Musâ€"â€" ‘51 per annum, in advanced VOL. XXXVI I . " """"’,{.f" n “ Elie guich IS PUBLISHED EVERY .EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL , ONT. '1‘. F. MOMAHON. EDITOR & PUBLISHER; BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN TIANDEIISON PIANO TUNER 210 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. in HR. W. R. PENTL RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE Fth house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. Phone No. 2102. I .iUHNMiMpBEnI VETERINARY SURGEON, (Fliornhill. Dr. 'I‘. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of DviitalSui-gcons. Toronto. will 110 at Richmond Hill every Tucsday. (‘R()\\'NS ANI) BRIDGES .\ SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build- ing. Ofï¬ce hours to 5 pm. LENNOX it" MORGAN Barristers :uul Solicitors. Money to Loan onlnnd anuohottel mortgagesat "west rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post Ollie; one door Wtst Oi the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmnrket oï¬'lceâ€"Three doors south of the pontolï¬ce T HERBERTLENNUX Aurora G V‘ I'IOIIGAN WILLIAMâ€"ACOOKâ€" i BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. Rnom 328 Confedera tion LifeBldg.. No.12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (“Liberal‘ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenomi. Maple, Thursday afternoon. “’oodbridize, Saturday forenoon. Moucv to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oommissioiiei, Conveyaneer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issiiei oi Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Hill I EDWARD FRANCISâ€,â€" NUTARY PUBLIC Calls by phone or otherwise promptly COMMISSIOXER. Coxvurwmn. ETc. responded to “D. II. PINKERTOI‘I, v.3. 1 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE l‘I aple, ()nt. Phone No. 28. J. H. Prentice ‘ used Auctioneer for the Counties of lurk. illitxifi‘eio and Noitli ’l‘omnto. ' Specuil attention. given to sales of every description. burn] our. farm stock sales a specialty. harms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-to-dnto methods. Address: 239 linllinl St. Neith Toronto. Phone in House. North 229-2. J K McEwen .. 2 on gm guple Weston Sal-goon a: NlcEwcu. Licunsed Auctioneers torthe countyof York. Halos Intended to on shortest uptice and at roaâ€" aorab.e rates Patronage solicited 14‘. C. EGAN LICEDSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. O. ONTARIO Eoï¬n f7. ?avidson PIANO TUNING VOICING AND . . - ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert Work. Pnone Main 2984 A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, 55c. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sts.. l‘oro'ito. Danton, Groveruii. li‘ield Barristers, Solicrurs. &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada}T Telephone. Main ‘111 Cable Address. "Dodo." A. Cameron ï¬linclilcuqiiton 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE-SI'ITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLOC... IS KING STREET \VES'I‘ WRIGHT BROS. Undertaliers It l‘mhnimel's. RICHMOND HILLS: THORNHIII A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both plans I Yoch and Charles Sis. Real Estate and Insurance THORNIâ€"lILL £00 ITZELECTRICALLY “I ; I. II. SANDERSON Electricim, Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, lilccii'ic Irons $3.50 to $1.00 and all convenient and up to-datc appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. “'I‘iionoi‘uiixEss" is the lU'V-Iltitt' of this Institution. ()ur giadiiati-s Succeed brcaiisc they have received (‘orrect Pieparation. MZZZE@ TORONTO enjoys a national reputation fol Sllpr‘lllll‘ Business and Shorthand Educatimi. All business schools are not alike. Nothing less than the best should satisfy Yoi‘. and llOIlllllgIl‘SS than giving the Iii-st training will szilisfy 1's. Catalogue free. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Village Dlrectory Church of Englnntlâ€"Foivices at 11 n. m. niid T p. m. Holv Communion on the 3rd Sunday in tilt: mouth at 11 II. in. and on the 4th Sunday at .~ :io n. in. Sunday Schoolund Bible Clns- at 3 o'clock. Piesbyterian Churchâ€"Services at it n. ni..nui‘. T Sunday Schoolnt 2,3t'. Prayer meeting 'l‘hnrsdav evening. I Roman Catholic Chiircli~Sorviees on alter note Sundays MS 3.11:, and 10.30 11. in. n Methodist Churchvâ€"Serviccs at 11.00 7 )1. Lu. ', Siluiltll‘ Schonl at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday evening. Richmond Lodge, A F und A M â€".\Ieets Mon- dnv on or before full moon (‘ourt Richmond, A O 1" â€" Meets fourth Fri» .iav Ivy Lodge. A0 I‘ Wâ€"~.\Ieets tliiixi Wednesday of each In: :11 Camp I‘IILZLD. S O S â€"â€".\Icet< second nudiouith ‘Ye-lllt‘mlfl} Hill l‘i'csi l. Mice. I.(‘.li.l‘ *BICUB >w‘i lid and fourth '111"‘;I11\‘I\I l‘ilt‘l; nil 1:111. Fiic Brig: ioâ€"Meczs first Monday d‘. iztll Put-tic Li‘ornrv and Item 1' Tuesday. on I S itizi' lav oven . ’r‘mvnrli; I ‘ Moe rvi‘ix Moi: inv. ii*.\ltjt‘3« c'icii 1:15am it? ~ (if cit-31: '12 Rm 611â€" chii I‘Ic~bvtci. pin. iii timi llill I t) E‘"*.\Ir"’t‘: rlTlr fell-yr i; . II. II ' ll_t‘v‘:‘ ezs 1 \‘.’.A 11.. THE EUROPEAN WAR This moxning’s dcspaiches speak of an anti-German plot in the Turkish capital, des- perate ï¬ghting all along the front, that the Russians are pushing forward into Prussia, and that the 01 Poland is stemmed. invasion The Toronto Council, un- animously passed a resolu tion placing the sum of $100,000 at the disposal of the Board of Control for any purpose they may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the present military situation. The British Commons a few days ago voted unan- mously for additional war purposes $1,125,ooo,ooo. This with the millions voted in August will increase the national debt 50 per cent. Premier Asquith stated that I,200,ooo men were already under arms. .._._ 404,â€"..â€" $1000 Damages In the 'di' ' assize court or. Tuesday I 3 Mr. S. '1‘. lliunbcrstono of Newton Brook was awarded $1,000 damages for injuriesreceived by being struck by a Toronto & York Radial Railway car on the 25th of September, 1913. â€"â€"»â€" voo- â€"â€" Butter wrappers printed at The Liberal Office \\‘itllrtllt‘ \vmds "Choice Dairy Butte-r.†in accordance. with Statute. at 20 cents per hundred. Should the name of thc lllztlil’l' or farm be desiii-d an extia chaigc will be made. -â€"â€"â€"‘oQâ€"â€" Dairyinwu The Sunday evening services at this place and lleadlord have been channg at the icqiiest of the Headi'ord church. NcXI Sunday, Nov. 22. is the time for Heailfoi-d. and Sunday evening, Nov. 22) at Dairytnivn. Mrs. Louis I‘lllioti, of '1‘oxonto.spenl \Vediiesday of last week at. Itm'. I“. Elliott‘s. Miss Lavina Elliott who has been spending a few days with her brothers in ’I‘i'iouto retiii ncil on Monday evening. Mi. \\'iii. Davenport of 'I‘orontoaind Mr. Edwaid Stanley of IIagei'svillc spent \Vednesday of last weck at Rev. 1“. Elli.:tt's. <ooâ€"â€" S. S. No. 3. Markham Following is. the repmt for October. Sr. I\'.â€"Hiin..\l. I)v:in,1{. Heudi irks, M. Hart. Pass, R. Barker, (1'. I’awson. Sr. III.â€"IIon., I). Smith. 1). Hail. Pass. M. Hendricks. .l. Comiskv, S. \Vini-h. J. Hehnkay, S. Stephenson, N. Stephenson. .Ir. III.aA. March. Sr. II.â€"L. Smith. )I. Stephenson. Ji. II.