" ' . . Good-Bye, 01d Brickaclie licniline Will llix You! 'Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out: Every Sign of Pain Disappears. Gee whiz-â€"tliink of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness in the back's muscles can be rubbed away for all time to come by good old “Nerviline.†No other lini'ment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back-weary sufferer as Nerviliue in- variably does. Backache' isn‘t the only malady Nerviline is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to ï¬nd relief so speedy as Nerviline gives. For chronic rheumatism there are pain~destroying properties in Ner- viline that give it ï¬rst rank. The way it limbers up a stiff joint and takes soreness out. of strained or rheumatic muscles is simply a wonder. If you have an ache or a pain any- .v’here, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck. a stiff joint. a strained muscleâ€" if you have Iumbago, congested chest or sore throat. just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifullyâ€"it won't blister, it can’t do anything but. cure you quick- ly. The large 500. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25c. small size of Nerviline, the king of all pain-relieving remedies. 4‘ A SI’LI'IN DU) CAPITAL. \hrisiiania. Denmark, Is Laid Out to Good Advantage. Christiania probably is the most tastefully laid out capital of any state in Europe, Paris itself not excepted, says the Manchester Guardian. It owes its foundation entirely to King Christian IV. of Denmark, from whom it takes its name, who, in or about the year 1623 decided to erect for himself a new capital on the opposite side of the river to Oslo. The whole of the main streets of the city run at right angles and are extremely wide. Indeed, it would hardly be an exaggeration to call them squares rather than streets. For the most part the architecture is rather heavy in design, but the clear air that comes from the flords tends to give the whole place a. tone of lightness that it would otherwise lack. The River ’Akcr contains a wonderful series of waterfalls in the upper courses some little disâ€" tance from the city, where practiâ€" cally the whole of the necessary power. for the everâ€"growing manu- facturing quarter of the Norwegian capital is generated. This quarter is rat-her rigorously restricted to the suburb of Sagenc, on the north side of the city, since town planning is something more than a mere name in Norway. The royal palace, which was built by Christian IV.,‘ is a handsome building of rather unattractive architecture. The interior has been much improved since Norway be- came a separate kingdom and King Haakon took over the crown, and many of the. rooms are distinctly English in their appearance. This is largely due to the taste of Queen Maude, who has equipped one or two of her private apartments as Let Them Speak For Themselves You needn't take any- body’s word for the super- iority of Post Toastiesâ€" Get a package from your Grocer, pour some of the crisp, sweet flakes into a dish, add cream or milk, and a sprinkle of sugar if you wish. Then be the judge of Post ‘ Toasties The Superior Corn Flakes â€"made from the hearts of the finest Indian Corn. skil- fully cooked, seasoned. rol- led and toasted. Toasties are not ordinary "corn flakes,†so remember when you want Superior Corn Flakes to ask your grocer for Post Toastics (jana Han Pestum Cereal (‘o_. Ltd. Windsor. Ont. close replicas of the rooms at Sande . ringham and Marlborough Hon-e as possible. The university. which is one of the most; notable of its kind in the whole of Northern Europe. though founded less than a century ago, now contains some fifteen bun» dred students. whose studies are modelled uptn those at. Oxford and Cambridge. Its library is remark< ably complete, comprising Some 400.000 volumes. b-ut it has few lit-crâ€" ary treasures, save some old Norse manussripts. l llanriee of ltaiienberg. First member of the Royal Family to be killed in the war. He wasra cousin of King George and a bro- ther of the Queen of Spain. A WARM WINTER. June weather prevails in California, the ideal 'Wintering place. reached comfort- ably and conveniently by the Chicago and North Western Ry. _ Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Chicagoâ€"The Overland Limited, fastest. train to San Francisco; the Los Angelee Limited. three days to Land of Sunshine. the famous San Fran- cisco Limited and the California. Mail. Illustrated folders describing the great‘ California. Expositions. and also giving rates and full particulars. will be mailed‘ promptl/ on application to B. H. Bennett, General Agent. Chicago & North Western Ry, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. A Reverse. “I hear that Rogers has met with , reverses since his marriage.†“One reverse, anyway. He mar- ried his stenographer and now in- stead of his dictating to her. she dictates to him.†Sore just Eye Comfort. t Your Druggiat's 50c per Bottle. Murine Ey. 1 l Salvcin’InbesZSc. ForBookoIithyefrceask l Drugg-im or Murine Bye Remedy Co. . Chicago l Granulated Eyelids. 