Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1914, p. 5

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Ricuiioxo HILL. 0x11. Nov. 19, 1911. LS Fol general war news see inside pages. For account of Lord Roherts' death. - ‘see inside page. The. Home. (in ml “'1” drill two nights a week (\Vedm-sday and Satur- d ty) instead of only one as lit-fore. Miss Not-urn Morgan. B. A. Niagara- on-the-Lalte was the guest of her attut Mrs. H. A. Nicholls‘ last Week. Mr. G. Elmore Reamau. M.A., has heett appointed Tutor in the English department of Que: u‘s L'oivei sity. \Ve regret. to state that rsteetiu'd ritiZL-iis. Mr. T. Palmer. Mr. F. Mc- t‘-ou;.ghy and Mr. .l. N. Boer are at. present on the sick list. Mr. Pritchard of the Local Preach- eis’ Btotlit'l'htu-(l. 'l‘oronto. preached in the Methodist. church last Sunday, morning and evening. The Primaryrecital by Mr. Newton‘s pupils MlllltitllICt'Ll in last week‘s “Lili- eral” to he given next- Satnrday even- ing. h is lit-PH postponed to Saturday. November 23t lt. The Thnruhill Curling Cluh are having a Smoker and Progressive Euchre iii Hughes Hall. Thornhill. on the evening of \Vednesdav the 25th of November. Tickets 50 cents. Dr. T. LaVet-ue. Pattisou. Dentist. who has opened an offiJe in the Stan- dard Bank Bailding. was unthle. to h-ivehis place titted up in time fut Tuesday as stated. hut will he here. on Friday (to-tn irrow) for business. Interest in the work of the Horti- cultural Society is tinahatett. At the last meeting. \Veduesdav evening of last week. Mr. \Valter \Vatson gave an addresson Vegetable Cultivation which was partieulatly instructive. The Liberal will he Sent from this date lo.ialiltat-y 1.1916 for $1.00. To smne of our new comers we would s |_V their is no better way to get acquaint.- ed with the people and customs than through the local paper. The Epworth League service next, Monday evening will he it: charge of the CiLiZenship DAp u-tment. Mr. Jon. Hickson will give 'lll addiess ou "Municipal Unmet-ship." Those inter- ested ate invited. The Richmond Hill hunters lt'tllt‘th’d from their camping grounds last Friday. after adding two more hucks to their trophies. Besides the small game. their season's capture was four deer. two large hears and a cuh. Wand giils must he not of school t-i-tnnrrow (Fiiday) to (greet, Santa Claus on his way from New- nru-ket to l‘iaton‘s store. He will pass thinttgli Richmond Hill :thout 3.30 this paper. The annn-d free-will offering in the Methodist church will he taken upon Sunday. Dec. ti. The choir of the church is making extra eiforts to give a Song Service hotlt morning.r and evening of that date. A special pro- gramme is being.r prepaied which will he announced lat-er. ln haying Christmas pieseuts this year a good maxnn is “Be Careful.“ But if you wish to send a retueinln~.~tnce there is nothing better for children or older people than a good hook. Leave vour order at The Lll)L-I':ll office. and if the hook is not iii stock we. shall try and get. it for you. The chilly etTv-etaaf a Cold niotuing can he dispelled hy a hot, dish of cereal at lireakfast. This list may suggest your piesent need. \Vheat granules, rolled oats. shredded wheat hiscuits. Quaker puffed i'ice.S\viss footth-llog's toasted Corn flakes. Post toasties, Kellmg's toasted wheat ll-tkes. Kellng‘s toasted \vtieat hiseuits and Kellog's krutnhles. Atkinson k Switzer. “One of the most influential agti- cultural papersiu the l,‘oininion.' ls‘ the way others refer to the “'eeklyi It is :l piper which ‘ appeals to the \\’itlt'»:t\\"ll\'x* farmers. ‘ .