Tmnch’s Gamage Works RICHMOND HILL WM. TRENCH 82 SON A. J. HUME Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. HNE TAILGEii‘iG Repnil in .4 VB X CELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. verything in the flame RIGHMNB HELL HARNESS SW AND Motor Repairing: Done RICHMOND HELL L. CURTIS NOTARY PUBLIC Le'Lse ;. \Nills, Etc. IN (‘ONNI'X‘TION \VI'I‘II L. CURTIS Conveyancing. Pressing Cleaning Repairing COME AND SEE US iul :nlcnliun given to He leaves Newmarket at 2 pm, passing through Aurora about 2.30. getting to Richmond Hill about 3.30, and will stop at Thornhill about 4 o’clock. In the gorgeous oar of ioioles and silver bells, jingling bells and festoons of gold, With band playing and banners wav1ng, Santa Claus will make his royal entr $1106 on Friday, November 20th. SANTA GLAUS ARRIVES NEXT FREDAY lâ€_\' 41116. EH md promptly (lune If the weather is ï¬ne and his car wheze NORMAN BATH COURT OF REVISION Nolmo is hereby givvn that :1. (‘n will lw held pursuant to the Ohm Volels' List. Act. by His Hmmr Jm (‘nutswurtlu .Iadgo (-f the (‘vmn Vmnrt of the (Inunly nf Yurk, at, Musunic Hull, Maple. nn SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23"1‘11. 19] at 9 :l. m. tn hvnr :md detexmmu thv save Complainte hf ormrs and ("Missions llll‘ Vutm's’ List of the Municupmlily tho Township of Vaughan fur the y 1914. All persons having: business lhv (fmu-t :u'e wqumtml to .‘lUL‘llll said lime and plucv, Dilll‘d :lt Muva t \‘vmbr-I', 10H Tho Lil):- â€"- 01: THE ~â€" MUNICIPALITY OF VAI The T. EATON 00., Limited, £13£§32j In Ranges we have the foHowing well-known makes: Pandora, Imperial Oxford, Happy Thought, Othello Treasure, Etc. all guaran- teed by the makers. A150 :1 few second hand stoves. Three in One $20.00. Oak Heaters from without feed pots. Yonge St. Wall Papers for Any Room in the House and Suitable for Any Style of Decoration ur hull lurk of l1 (rf‘ï¬ce Prepare for £036 Weather . If You are going to itc lintin 1pers :hens tier pupc 3 cents :1 Jrsuunt tr ct. by His Iadgv (-f wo in One with even I Richmmï¬ Hm ï¬ardware C0, J. B. AICLEAN the said Municipality this lllll day (if N( The Richmond HER! Wallwiï¬lapgr SW6 may, * “' xt .‘ etc at8 Ellis the Decorator p.11) raining Hmmr Jlulgu Llw (‘vmmly Yurk, at, thâ€" m be used Wm H. 1n intml STIMA’I‘I 10 cent. ("I I 1 AN :1. Court Onhu-in 20 Richmond Hill 19H ar cqn make good time. he will stop in each town for a few minutes axe he Will greet Lhe boys and girIS. Iperhanging hard or soft coal or wood -:\l in in :1 good mum NOVEMBER 20th Need a Stove buy Now $8.00 to $16.0 1 1'01], suitan '1‘] w URNISHED All kinds nf Work in the tmdr done in :l workmunlike manner. “'hn-n you want printing think of Export, \Vi‘lk in shoving Iume :md intel-feling how 5. 01' without borders I LIBERAL m1 printing H 0 R 515-8 {1 (h; IRAL BI. )0. . SCHERZER FINAL “'1 LI Shm's Remnn New Shoes - - _. S(i-llol'zor RICHMOND 1111.1. fm ()l’iicn ll) V I'OOIH 101 0 E I ,\' H AXD ACKSMITIILVG 1‘ O Phone 29 a thh or VINCE YUI 1L 1'1'0 m uitnble 11w home HOUSE PAINT "R, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESID EN CE. RICHMON D HIL L ‘N. HEWISON THE, W. H. BASSETT Sill!!!) Honda IIn L. E‘ HAND, ucpaluucnu Ul uua uuun w u... n“.-. aï¬P‘D OFFICE form of investment. RICHMOND HELL BRANCH Ann SI'IT Si!) WTS Nï¬ SALE ©1F' @ANAIEA SEE the ï¬ne new houses being built on this? prop- erty. ' able 3AKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep. swlendid outIOOk. good water, good drainage. 5: 1(0‘ riczed ta house cogting $2500. um "Its \\' 10.50 RLIN pry Branches also at Maple. Markham. Stouffville, Unionviflc and Locust Hill RICHMOND HiLL Wholesale Florist STANDARD that having ill) the H( LAWRENCE GARDENS th W. J. LAWRENCE, W AYI ii es. $2500 to $30. 00 )l T ER )1 S REASCNA BLEJ ll) OATS RECHMOND HILL 20. 00 lit ll) Some good lots left at reason- ECURITY for both principal and interest is the ï¬rst essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. *AGENCYâ€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE 1k C. I. HINAS RICHMOND 1| ne ESTABLISHED 1875 Richmond Hill 11' SL011 MANAGER mndry ncl Hill in lll Manager; 1n chD