1 Eyes inflamed by expo- . sure to Sun. DusIand Wind Eulckly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Smartin . Heyl can't afford to marry for. ï¬ve years. Will you wait for me“? She#C‘ertainlyâ€"if no one else mar- ries me before then. Minard's Liniment Cures Dlphtheria. L__... CANADA AND RIVSSIA. 0i )lonthly Between The present war has brought Rus- sian and British Empire interests much closer together, and with conâ€" siderable enterprise the Russian Government. has arranged to send the Nijni Novgorod. a Volunteer Fleet steamer. to Vancouver to see what business can be picked up. .She will leave V-aucmiver on No- vember 25th with several thousand tons of freight. delivered to her by the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. In~ deed. >0 promising is the business that a second vessel. the Kiev, is .schcdulcd to arrive at Vancouver learly next month. leaving again i for Russia on Christmas Day. This: l is evidently leading up to a possi~ _ble monthly service between L'an- fada. and Russia. and though the 1 Canadian Pacific Railway is at preâ€" : lsent only is‘suing through bills‘ofw llading for freight. there is no rea-l Hon why a. passenger business ‘should not grow up also. .\.x a ,mattcr of fart the Canadian Paci- li'n- Railway. which handled the Steamship 'l‘hem. Possibility Service , pounds). , Novgorod at the Japanese pOl‘i> on ills-r Eastbound voyage. booked sev. irral passengers for Vancouver. . J'l‘lie displacement of thB iox<el is? ' 3.1815 tons. 3 There are many commodities which can profitably be exchanged; between the two collvltl‘iew: for in exam-e. grains. mar-him‘ry. miner? ' . hidm. furs. tea. cotton. tobac~ «’wllllellSPd milk. uutoniohile>, ;£l}‘llit‘<. etc. The Huwiun Voluntcer l Him-t is an exteneiw and well-1 1 managed organization eon>f~t’n,: of lf‘wimeon \rNM‘li'. totalling about Maori†tonx. l: lith an extel'mnt‘ l~~v~xim from \iludhmtock (U Txurw , :-_;i and Shimonisekir- two Japanese ‘1‘ 1"» The >It'tlllll’l‘< in li\ \ l'l’ice were built in.~:‘.y in Glasgow .r‘ Nx*‘.\«;1\tlt>. llll‘ Novgorod «mnling' {r -m the yank uf '\l‘l'l\ll‘4r!lg. )lit»l Used exclusively and Cuticura Ointment occasxonally will pro- mote and maintain a clear skin, free from pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness and other unmghtly eruptions. ‘ Samples Free by Mail Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Liberal sample or each mailed free, with 32â€"p. hook. Address "Cutlcura." Dept. K, Boston, USA. cliell & Co., of Newcastle. and the K1ev from those of J. & S. Thomp son. of Glasgow. >X<___ Mercury and the War. Quicksilver has risen from $35 to $100 or more a, flask (seventyâ€"ï¬ve According to the Mining World, that is by far the highest price for mercury in modern times. The annual production is about 4.100 metric tons. The United States and Austria-Hungary pro- duce each about one-sixth of this amount, Italy a. little more, and Spam nearly one-third. The war in Europe has shut off the Austrian supply, and made it difï¬cult to transport the product of Italy and Spain. It has also caused a. greatly increased demand for mercury, which is now principally used in the manufacture of fulminate for explosive caps. Mercury is also used. extensively in drugs and medicaments. and in thermometers and instrument of precision. For- merly a Ctmsiderable amount of quicksilver was used in wilvering‘ mirrors. and in the amalgamation process of extracting gold and sil- vcr from their ores; but mirrors are now silvercd with nitrate of silver. and the cyanide process has virtual- ly supplanted the amalgamation C process in metallurgy. ’1.“ How Teddy Lost the Bear They say a sore corn interfered with he speed. Always apply Putnam‘s Corn Ex- tractor. For ï¬fty years it has been curing eorns .uld warts. "Putnam‘s" nevi-r fails. Use no other, 25c. at all dealers. Ingenious Boy. “No. Willie, dear,†said momma, “no more cakes toâ€"night. Don’t you know you cannot sleep on a full stomach i" “Well,†replied Willie, sleep on my back.†"I can Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds. am. That's So. Lady (to house agent)~'l‘he great, disadvantage is that. the housel ‘ seems to be damp. Agent â€" llisadvantage. madam! Advantage. Icall it. In case of ï¬re it wouldn't be so likely to burn. "Are you married. my man I" a lady asked a sailor. “Yes. indeed. mindâ€"married and fourth chil- dren." “Poor fellow, travelling about like this? ;\nd don't vou ever “Only when get homesick L‘“ I'm lhome. mum.‘ 1 1 lil). 4. 153m: 4;; l ALWAYS PLENTY 0]“ TIME. Loss of Day Nothing in Leisurer Holy Land. l l In Jerusalem. town-time and 'train-tnrc :ilt' different. forty m n ,utes different and both are vari- ‘able, Train officials say the tran ,leaves for Jaffa a. 6.40 in the morn ling; but 6.40 by train-tin‘c is 7.20 ‘hy town-time ()ne morning when :we were sla:tng for ldfypt. states a writer in The Atlantic Monthly. we ordeer our carriage for seven lo‘clrck Arrivmg a: the station Ilat 7.15 we found the train gone and the station empty. At last we rous (‘d out an official. “Where’s the mandld. “G ne. Messieursl" †‘ You’ve changed the hour train 1" do \V 0 10119! of the train. then f" “Non. non. Messieursi The train leaves at the same b illl‘ always, but the time has changed Yesterday 6.40 train time was 7.20 town-time. To-day 6.40 train time is 7 town- time. .To-day 6.40 train time is 7 townâ€"time. No. no." and he smiled patronizingly. “the trains alwavs leave at the same hour, our trains never changewit is the time that al- ters itself, not the train, Mes Sieurs!