RICHMOND HlLLi A. J. HUME EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES mus mummy; Mrs. (L the 1mm illtOl'llH'l) quill llw prom p1 Motor Repairing Done ERMS GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYZLE! ll \V ( r nvnl MI'I) Opposite Dr. La ngstafi’s them to promptly done. Any anger crimped AND This is the time of year to see that your sk are in good condition KINGS NOTARY PUBLIC Th Leases. Wills, Eta. Notice L. CURTIS H1!) Jasnb Ever Spt CURTIS lH'llH nlull Conveyancing. EMQ. Pressing Cleaning Repairing nt lissiun on Munduv. ‘ .um'mg tho “(‘0th bus to Ihv (vaurtln Mt‘Killxiuk his cm (1 him wilh u plusv . I‘l(31\'“‘[l'irlk “Rh :1 St0ve I‘ipes VEN 0N MOTOR CY Mi .76! AGENT FOR ('hurch nmhly Instill!“ moms HouzL 4»: of repairin grinding and all ll] ulvntiun given In ‘md Mrs. B‘lilt‘y (hmwnliun hulle ready for use. SOD M1 zether without Dr. Kr] ns mmh )Ian Maple 111 1H ‘IL the hon k \Hkh n hnndsmm nng was spent at Krfl‘cr. where the NH Kilm hcu‘ if can put clum‘l' 1 In-istm lSSOd away at 1mm. and the 0 on \Vednu [in m papers WM and Miss I ltes Ill (-guli mum HI Mrs“: Free advice re Fruit Culture I) U sivly P. W. Mcï¬regor, - = mly dis )1 rs nuil llll )ll NORMAN BXTT WM. TRENCH & Ropuhing neatly and promptly done Summer supply ofIinee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. "French’s EEE‘EEEEE Works. l‘h \Vhrn makes : Pandora, lmper Thought, Othello Treasure, teed by the makers. Also stoves. Three 1n One $20.00. ‘ Oak Heaters from $8.00 to $16.00, with or without feed pots. WBcttel‘ paper 15 to 7.3 cents :1 1 IN CONNECTION \VITH prinlin all Papers for Any Room in the House and Suitable for Any Style of Decoration Prepare far Com Weather COME AND SEE US if You are going to Need a Stove buy Now In Ranges we Two in One with even 1890. l’npel‘s itchcns THE OLD RELIABLE====FONTHILL NURSERII ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY liming Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Wall Paperjï¬ï¬gize mt printin The Richmond Hilfl (H11 at i etc Ellis the Decorator 1t 8 and 10 I'Ol nning 3f? thl STIMATF have the following v 1, Imperial Oxford, for hard 0 Richmond Hill SGN COINS fl 1 used with or win role in ). ‘ ‘ I a p01 lmngmg‘ 1 good 1'21 nae ( complaint: of ('l'l‘nl'ï¬ :u [110 \‘nlvl's' List, nl‘ the “11' Township «3f Vang 1914. All pct-suns hnv tho ('«Hnt aw )‘uan‘su “lid time and pluu‘. URNISHEI Dzllt tn 1)(' Camp! 1110 \-x “11' '1“ NUlch' ix‘ hex-0113' givon that :1, Court will lw hvid pursuant In the Ontario Vutms‘ LN, At‘L by I{i~: Hunm- Judge (‘nntswm-(h, .14ng t-l' thv Unnmy (J‘nm't hf Hw (‘mnmy (If York, at the Mnsnnic Hull, Maple. nn SATURDAY, Novmnzlm-231‘â€, 1914 at S) u. m. COURT OF REVISION MI‘NIC‘IPALITY 0F VAI'G H AN am! Lands: All kinds r-f work in tho (Huh zlmw in :1, workman]in manner. suit A. SCHERZER J. B. M(‘LEAN (‘lm-k of the said Municipality (‘11:IC,I\I:IDIP this lllh (lay of NH vombm'. 1.914» 20 3 xpell soft )5 EH, H ER!) 1101 (hm able for any room hout borders, at 1 Shoes .. Svhvrznx- RIUHMUNI) HILL intt md dz [H SECOUC )ordex's, at from \VII all ape Plamin Sh ()I colors suitable fnl II] well-known '7 H WW II guaran- Ill] IIH Phone 29 :1 CON r wood SMALI ’0 TA ’I‘OI H grmvn Thornhill. Ont. ll] JQIM N U AND )II'I‘HINH INCE YOI hone 18 lll m HOUSE PA INT ‘3, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 1130 $19.75 RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL ‘N. HEWISON W. H. BASSETT Annouan that havin rangemts with the H HOHBERLIX, who :1 smnplcs Inf their Sat Monday specials, he w 1 THE 1:80 ME CHOICE REAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVV 4 ‘ ‘ \VE ARE AGENTS I’OR VVVYVVVVVV VVVV : N VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'V‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYYVV Dram-hes also at Maple. Markham. Stouffville Unio’wille and Locust Hi" L. E. HAND. D OFFIC not réquire a 131:9; deposit a†E with. TORONTO '3‘ ‘ R}CHMOND HILL BRANCH SUITS AND OVEPJ SATFRDAY Fire, Life 82 Accident Plate Glass. Insurance V 77" D b LM‘S NR SALE SEE the ï¬ne new houses being built on this prop- erty. BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep splendid outlook. good water, good drainage Restricted to house costing $2300. Consult Us Ivor Rates Your Insurance will be well looked after if leIt to ©TF‘ @ANAIDA HONE 800: MAD} )SEYIEW’ AYE. Some good lots left at reason- able pril es. 50 n- RICHMOND HILL Apply Branches aYao Wholesale Florist unl pl mr furniture (:atzlluguns have all tho newest designs at moderate ï¬sk to see thvm 'und cumpzu-e pl ices \th other places. P. G. SAVAGE WAI P. G. SAVAGE & SON LAWRENCE GARDENS TO ME llill' .LLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPLET] LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED TUBE AND SEWING MACHI W. J. LAWRENCE, snlid brick dwelling 0t; the best Inflation ( Sutux 25.00 to $30.00 at Maple. Markham, Slouffville, Umme OHS} TERMS REASONABLE )NDAY RICHMOND ll) OATS RICHMOND HILL nd 1nd ZJZIZ] ,mt tlfl's G J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPER? AL\VAY3 ON HAND. ll‘E REAL ESTATE Advertise in The Liberal EEPING a bank account for "household expenzxesn and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand,the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. Ill opened ESTATE FOR SALE n Yonge Sr Ymnsze Stwe C. I. HINAS RICHMOND FIT1 Richmond HiIl ['3’ Store in A. G. VAGE nhmn MANAGER GENCY-â€"â€"- mle 11d Hill 1km n W F'JT‘F‘. uue ill [h e th uf McD 1V?! ch 1 full Manage: