Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1914, p. 7

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73 Ad 1_n gs. Shaft inche: fifty twe 1 \' in Da‘ etc. Whe Wit Machinery For Mr. Dwight is remorse early riser is the least int ma-mkind. “In the avera tic-day. moreover, early merely a form af atavism. Every normal human being, not given ordinarily to early rising but 911 occasion tempted or forced into it, has felt rbhe strange spiritual af- flatus, the moral putting an the back in consequence therou‘i'. The feeling that a good deed has been done. for a, naughty would i< inex; plicaible, but supreme. Dr. Moi-se’s Indian Root P The arrogance of the man who arises to the minor heroism of a cold bath has ‘been complaineH of by less ‘heroic folk “ho arise to 21 tepid or warm one. To Kbe set apart. by the ability to stand the shock of cold water has seemed to less vigorâ€" ous folk an unsu‘bstantial claim to fmmortalliby. It lacks moral sufâ€" ficiency and is boo much made of by uflhe cold bather. Another arroâ€" gance is given consideration :by the Rev. Walter Dwight. It is the ar- rogance of early risers. Mr. Dwight denies them heroism and enters into (iouibt as to their intelligence. As a. rule he finds them a. “notably ar- rogant set,” iii-nearing to believe fi‘hafb they move on a “higher plane.” Constipation NOTES AND COMMENTS is an enemy within the camp; It will undermine the strongest constitution wd ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion. biliOusness, lmpure blood. bad complexion, sick eadaches, and is one of the most requent causes of appendicitis. 'l‘o neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morsc's In ian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely v etable in composition and do not Iic'en, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking GWMQ 72!?!- SW3? THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY. LIMITED. Manufacturers of “ Montreal, Cart the Famous Ed- Brantford. wardsburg Brands. Fort Willinn Sold by All Grocers CRO‘ Made in Canada. 0F] en; ier [ll Stl‘ 1ft Hume-Made Biscuit-s u \SONA \ R BF l \V ills In 1‘11 l.\' FUR )1 ,\ 'I‘ION FOR IN V EN '1‘0 enh spiritual motives, tiqn to early risin mark of intellectl of industrial serv 61's, therefore‘ ha man than the villager. the actor than .the postman, and Poflly has to rise long before Muriel. Indeed, unless it is practised from high spiritual motives, a chronic addic- l. vestigavtors. ShOW that file lower a people is in the scale of civilizatim the earlier they get; up. Europeans for examp‘le. rise ‘Iaier than the na renowned, whi tlvc before statistics ) u b any 111V ‘lf ulu am W m 111 have cu‘cu 11' Ell i1 1V {mg the \brv assmn 1D .11 athered pel 1D the red Indian stual ba-r rvit-ude. for early - the dam an (1 0 W 1Y6 ID‘dJ‘ he depraved Pata- 1'eport, does no In the case also 0 M and findiu :l‘l by careful 1nd 1‘ 8411] 11 ‘bal‘ nuts 1 The Bava 11 111 l‘lSlnE 31 IlE 11‘ “(If xp IS up t h e theu‘ W l] S IteI the not an 11] Williams’ Pink the grave. 1 \‘ where Tlung Can Only Find Relief by Ton- ing the Nerves With New Rich Blood The Woman who “flies to pieces” over the least noise or excitement soon fades and loses her good looks. Dark rings appear under her eyes, the lines about her mouth and forehead deepen and lengthen, the eyes become sunken. the face drawn and the complexion sallow. The trouble is nervousness, and if the strain is not relieved and the nerves propeny nourished, nervous mllnpsc and years of sickness may easily follow. Dr. Williams7 Pink l’jlls fur ’alv People will save you from this dreadful affliction. These Pills make the new. rich blood that nourishes and [ones the nerves and banishes every trace of nervousâ€" fu mp. All the Wmdc the sunshine. and breezes blow up Misty Woods, e‘alch stone is warmed by .'w” .m w w ‘M Wlhen Jack Frost comes to Kitty- kin Land. and the snow lie-s white on Big Blue Hill. the Kittvykins bring out their newly-painted sleds and race each other to the Coasting Boa/d. those in growble, and surely n0 Kitty‘kin ever seemed born to help