‘ll-l Sun of Toronto. independent and ft‘ill‘lt'Ss" it has “Iin guilld‘id ihi‘ he“ inti‘ws“ “ll nixed at the iesillenre nfMi. Mutray (‘anadian agtienlture. Aside from that. ilsaet-urate and carefully cont- piled lll'tl'kt‘t repoth and summaries give the reader a piaetiCal grasp of market conditions. “You have saved me dollars". is the repeated retotn- niendation nl hundreds of its readeis. The Sun isou the ground.aud it is not influx-need lu_v auv packing houses I-r commission merrhants. It stands for farmers alone. every Il'tV in lht'* year. it is the fainter:~ friend. you Night to ho a i-t'odt-i‘. DIED thI‘ixt‘).\l.t~I.â€":\t Stmitfville. Nov. 1],. it)”, John Oxetalale it] his 51st year. Funeral services and interment Friday aftet noon at (loi mlev. Titoxit‘soNâ€"At (lormleya-n Thursdav. Nnvemher 12. 1911. Mina \‘iola. «laughter ofJahe'l. and liva Thump ‘ son. in her 19th year. Interment in Heist- Hill t‘rinetety Sunday. Nov. 1.3. ['or particulars see last page of Hwy Chum hnvu lit-en moved to att- _’ York Choral Society . ihcxul The court-rt, rommittee of the Yoik ('horal Hoijh'tV has engaged Mi. Flank (‘onverse Smith. violinist. and Mt. \V. l':. (‘:tpp<. 'l‘t‘lllvl‘, ll‘ lll‘.‘ Sivloh‘l‘ iis‘l' the i'oi'tllenntiug rottc-rts of the society. The wtak at the l"ll"-'l|- sals is progressing \ery sitisl'at-toi- ily and it. is rnlilitlt-ntly evpm'tell lhill the singing of the rhot its will reach a hiin standaid ol i'Xt‘t‘llt'tit't'. . i I n at. Epworth Leaguc l The oi‘iicersof the Toronto district gave a good programme on ' Monday evening. 'l‘ne chair was taken by Mr. l)ohhs. attd :ttl(ll't'.~,\t'~‘ along missionary lilies Were given Ivy Min. Mc\\'illiams, Mr. Anglin and Missi Sifton. Din lot: the (Wetting two vocal ‘ solos were well stint,r hy Mr. liiied. Mains. Miss Aikenhead pit-siding, at the piano. Refreshments \\‘t'tl‘ served 1 llie\isiting ot’lit-ei's hefore returning on the llHlti car. â€"â€"â€"‘40-- A Musical Treat 0n \Vcdnesdav evening. Dec. 2nd, the Canadian .luhilee Singeis will give one of theii faniotis concerts in the Preshvteiian (llllll'tTll. Music. lt~\eis \vill l'('lllt'llll|t‘l‘ the splendid tniisiral treat given by this(minpauv here a . few years ago. and as the Singers ale even lzetler now than on that occasion, their coming will he most welcome. Last time there was a full house and as we hav'nt had the opportunity of hearing good music of that kitid for some time, tickets will he in demand. so get yoiiis eaily. l’aiticiilais nrxt week. __. .« ...» __ Prch iterian Church Suhjects Sunday. Nov. 22ml:~ ll a.m.: Magnetic Personalin 7 p tn.:The Vision of Youth Saturday evening Mr. McConaghy the. senior metnher of our hoard. and one of out oldest inein lieis was taken suddenly ill. A slight hetuorihage of the brain which caused the tiouhle seems to he clearing up. The minister spent last. week at. the Alumni conferen’io of Queen‘s University. visiting also his old home near Kingston. "' ('eiltiitl '1‘ Thechoir will meet for practice at Mr. Newton‘s heme on Friday even- ing at 8 o‘clock. ~â€"â€"oo.â€" Monthly Meeting The Novemher meeting); of the \\'o- men‘s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Ttench ou \Vednesuay of last week. Owing to the disagteahle weather the attendance was not as large as it. otherwise would have heeu. The speakeis. Mis. Orinshy, l’iesident of the ()iitaiio \Vomen‘s I’ianchise :\5‘st)(‘l'tllilll. aul Mrs. Mclvor. l‘hlitoi» iu~Uhief of the \Vomt-u's (I. uturv. each gave exm-lleut address and spoke hrieflv of the good that women L’Ii‘litl do with the power of the hallot. 'l‘av solo hy Mrs. A. G. Savage w .s thoroughly enjoyeo hy those present. A \‘t'ty hearty vote If thanks na- ;ziven the speakers at the close of the meeting. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"4¢o â€"â€"-â€" Those Trees To the Editor of The Liheral: I)earSir,â€"~(Lui you tell the reason the trustees cut. down the maple trees in front of the new Punlic Hltlitml. It, will take 2'.) years to grow sueti trees. lfthey were not in the right place other place. (‘utting down trees is only waste of money. You cannot have too many shade trees. Yours truly Nov. 18, 191-1. A Lover of trees. [[‘hc trustees cannot please eveiy- hody. \Ve helievethey showed good judgment. in removing the tires directly in leHL of the main enhance. and where the tiees were crowding each other.â€"Ed.] flâ€"‘o.â€"_â€"â€" Dismissed Mrs. Mary Kendrick of Elgin Mills was Chaigetl iti tn‘e county police court heforo Magistrate T. 11. Bruutou with , having poisoned a cow. the property of \\'illia*n l). llulse. Mr. liulse stated that he saw Mrs. Kendrick leading a "o\\' of his alng the road. and on asking bet the reason he was told that it had destioyed her maiden. She said she would gi\e his cows pat-is green, and a few days later he saw h:~r place a tilt underneath the fence. The row :itesoinelhing fioui it and next morning it Was dead. A witness testi- lied that he had he ird Mrs. Ketidtiek ,say that she lrtd poisoned the cow. hut the iti'tg;isli':tte did ii.d t-Jiisidet the e\l(l:-l‘.t'e i‘eliahle. and. as the case had not heeu proven to his satisfaction he gave the defendant the lit-netit. 7»*..p.â€"~ i Bowesâ€"“oods l i A vety pretty Wedding! was sultan. : $1.. ltt'Itt l‘ilgiu Mills. .iine l “it-oils. t‘aiivillo, nu \Vednesdav 4 ‘ili'lt'tttmitl of list week. when his rsecond (lattulilt‘t' Marion .tunie was itlltlll‘lt'tl to Mr. Alliett Norman Hours. ('ourortl. the Rev. lh. 'l'ninhull of ' \\'est l‘ieshyterian ('lllllt'll. Toronto. ‘ toftlciating. Only the near relatives of , ‘theeoturartiucr parties writ: pit-sent. The lll'ltll' who was given away lo; her father. looked \‘eiy sweet aitd .chaiiniug in a ltalitlsoitit‘ gown of white silk trimmed with srrdpt-arls land a Juliet rip. llet‘ sister. Miss ‘ \\'oods. who diessed in a gown of liltlel' isilk, acted as hridesmaid while Mr. l Henry liowes supported the gt'tttit't l After a dainty supper Mr. and .vlrs. lBowes leit for Toionto and Hamillor. lllie hridettrtvelling in a suiatt Mu.- ‘suit with hat to match. The many hrautiful gifts it-eeiu‘al lhy the hi ide w~re an vtltlt'ttt'c I f her gin-at poi'ailaiilv: the t-hoir of the Methodist Lllilll'l). of which she wa< a .memlwr. [llt‘>t'litillf_‘.’ het with a h llitl- 1>tilllt‘\"t‘:ll eh cl»; and a tea set it ptctty , ‘L‘hiiia. lni'ants (Meialls inadeot sort wot-l. tastcto'll \\illt t'zvttl :ttttl l.i.<~~'l Ill \\:t:~l line and ankle. whit:- and t'altliital. pt. Silk-.1 infants \\:\lllt .larkti It sott \vhite \\'wl with liallt'v ttlgi', :l’x'. .-.x.: \\'onu'n\ litthi' size. heavy rotton and wool lllil't'tl \t il. high net k and long slt-eu'. still iiui~lt litslilt'. silo l: In -| l. t‘:l. Jilin l‘iltltil' Hill'lltlli lit gut tl lll li|l :Ititl lilorii [Lilli-ins. square \Il. Atkinson tk Snail/nu. - :tor. li iszsési‘yiriii 9" :1‘ti4z‘L-éé) sâ€"J '1 Q; t“. w A R M A P s ._ l‘C-i K11 a '4‘ leet'y lloine should have :i {l \Var Map. \Ve oll‘er llie hesl ‘i ’g to out readers Free of (‘Iiaigtn \‘l‘ lit'ad .tnnnunrenn-itt on page four of thi‘ ia ter, .