ioonsad Auctioneers for the County of Yurk Saws “tended to on shortest notice and at. rea- sorab‘e rates Patronage solicited Telephone. Main 31] mble Address. "Du RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILI PIANO TUNING LA SK A Y P. 0 H 0 m e Burrisrm's. Sallicrnrs. EU: NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 30 KING 5T [2,. TORONTO. Canada. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Licensed Aucuc Ontario and No: given to sales of farm stock sales and sold on own on shorten uotic up-lo~date metho Address: 23‘.) 1!: Phone in House Phone No LIB BRAL PRINT T. F. MGMAHON All mail orders will' receive prompt attention. 200 BERESFORD Aw Phone J nnclmn 1 IS PUBLISHED EVERY I'EURSDAY MORNING Undertaker; .\' [‘mhalnn-rs. Denton, Grover & Field OJ“. Lame .7. Dunbar D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. nlls by phone m‘ otherwise promptlv 1'(‘S["‘lldcd tu . Cameron MacNauqhton Lawrence & Dunbar, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR. BLDG. IS KING STREET “'EST TWENTY~F1VE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VCL.XXXVII. Fn‘tt hnuse north Switzm’s Phone No. 2403. ‘4 Barristersï¬ollcitors, Notaries. an. me Life Building Cm‘. Adelaide & Viclnrm Sts.. l‘ul‘o'ltn. ,Smaeon Maple SATISFACTION G UARANTEED. VETERINARY SURGEON, (Fluornhill. M. 3631 I‘Iaplo , () n t. LICENSED AUCTIONEER JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER goï¬n .7. 27avidson BUSINESS CARDS z Szligoon & Nl’c Ewe-n , Fur the Gummy of York. WRIGHT BROS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING rgnus per annum, in advance. L PRINTING 8: PUBLISHING HOUS‘ RICHMOND HILL , ONT . d Auctloneer for the Counties of Y nd Noth Tomum. Sveciul amen mlos of (New deserivtmu. Farm EDITOR Sc PUBLISHER. 239 Buniol sc . Noxth Toronto House. North 229:2. J. H. Prentice ,ept THORNIIILI Repaired R ESHW of Fv‘reml Furnishing :t both places and condu‘ AT THE Do gibml k inlty All store Expert Work WEST TORONTO ‘pl' . V Firms bought sales attended to bed by the latest Pnoue Main 298-! J K McEwen Weston kinson & ONTARIO " (Dr. C. LaVerne Pantisonl [ll] Hun. Gruduutt I)I'H[:l] Slu'gvm): .Richumnd Hill CCDL‘IISSIONER. CONYEY ANï¬ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Riohmona Iâ€"Iill Weduésdaj Hill (:res‘ BARRISTER. Somvmm, NOTA RY, ET Tm'nntn Ofï¬ce. Ruom ‘323 Cnnfvdez Hm: Life Bldg.. V(;.12Richmtmd St. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-a Ofï¬ce), emit-y Thursday forenmm. Maple, Thursday afternoon \Vnudhx-iduv, Snmrduy fnrennnn. Monov to 1mm at Five Per Cunt (55 Mouov to honn onlaud anucnatte'l mortgages†“west rates Auroraofljceâ€"Ilun oveï¬ to the old post plEca one door \nst of the entrance to the Outnrw Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the 13ng oflice T BEBEERTLENNOX G V MORGAN LENNOX 85 MORGAN Barrisu'rs and Solicllors. (TR1)\\'NS Ofï¬ce lnmh ing. ()flive ELLIOTT This schuol stands head and shhnld' ers nlmve the ordinary business college and when TmmOL‘GHNEsS 01? TRAINING is cansidvn‘d. ranks nnmng the best on this continent. Handsome (:nluluglw on request. Yong: and Charles Sts. w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEM] Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up to-date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4th. STRIKE FOR A BETTER POSITION by lukingucmn-se in the I’upulur mth Tuesdav 5f éucl) mouth. Fire Brig-deâ€"Meets ï¬rst M Church of Eng‘nndâ€"Services at 11 a. m p. 111. Holy Cummuuiou on the 3rd Su | the luuulh at 11 a. m. mud on the nh Sn Prompt and Reasonabfe Estimateé given in House Wiring, both old and new. :l. H. SANDERSON Also age} Cleaner at. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL blic berary and Read day. and Saturdav evenin worth Leagueâ€"Meets eve rummissinnm‘, Convc Insurance, and Re Issuer 01 Marriage Fâ€"Meets t] H Rntepw Electricizn, Richmond Hill TORONTO, ONT. lerinn Ch located in Stand Ofï¬ce hours 9.31 Village Dlrectory EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK Gl'ndunt o _ Royal agent for F Sun D BRIIJGI: Aur'xra cl Thursd 1.0.0 SEXâ€"Me -Meets 1â€"Mae Fridux; In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials I‘m-(ml: 'mntz Vacuum Electric Irons all convenient ELLIOTT. Principal ml Bunk ):l.m, Ln 'yancer. etc 211 Estate LJICE’USQS CJHog n, will Tuesday ‘f eve nday It [X n. m. 'ayer mee mâ€"Open rth Fri Cla luesday I.\J 31-211 ter lay 1th Id ll) Pursuant, to the Statutes in that be- half. Nulicuis hereby giwu that all persons hanng claims against the estate of Matthew McNair late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of Yurk, Gentlvman. whn (livd on ur about the 12th day nf September (AI). 1914 are x-vtlniH-d nn (\1- ln-fuw the List, \Vi†pl 04 the said titled [h the (‘1in have rec that, was coming their way. showed his good nature by x the boys in, and ianducing [1 his bride. After epr-t-ssing good wishes. for Lheir fulnm uess, a pleasant evening was 1 to a close. Mutrinmnizll germs are afloat of Uupids lzILesL victims is‘ His AI). 1914 the 15th ( with their names and M AND take further N01 [he lasL InenLinm-d date will pluCEPd m dislrlhul After spending Humming; in Turm Bmvvs and bride. 'l‘ut-sduy, Nov. thl’ was surprised urnn Mimiu' \meurc it BuL his fears were fnrmvd that .1 sum†the |)()ys,\\'lu- \vvre l by the. Urumu’s F; E. H. Fisher, one of Concuul's 1‘ popular yunng ludivs, wlwse mum" to Mr. Oltmwll McLlezm, tm-k p in Tux-unto. nu Tuvsdny, Nov. 1 They will l-vside at 0'5 Edwin 2 Tumntn. . Cupid‘s operations are nut limin- Concord only. va5 bus un- fl‘mll [he \Vr‘st (If [ho In:- (nx nl‘ Tlu' Nm‘emlmr sessmn (If County ()mmcil opened Mundq The work will be. light. as iL "fly is at the lust sessiun uf Lin" Thu 1201 York Rangers are up for :1 gran of $1.000. This (Thmsduy) evening the.- ; banquet [u the warden will he: the \Vullsel' liuusa‘. fl'ull) Jnlm Susk. They Mr. Arthm ï¬nancial Ins: succumbed tn un uttle Shouting “mu-he‘s popular in this place be held at Clu-n'v' ful' liflvs :II- will he turke (Juuncil udjmn' Suttun‘s Holei. SCI day, December 5th \V: Jusvph Billings, mouths pay $37.50: Daniel Casey. rum) wnrk $1.58; Jumns Muir, cmlur posts $12.50; Frank Egan. re so] \‘icvi as Auctionevr $5.00; W. (l. Appleton. [Penning and re-puirs l0 fence, $8.00;\Vm. \\"illimns.(un ncuuunt re cement tile $100.00. \Vatson-Kankeâ€"Thut the Treasurer he instructed in receive from S. S. Nu. 21. $0.00 fur tile used for well. \sztsmrKnakeâ€"Thut the Treasurer he instru-‘:t.c<l to pay to the rule-payers in road Div. No. 4, Gun. 4, the uumlmt of statute luhnr churng In the-m in their Tux hills of 1914. each having pm-furmed the same upon presvnting their Tax hill fully paid and receiptud, SiLLleflL‘tUl'y to the ’J‘reetsurer. \Vutsnn-Knakuâ€"Thnt Miss E. Tin- line he paid the sum 0f $25.00 fur use of gravel piL fvr milking Tile for the yems 1013 and 1914. Kauke-Rulu‘“sunâ€"Thut the Treas- ure-r accept, cash und notes from