anyone out of trouble so kindly and quickly as Little Grayaid. â€" the Owl family for age-s; but the Owls never seemed wise enough to use them. Grayaid has taken the whole course of thaxtâ€"ytodo Lessons, and the How-bo-do‘it vCour-se as well. She knows just when the [fresh ca-r- rots and cabbages are good {for litâ€" tle ralbibits. ~ The day that Brown Rabbit hurt his paw. in trying ‘to climb a tall tree. ‘he’ Would have had a very sorry time but for little Grayaid. She soothed his hurt little feelings, and h-eilzpfd him walk home to his home on Three Pine Hill. 6‘19 WWW‘” One of the "remembering le-s- sons” in Kittykin Land is to help Olvd Fe‘atiher Owl taught her the Tlhree Wisest, \Vayvs when she was very voung. There are. many hellapâ€" ful rules that have been known in the Owl family for age-s; but the Owls never seemed wise enough to Graya-id tied him up most comâ€" l'urtinglv in bandages. and made him a refreshing vegetable salad. which put him to sleep. . .\-nother blessing in Kittyland is Helping Wit-Uh, who lives near Opal Pwl The Kittykins are never afraid of her wrinkled face or of her sharp voice; they love to listen to wonderful witch tales.â€"Youth’s (\mwpaniou. eads to his nax ubbyâ€"holels are 1i ushioins, that are lip. All the winc Cosy Nap Cottageâ€"~tnhe the Kittyâ€" ns calvl itâ€"stands _ on Big Blue ill. near Great, Misty V Woods. here the shadows and the Shy iinlgs live. 7 Seven little steps. lead to each )or, and euoh libtxle kitten-cart has 3‘ own turning, win-ding stair that ads to his nanning place. The lbbyâ€"holels are? lined with soft silk lSth‘ll‘S, that are stuffed with cat- .p. All the windows are open_ to 1e sunshine. and when the chilly 'oezes blow up through Great isty Woods, each little hearth- one is warmed by a. purring little I‘YOUS nt-h Young Folks i NERVOUS WOMEN 11 111d M 1‘.» In Kittykin Lulu]. p r( was 1t h (I tones ‘l‘y tract Ma rgzu'e says: ‘ ll 1’) 'Jll vas take L‘ l‘aa‘t ion . unable .=d until s gettlr W Donley, Am- I believe Dr. 'aved me from :91; down \vi’th and for to walk. I 1'16 u 101 emblin ]ll npr 3L and 11] summit or this preCIpice. We were initently watching the men disen- gage huge chunks of rock, pry and warp them to the cliff edge, and then pitch them over, to go hop« ping, skipping, and jumping down the almost perpendicular wall with increasing velocity, until they end- ed their mad career with a loud re- port and ii ten‘ific splash in the river. We had pulled our horses to the brink of the cutting. to watch the work at the closest possible range. when a wild cry broke out The trail along the clifi was very narrow and riven with small ditch- es. The party had strung out to a. length of half a mile or so, our pace to a slow walk. The foremost ones, including myself‘ had drawn up at an ugly wound in the cliff face, where a gang of rock drillers were busily engaged tearing out a path for the railway‘ which skirts the summit of this precipice. We were intently watching the men disen- gage huge chunks of rock, pry and warp them to the cliff edge, and then pitch them over, to go hopâ€" ping, skipping, and jumping down An Explorer’s Experience in North- ern Canada. Journeying through northern Canada by pack horse and canoe, Mr. F. A. Talbot had some very liver experiences. On one occaâ€" sion, which he describes in “The New Garden of Canada,” his party were riding along the top of a cliff that dropped sheer down some three hundred feet into the McLeod v3.1â€" ley . Save the lids of the large tins and put knobs on themâ€"thev will make good covers for pots and pans. Never choose a turkey too fat â€"- the flavor of a fat bird is never so good as the flavor of one inst mod- eratelv plump. Root vegetables which have with- ered can be revived by slicing off the ends and placing them in cold water for a few ,hours. If something you are cooking hapâ€" pens to score'h‘ set the kettle in cold water immediately. and there will be no scorched taste. It is said that if people insisted on having every meal appetising Cereals should not be put away in paper bags because they soon