‘1 no ‘ l l t,‘ l!‘ 1‘ câ€"E‘e‘esesesx’s ases‘es PSTâ€"fl e‘e » NEW ADVERTISEM Ems luring: quirk results. Ll anything to sell. or if you wish to purchase something. hire lu-ip. rte” try this “ NEW Anviciri‘isicuicx'r " colutnu. Amer main-ma. .. um..- hy L. Johnson. Ynnge Sh. Ilicli- tnond Hill. H 3 In ‘Ftilt SALE. â€".-\ ingestâ€"4a eutth of Oxford self feeder stme. in good rniiditinn. Appr \\'. A. Srniunv. 1st. door ur-tth of (l. A. Skeele. 17 l. f. "OR SA LVNâ€"VOm- small l‘nal lieutng stove. (,7. Mason. 17 t.l‘. OR SALE-Piano Player. with ZZL’. rillsnfinusie. at half price. or \villexehange lot a good t'.i\\'. Also Acetylene gas ontlil. completi- 4 with hrackets aml lamps, cheap. Ad- drtss 'l‘horuhill Spiiugs. It) 3 “OR S.\l.l5.~l’iist class tip-lo-date eoal heatei. l’ricl- right, apply to J. Davidson. High School. lll-l. f. I; on SALE; ont- uickh- an... 14.17.. huroer. as good as new, out-drum. also one parlour coal stove. Ap- ply to l’. \\'. Mctltegor. stop -lt). 'l‘hoi'nliill. 2O 2 “0R SALEâ€"A set of Elievclopae- â€"< - . - - .- ' tll-‘l l)1'll}llll)ll‘.'l. .2.) \t hunt-s, as good as new. at, one-third cost pl'it't‘. Sitiial'lt' for Public School lihtary. May he seen at The l.iheial tifilce. 20 Li. Fou SAl.l“..â€"Niue pigs :tlmut t... months old. lot 45. eon. 1. Mark- ham. (K M. Palmer, Richmond Hill. 21-3 Uli-SA‘IIIE*~:\ lilililllt't of hanging lamps and ptrlour lamss. May he seen at The Liheral Uttiae. tf OR SALliulh-y iuiXed wood at $4.00 pet rot-d. cash on delivery. T. Glass, Elgiu Mills l'. U. 1%‘Oll. SALE-*Tett l‘rurt-d l’lymontli Hot-k l’ttllt-ts, 75t1t'tits t‘aeli. Miss Mapes, lleadl't-id. ill 1 I)Al.\'TlN(l & l’Al’lCllHANGINGA ll..nms $2.001”). First-elass \voi k guaranteed. ll. llazlehursl, Elgin Mills. 20 l "'I‘R.-\YEl)â€"~(‘aint to the premises 5 of the undersigned. lot 40, con. 23. Vaughan, on or ahout the 45th of Noveniher. a red and white_Cow. The owner may have the same by pinving property and paying expenses, (leo. Bone. (Jarrville. 20 3 I”‘RAYElJâ€"vCame to the premises of the undersigned. a yearling heifer. The owner may have the same by provingr property aml paving expenses. James Cosgrovr. Elgin Mills. :31 3 b owing to lack of Hall“. to sell fifty l’ullets at $l.lltl each. also [\velve t‘orkerels at $2.1)Oto $3.00 each. NAP l.\‘ I’UUL'l‘RY:(‘ompelit-d. AllSiItgle t‘ultih lilitule lsltttitl lit’llS‘ t'ioni my lit-st hens, and the host lay- int.r sitain in the country. .tuhicy l)a\is. Nemai kel. (hit. ‘Jl :5 \ [AN’l‘t‘Illâ€"aliil to, do? general ‘ housewntk. Mtts. l‘lichmnnd llill. IS-lf \70Xtiti s'i‘itiaic'r l-‘lttiN'l‘AtllCer-l It“). eigth >;tl-', l.\' .tries. with liontage on (Illl'- Yonge ltxet'llt'llt sttttalitui. llltltll‘t"llt‘ [itit'tu dit-ss l3. ('.‘itt‘ Liheial ollice. lnile g2} x v I Tl“. HAVE C .t i. I. S i'ot' lliclunottd Hill pl't‘):31'l_\'. \Vlt)‘ not is‘. it witt US '3 JOHN FISHER. TORONTO E. W. .lloyle. Langstaii Local liepi'eseiitative 1:; if 6.3 l)\'l‘3ll'l‘l.\‘l§.\l lCN'l‘S in this column . if you have ‘ lli'Nt.oi'. ‘ l i l l l l 212' l 4 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 ‘ d 4 < d ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ 4 4 < ‘ 4 4 d 4 ‘ ‘ Q 4 4 3 ‘ 4 4 ‘ 4 4 4 ‘ 4 4 ‘ 4 ‘ J< 4 l4 4 ‘ 4 é ‘VVVVVVVVVVVVYVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VSVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVYVV :sItil.