Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1914, p. 3

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The above letter is convincingâ€"it ltells how reliable and trusty this old- time remedy is. Nerviline for forty years has been a household word'in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada you can find without Nerviline. Every community has its living examples of the wonderful curative properties of Nerviline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or mus- cles. It's penetrating. soothing, warming and safe for young and old to use. Get the large 60c. family size bottle; it‘s the most economical. Small trial size 250. at any dealer’s anywhere. Best Liniment of All Destroys Every Pain But Never Burns “How thankful we are to get hold lot such a wonderful household rem- ,edy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P. {Lamontagne from her home near We- :taskawin, Alberta. "In this far-away ‘Section. far away from a doctor or .‘dl‘uggist, every family needs a good iSUDDly of liniment. Nerviline is the ;best of all. It destroys every pain, ibut never burns. We use Nerviline in a score of wayS. If it’s rheuma- USm. aching back, pain in the side, Sciatica or stiff neckâ€"you can laugh at them if you have lots of Nerviline handy. For earache. toothache or cramps I don’t think anything could act more quickly. For a general all- round pain remedy I can think of no- thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline.” Expenditure is necessary for the pmtecliun of those who are chari- 1ahly inclined and sometimes mis- ledâ€"Mr. Pearce Campbell]. There has been no war for more than a century which the nation has entered on with so general a belief that the action was justified. â€"Viscount Bryce. Many have puzzled themselves about the. origin of evil. I observe there is e\il, and that, there is a. way to escape it: and with this I beâ€" gin and endâ€"John Newton. Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any emiâ€" nent departure from it», under any circumstance, lies under the suspi- cion of being no policy at all.â€" Burke. If a. man be gracious and courte- We are not going to stop until we have smashed the German Army, the German Navy and the \«pirit of German militarism.â€"Ear1 Grey. mare néarly ezizpress‘ed by saying that I have to make him happy#1f I manâ€"R. L. Stevenson. Haul Tried ll Himself. The doctor who has tried Postum knows that it is an easy‘ certain, and pleasant way out of the tea or coffee habit and all of the ails fol- lowing. .Thei patient of Clan Says: “During the summer just past I suffered terribly will) a heavy feel- ing at the pit of my stomach and dizzy feelings in my head and then a blindness would come over my eyes so I would have to sit down. I Would get so nervous I could 'lmrdly con-fro} my feelings." (The effects on the system of tea and cof- fee drinking are very similar, be- cause they each contain the drug, caffeine.) “Finally I spoke to onr family physician about it, and he asked if I. drank much coffee and mother told him that I did. He told me to immediately stop drinking coffee and drink Pastum in its place as he and his family had used Postum and found it a powerful rebuilder and delicious foodâ€"drink. "I hesitated for a time. disliking the idea of having to give up my r-ul‘fee. but finally I got a package the idea of having coffee‘ but. finally I and found it to be Said. W E W 1th 'l'llOl'Ull'l‘S FOR THE DAY. R c Since drinkin coffee my (ii I nervousness {015 are regul; amt m and ment [11111 Mar control my teeimgs." (Th: on the system of tea and cof .nking are very similar, be they each con-Lain the drug ut DOCTOR KN Ii“ sness are an! gone, my regular and I am again ,1'ong. That is it short f what Postum 'has'done mes n ‘05! um and 25 oslum 5111116 Ont ins! zzme in tm an L115 11‘ time. disliking to give up my got a package all the doctor nadian . Rea 1n pkg mils o Iorm must 1 him in place ,5. blindness 11:1 gone, my 3 I am again .t is a. short[ tern phy We hear and read a, lot in these days about the Red Cross, but how many of us could say (writes a Lon- don correspondent) offhand that the founder of this international move- ment was Henri Dunant. who died only four years ago? Greatly in- fluenced by rthe example of two Englishwomen, Elizabeth Fry and Florence Nightingale, Dunant started the movement unofficially in 1859, at the time of the Austro- Freneh battle of Solferino, when he was known, because of his dress. as the “man in white.” In his old age he fell into poverty, but the award of the Nobel Peace Prize smoothed the passage of his last years. Dunant was a native of Switzerland the flag of which is a white CI‘OSS on a red ground. Out of compliment to him a, Red Cross on a. white ground was chosen by the nations as the symbol of this heneficent organization. The Lust of Battle Lies at the Roots of Our Nature. Of all the instincts with which human nature is endowed the fight ing instinct. is the keenest and the oldest, and all the habits taught or enforced by education, by law or by custom are but curbs upon it. If, for the sake of argument, we put the age of man upon the earth at a million years, then for at least 990.