break and allow the dust and flies to get in. Wide-mouthed glass jars are sanitary and convenient. When bed quilt-s or blankets are too short, sew a stronger niece of cloth to one end. This can be tuck- ed under the mattress and the ‘bed- olot’hing lheld firmly in place]. Do not tack the oilcloth or lineâ€" leum in place when it is laid, but let it lie in place and be walked over for a, few days. There will be no difficulty getting it to lie smooth. Housewives should remember keep a large proportion of v tables in the family diet for ter. GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The fall is “the most severe season of the year for coldsâ€"one day is warm while the next is wet and oold, and unless the mother is on her guard the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby’s Own Tablets are mothers‘ best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasioinall dose will prevent cold, or if cold does come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will quickly cure it. ~The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. g’illiams’ Medicine C0., Brockville, nt. and saV‘oi‘v. itfi'ould make a tre mendous difference to their health rmsmg Squasfi oeptal erspeci. very deliqate ‘fabri ke starch, try 511 I water. SAVED BY A FALL. h pudding will be f< )le substitute for sq1 ally for the children Household Hints. 3 found as squash ple 31' which Wil 1r in the vege wm Iliad Food and Ever lead me atmve 1:1 Lppears lrczn time ' xenume. true and r‘ first DI‘OV £11 The human stomach stands much abuse, but it won’t. return good health if you give it- bad food. If you feed right you should feel right, for proper food and a, good mind is the sure road to health. “A year ago I became much alarmed about my health, for I be- gan to suffer after each meal, no matter how little I ate," says a. thought of food gr wit-h the result that ished, and gut weak “My home cares w for beside a large fa \V e ll “The girth snapped just as the brute swerved at the edge. He pitched me to the ground in a, small ditch, and threw the saddle the other way, over the cliff.H Charlton looked badly scared; as well he might. Had not the saddle given way as it did, horse and rider would certainly have gone over. It was our friend Charlton. We were looking for his mangled body, and here he wag beside us, as white as a sheet, and rubbing his right shoulder pretty vigoroqsly. “Good heavens, he’s over!" we cried. We slipped off our horses and ran to the spot, expecting to see the battered form of our friend lying at the bottom of the cliff. We crawl- ed out on hands and knees, but could see no trace of him. except the saddle, caught, on a. projecting rock about ten feet below. “Gee, {hut iwas'a, c1059 shave! What, happened?” “What’s the matter? Who- are you looking for?” asked a trem- bling voice behind us. Turning round, we saw one of the members of the party coming along like the wind, and pulling furiously at his steed. His horse had bolted. It made straight for the cliff. and when it; reached the edge, made a. Sharp swerve, and drove right into us. As it swung round from cerâ€" tain death. we lost, sight of the rider, and to our horror we saw the saddle go over the cliff. me ave ther stern woman. I lost my appetite. and the \' M TORONTO. ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL YEAST CAKES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE TO THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE TO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION TO WHICH IT IS JUSTLY EN- TITLED. HOME BREAD'BAKING RE- DUCES THE HIGH COST OF LIVING BY LESSENING THE AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE MEATS REQUIRED TO SUP- PLYTHE NECESSARY NOUR- ISHMENT TO THE BODY. E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. THE INCREASED NUTRITI- OUS VALUE OF BREAD MADE Mos-r PERFECT MADE Ill} “11911 II Then 11 “'0 N "l‘ M I X 1n 1L was I]( Good Health Won't. Mix. grew mu 11‘ )onP to burden v distasteful was not nour 1nd thin. 31 he houl Ill_\‘ W n m

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