†We sought the telegraph office. “To the Hapag agent in Jaf‘fa,†we dictated. “Missed train. Can- cel passage on boat for Eg‘x pt. Wire date of next sailing for Port Said." This was turned into flowery Turk» lSh and sent. A reply came soon. “Plenty of time. Your boat will .wait till tomorrow afternoon. for the water is so rough she cannot land her passengers and cargo to- day. Plenty of time, if you care to take the train toâ€"morrow.†When a Wonfan Salli-1's With Chronic llileilCllel There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly 011 their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting, family, women often break down with ! MEATSâ€" Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. l The child’s l delight. l The ‘ picnicker’s choice. Everybody’s favorite. FARMS I‘OR SALE. ‘ a. w DAWSON. Ninety Colboms Street. Tor-onto- !“ MA “ANT TU BUY UK 514.2141. A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm. lwrlte H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or N (‘nlbnrne St. Toronto. 8. W. DAWSON. Colborno St" Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN I York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000- Terme liberal. Wilson Publishing Com- pany. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORH. LUMPS. ETC. internal and external.curod with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. Collinzwond, ’ 0F INVENTIONS PIGEON. PICEON 6: DAVIS 1|: St. James St., Montreal Write for information QLERS New and Second-hand, for heating and power purposes. Water Plumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. IRON WORKS POISON LIMITED TORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders. nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a; farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. “Such suffering isn’t natural, but it‘s ‘ dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint, can‘t cure themselves, theyi require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-1 ton’s Pills which go direct to the seat , of the trouble. i To give vitality and power to the, kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. 1 Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any substi-‘ tiite for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. _. 4... Away From Home. . Mrs. Whittler â€" What delightful manners your daughter has. Mrs. Biler (proudly)â€"Yes. You see, she has been away from home so much. Minard's Lanment Cures Distemper. The Practical Fellow. “They say it takes more than a million years for the light from that star to reach the cart .†“Oh, pifflel Whv- it hasn‘t. been dark more‘n half an hour.†Minard‘e Lininient ('o., Ltd. Gentlemen.v1n July 1905 I was thrown: from a. road machine, injuring my lllp and l back badly and was «bliged to use d lcrutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1906 Mr. I Wm. Outrldge ot Lat'llulc urged me to try ’MIXAKD'S LINIMENT, \\'ll‘._(‘ll 1 did with, the most satisfactory I‘m-,lltlï¬ aJd to-dayi I am as well as over in my life. Yours slum-rely,l _ n : MATTHEW x B.\I.\'E.\‘. mark. Data Missing. "Oh. George. am I as dear to you now as I was before we married?" l “Can't say. exactly. I didn‘t lkcep any account of my expenan then." I Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. .‘i oral 'l‘uie-ied, The telephone in a V i l l | l l l iwnjnxfanl V ofme run: ma _ the l'il Ar day. 'aml the .‘fnu' ~-.!;'.'rr\;i"rn 1-,ok; trying: 1 ‘ "\Ve- “an! the (locwrz (flick I†l "\VhoK' sn-k your logiise l l ‘ Everybody cxlqcpt me. I v | or ‘ I . :make llliéSI -. ,._ . . ., 1 .Il A». . 'ro EVERY aov AND GIRL This fin is an exact du licaleofanltikaolid ' go d ring and you can 3. have it engraved with any monogram desired. You can earn this beau- tiful ring in lcu than i an hour. Just simply sell 24 ackngea of our assorted picture 05! cards. sch package contain! 6 ends, w ‘ch you sell for only 101:. A free coupon iren with each package, will make your {Lend- bu them on sight. Don't wait a minute. but or er right now. You send no money until you have sold the cards. then send us the money you have received (82.40). we send you this ring, engraved, by return mail. Ask for our big catalog of premiums. Address COLONIAL ART CD. “‘"‘ '5 L TORCH l U. ONT. SIGEOIOIOEOEGIOIOIGEGEO! I QBEQEQEQEDIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI I It “turns the trick†when you feel sick I Winhlauivl be ..re “ Buy it for Puritv’s ThtTurIuCa. , " - United " ‘ Toronto 2 Sold Everywhere .\ot linonn in tanmla. Three varieties of the dog never barkâ€"the .‘\ll\,fl‘lilll doe: the Izgyp- tian shepherd (Ligand the "lion- headed†dog of Tibet. L‘iwtomrrflHow are your salted almonds} l’rcsh.7 Clerke‘No’m; salted. When a man start.»- olit to make a. h“ usually foul of llilllV‘ll \\‘n1‘l{$ lovertime. u will 2'an rel; lt eases the ‘ " ' n in pain, steps bk 4 case. Perseveranccs 311k, meanscurc. Why not prove f ibis 2 an D7“¢CD‘:I:F} three.â€"