(ind of our {at hers. at whose (‘all ' \Vc now lit-fore Thy flu lstool tall. therat Riemann) HILL. 0x1. Nov, 12, hilt [ strong. Through love of right, and 't wrong; hate (if ‘LAODC A. L S . For Britain's cause on land and sea. _4 ._, .. _.,, __ l l For general war iicws see inside pages. ‘ â€" 1 Mrs. \V. F. Brereton was the guest Not for the lust of war we light. lint. for the triumph of the right, The strife We hate is on the thrust ; Uni- aims are pure, our cause is just; So strong in faith we plead with Tle For Britain's cause on land and sea. of Mrs. Osmond “'right this Week. Mrs John Stunner-s and Master Eric spent the week-end with Mrs. L. O. \Vright. Asleep beneath thy ample dome. \\ itli many a tender dream of home, Ur charging in the dust and glare, \\'itlr war holts hurling through the air; In this dark hour we plead with Thee For Britain's sons on land and sea. Mrs. Trench and Miss Mai-V 'l‘rcnch spent. over Sunday at t'ollinuwood visiting Mrs. Atkinsonand Mr. Donald Atkinson. If wounded in the dreadful fray. Be Thou their comfort and stay. If dying. may they in their pain Behold the Iï¬lltllt tor sinners slain In this (ltlt k hour we plead with Thee For Britain's sons on land and sea. Mr. II. E. Crowhnrst leaves today on a husiness trip to New York City for the Toronto ï¬rm with which lie is connected. ’ their Mr. Ernest Hammond who has heeu painting with~ Mr. \Varre'i Hewison . ).’ ., -),... leaves Saturdayt to take a position IA“‘1‘-‘"“"‘O Blâ€Â°~“‘1 I “'1†“1 I““"* with the Kluel’ferlirm in Guell’h. Brâ€? ""9 the dâ€â€ “l“"' “'“r him“ 'l‘i' S . b 7 "In H a“ ‘â€" And men as brothers shall unite Men‘s made to ineasul't‘ clothing ‘1' To till the World with love and light. very large variety of samples to Cllllt 3‘ Ti“ theâ€. 0 11.....1, m. we“ “m, 1...... front. and made by the TWH‘U‘ For-Britain's eaiiseou land and sea. Century people. One of the oldest It. [7. Di in ES. DIED BONEâ€"At Cari-ville on \Vcdnesday, Novemher II, 1911. \\'Illiau. Bone. in his 70th year. Funeral to Unri‘ville (‘eiiiL-ter)’. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. N. J. tz‘lass. Agent. and best. in citv. Those wishing to Ctiltll'ihlttt‘ for the relief of the poor at Earlscnurt will kindly leave their contrihntioiis at Mr. \V. A. “’right‘sas soon as pos- sible. The Mission Band will hold their . regular meeting on Tuesdav of next week in the school room of the Met hu odist Church atfonro‘tlwk. Every buy an :l girl welcome. Butter “trapper: Liberal Ofï¬ce with the words Dairy Butter." in accordance with Statute. at 20 eentsper hundred. Should the name of the maker or farm he desired an extra charge will he tirade. woo- A Fine Gift The. new or gan presented hy Mr. A. J. II. Eckliaitlt to the Lutheran Church at Unionville will he iiSed for the ï¬rst time on Sunday tH'XL when special services will he held. forenmon and afternoon. and a concert and organ recitalgiven on Monday night. This fine organ is dedicated to the memory of thelathers and pioneers of Mark- ham 'I‘ownship. printed at The “Choice Men's hlue and white stripe, Cach- art‘s smock and overalls, hoth well made and a good ï¬t. ea. $1.4“: Men's colored working shirts. all sizes 75c. 0a.: Boys l'ancv Ringwood gloves. sizesl to 7. pi. 2Sc.; Men's hand knit heavy wool mitts. colors red and é"black. pr. 45c. Atkinson tk' Switzm'. *nï¬rAâ€" ll. S. Tournament In spite of the rather unfavoninhle Weather a goodly nninher of Rich- mond Hill people asseinhled at the H.S. giounds last, Flltlth afternoon to witness the tournament held there. All the honors of the day rest. with Aurora. An eniovahle time was spent hv those present and ahout. $2tl.'