- 000 years the two great instinctsâ€"â€" the fighting and the socialvwere rigorously selected. It was the fighters, in bands, clans, tribes or nation's, who lived to tell the tale. the best and the bravest of the war- rior races who survived to carry on the race. Compared with these aeons of evolution during which the fighting instinct was selected the most ancient of civilized periods was but the day before yesterday, Need we then wonder that even afâ€" ter some 2,000 years of civilian edu- cation the fighting man lies latent beneath the thickest strata of conâ€" tinuously and laboriously acquired habits? Gentlemen.â€"I have u-sed _MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and In my fam- ily for years, and. for the every day i119 and ‘acciden-ts of llfe I consider it has no equa . ' Commerce. Colonies and Trade Will Be Lost to Her. Signor Pantaleoni, a, leading Italian economist, examining the probable financial situation of the belligeren‘t‘s at the end of the war, considers that Germany and Ans- tria, whether vanquished or vic- torious, will be ruined. Unless Germany destroys the British fleet, Minard'e Linimem Co_, Limited Germany wiLl have lost her colo- nies, her predominant; commercial position in China and her trade with America. Great Britain will be all right in any case, unless her fleet is de- stroyed. She will have German trade and German colonies. Her mines and factories will be unin- jured. She will be a still great colonial power, and also a, great military power as soon as her army is ready. I would not start on a voyage without it. if it ccst a dollar a bottle, CAPT. F. _R. QESJARDIN. Schr. “Stork-e.“ St. Andre. Kamouraské At the b; an officer taking she TH E FIGHTING IN 5'” .V ("I‘. M Originator of the RH] Cross. R l‘l.\' FOR GERMANY. Like a Band of Music ntt bserved the Modde 301d an II the e nt the ment Ishman nemv’s River \V [l I walked through the woodland mea- dows, Where sweet the thrushes sing, And found on a bed of mosses A bird with a broken wing; I bound up its wound, and each morn- mg It sang its old sweet refrainâ€" But the bird with a broken pinion Never soared so high again. I saw a young life broken By sin's seductive art, And, touched with a tender pity. I took him to my heart; He lived with a noble purpose, And struggled not in vainâ€"- But the bird with a broken pinion Never soared so high again. But the bird with a broken pinion Kept another from the snare, And the life that sin had stricken Saved another from despair; Each loss has its compensation, There’s healing for every painâ€" But the bird with a broken pinion Never soars so high again. But the soul that trusts in Jesus Is saved from every sin, And the heart that fully trusts him Shall a crown of glory win: Then come to the dear Redeemer, He’ll cleanse you from every stain; By the grace which he freely glveth You shall higher soar again. â€"M. Butterworth. Last verse by RB. Romance ceases and {history beg-insâ€" and come begin to go too when "Put‘ nam'e" is appliedâ€"it takes out roots. branch and stem. Nothing so sure and painless as Putnam's Corn and Wart. Ex- tractor; try "Putnam's," 25c. at all dealers. Heâ€"Whatr would you say if asked you to be my wife? Sheâ€"As little as possible. Pal (to emerging burglar â€" Did yer get anything? Burglarâ€"Naw! De guy wot, lives here is a lawyer. Palâ€"Hard luck! Did yer lose any- thing? June weather prevails in California, the ideal Wintering place’, reached comfort- ably and conveniently by the Chicago and North Western Ry. Four splendid. trains daily from the new nassenger terminal Chicagoâ€"The Overland Limited, fast-est train to San Francisco; the Loa Angeles Limited. three days to Land of Sunshine. me famous San Fran- cisco Limited nd the California. Mailr Illuswated dens describing the great California Expositiqns. and also giving rates and full panvlcnlars. 'wil‘. be mailed nrommly on application to B. H. Bennett, General rAgentkChinc‘ago 5’5; North Western Some t1 acter in t sent to ja. the time 0 report gt “ I used ‘. also ; and others, and nothing did him any good. I gave them up and tried Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cutlcura. Ointment and at the end of six weeks he was entirely cured.". (Signed) Mrs. Carroll, Jan. 1. 1914. Samples Free by Mail For pimples and blackheads the following is a most effective and economical treatment: Gentlysmear the affected parts with Cuticura Ointment. on the end of the finger. but do not rub. Wash of! the Cutlcura. Ointment in five minutes with Cut-lcura. Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. Ah other times use Cuticura Soap freely for the toilet; and barium assist in preventing inflam‘ mation. irritation and clogging of the pores. Sold by drugglsts and dealers throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free. with 32-1). Skin Book. Address posh- card ‘fiCuxlcux-a. Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A}! 10 Abbott; Ave., Toronto, Ontâ€"“My boy had eczema. badly all over. but, his head was very bad and was affected most. It; came out in blisters and 10 was a. sight. to look at. It iwhed and burned so badly that. I had ‘0 put gloves on the child‘s hands. It came out; first on his face near the ears. then went to his head and then on his body. His head was like a. fish It, was so bad. m, In Blisters. ltched and Burned Badly. Had to Put Gloves 0n Child's Hands. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Healed. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ac. BIRD WITH A BROKEN WING. ON THE MARRIAGE DAY at BUY’S HEM] A GHT FROM [BZEMA after t we wer 1t- that t mg A WARM WINTER. 3 North for two 1115 inca i). at Cll‘C Toi‘buto, Ont us daily from the new Chicagoâ€"The Overland xiii to San Francisco; mlted. three days to the famous San Fran- the California. Maill ; describing the great ms, and also giving iculare. 'wil‘. be mailed ltion to B. H. Bennett, cago 6; North Western ad at notorious char-y of Ireland was: months. During“ 'ceration a falsn ted about thei Fed in jail. Om? Iin. An old Iris’h woman travelling on a train one day noticed that, two young men who were fellowâ€"passer). gers, and who were travelling on passes. did not pay. Turning to them she said, “How (1095 it come that. you young men do not pay, while an old woman like me has to pay?” “Oh.” they explained, “we are travelling on our looks.” She Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- ily When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B.. Dec. 15th.â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St. would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was inen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-day I am strong, enjoy appetite, sleep soundly. Lost properâ€" ties have been instilled into my blood â€"cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so» grand splendid ' “tugâ€"“nun; nun“ .1 “JUN. to Come to dinner with me FARMS FOR SALE. 3. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colbo Toronto. II" YOU “'ANT TU BU 1' U) Fruit. Stock, Grain or 1):: write H. W. Dawson. Bram» Colborne St.. Toronto. 8. W. DAWSON. Colborne St NEWSPAPERS FOR 3.41 V OOD WEEKLY 1N LIVE I~York County. Stationery Busmess in COHDPL‘L‘OH. PrLce Terms liberal. Wilson Publis puny. 73 “'est Adola'tlp Street. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANGER. TUMORH». LU All internal and external. ca out pain hv our h;me treatmt us before too late Dr. Bnllm: C0,. Llif‘lffid. "n'li-m-tnml Ou' a medicine aé Dr. Hamilton’s Pills soldier’s death. and then showed‘ the inquirer the ruined carriage, in which the shot marks bore teslti‘ many to the fiercenesrs of the fight, At. the Mairie a. certificate was issued that there was buried on September 10th. 1914. David M. Kay (3,654), of the 5th Lancers. Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it’s good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton‘s Mandrake and Butternut Pills. “They are advertising slip-ons at great bargains,” said Mrs. Gabb, as she looked up from the news- paper. “What is a siip«0n?" “A banana skin,” replied Mr. Mrs. Crossâ€"Are you a man 01' «' mouse 2 Husbandâ€"The question is super fluous, my dear. If I were IL mous‘ you’d be up on a chair screaming. Gabb An Englishman, wh turned from Franc making his way by tlx‘ Aisne in an attempt ett-es t0 the. troops, h a solitary suave ne MInard‘s LInlment Cures Garget In Cows looked from one to the other :1, seconds and then sald, “Sure, you must be near your journ end-71 English Soldier Dim] 01‘th in l-‘rn Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Know 1101- \Vmimvse. Sho Suill Soumthing lll-IRO'S DEATH. Hub's (inc man, who has jus . France. tells ay by the banks 0 attempt to take 0 l'fl|10(‘. cam oldior‘s “we She few and Eyes inflamed bâ€"y expo; sure m Sun. Busland Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist’s 506 per Bottle. Murine E). SalvcinTubes 25c. For Book ollhc Eycfrecask Druggisu or Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago Brown (whose new mnk than the lashâ€"It was you commended that new cock wife. wasn’t it? Jones (w dence)â€"Yes. old man. (vengefully)â€"4‘hen I must to come to dinner with me “Credulovs, is he 2'” “Not particularly; he as a post.” Mrs. Scrappâ€"â€"Statistics 2 married men live longer 1h men. “Jones believ head's." Sam Scrap‘nvâ€"Yes righ t. 8. W. DAWSON. Kinny Colborne Street. Toronto. IF YOU WANT Tu BUY on sun... A Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dalry Farm. wrne H. W. Dawson. Bl'anwxou. of H Colborne St.. Toronto. \I York County Business in conneu on. Place only Terms liberal, \kaon Publishi ., Dally. 73 West Adola'dp Street. To fiSlat-iéng'ry 5nd 8. W. DAWSON. Colborne 51.. Town: Minard's Linlment Cures Distemper. H “(‘SI‘I'N‘ llu- l’unislmivnt The First of ALL “Home Remedies" ASELINE," in its many Forms, with their innw merable uses, is the Foundaz tion of the Famfly medium: chest. Vgageima Trade:an 1 | l E It keeps the skin smooth and sound. Invaluable in the nursery For burns, cuts, in, sect bites, etc. Absolutely pure and safe. "Vaseline" is sold by drug and general stores every where, or a Full size bottle will be sent direct on re ceipt of 10c. Write For new illustrated booklet which describes the various "Vaseline" prepan ations and their many uses. EBROUGH MPG. 00 (Consolidated) llvurs Lilllv firanplgiediyclids. Stationery and Tones (with FOR SALE LIVE TOWN MONTRE SSI‘VGS )1 P5 Show as deaf 01D

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