‘ " .»\d-‘ 15 ll'. ‘1... ‘ I. F-'. \g ,l. " '_' q \’ I. \ . t. Egauvcg‘u d:....‘..-»"J;'J;>4'é_' .jguwlvi. u “.3 GilNBllElE HOUSE A FEW ITEMS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION All “'Ul/l Urey Flannel, light and medium snadcs, 28 in. wide, per yard. . . plain weave. .23 Taiid 30C i’iti‘c wool Scarlet. l’lanticl. ‘31} in. wide, pcr yaid. . . . . .. .. . .33c 72 in. White Flannel Shooting. pcr yaid . . . . . . . . . . . .750 ’I‘willed Wrapperette, navy with white spot, cream with navy spot, hright cardinal and grey, in small patterns, pct‘ )‘d. 130 lllttc and White (.Ilteck Apron Gingham, fast color, With bordci' 40 in. wide, per yard . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .1-1 boarder, pair $4.50 \V'onien's \Vliith I’lanncttc Night Gowns, square yokc. lined and finished with full of embroidery. good quality . . . . . “$31.00 Men's WoohIdncd Swede Gloves, 2 dome fasteners . . . . “$1.00 Men‘s Black Lama Hosc,scainlcss fect,deuble Leelsand toes pr. 250 Men‘s ‘2"1 ribbed, black. hcavy Wool Socks, pci‘ pain. . . . . . .40c Women’s white Reindeer tinish Fabric Gloves, soft. and will wash . pct' paii'.... Cotton Ll rain Bags, doz. . . . .......--..-a White Wool Blankets. weight G 115.. pink 500 .ClottlolIo-IIa-wn II...l.-.-.IJII ‘TRC‘CERIES, ETC. Favotito Shoo l’olish. huttlo . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .100 .. . . 100 and 150 . . . .10c .......10(: Patterson “Variety” boxes Chocolates .... .. . . .. . ... .. ....:35'c Sherwin-Williains‘ Stove Pipe Enamelain. . . . . .. Nonstich Liquid Stove Polish, bottle . . .. .n..o-...-... chiug Machine Oil, large hottlc. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Fresh (Ji‘otind Boston Coti‘ec. at the old price, per 1h. .. .. . . . .lOc lrlxccllcnt I’lavot' Japan Tea, pci‘ ll). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOC Atkinson & Switzer AAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAA \VE ARE AGENTS I’Olt Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass insurance Consult; Us la‘or 1%“th Your Insurance will be well looked after if tett to P. G. SAVAGE 86 SON RICHMOND HILL Pnox E 5002. VV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY VVV'V V'VV SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Al;o a. solid lnick dwelling on Yon-rut St. choice huiltling lot; the l)t‘>l lot-ain‘t. oi; Yougo Slim-t. A. (i. D I» wwvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvv (inetl Silt: hit. SAVAGE WALLPAPER S'I'OCK COMPLETE LOWEST riuetgs liVlClt Ql'U'l'lCD FURNITURE AN.) SEVVING NIACEINES ()ut- furniture catalogue-s hat c all the newest, designs at moderate A>K to See them and compute piict-s with other places. 1’. (,l. SA VA (i l‘) ptices. Till] RICHMOND HILL FURMS lNG STORE .14 i“ v Ia.“ l. Gm We. ,7». {1 Men's Swmtci‘tfibats in slate, brown and than, nice “3 rich shades and extra niccly made at $1.3!) and 53.0%.], :5? also a variety of lines t'i'ozii $2.00 up. E .3 Fa. Men's Ovei'Coats in grays and la‘owns, cxti'a 211cc :2, . Nhh littci's at from $10.00 to 5513.00. :l Men’s lieavy Winter L'ndei'wczu'. several lines at .30 cents to $2M) a garment. .. T... 57".. ,. U‘AJLA‘AM 2C3. NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR I, __ W... . It. Akita» . ... 7. q u o _ -_ 1 .I a . ‘ \ . . ' ‘ $23.3} aloud 1..“ V .. . < , a . -_,:J.J'a..‘-_~'JJ'N "- J ".5. w-..

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