_:tt was t .. lcitctl for the Patriotic Fund and The ï¬rst drill of the Citizen's Rifle Association took place in the Skating Rink on Saturday evening: last tinder the. instruction of two otï¬cers ot‘ the 12th York Rangers from Toronto. “ii†1"! l“â€â€œâ€œ"‘ “‘H' v" M'" Hum“ "“ " Aim.†thirhflpium’ “wmbw‘. “.9â€, contrihutiou fi'htllllh: Richmond Hill a . . High School. __â€".. present, and a nninher arrived too late to take part. Further instruction will he 'gziveu next, Saturday evening at 7.30 o’clock. ‘ ' Special Car The annual tally of the Toronto Ep- A live‘. healthy firiners’ weekly worth Lezigiit-Fiiioir will he held on newspaper is the \Veekly Sun of this(l‘hursday)mening,Novemhei 12?. Toronto. It is not owned hy any in Carlton St. Methodist, church. Hon. "special iotci'est," hut takes a fearless :uid independent stand on all puhlic matters. regardless of politics. It, stands for the farinng interests. and is in the thick of the fight. It has the prestige of an cstahlished person- \V. H. Hearst. provincial premier. will give a patriotic address. A good time is anticipated. A Special car will letive Richmond Hill Metropolitan station at 6.30 p.m. and return after the rally. Return tickets 25 cents. A hanner ality. You should read itâ€"‘z-vei-y will he presented to the League taking issue. the largest nninher in proportion to their memheiship. Now is a. good time to buy linen towclings as we expect they will he very scarce. “'e have 18inch striped linen toweling. Ilc. per vd.: Dark linen with white strile lmrderllc.; Plain or checked tea cloth 26 inches wide. 136.: Cream striped hath towels ._._.._.. >4.» Optician from New York buys out the Baker Optical Company. The t'ollmving notice of husiness change is taken from a recent uumher 18x36 il'Cln‘S‘ 309- Inâ€: \VIHW l’i‘ll‘ ot The San Angelo Dain Standard. towel .extra, iitiality helnmrd end. Th0 “M‘- pmmiulm- 1:“ son of Mrs. .th46 inches. nUc. ea. Atkinson & J. L. Hunts (.1' this \ illagezâ€" Swuzel" , "Dr. Fred. It. Baker, owner of the Baker Optical ('oiiipaii)’. has sold the lnisiness to Dr. N. Ley Harris of New York City. This was the ï¬rst exclusive optical establishment. ever opened in San Angeloand was a success from the start and Dr. Baker during his six years residence here huilt up an ex- tensive reputation. He held prouii~ nent ofï¬cial positions in hoth the state and national societies and placed \\'t-st Texas on the map so far as optometry is eoneerned. lli-. Harris. the new owner. highlyreconnni-nded. He is a grad» irate ot' a leading New York tiplit'al 'eollege and was employed hy a prom- ineut New Yolk City optical tiriu for over twelve \‘eats. His wife and three children will arrive shortly and h»- ltns rented theresidi-ni-e Ui't'ltpiml llV 1);; Baker and family iii Angelo Heights. ____..._~ The annual At. Home of the R. t‘. church. Newmai-ket. will he liehlon \Vednesday evening. Novemher 18. in 0.1:tt‘ellziws‘ Hall. Newrnarket. He- ft-eshuicuts will he served, and a good programme consistingr of instrumental selections. progressive euehre, and dancing will he provided. Music for dancing will he furnished In; Mr. Strathhee of Toronto. Tickl ts may he Secured hy tttelliht'l's of the coturirittee. or at the door. The Tliornliill Branch of the “'oineu‘s Institute will meet Thurs- day. Nov. Hill]. at the home of the President. Mrs. Moyle. In the after~ L noon Mrs. Mearus will speak on ‘ "Houseinu-s League and its \\'oik.". After ten to which the gentlemen are invited. Mr. Uke will take up the. suhject of “Our (‘ountiy's Resources." Each ineinher is requested to bring a l written question. These will he dis- cussed at the Decemher meeting. ('tilllt‘S Hints to Correspondents (Xewmnrket lira» l \Viite LlTANY FOR OUR ARMY AND NAW‘ “'huse grace has made our l‘Iiiipire’ In this dark hour we plead with Thee . GkS'QQ-LQSLEE Saw- ,. W", .; WAR MAPS . ,Lm :1. i m' "s 5?; livery Ilonie should have a N 5â€] “'ar Map. “1- ott'i-r the lll'\[ t’r ii: to our readers I’m-t- of ('liarge. “a, Ill-ad announci-ini-nt on page ’ four of this paper. 