sale (if mutcrinl at Kettlehy lnidgedmmnnt- ihg to $19.0!) rush and Nute $3.25. Kin; 14th rend px-(js Cmmcil met; at Armstmn M emb M iss NOTICE TO CREDITORS '. rwsd utm embers all present. meeting I'Pud and El'nl (Inn)municutions 1 . The following ented and nrclcred puic soph Billings, months it) urde lll iU‘ lmnng cleu'ms Matthew McNui of Richmund f Yurk, GHIIIK‘HI Ill hl COOK KING COUNCIL adjourned t Lei. Schumbm County Council "ding zl week honey- ’1‘m~untn, Mr. Albeit N. bride. returns-(l home 4m v. 17th. No doubt Albert _l around 10 p.11). 10 luau-u ’nrc in their i'nmt yard. were allnyed, when in~ ,1 small few would satisfy ’ \VM‘U being ably assisted un’s Fulhur, to Burn all miug their way. Aller good nature by Invitian of DC-cembor signvd Snlici statement of . hn f “'1 Clion'y Dvccmlu slluf and my) evening the.- :ï¬mnal warden “'1†he held at Concord 1 St ‘tlu mum lwr z,m confluence ets will he erected guns. The pl‘lZJS GIL :u'c applyin Anulhe'l‘ will theix 1914 lwst horse: Indigestion \‘(2 become (H‘nt’l‘s HRIS'I Mil hi at. One is Nm-nm (1's most marriage earn all Albert Inviting them to mH-t at, n Sutur- many hnppi taught hiU'd to uni ved ut pr Bld Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†:9va! York ihenJ ml l and Wet-(- 71 h k \‘t' the inns [v] AND ’1 that nftel Pxecutux-s the asset parties 91' unly tn [1' then huvt half, Nnth persons 1) late of Jc . At the lust mwting (-f Markham 'l‘mvnshiu Council the following i'usnlutlnn was (‘nl‘l‘lt‘d : Mm‘ml by Mr. Pudget. seconded hy Mi. Mitchell, "That this (inuncil take the initnliw. w n Relirf Fund fur the- Belgiuns, by calling :L Muss Meeting Hf tlw pvnpll.‘ ol'ihe Municipality. (n he huh] in Vicim-iu Hull, Unimn‘illv, on \Vudncsduy. Dec. 2nd, 1914. at 2 p.lli.; after which an ()rguniznlinn Meeting will lw })(’lll tn :n-mnge :1 campaign throughout, the Municipality for the cullc-ctingnf.~uiil Fund. On account nf lht‘ rxtrmxw want illlll sul'fm ing nmv heingexpei-h nch by the Bvlgiunsï¬vhu have pl‘OVt’tl lllt'lllSPl\'t‘~‘ wurthy of our loyal suppmt, this Council would urge the co-upcrzition i-f ull in muklng the Fund suuh :15 \\'(|lllll hu u audit to the uld historic 'l‘nwmhip of Markham. Ali“ th-it :l cupy (.f [ills H'SUlllthll he suntp [u thn- resident, Ministers of thr: and out p11»; Mr. J. E. Fr: is hm lug instu system in Vitt il cmnpleled f( By sn duing. turned the gm the Hull, and of the Town-ship of “ County 0f ank, Gent on Ul' nlmnt the 18le «l A.D. 1914 are re [1191511) day of D to the linden-sign Exe-cutors, :lenu with the \V t The uzmnlms of Txi have dvcidvd In (‘llnngt [huir annual Bazaar, Tau this season and will hnld Hall (-1) \YPLlllé‘MlnY :11 Hull ('1) “’Hlnemlny nftm (‘\‘l'lllng, Dec. 9th. As hnznal‘, ten and ulhm' nttmc he held in the lows-1- pm-L 01' and the concert upstairs. A programme is prumissetl. prices will pl-m‘uil. The p] this uvenL will he divided, ()1 he devoted to loud and UI wmk, and the other half (01 Uniom'ille Tho Clmsocx-ntirm of the n presented by Mr. A. J. H. Be the Ll'nstees of the Luthumn Uninnville. tun]; pluco nu the Allhnngl) the “'l'ulht’l' was but, desirable. and the roads Ind sLnte, Ihe chm-ch was c1 [hr dam-s with peuplu fmm n Markham vanship. Mr. made the prusn-ntuliun nu Mrs. Elrkzndt and his childâ€. 