Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1914, p. 4

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RICHMOND“ HILL. 0x1, Nov. flu, lull , thrat "i t Eli]: THE EUROPEAN WAR Despatches this morning are favorable to the Allies The' Germans have sutfcr‘ed‘ crushing defeats. i In order that Toronto may be adequately defended in case of a German invasion the city officials have placed an order {or 3,500 Winchester rifles with an American firm, with which the police force and home guard will be armed. In addition, an order has been given for 1,250,000 rounds of . . I ammunition. Butter wrappers ’ \Ve have received the followrng notice from a wholesale firm in Toronto :â€" Butter-paper is of European manufacture, and has been largely effected in price by the war. While we had airy stock on hand purchased previous to the war we sold it at the old price (30 cents a package), but re- cently that stock was exhausted. and we had to buy it afresh at a greatly increased cost. The best price we have now is 50 ceirts a package,” The price at; THE LIBERAL OFFICE for best quality butter paper, neatly printed “Choice Dairy Butter,” in lit-st blue ink is 25 cents per hundred sheets. DIED CAMPBELLâ€"On \Vednesday. Norerii- _ her 18, 1914. at his late residence. 28 Close Ave.. Toronto, Rev. ’I‘hos. Campbell, in his 7651] year. Interment at Thornhill, Friday. November- 20. i I HARTMAN.â€"In Aurora, on Thursday, November 19. 1914. Sarah Ashton, widow of the late Samuel Hartman, in her 88th year. Interment in Aurora Cemetery, Monday, Nov. 23. JULIANâ€"At his late residence,Vellore, on Monday. Nov. 23, 1014, John Jillian, in his 71111 year. Interment in Maple \Vednesday. Nov. 25. \VELSH.â€"On Monday. Nov. 23. at the home of her son-in-law, \V.K. )lc- Neill, I Glenholnie avenue, Ella Le- Roy.' wife of Robert; B. “"elsh, Markham, Ont. Funeral at her home in Markham on \Vednesdny, Nov. 25, at :2 pin. V Cemetery, VVALLACE.â€"At “Vadhridgemn Th urs- day. Nov. 19, 1914. Ellen \Villiams, widow of the late George \Vallace. aged 75 years. Funeral from her- late residenecmn Monday, Nov. 23. to Methodist Cemetery \Vooilhridge. â€"__¢ooâ€"â€" AUCTION SALES THI'RSD.\Y. Nov. 26.â€"Auction sale of lâ€" AFTER THE WAR Business in I‘anada will hum. The demand for “'t'll-ilullll'lI young men and \\")lll(‘ll t'oi' busi- ness will he lil‘t‘lV‘l' than ever. The Wise are preparing now. Get into one of our schools :llltl be ready. .\ l'ew inoiit lis will do it. lt will pay you Well. Frei- catalogue. \Vi'ili' for it. Hli:i\\"s Business Seliuols. Toronto. 395 Yoiige HI. \V. II. Hli-iw, Pics. YORK COUNTY FARM FOR SALE 50 acres. \Vliitchurt-h Township 2.3 miles from railway depot and village, garden land, seven acres woods, bank barn. concrete stable- iloors. six roomed dwelling. good water snppy, 'I‘wenty-srveii Hund- red and Fifty Dollars. John Fisher 8: C0. Cot'NTnY REAL ESTATE Luirisdeii Building, 6 Adelaide St” East. Toronto. 13 0 In PROPERTIES FOR SALE FA R )I S $0000 Markham Township, six- ty-eight acres of rich loamy clay soil. fair good buildings. reason- able terms. This farm has never been rented and is in the pink of :ondition. $9300 Vicinity of Lemonville. One hundred and fifteen acres. the soil is a clay loam, the kind that'will not bake. On the prop- erty is a good bank barn 40x100 7 a good eight r-oouied frame house and two flowing wells. The loca- tion of this farm is one of the most pleasant in the'township of \Vliitchurch. $7000 Near Vandorf. One hundred acres. exceptionally well hiiilt on. Small cash payment, balance at a low rate of interest. MONEY TO LOAN $4000 in principals of $500 and upwards on improved farm or town property. Mortgages bought. A. E. GLASS REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL .1 40 head of cattle. fresh iriilk Cows. forward and backward springers. and young 'catlle, at the Royal Hotel, Aurora. the property of J. H. Biilliiigeiz, Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms uiiismii euiiin Buyers to Share in Profits tower Prices on tom Cars Etiective from August I, 1914. to August i, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. r $590 Touring Car Runabout 540 Town Car 840 lo the Dominion of Canada Only FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales (leiai'tmcnts IF we can reach air \ output of 30,000 cars'bttwecn the above dates. ‘ - AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer's share, from $.40 to $00 per car (on or about August 1. 191:3) to every retail buyer “ho purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1014, and August 1, 101:"). F01‘it11‘tl161‘ particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Ford motor Company of Canada, Limited TONI, Ontario 0. A. M. Davison, Unionville, Cut, Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan fill Ez'na’s of 506’ frz'nh'ng tiwuiunn ' GENERAL BLAthMiiH, . New Gormley Tombstone I. entering In Marble (ll'Gl'fllIItt'. Good work, reasonable charges, Town or Country. \Vrite, \V. A. JONES, 22. Buchanan St, Toronto I done at Monuments. Marker-s and Corner .Tfie £1'6eral fifl’ice PUStS 0ROQEREES For The Careful Buyer neatly and promptly 1-3 in. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO 8HOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SIPECIALTY f. Igl‘onths' “Simeon & MCEWH“ The Next Sitting of DiviSion Court tor " ’i’Afliâ€" , a . , ‘ M" 5- N0. 3, Qoiintyonork,\villbeheld ~ PATRON,“ SHUHTED l bpeCIal blend tea, per ib .................................... 25 Friggxlv. IIN'ovf. 27tIh.â€"iAuction sale of m “"9 Com“ Rm“- Am sATierrriox GUARANTEED 3 lb tin Liptons 400 tea for ................................ 1 00 rear 0 catt 9, tie l'())31'[ ' if ‘ - ~ - - spam...“ Talbot hmpgil ,.,,,’._ ‘3' RICHMOND HILL ____.__.,.._ Gunn’s easrnrst shortening, 3 1h pail ............ 45 Scar-horn, Aniiicouit, consisting of â€"0Nâ€" le Leaf Lard ll) ")flil "OC ‘ 8'0 30cowscalve§byside,sonieSprineeis tvednesda . Jan 'T 1 1' ' p0 3 i D i 3 P 3 , “0;”. due. 70 head “f doc“: “m1 1 )r - «3v 9 3 T T -O _ p.711 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 heifersi risiilrgZZyi-s. (lild. well bred, Uoinmeneinq at 10 a.m. F J Cheese, new or Canadian Stilton, per lb ........ 20 iii gout eon itii-ii. Sa e at 1 o‘clock. , v ' v- s A Terms 5. mtmths' J. H. “mum '1‘. F MCMAHON. (.LERKI ' Coi'ni’lakes. Malta .\ lift or Gusto, 3 pkgs tor 25 Allct- Peas and Corn, 5 tins tor .......................... 25 Ti'EsD.\Y. Dec. ISL--Auetimisaleof Clark’s Pork and Beans, per tin .................... II 15 acres standing,r timberâ€"beech. I i . C‘ . , . maple and mm m M23, cm. 0“ fl, A P Q l l\\Io.alsses :maps pci 1b.... ...................... I .............. 9 Vaughan, ii... property of John I _ L ‘ Castile. (lecci'ine and bweethenrt t0ilet soap 5 Phillips. Sah- at 1 o‘clock. Terms ' -. " l . . . , i ' .. m "mum Suigwu & “rum”. 1 6 bars ot soap ant. a package of blue .or ........ 23 :iucts. 1 FRIDAY. Dee. ~lâ€"â€".~\uction Sale of faiin . R o ' * 1‘ Go A. & stock, implements. etc.. at lot 0,1.eai- y a; 5th Con. Vaughan. the property of l Sale at I ,_ d ,v ,.‘___4 o‘clock, Prentice, . John Evans. Termsll months. .l. Auct. ll. Tutu, Dee. Illili.-»(‘i~e-dit sale of Farm stock. implements. hay. roots. grain, on lot lti. con. 5. Markham, just Nor th of l'uionville. the property of the late Alex Russell; Sale at 12 o'clock. Lunch provided. Terms 11 months. J. 11. Prentice. Auctioneer. ’l‘i'issn.\v. Dec. 15th.â€" Dispersion Sale of pure bred Holsteins and grades, . lot 2*. Con. 2, Pickering. near (‘her- ryivood, the property of J. S. Hon~ ey. about 40 head of IIolsteiiis. some with pedigrees. and grades- These cattle are a firstâ€"class lot of goodi breeding and in grod t't'llillllnn. U-italogues may be had on applica- tir-n to Mr. Honey. (‘heri-yivood 1).”. or the auctioneer. Rigs will meet all trains at the Station, t‘heiry- wood, (‘.I’.R. and (‘.N.l{.. on day of ‘ sale. 9 months credit. Sale at 1 o‘clock sharp, J. H. l’ientic‘e. Aunt. “'isnxnsnn‘. Dee. loinâ€"Credit Sale' of farm stock. iiripieinents. etv‘.. on lot 12. Con. 10. Markham. Li'l'llSti Hill. the property of l’. \\'. Munro. Sale at 1 o'clock. In) months credit. i .I. H. Prentice. Auct. l IIQCCSSRI')‘. A llap 31 The pi'ii‘eot‘ Tire l-‘amily Herald and \Vceltiy Star, is one dollar a year. The price of The Liberal is one dollar a year. “'e now offer both papers for one year each. including a copy of" The Family Herald‘s War Map. size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder or con- i venient size for only $1.00. This od‘cr applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two ‘1 papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map is It should be in every Canadian Home. ORDER AT ONCE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. War Map Free XZH’eet showingr eleai‘lyevcrv boundary, every ‘iry, ' town, village, hamlet and river in the. whole European War . map in a neat t'oldei' of convenient Sill The Family Herald and Wee,le Star of Montreal has secured exclusive I Fights for the War )[ap prepared by the celebrated map firm of G. \\ .. Bacon & Co.. Ltd.. of London, ling. prehensive iriap printed. i he Liberal has completed arrangements by which cur readers can se-‘ cure a copy of th isexcellent map i‘i‘te ot‘chai'gc. "l Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only i It is beyond question the most CLl‘rl-i Richmond Hill Annex (\‘(l y ai‘ca. Ifach For Sale on Easy Terms Buildingl Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. ; Ach Garden Lands. g Trackage Lots ongCanadian Northern I Ry, and Metropolitan Ry. FURTHER INFORMATION \VRITE OR SEE J. T. LOCKE & C0., 10 AdelaideSt. E,. Toronto FOR C. A. SKEELE, Richmond Hill

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