0‘ ti t_/,‘ a 4. GSCEG§P€CE¢§¥5 ems-es 65333 NEW Alil/EHTIS‘ am DVICRTISI‘IM lCNTH in this column hring quick results. If you have anything to sell. or if you wish ‘lo purchase stunt-thing. hire help, elm. try this “ Nicw column. A nv icii'i‘isicri r:.\"i' pipe Apply Mrs, B. Morts-on. (‘eiitre 8L, \V.. Richmond Hill. I!) 2 FOR SALEâ€"First. class lip-to-date eoal heater. Price right. apply J. Davidson. High School. llâ€. f. “UR SALEâ€"A Qurhec Heater in good condition. Mrs. \Varwood. Centre Street. 19 2 ‘OR SA l.I£~()ne niekle plated hase luirner. :isgood as new. onedrttlii. also one parlonr coal stove. Ap- ply to l’. \\'. Mcti‘iregor. stop ~10. Thornliill. 2O 2 ti) P‘OR SALEâ€"A set of Encyclopae- ' dia liz-itaiiniea. 2.") volumes. as good as new. at, one-third cost, price. Sititahle for Plihlic School lihiary. May he seen at Tue Liliei-al office. 20 U“. PAINTING ik' PAPERHANGINGâ€" Rooms $2.001â€). First-class work guaranteed. II. Hazlehurst. lfllgin Mills. 21) J. ITL'ATION \VANTEI) â€" Young woman Wants situation on a farm. Apply Miss Holu‘i'ts, Buttonville Olilattiu. 2“ l "I‘ItAYEl7)â€"Camt to the premises of the undersigned. lot. ~10. con. 2. Vaughan, on or ahout the 6th of Novemher, a red and white Cow. The owner may have the same hv piovinp. property and paying expenses, Geo. Butte. (Iat'rvillt‘. EU 3 k ’ ‘O RENT.â€"-Eight room hrick house, with one. acre of land. stahle. iii-hing house. fruit. etc.. at I‘Ieadl'ord. Possession 1st of Novem- her, also a live room rouglreaet house. Apply \V. H. Cosgrove. Elgin Mills. 18 3 sew \\ ell. A good opportunin W to learn the ladies‘ tailoring. \V. II. Bassett, liichinonil Hill. IS tt' \K]ANTEI)â€"â€"liltl to do general r housewoi k. Mas. IN‘NLUI‘. Richmond Hill. lS-tf 'Y’ oxo E 7 0 ANTICIL~Yonng girl who can ST. FRON' ‘Atll‘I.â€"For sale. lh acres, with one-eighth mile frontage on Yonge 81.. near Elgin Mills. Excellent soil. fine situation, moderate price. Address B. can- Liltt't'al otiicv. IS-t. t. The time to advertise is when you want more business: tho time to [unit is when _\‘ott are ready to step lasidc and give the other fellow at ichancc. l" .33. l i for Richmond llill property. \Y ll_\' not list it with us '3 JOHN FlSllER. TORONTO E. W. Hoyle, Langstatt Local lleprcwrmtivc 13 ii’ â€" 7 ,___ï¬ on one Sid: of the paper 7 'Â¥ ‘ â€"“ â€" 1only. _ y ; Mail to reach en “ednesday ot 'eai'lr week. t'l'StltIlIl‘l‘. : e! g is 8‘ e a" $ '1‘! i, g Q ;\\oid all items reflecting on. “ Q There is always SUmCOne g- Elli;:.\‘t\tvl‘llt\l‘l< character. hut send All . it somewhere who is anxious to at (‘ht-i-k i-tttlii< list. It ltt.‘t\’ assist ‘ ‘l' ~ A o l-' ;.t t 111:1†& otrv what you have to sell. grill?†U Hm m M ) min I 5011100118 who has just the article V i Iiil llts. Matiiages. Deaths. i. ~ .. r *5 Accidents, t'hureh News. § _\Ull \sant. to buy. To ceiiiplctc ‘3‘ 3.â€,le m l),,(,\.‘,ll.:muns' é a deal, each must know [he *4 Realm-“1‘, Visitors. ‘ ~‘. .. . . . laulg‘e News. l‘iit'es. § 001131 a \\.llll:, dlld [hope 15 110 G. Publi‘. Ilnln,n\.vln_,ln<_ better way to make these wants i Luv k‘.t.\‘t'<. the t'iwps. ii ‘ - *t School Matters. $ known than tlimugli the “hen. ‘3‘ (“lu_5!,l,mh.“l‘. “.m Mam) “rpm†Advertisement" Calumn of The “Wâ€â€œ"“ll“"i“'l"“’Iâ€".