'l‘lw (-1.,-utril-nl\\nlk uf the I was done by Mr. I. H. Sunder: local electrician. -md is a (:1 him and :m ind “cement to :111 I work dune by lhcul ï¬rms “hen possible. ‘ iSSy, Mr. Dvnnsseau :iwred [he 0 Snlut Lnflummn and San“ gave the Ave Muli whip-h closed the pl 0 on in the- swim purtsl (,lw :liturnute verse Much pmiw is due M indefatigable mum \vurkcd fur tlw rurle '-:II pm [inn «If the In lllll (lid mm-t [1 light [A the ï¬x thv pr den-ed l) BIC: The :uuh with nu: irel'y Thp JUN. NIUH Pursuant to the Statutes in that NOTICE TO CREDITORS HID it: is must in unple justic trim: tlw m and the nther hnlf m thv Ch {111an Building Fund. I 1- hills for further particulm uumo. L‘LC. .u U]: ship. mg: installvd thnliulty in this' 0f thv Huron 1' Rev. E Kelly and consigned i ww lights \vvre th “It )1 li :Il'l' m 11V ml vm-n‘lists fl Dr. Mm-rlssv (. :e was Inn-nod :mtl >lV installed was turn lime. le musical I rumme “'ns excvllvl 'the rognlnr chuir u ip of Mr. J. A. Green y interesting :11 V tOnk p1:le on the 18th instant lh 1V1 DH "IVS Mary's Catholic Church nu pl’t gm nd .‘is due Mr. (hm-m3 fl [9 manner in whu llw x-m'vnmny as the of the pmgmmmu \v gml by him. ‘i ll “0 1k of the li piliLS) 111K Mr. Fraud: mitudv nf [hr L1 [he gvnvm Slgm Thornhill fDr mcis infm-ms us th lvd h“ (‘1(‘Ctl'it rin HuILnnd ht “SE 1 effect. Mr. I’m-r02 pruym; \\‘hlf,‘h set I( spixing; :md (he singex 5 to his grand Ihcnw Benediction of the >nthy Rev. Dr. Mur- xeau 0t ’l‘nrnnln ren- me H ht 1’ RTH ER NOTIC} IHPI mftt Iims against the ('5‘, apard Jackson late ‘1' Vaughan in [he . . entleman, whn dll‘d Klnds Of and um GILCHR In 1mm Tux-mun, '(If Toronto l‘(â€"'(‘i[(‘(i er n <hUl't 1(‘\'i(‘\V is vicinity since thu m misx‘innx. the y rvud the morL- d it tn the flames, a then turned (m, 'nb was delighted ï¬'cct. Mr. I’m-roll Sulicitm-s nt of theh l nddressv: whi ~[irl \ l'lS CR 26.1914 oodin 7 Mr. 'I‘xinily ('hm-ch excvllvmly chuir umh H. STIVEH he new mgun H. Eckm-dl. to cum church at n the lélh illat. was anything ands in a very as crowded to on) all parts hf Mr. Eckmdt, nu bchulf of 0 the flute of ‘ and Concelt it in Victoria ftvl'mfnn and us usual the tractiuns will yof tlu- Hull, A ï¬lst~clnss VI. The usual ’ prucm‘ds uf I, one hulf tn 1 nllu‘r l0]in l‘ht I'm-m2 fnr {In in which ht r us the Inns 1nd u'm h H 1914 l {H \Ve i date [ht distribute mung the will l‘ Dr-c. will l1 f)" t run publlt IN \V that, lie- lhut nll s. 21.; ;RICEMONJ) H ILL, ONI‘ l' lelief Chm-ch lighting son the redit to to have Bldg (‘lelk at n“ [Hing have l‘ [h u'm: 9th. 1mm) us (If ht Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. D. HlLL & GU. Bakers and Cohfecnioners We have the D.L. & VV. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now SHEER & RAMER ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. Evervthinor u ~to-date in . a P . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, Also Good Bran and Shorts V" VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVV‘ Different Varieties of Ens age Corn at the Elevator Aâ€"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ORANGE and all ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Comforts and Teething ngs W. A. Sanderson BISCUITS kept in Puhiic Aiteniien unitary '1an M uccessorius f And everythingifor the Baby CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Fer the Baby Allvnlmry‘s ], Mailed Milk. ‘ Mellin )sistin; Talcum Powder [Single copies, 3 cts. Feeding Eottles Condensed Milk RICHMOND HILL Bard in Baby Foods SEASONA BLE FRUITS Our hm for the Chickens DRUGGI GRAPE xll tht M Cracked Corn Iglt 2. 3. Hm-Iock’s Ngstk‘a Food, 13mm] and all u' the same Brand best mu kes RUIT