â€"Hiiii., It. \Voodley, 1. March. Pass. L. “'clliiian, A. Hislop, E. Hislop. (I. Barker. Sr. Pinâ€"Hon†J. Hart, G. Stephen- Still. BEEKEEPERS‘ CONVENTION The following is a synopsis of the l‘I‘t‘t'llI. Annual Convention of the Ontario Beekeepers" association:â€" '1‘hi~ si-Ssions \Vi‘ll’ hi-ld in the- York County (‘iiiinril Chandlers. Toronto. I’rvsidi-nt. J. I. IIyer. Maikhain. occu- pied IllI‘Cll:ill' at all of the sessions (-xi'vpt \Vodncsday afternoon when Illt‘1\\'\‘OL‘lttlIllll washonoicd by having the. Deputy Minister of Agriculturc, Mr. \V. II. Roadhouse. in the chair. .\Ii-. Roadhouse expressed his pleasure at meeting with [he beckeepers to [eat Ii of their aims and ambitions. All the sessions were well attended. In fact, the Ilt‘I-‘kI‘t‘pI’l'S in spite of war timi-s and IIIL‘ failiii-eof the 15111 honey crop :llt’ optimistic and have adopted the now almost universal slogan “Business as usual." The ieport mi :ipiary inspection given by the Provincial Apiai-ist shows that while European Foul Brood is rapidly spre:ndin;,r over the, eastern part of the province and the zealous (to-operation of bcekeepers themselves is iii-Cessaiy to keep it in check. pru- giess is being made in st:iiiipint: out Illt‘ :klllt’l‘luzlll Foul 1511 ml \\liich has been so pelsistent in some of the southwestern counties. Mr. Sibbald, of Toronto, in an address on “Putting,r 13p a Honey Exhibit", shoWed the advantage from an advertising staiidpomt of display- ing lioiicy not only at. the Canadian National Exhibition. but at all of the tall fairs. He urged every beekccper to take an interest in local displays of this nature. "Sweet Clover,lts Cultiircand Uses" was discussed by \\’m. Linton of Aiiiora. Mr. Linton told how he had made $2000 in one season by selling the seed from .i lliii‘tecii' acre field of this plant. Farmers in his community aie Using it to lt‘sti'l‘e fertility to Illt‘ back fields which usually do not get their share of barnvaid iiianiirue. Mr. Linton statedthat be his as good roâ€" siilts i'roni ploughing under a green crop of sweet clover as ficm putting on a coating of manuie. He also mentioned i't-sulls \\Illl:ll Iiad l)t‘t‘ll ob tilllll’d by Ilr- Chemical I)cpaitmeiit III: the. Ontaiio Agiii-iiltiiral College. which go in show that for sloiiiig nitrogen in the soil swci-t clover is ol‘ far greater \alut- than any other clovi-i' grown. Victoria Square The monthly meeting oftlir Victniia Square \Vomaii‘s IIHLIIIIU‘WIII beheld at the home (it .‘II'S. I. Cheri-v 0t Goiiiilt-y, Nov. 25th. The following programme will be given: Solo, Ali's. Loiviy; I’apcr. Fiieiidship, Miss Nel- smi; Selection, Gramaphoiic; Solo, Miss \Vatson; Iiisti'iiiiicntal. )Iiss Nel- son;SoIi;, )Iis. Lowry: Exchange of Uliiislmas i'ecipvs. )It'eting at 2.30. ICveiybody \"L'ICUIIII‘. â€"â€"â€"Qo9 ~ Government Report ’n'lmrt No.6 of lllL‘ Canadian Recoid of I’i-rl'iii'iiiaiice for pure bred dairy cattle has recently Ilt'l'll issued by the Live Stock Branch of Illl‘ Dominion I.)c]i;ll'tlllt'llt of Agriculture. This re- Ill‘l't. covers the period from .\Iaich 31st. IIJIIi to March 31st, 1911, and iii- cliitles the records of pioduction of milkaiid biiltci-fat of 12‘) Ayishii'c, 165 Ilols‘iein, 3i) .lers‘t-y, U Shin-thorn, 2 Fiench Canadian and 2 Oiiernscv cows, as Well as the names and pro- geiicy of several Ayrshire, Holstein and Jersey bulls that have qualiï¬ed. by reason of production of their olf- spring. for I'I‘glsll'llllllll. In an appen- dix to the report will bi,- l'oiind the records of a number of cows, which prodiicrd silliii-ieiit quality fill'lt’ulsll'ullilll. but faich to fl‘l'Sllt'll \\'IIllIll Iil'tct-u months after thecoiiimi-iicemciil oftlit- test. The rules and iegiilatioiis governing the Ri‘i-uid (if I’uiforuiancc tests andth standards for i-cgisli'alion fui the val ions lll't't‘tls ('1' dairy C‘IIIIO are also ' givi-ii. Copies of this report may be had on application to the Publications Bianch. Di-paitiiit-ut of Agriculture. Ottawa. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to the Statutes in that 111'- half. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate ivi'.\1;illlii*w .‘IL‘NMII' late (if the Village of {ichiuond Hill in the County of Yin k. (lenlli-iiian. \\ ho IIIt’Il on or about the 12th day of Si-pIrmbi-r .-\.Il. lIllI arc ll‘illlll't'tl on or Iii-i'iiie thi- 15th day of I):'if"lllll('l' It'll to si'iid to [llt' llIllIt'lSIgllt’tI Solicitors for the EXI'CIILI'I s. a statement of their rl~iim< with llll‘II' names and :iildit-ssps. AND lake Illl'llll‘l‘ Native, ihat .llli‘l' tho I [\I lilt‘lllll‘lll‘tllliill‘ llit~1§xcciiliii~ .\\'ilI pii.cci-il lo lll‘llllllll" the asst-ls i I the said ("Irllt‘ among the I‘IIIIil" t‘ll- tilled Illi‘lt'II‘. havingr It‘gtiltl only in .Iln- I‘llIIl.\ iii'ivhii-Ii llii-y >ll'lIi lhvn It'Ctin'il notice. (‘iliili t\' (.‘IIXTIIIIIS'I' XIII. “27-h ('i llIi-tli'hili. ll Lil" lsillxq ;’ il"llllii ml 82.. I‘l'ist. Irill. lilii. S. l;ti1.i~ ii i [11; I'Ixiciiii 1:. ‘_‘I ‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS l’iiisuant lo the Statutes in that be- Iizill‘. Niiliic is Imp-by give-ii that all persons Inning i-I'iiiiis agaith tlii- i-s~ tale of .Iim-pliShi-paid Jackson late [if tlie'I'oivndiip i-l' Vaughan in tlic ('t.iiiil_\’ot ‘i'i-ik,(ivnili-man, “110111911 i)iiiv1':ilinllI Illi'I‘ll]dayirfS‘pIi‘liiliwr .»\.I). ll’ll :iie rmpiiii-il lill iii- to ihcuiidchigmvii soliriitvis tor ll].- Iixvculi-rs'. :i ‘IJlIl‘Illl'IlI oi lhviri-I iiii..~'.. ‘ivilh lllr‘l: ll‘l!lll-~' :iil-I :liIiIIi-sww. ANI) 'I',\I\’IC l‘il'II'I‘IIICII NOTICE that after II‘." I i~i iiicidioiivd thin the I‘Xf‘l‘lllils‘ \viil |llli'li‘tl t. lII~IlllllllP l“.- H‘NI“ of (IV- I'\i.|{|‘ titli-llj...’ IIII‘ I“llll*‘< e-iziillr iI ilii II'II'. llil\ll‘gll‘glllzl inly in ihi- l'irllll‘w i l' whit Ii Ill‘ y ~h..ll lliwn lI'I\i' iwi-wivml ll'Illi'i'. ('l lHK -\' (ill.('H IIISI‘. N. s, HIT \. l' IIII‘WI‘WIIIIUII I.iI=- Iililg’q II II: 1.1;. llLI $1.. I':l\I Twit-villi. S II(.'II"ISf(l'II1UIEXIL,I:I1‘. 211 milk and fat to . * Confectioners Iii-I'inii-i the 131110;in I III'I‘I‘IIIIIHI‘ IUII It) at'litl. AAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAA For the Baby __.()____ Our lines of Talcum P owder consisting of all the best makes â€"â€"â€"0 Feeding Bottles Sanitary and Measuicd and all accessories for the same -__0__ Condensed Milk Bordin Eagle Brand __()_.._. Baby Foods Allonbiiry‘s 1. 2. 3, Horlock‘s )Iiilted Milk. Nestles Food, Mellins~ Food 1â€"0â€"â€" Comforts and Teething Rings And everything for the Baby W. A. Sanderson DRUGGIST RICHMOND HILL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ 'V'V‘VVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV'YVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVV"VYVVVWVVV d V‘ YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 4 I Pubiicjllenliun ‘ Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. â€"0_ Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corr. . . AND . . Oats for the ._O_ A Lso II AXDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Manitoba. Chickens Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed ' Brick. We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES ‘STIIIER & BAMER I]. HILL & Ila. Bakers and __0__ iORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT and all SEASONABLE FRUITS ‘Try Us for FRUIT l and I GROCERIES. Quality . Counts. ‘AII kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in stock. .__‘()__ ‘ Everything up~t0-date Ill CANNED GOODS and GROCERIE S Hk(,____ I». .i.‘ RICHMOND HILL. 0