““""‘i“â€â€œ"â€â€˜ a. Liberal '1 where an admission tee 1st lllllgt‘tl.'llll' Q . . a «. ; V *5 less tltev send word who is tt'stttitl‘llilr-l is it é v5 ï¬ & $ é a; a». g; g, . ortlr-piymentot'su‘.hadreriisemtnt. % .\Itl’l£'l‘ \\'I’.:\\'l.\’(l. AA hone hyi t I . -. . . ... .. .. .> ‘..- @ qu~vuci~Js3wi~‘J-L;Nv-i Jaquuuur'Q w:.1*«.;~.:.u-é.. tut-é Lâ€"‘JU'V-u“.3lrihk~‘d’ Atkinson & Switzei GROCERIES \'.:. i... .. '. .. ...'- ' \c h in: tatsmplc and hint} glOLCI iCs, Sugar, Cottce, Tea, Rice, htiiccs, Extracts are always in demand, and we always keep a good assortment. In t'inev rrrocci‘ics we ‘r ' ' ‘ ' . _ ,1 .am .i wood man ' i ‘ ' : ‘ - L. Johnson. Yongc Stu Rich. ‘ . . . b. ) HULICN) rm In “mud Hm. H 3 m stance, trelatuie, Quick Puddings, Celery Salt. Olives _ . 7 ,fl , ‘ , , . .. s ‘ . ’ 11“)†S.\I.l‘:.~â€"A latR’I‘ <l/J‘tI (iiiittitoss Luum' (WHICHSCd Mllk' condensed Mince-meat" orange of Oxford self t'erih-r stove, in‘ and Lemon ’H - - v ~ ' ' gmd mndiHML Am,†WV A. It.(.l and man) mow such things. Si‘munv. 1st door noith of (l. A. Skeele. IT I. l'. 1:0“ S.~\I.l§.~0ne small coal heating stove. (1. Mason. 17 Li. m- r-Aâ€"ï¬ï¬nï¬e ‘- - ' 7- ~ . C A N N E D 1:0“ SALI‘LJ’iano I’l ivrr, with 22 ’ G 0 0 D S r \lls of music. at. half piii-e. or “‘illt‘xcliange for a good cow. Alsp Acetylene gas outlit. completi- wit 1 lll'ilt'kt‘l<=llltl lamps cheap »\¢l- Fruits \lc-i“ and rower hl ‘ - ‘ i . , . v . . ~, A ( t5 1 . C ' ‘ ' x ‘ drtss lhornhill Springs. 19 3 ' b i 3 {10m Cieliwmllc can Do .7 6R .. -mâ€"Fâ€"w had at anV time S: .Eâ€"VA Dialliii‘t‘lmk. (thlllll- . . ~ (Nwlfoxhwd‘ WWI-V "PW, “1m Tomatoes Lobster. Corn Sardines # r a small heater. Missâ€"Ilene. 1972 , Pork & “guns [tel-rings pumpkin pens “0R SAIJ‘Lâ€"Small coal or wood COI'llCd [3 cf 3: P heater and a numhei of links of e V limo“ Try a piece of our excellent cheese. We are confident you will like it and return {or more. BUNGRETE HOUSE. -_â€"â€".-â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"=__._â€"__ AAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “AA tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE ARE AGENTS FOR Fire, Lite & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult. Us Ivor Rates Your Insurance will be well looked after if 1er to 'P. G. SAVAGE 6t: SON RICHMOND HILL PIIUNE SHOE. SOME CHOICE REAL. ESTATE Ala) a solid htiek dun-Him“r on Yonge St. choice Iinilding lot; the hest location or. Yonge Hirer-t. A. (i. FOR SALE A (iiiotl Silt} llit. SAVAGE "5W WALLPAPER. S'JJOCIi COMPLETE I.U\\'I‘IST l’lilhl‘iS EVE†QIVUTI‘II) FURNITURE AND SEVVING IVIACHINES ()ur furniture catalogues lune all the newest designs at moderate Ask to we them and compare prices \\ilh other places. 1’. (i. SAVAG 1‘) prices. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAMAAAA AAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Y'VVYYV7YVVV7VV7V‘VVVVVVVVVVYVVYVVVVYVVVV'VV VYVV VV'V VVYVVVVVVVYVVVV VVVVVVVVVV7VVVVVV‘V?VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV 0 N r’flr‘mh'i' 1""? l . \ . x . \l.‘\;; F" '7 rr‘r‘t'f 1 ' . » L. a: m 2:“ or" " jre.N1â€>rrxNtr'avrr-~*rtr«r‘rt"*. r~ .‘\.‘\.-\.:~ .' “Mounds-mum .‘m-«r -.. ,â€" W»N{"TnP"Lâ€â€˜Tr- \ .4- \ .'~ ~ * - . . WWI THE RlCHMUND HILL FURNISHING STORE Men's chatcrtlbats in slate, brown and t'awn, nice rich shades and extra nicer made at $1.50 and $3.00, also a variety of lines from $13.00 up. extra ‘ . Men's Ovcreoats in gi'avs and hrowns, litters at from HIUUU to $13.00. nice i gm ’w (Mad ~wwu . lleavy Winter L'ndcrwcai‘, several lines at DU ccnts to $2.00 a garment. Men‘s NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR m L3.)de u 5A.; qâ€"w m in â€": ‘ «'44.-.. “a. it