mr. and Mrs. .y to the H. S. Tnurn. 5 win the game and swe Fund. MARRIED BORN DIED Trinity chlnch (\leUCL is :1 ‘ it in Rich- : :u-e penple who nuver Hill n pped 15th. lblh, and Hum 15th. I)ec. )5) 30H) 3lsl sting llong (AYES Elli Oct M». uf Mr. Cm-I Moyle who is attending Ontario Uullt'gt: of Dentistry spent Saturday and Spndny with his" cumin TheSnnduy Schoul mum was won ï¬llvtl :lt thv Epwmth Lonan Mnmluy evening. when John Buuynn's immun- ml :lllvgnry “Pilgrim's PM-gl'OSa" \\';|s illustrated by Lime Light Vimvs. An explanatoryaddress accompanied by nun-e than 40 slides was read by MI. McMnlmnnnd the hum-m and slides werenmnipnlult-d hv Mr. mehurst and Mr. Hurry Sandmanm. thu'ecn thuï¬rstund svcuml pal-ts Mrs. 'I‘urp' s-mgn sulu. Mrs. (.‘HHVhIH'SI presided. RSEQQQQ QQQ fl: e‘kwwwzes 956565 ems DVERTISEMENTS in this cnlumn luring quick results. If yuu have anything to sell. hl' if you wish tn purchase snmothing. hire help. vhu. try this “ NEW ADVERTISEMEXT †column. [1 Hf Oxford SPlf‘fel'dt‘l' st gnud conditiun. Applv SL‘DDABY. L~L dnnr nmth nI' NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS OR. SALEâ€"Player Piano, \\‘i1]) 22 1‘)â€er music. at. half prim. Ur \villexchnngv fm- u gum] (-aw. A150 Acetylvue gas uutfit. complex!- with ln-nukvtsuml lamps. cheap. Ad- dl-(ss 'l‘lwruhill swings. I!) 3 Vaughan OR SALE.â€"Gn(ld large- ;mtl strung young lllfllé‘. :llsn Pnrh' spling call We)†hH-d. Apply at once to Mr. “Huts-(.11,'l‘hmnhill. IS 2 4 0H SALEâ€"Sum†mm] or wood hvntm' and a number hf [mks nf pipe. Apply Mrs. B. Murtwm. Centre 5L. “7,, liiulmmnd Hill. 19 2 {I The time to advertise is when you want more business; the time to quit is when you are ready to step asidczmcl give the other fellow a chance. ANTED.â€"Yuung gill whn mm \W sew well. A gmnd uppnrtunily tn lwun the ladies‘ tuilm-ing. \V. H. Bussvu, liichnmnd Hi“. 18 {f I sulv, 18 acres, with unweigth mile frontage on Yungu SL, uenl’ Elgin Milk. Excellent suil, filw situatinn, modw-atc pricv. Addl'e-ss B. cure Lilu‘rul ofï¬ce. lS-t. f. Richlnnful llill DOR SA LP [ANTEDâ€"41h] tn du gt-Iwml / hIJlISl‘\\'(|lk. EIISU \thlllnll ll) (LI plain} Twwing. Mus. DL‘NLUI‘. I‘ve Every Home shnuld have A \Vill‘ Map. \Ve- Ul’ft‘l' K110 lwst, tn nul‘ renders Free of Uhurgv. Road ammnncmnent on pngl- four of this paper. . . OR SA LE heating sh 0R SALEâ€"A numhv: of Slump- shile mm Imulns. JAMES STEW. ARI), 10L 33 and 3!; CullCl‘~‘SiUll 3, OR SALEâ€"A pul'lm' CIHIk‘ (Sunnt- ess nf ()xfm-d. nnmly m-w. nlsn :1 sum“ beaten. Miss Heise. 19 2 OR SALEâ€"F JOHN FISHER. TORONTO list it wit A R PET \V HAVING 0R SALEâ€"A Qllt'lH‘C Hunter in good condition. Mrs. \Vnrw-md. Centre Street. 19 2 UN ‘E ()USE TO RENTâ€"On Hiclmumd St, :l few steps from Ynngv. Apply to GEO. SMITH. l3-L.f. L. Jnhnsnn, nde Hill. L'nnl lll‘;ll\‘l [n J. Um W:- E. W. Moyle. Langstaff \V. Moyle WAR MAPS “Pilgrims Progress" E.â€"-FirsL class up-{n-dulv ulm. Prirn- right, :Ipply Dmids-m, High Sl-hunl. 11H. f. ST. FRONTAG E.~ [5 waver-Ly. W11 3‘ A Inrgv emu] Countess self fen-(101' stt-Vv, in HAVE C A L L S Om- presel Richmond Hill Yunge Sr Applv \\' small ,usun. H 3 In Dnnl‘ hy L. Rich- ve lS-lf jSOME 01101013 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,4 r‘r rwm’ "i‘f‘é'r‘f’; *w‘rr thmwmranF‘. mâ€: ‘E"\"‘-‘_ 31"» ~-~v' . . .-\.~ . "\.~\'.»"\'. HILL FURNISHING STORE AAL Our furniture l-ntth-guvs hm 1- u“ (hv m-va-sc (h! prices. Ask to we Ult'lll and compare In icrs \\ ilh (-lht'l ‘...r‘\,,.\.‘.\.-.,..,...‘-'.'.\\,~‘F ‘5 5} WWW: Y‘:‘"\a ‘r' v- ' v; y‘f‘g vvr: w‘ YV‘J‘ ~ "4“ " "'.' “mue- cu‘vi} J3»- 9.1m ‘ “wwmwu. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAA uuununuunu \‘V E ARE AGENTS FOR VVVVVV'VVVVVVVV V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVYY‘ YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance . A130 :I choice building Puoxxs 8002 Consult; U25 14‘01- I-Rutes Your Insurance will be well looked after if leIt to LOWEST PRICES EVER QI'U'I‘ED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES always keep a good assortment. In fancy groceries we have :1 good many articles, stance, Gelatine, Quick Puddings, Celery Salt. Cccoa, Condensed Milk, Condensed Mince-meat, and Lemon Peel and many more such thing: We have the staple and fancy groceries, Sugar, Cufl'eo, Tea Rico, Spices, Extracts are always in demand, and wt Fruits, Me Pork Try a 'piece of our (:xcellent Cllcese. \xVe are confident )0u will like it and return for omatocs We have just. received agency and samples 'I‘wcnt-y Century Brand of made-to-mcasure ( one of the oldest ï¬rms in the city and with :1 tion of making the best. there is made, and as not; larger range of samples than any. Sat guaranteed. Those contemplating orderidg suit or overcoat would do well to see sample buying. We also carry ready-lo wear 1 P. G. SAVAGE & SON N'ORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR LLPAPER S'JJOCK COM '91 solid hrin dwvlling (m Yongc- SI Int; the lwst location 0|; Yungl- Stu-w CH 115 Atkinson & Switzer EGNCRETE HUUSE and vegetables from cvcrywhc RICHMOND ANNED GOODS Corned Beef GROCERIES Herrings Lobster had To the Public more. :11; any Lime HTT Corn Pumpkin almon 1’. (fr. SAVAGE 31.171‘TT'T1‘. SA VA (1" ['3 (;U(|(1 re can be :ign sï¬nction I’c l‘cputa San] mcs befon 3th ingfl |l'£{( for in- Om nge )1‘ Olives, s n t, moderate :HS ling: DC W W0